3 research outputs found

    Questioning public green space & affordable housing in times of densifying cities

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    This thesis examines the perceived relationship between public green space inequality in districts and how that is perceived to affect housing prices as greeneries value in cities has increased. The purpose is to investigate these perceived values and provoke questions in the thesis on how planning is experienced by active planners in the profession and how green spaces are viewed by residents. These connections are investigated with the help of a case study in two urban districts in Uppsala municipality. Eriksberg and Norby are the districts that are investigated, these are in the western part of Uppsala and differ from each other by, socio-economic background of the residents and housing types, form and among other things. The districts are chosen to be able to look at the perceived issues in different forms of urban districts. And in Eriksberg it is discussed what the consequences potentially be as it faces densification with new housing and renovation of existing homes. Affordable housing and methods to reduce segregation and prevent gentrification are discussed concerning the development and the districts as they are today from different perceptions. Meanwhile discussing the work against segregation, it is also discussed how the planners from Uppsala municipality are viewing and working with social sustainability in the correlation to green spaces decreasing. To be able to investigate these connections, empirical study, interviews with planners from Uppsala municipality and questionnaires in which residents in both Eriksberg and Norby have participated are used. Results from the methods combined with theories from researchers on the same subject are discussed at the end of the study. Conclusions drawn from a planner's perspective are that they need to work more actively with affordable housing. However, the planners never present a concrete plan or actions they are willing to take to deal with the problems that exist. The residents in the area feel strongly about nature and value it, however, the future development in Eriksberg is making the residents unsure of what will be left of nature. The residents are also unsure if they will afford to still live in Eriksberg after the development as the rents will increase. The planners say that everybody will not afford but most will. The quality of green spaces is questioned by the residents on how the municipality will act on the issue due to the lack of plans on how planners will implement socially sustainable solutions. Eriksberg is perceived to be engaged in questions that involve humans and biodiversity, meanwhile, residents in Norby are only engaged in questions that involve a change in their district, this is a strong sign that Norby is and wants to be segregated from other districts. Planners together with the municipality's active choice and stance on making housing accessible to all will reflect how segregated districts will become or remain in the future

    Temporalitet och social hÄllbarhet frÄn brukares & utvecklares perspektiv - En fallstudie av den temporÀra Pixlapiren i Helsingborg

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    TemporÀra anvÀndningar och social hÄllbarhet, Àr det tvÄ begrepp som kan gÄ hand i hand? Genom denna uppsats, som Àr en fallstudie av det temporÀra projektet Pixlapiren, undersöker vi om det Àr möjligt. Pixlapiren Àr ett projekt i ett stadsutvecklingsomrÄde i södra Helsingborg som kommer börja bebyggas inom nÄgra Är. Studien gÄr ut pÄ att undersöka och fÄ en förstÄelse om hur utvecklarnas perspektiv av Pixlapiren skiljer sig eller Àr lika frÄn brukarnas upplevelser. Vi ifrÄgasÀtter om temporÀra anvÀndningar fungerar i det svenska samhÀllet. Metoderna som anvÀnds i denna uppsats Àr dokumentanalys, observation och intervjuer. I den teoretiska bakgrunden presenterar vi begrepp och teorier frÄn den temporÀra- och sociala hÄllbarhets diskursen. Arbetsprocess har pÄverkats av den rÄdande pandemin, Covid-19. Pixla anses vara en socialt hÄllbar plats och en givande del i samhÀllet enligt brukarna. Brukarnas idéer och initiativ har utrymme att pÄverka den framtida planeringen av platsen. Pixlapiren Àr ett exempel pÄ en vÀlfungerande temporÀr anvÀndning. Samtidigt riktas kritik mot kommunens tjÀnstepersoner som brister i engagemang för platsens utveckling. Vi argumenterar att vÀgen till social hÄllbarhet behöver vara lika hÄllbar som mÄlet.Temporary uses and social sustainability, are they two concepts that can go hand in hand? Through this essay, which is a case study of the temporary project Pixlapiren, we investigate if it is possible. Pixlapiren is a project in an urban development area in southern Helsingborg that will start to be built within a few years. The study aims to investigate and gain an understanding of how the developers perspective of Pixlapiren differs or is similar with the experiences of the users. We question whether temporary uses work in the Swedish society. The methods used in this paper are document analysis, observation and interviews. In the theoretical background we present concepts and theories from the temporality and social sustainability discourse. The working process has been influenced by the prevailing pandemic, Covid-19. Pixla is considered to be a socially sustainable place and a rewarding part of society according to the users. The ideas and initiatives of the users have the possibility to affect the future planning of the place. Pixlapiren is an example of a well-functioning temporary use. In the meantime criticism is addressed to the municipality's service personnel who lack commitment to location and development. We argue that the path to social sustainability needs to be as sustainable as the goal

    Temporalitet och social hÄllbarhet frÄn brukares & utvecklares perspektiv - En fallstudie av den temporÀra Pixlapiren i Helsingborg

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    TemporÀra anvÀndningar och social hÄllbarhet, Àr det tvÄ begrepp som kan gÄ hand i hand? Genom denna uppsats, som Àr en fallstudie av det temporÀra projektet Pixlapiren, undersöker vi om det Àr möjligt. Pixlapiren Àr ett projekt i ett stadsutvecklingsomrÄde i södra Helsingborg som kommer börja bebyggas inom nÄgra Är. Studien gÄr ut pÄ att undersöka och fÄ en förstÄelse om hur utvecklarnas perspektiv av Pixlapiren skiljer sig eller Àr lika frÄn brukarnas upplevelser. Vi ifrÄgasÀtter om temporÀra anvÀndningar fungerar i det svenska samhÀllet. Metoderna som anvÀnds i denna uppsats Àr dokumentanalys, observation och intervjuer. I den teoretiska bakgrunden presenterar vi begrepp och teorier frÄn den temporÀra- och sociala hÄllbarhets diskursen. Arbetsprocess har pÄverkats av den rÄdande pandemin, Covid-19. Pixla anses vara en socialt hÄllbar plats och en givande del i samhÀllet enligt brukarna. Brukarnas idéer och initiativ har utrymme att pÄverka den framtida planeringen av platsen. Pixlapiren Àr ett exempel pÄ en vÀlfungerande temporÀr anvÀndning. Samtidigt riktas kritik mot kommunens tjÀnstepersoner som brister i engagemang för platsens utveckling. Vi argumenterar att vÀgen till social hÄllbarhet behöver vara lika hÄllbar som mÄlet.Temporary uses and social sustainability, are they two concepts that can go hand in hand? Through this essay, which is a case study of the temporary project Pixlapiren, we investigate if it is possible. Pixlapiren is a project in an urban development area in southern Helsingborg that will start to be built within a few years. The study aims to investigate and gain an understanding of how the developers perspective of Pixlapiren differs or is similar with the experiences of the users. We question whether temporary uses work in the Swedish society. The methods used in this paper are document analysis, observation and interviews. In the theoretical background we present concepts and theories from the temporality and social sustainability discourse. The working process has been influenced by the prevailing pandemic, Covid-19. Pixla is considered to be a socially sustainable place and a rewarding part of society according to the users. The ideas and initiatives of the users have the possibility to affect the future planning of the place. Pixlapiren is an example of a well-functioning temporary use. In the meantime criticism is addressed to the municipality's service personnel who lack commitment to location and development. We argue that the path to social sustainability needs to be as sustainable as the goal