42 research outputs found

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    I dagens samhĂ€llsplanering strĂ€var man ofta mot att utforma kommunikativa planeringsprocesser dĂ€r skilda intressenter Ă€r delaktiga i planeringsförfarandet. Avsikten med en kommunikativ planeringsprocess Ă€r att inbjuda aktörerna i processen till samverkan och dialog i syfte att fĂ„ till stĂ„nd ett gemensamt agerande. Syftet med min uppsats Ă€r att studera hur samverkan mellan tvĂ„ av aktörerna i planeringsprocessen för Kiruna stadsomvandling, Kiruna kommun och LKAB, fungerar. Aktörerna i planeringsprocessen för stadsomvandlingen har tidigare i processen uppfattats som tvĂ„ olika grupper som agerat ur ett ”vi och dom”-perspektiv. I den hĂ€r studien vill jag belysa hur de tvĂ„ aktörerna i processen resonerar i dag om sina roller och stĂ€llningstaganden och hur relationen mellan de tvĂ„ aktörerna Ă€r. För studien har intervjuer genomförts med projektledaren för stadsomvandlingen hos Kiruna kommun respektive LKAB. Vidare har kategoriseringsanalys anvĂ€nts som metod för att analysera det empiriska materialet vilket har resulterat i att kategoriseringar av aktörerna och deras handlingar har kunnat identifieras. DĂ€rmed har frĂ„gor kunnat besvaras om vilka roller aktörerna har i planeringsprocessen och hur de ser pĂ„ sig sjĂ€lva och varandra. Studien visar att aktörernas roller Ă€r tydliga nĂ€r de handlar utifrĂ„n ett ”vi och dom”-perspektiv, dĂ€r de ser sig sjĂ€lva och varandra som tvĂ„ olika aktörer. NĂ€r de tvĂ„ deltagarna i stĂ€llet ska agera i ett ”vi”-perspektiv blir rollerna mindre tydliga och de har svĂ„rt att gĂ„ frĂ„n dialog och argumentation till konkret, gemensamt handlande.Urban planning processes often seek to develop communicative planning approaches in which different stakeholders are involved. A communicative planning process aims to create interaction and dialogue between stakeholders and generate joint actions. This thesis studies how the interaction between the actors, Kiruna municipality and the mining company LKAB, functions in the planning process for the city transformation of Kiruna. The stakeholders integrated in the city transformation, has previously been seen as two different groups acting through an "us-them" perspective. The purpose of this study is to shed light on how the two players today discuss their roles and their actions in the planning process and how the relationship between the two stakeholders has developed. For the study interviews were conducted with the project managers for the city transformation both at Kiruna municipality and at LKAB. As analytic method of the empirical material I have used Membership categorization analysis which has resulted in identifying categories of the actors and their actions which can respond to questions regarding their roles in the planning process and how they see themselves and each other as participants in the process. The study shows that the players possess roles which are clear when they act from an "us-them" perspective, where they see themselves and each other as two different stakeholders. When the two participants are supposed to act through a “we” perspective in the planning process, the definitions of their roles become vaguer and it is difficult for them to move from dialogue to concrete joint actions

    Sacral dome resection and single-stage posterior reduction in the treatment of high-grade high dysplastic spondylolisthesis in adolescents and young adults

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    OBJECTIVE: The description of the operation technique and retrospective review of 15 consecutive patients who were treated by posterior sacral dome resection and single-stage reduction with pedicle screw fixation for high-grade, high-dysplastic spondylolisthesis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: All the patients had high-grade, high-dysplastic spondylolisthesis L5 and were treated by posterior sacral dome resection and posterior single-stage reduction from L4-S1. The average age at the time of surgery was 17.3 (11-28) years. The average follow-up time is 5.5 (2-11.6) years. Clinical and radiological data were retrospectively reviewed. RESULTS: Spondylolisthesis was reduced from average 99% preoperative to 29% at the last follow-up. L5 incidence improved from 74° to 56°, the lumbosacral angle improved from 15° kyphosis to 6° lordosis, lumbar lordosis decreased from 69° to 53° from preoperative to the last follow-up. While pelvic incidence of 77° remained unchanged, sacral slope decreased from 51° to 46° and pelvic tilt increased from 25° to 30°. Clinical outcome was subjectively rated to be much better than before surgery by 14 out of 15 patients. Four out of 15 patients had temporary sensory impairment of the L5 nerve root which resolved completely within 12 weeks. There were no permanent neurological complications or no pseudarthrosis. CONCLUSION: The sacral dome resection is a shortening osteotomy of the lumbosacral spine which allows a single-stage reduction of L5 without lengthening of lumbosacral region in high-grade spondylolisthesis, which helps to avoid neurological complications. This is a safe surgical technique resulting in a good multidimensional deformity correction and restoration of spino-pelvic alignment towards normal values with a satisfactory clinical outcome

    Nordiska rÀttsliga myndigheter och det straffrÀttsliga samarbetet I EU

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    UtgÄngspunkten i de nordiska lÀnderna Àr att statlig myndighetsutövning skall följa grundlÀggande förvaltningsrÀttsliga principer. I det straffrÀttsliga samarbetet i EU har de nordiska lÀnderna hÀvdat att ocksÄ andra rÀttsliga myndigheter Àn domstolar kan anvÀndas i detta samarbete. Det har dock ofta visat sig vara svÄrt att fÄ förstÄelse för denna hÄllning, nÄgot som kan ha sin grund i otillrÀcklig kunskap om de nordiska lÀndernas myndighetsstrukturer och tjÀnstemannatraditioner eller, i vÀrsta fall, en bristande vilja att förstÄ och respektera att EU:s medlemslÀnder av historiska och andra orsaker har olika tillvÀgagÄngssÀtt nÀr det gÀller att trygga rÀttssÀkerheten. I denna publikation beskrivs de övergripande principer som i Danmark, Finland, Sverige, Norge och Island gÀller för de statliga myndigheternas verksamhet och tjÀnstemÀn. Texten har författats av hovrÀttslagmannen Hans Frennered, Göteborg, bitrÀdd av jur. dr Ingrid Helmius, Uppsala, i samrÄd med tjÀnstemÀn vid övriga berörda lÀnders justitiedepartement

    Kommunikationsstrategier för hÄllbart byggande

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    HĂ„llbarhet Ă€r ett komplext begrepp och Ă€r komplicerat att förmedla. Trots begreppets svĂ„ra innebörd Ă€r det nĂ„got som anvĂ€nds flitigt runt om i vĂ€rlden idag. Risken med att innebörden av hĂ„llbarhet inte förstĂ„s Ă€r att mĂ€nniskor inte tar det till sig och istĂ€llet ignorerar begreppets betydelse. HĂ„llbarhet Ă€r ett viktigt begrepp som förmodligen Ă€r hĂ€r för att stanna. Kommunikationen av hĂ„llbarhet Ă€r beroende av mĂ„nga olika faktorer dĂ„ hĂ„llbarhetsbegreppet i sig sjĂ€lv innebĂ€r en mĂ€ngd olika aspekter. För att nĂ„ ut till en sĂ„ bred mĂ„lgrupp som möjligt gĂ€ller det att beröra sĂ„ mĂ„nga olika mĂ€nniskor som möjligt. Vissa lyssnar pĂ„ de faktiska och hĂ„rda elementen och andra tar till sig de mjuka och kĂ€nsliga faktorerna. Vi har i den hĂ€r uppsatsen velat ta reda pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt att kunna skapa goda kommunikationsstrategier för hĂ„llbart byggande, och mer precist för Skanska Öresunds projekt BassĂ€ngkajen. Vi har velat visa pĂ„ komplexiteten och betydelsen av hĂ„llbarhetsbegreppet i samhĂ€llets utveckling samt belysa betydelsen av att öka tyngdpunkten pĂ„ den sociala aspekten. BassĂ€ngkajen Ă€r en ny kontorsbyggnad pĂ„ Universitetsholmen i Malmö dĂ€r den första etappen planeras stĂ„ klar under 2011. BassĂ€ngkajen Ă€r en av Skanskas mest miljövĂ€nliga byggnader och detta vill de gĂ€rna belysa för sina kunder. Vi har under arbetets gĂ„ng undersökt befintligt kommunikationsmaterial som tillhandahĂ„llits av Skanska Öresund för att kunna identifiera eventuella utvecklingsmöjligheter. Tidigt insĂ„g vi att de sociala vĂ€rdena var bristande i materialet för BassĂ€ngkajen och av den anledningen har vi lagt arbetets tyngdpunkt i de sociala aspekterna. Arbetet grundar sig i fördjupade litteraturstudier och en rad olika intervjuer och samtal med berörda personer.Sustainability is a complex concept and many times very difficult to communicate. Despite these difficulties, sustainability is a word that is widely used around the world today. A major risk with the word not being understood is that people do not adopt the word, but rather ignores the concepts true meaning, however, sustainability is an important concept and is here to stay. The communication of sustainability is dependent on many different factors and the concept of sustainability itself entails a variety of aspects. To reach out to an as wide audience as possible, the concept needs to touch as many people as possible. Some will adhere to the real and hard elements whereas some embraces the soft and emotional factors. In this paper we have set out to find ways to establish good communication strategies for sustainable construction, and more specifically for the project, Skanska Öresund, BassĂ€ngkajen. We wanted to show the complexity and importance of sustainability in society and highlight the importance of increasing the emphasis on the social aspects. BassĂ€ngkajen is a new office building on Universitetsholmen in Malmö, and the first phase is scheduled for completion in 2011. BassĂ€ngkajen is one of Skanska's most environmentally friendly buildings, which is something that Skanska wishes to highlight to its customers. During the work, we have examined existing communication material provided by Skanska Öresund to identify potential development opportunities. Early we realized that the social values were lacking in the material for BassĂ€ngkajen, which led to an increased emphasis on the social aspects on our part. The work is based on in-depth literature studies and a range of interviews and discussions with relevant persons

    Ekologiska boendemiljöer, en norm för framtiden?

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    HĂ„llbar utveckling Ă€r ett av de viktigaste Ă€mnena som diskuteras idag. Även nĂ€r det gĂ€ller stadsplanering har hĂ„llbarhet blivit en av de viktigaste frĂ„gorna att diskutera. I Sverige har vi under de tvĂ„ senaste decennierna sett flera utvecklingsprojekt som prĂ€glats av en strĂ€van mot hĂ„llbarhet och ekologiska boendemiljöer. Vi frĂ„gar oss i denna studie om huruvida utvecklingen av hĂ„llbara och ekologiska boendemiljöer kommer att bli en norm i framtiden och hur arbetet mot denna norm bör ske. Vi jĂ€mför hĂ€r tvĂ„ utvecklingsprojekt som har haft stort inflytande pĂ„ hĂ„llbar stadsplanering, Bo01 i Malmö och Hammarby Sjöstad i Stockholm. Dessa tvĂ„ projekt har genererat nya innovationer för ett mer miljövĂ€nligt boende. Deras arbetsmetoder och resultat har vi jĂ€mfört med ett nytt, pĂ„gĂ„ende utvecklingsprojekt i Helsingborg, H+. Vi har analyserat hur de i H+-projektet arbetar för att bli en förebild för den hĂ„llbara staden, vilket Ă€r dess mĂ„l (Stadsbyggnadsförvaltningen, 2008a:5). I vĂ„r studie har vi kommit fram till att vi i Sverige fortfarande har en bit kvar till att skapa en norm för ekologiska boendemiljöer och att det krĂ€vs hĂ„rdare krav frĂ„n högre instanser för att nĂ„ detta mĂ„l.Sustainable development is one of the most relevant topics to deal with today. Especially in the area of urban planning it has become one of the most important questions to discuss. In Sweden we have for the last two decades seen several development projects that have set examples for sustainable and ecological living environments. In this essay we want to clarify whether sustainable and ecological living environments are going to be a norm in the future of urban planning. We have compared two development projects which have had great impact on sustainable urban planning, Bo01 in Malmö and Hammarby Sjöstad in Stockholm. These two projects have generated new innovations for a more environmental-friendly housing. We have compared their methods of working and results to a new, ongoing development project in the city of Helsingborg called H+. We have analyzed how they, compared to Bo01 and Hammarby Sjöstad, are working towards being a role model for sustainable urban development which is their goal (Stadsbyggnadsförvaltningen, 2008a:5). In our study we have reached the conclusion that in Sweden we are far from setting a norm for ecological living environments and that we need to elaborate better tools for planning and stricter demands from higher instances to reach this norm

    The effect of the stay active advice on physical activity and on the course of acute severe low back pain.

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    Disability due to acute low back pain (ALBP) runs parallel with distress and physical inactivity. If low back pain persists, this may lead to long-term sick leave and chronic back pain. This prospective randomized study evaluated the effect on physical activity and on the course of ALBP of two different treatment advices provided in routine care

    Patterns of pathologic lymph nodes in anal cancer : a PET-CT-based analysis with implications for radiotherapy treatment volumes

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    Background: This study investigates the patterns of PET-positive lymph nodes (LNs) in anal cancer. The aim was to provide information that could inform future anal cancer radiotherapy contouring guidelines. Methods: The baseline [18F]-FDG PET-CTs of 190 consecutive anal cancer patients were retrospectively assessed. LNs with a Deauville score (DS) of ≄3 were defined as PET-positive. Each PET-positive LN was allocated to a LN region and a LN sub-region; they were then mapped on a standard anatomy reference CT. The association between primary tumor localization and PET-positive LNs in different regions were analyzed. Results: PET-positive LNs (n = 412) were identified in 103 of 190 patients (54%). Compared to anal canal tumors with extension into the rectum, anal canal tumors with perianal extension more often had inguinal (P < 0.001) and less often perirectal (P < 0.001) and internal iliac (P < 0.001) PET-positive LNs. Forty-two patients had PET-positive LNs confined to a solitary region, corresponding to first echelon nodes. The most common solitary LN region was inguinal (25 of 42; 60%) followed by perirectal (26%), internal iliac (10%), and external iliac (2%). No PET-positive LNs were identified in the ischiorectal fossa or in the inguinal area located posterolateral to deep vessels. Skip metastases above the bottom of the sacroiliac joint were quite rare. Most external iliac PET-positive LNs were located posterior to the external iliac vein; only one was located in the lateral external iliac sub-region. Conclusions: The results support some specific modifications to the elective clinical target volume (CTV) in anal cancer. These changes would lead to reduced volumes of normal tissue being irradiated, which could contribute to a reduction in radiation side-effects