13 research outputs found

    Dynamics of bog-pine-dominated mires in the Jura Mountains, Switzerland: A tentative scheme based on synusial phytosociology

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    A description of the bog-pine (Pinus uncinata var. rotundata) dominated vegetation of uncut oligotrophic mires affected by drainage is given. Surveys were carried out at 17 sites along the Jura Mountains (Switzerland and France) in 1993, 1994, and 1995. Raised bogs of the Jura are generally of small size, and most vegetation changes in them have occurred as a result of the indirect impact of peat cutting. This activity led to the peat drying out and to colonization by trees, in particular by bog-pines. Integrated synusial phytosociology was used to describe the vegetation where bog-pine, spruce, and birch occur. Two spatio-temporal levels of organization were considered: the synusia and the phytocoenosis. At the phytocoenosis level, four vegetation types representing bog-pine stands of uncut and deep oligotrophic peats are described with their constitutive synusial composition. They represent: (1) phytocoenoses developing in the open, wet central parts of the bogs, where trees are scattered and of small size, (2) phytocoenoses with layered tree stands of medium size and with a higher density, and (3) phytocoenoses with tall trees, developing generally near the edge of the bogs or close to peat cuttings. A generalized qualitative dynamic model of the vegetation in relation to the development of bog-pine trees was developed. It shows the spatial and temporal organization of the constituent synusiae, as well as other underlying hypothetical functional relations. The different bog-pine-dominated vegetation types described in this study appear to have coexisted since the origin of the Jura bogs as a result of local polyclimaxes induced by differential waterlogged situations. They probably all belong to the same (primary) successional series, but have been affected by both autogenic and allogenic processes. During the development of the bogs the balance between the different communities changed. In particular, the vegetation types with dense and tall pine trees have undergone a drastic expansion since the Jura bogs were first affected by drainage

    Stands structure, invasion, and growth dynamics of bog pine (Pinus uncinata var. rotundata) in relation to peat cutting and drainage in the Jura Mountains, Switzerland

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    A description of bog pine stands (Pinus uncinata Ramond var. rotundata (Link) Antoine) on uncut oligotrophic mires affected by drainage and nearby peat cuttings at three sites of the Jura Mountains (Switzerland) is given. In all sites, three situations were chosen: (i) central parts of the bogs, (ii) surfaces near cutting walls and bog margins, and (iii) intermediate situations. Population structures were characteristic for each situation. In the open and wet central parts of the bogs, trees were scattered, small, and uneven aged. In the intermediate situations, tree density was higher, and the stand was multilayered with taller and uneven-aged individuals. Near the edges of the bogs or close to the peat cutting walls, the trees were tall, even-aged, and younger with a high growth rate. The nonsynchronous colonization of the bog pine trees on the three sites indicates that local factors such as drainage and peat cuttings in the vicinity of the uncut surfaces were more influential than climate factors. Radial growth patterns, very similar between the sites and the various pinewood stands, and the numerous common pointer years reflect local and regional climate fluctuations. The pinewood development on uncut bogs in the Jura Mountains thus represents a recent dynamics, which is strongly linked to human activities

    Spatio-temporal pattern of bog pine (Pinus uncinata var. rotundata) at the interface with the Norway spruce (Picea abies) belt on the edge of a raised bog in the Jura Mountains, Switzerland

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    In a bog site in way of paludification, a pine stand is declining, which presently is an infrequent phenomenon on the Swiss Jura scale. A transect was positioned in the bog, from the external and driest part (pine-spruce stand) towards the central and wettest part (pine stand). Water table, tree structure, tree age structure and pine radial growth were analysed with spatial and temporal references. The ground water level is very shallow and the hydrologic gradient is obvious during dry periods. Tree structure (height and diameter) is strongly linked to the hydrologic gradient. Two cohorts have invaded the bog with a 70-year-time period between them. The first one concerned the whole transect; it started around 1840 and could be related to a clear cutting on the fringe of the bog. After a quick initial radial growth, the pines reduced their radial growth abruptly (1870-1885), more quickly and strongly in the centre of the bog, where an important mortality was observed over the last 10 years. Bog pine can thus survive over decades with a very reduced growth and in very bogs probably constituted the bog pines' survival niche during paludification in the Jura bogs

    Succession from bog pine (Pinus uncinata var. rotundata) to Norway spruce (Picea abies) stands in relation to anthropic factors in Les Saignolis bog, Jura Mountains, Switzerland

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    In Jura bogs, on deep and nutrient-poor peat, the ecotone between bog pine forest and Norway spruce forest is sharp and, in a few disturbed situations, no succession pine forest-spruce forest occurs. The bog Les Saignolis lies at the top of an anticline, on thin and oligotrophic peat. Several documents attest some anthropic disturbances (clear cut and drainage). Beside these historical data and with the aim of reconstructing vegetation dynamics and tree growth, we realised synusial phytosociological releves and, in a mixed pine-spruce stand, we studied tree radial growth. Following the clear cut, the bog pine, the pubescent birch, and the Norway spruce settled simultaneously. The birch disappeared rapidly. The present cohort of pine settled and grew rapidly, and then declined because of the competition by spruce. Spruce settled progressively and increased its growth regularly except when pine settled and grew. Interspecific competition between pines and spruces and intraspecific competition between dominant and sub-dominant spruces were put into evidence by radial growth analysis

    "Du är min lilla danstjej du!" : Förskollärares roll i konstruktionen av kön i förskolan

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    Arbetet handlar om hur några förskollärare samt pedagoger i dialog och handlingar med barn konstruerar kön i förskolan. Vi har fokuserat på hur förskollärare arbetar utifrån ett genusperspektiv, utifrån tal och handlingar. Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ studie med fyra observationer och påföljande intervjuer för att höra hur förskollärarna talar om genus och vilka föreställningar de har om kön, samt hur de gör i praktiken med barn. Den tidigare forskningen tar upp de normer och strukturer som är kopplade till kön samt hur barn påverkas av dessa. Arbetet utgår från den feministiska poststrukturalistiska teorin. Resultat och analys kopplas sedan till den teoretiska bakgrunden, både med hjälp av den feministiska poststrukturalismen och tidigare forskning, samt med våra egna tankar. Resultatet av våra observationer och intervjuer visar att det som sägs och det som görs, ofta är två olika saker. Förskollärare har medvetenhet om dessa frågor men har svårt att omsätta dessa i praktiken

    IBM PowerNP network processor: Hardware, software, and applications

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    Deep packet processing is migrating to the edges of service provider networks to simplify and speed up core functions. On the other hand, the cores of such networks are migrating to the switching of high-speed traffic aggregates, e.g., using switching with dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM). As a result, more services will need to be performed at the edges, both on behalf of the core and end users. Associated network equipment will therefore require high flexibility to support evolving high-level services as well as extraordinary performance to deal with the high packet rates. Whereas in the past network equipment were based either on general-purpose processors (GPPs) or application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs), favoring flexibility over speed or vice versa, the network processor approach achieves both flexibility and performance. The key advantage of network processors is that hardware-level performance is complemented by flexible software architecture. In this paper, we describe the IBM PowerNP&tm; NP4GS3 network processor and how it addresses these issues. Its hardware and software design characteristics and its comprehensive base operating software of this network processor make it well suited for a wide range of networking applications

    Mid- to Late Holocene climate transition and moisture dynamics inferred from South Swedish tree-ring data

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    A 1561-year tree-ring width (TRW) chronology covering the period 2668–1108 BC (4617–3057 BP) has been developed from 159 moisture-sensitive peatland pines (Pinus sylvestris L.) sampled at Åbuamossen, southern Sweden. Tree population dynamics and annual growth responses of the trees were shown to reflect and give absolute age to regional hydro-climatological changes. The main wet-shifts recorded in the TRW data were precisely dated to 2150–2100, 1550 and 1230–1150 BC (4100–4050, 3500 and 3180–3000 BP) and are likely to be related to the stepwise Mid- to Late Holocene climate transition, during which the condition changed from relatively warm and dry towards cold and moist in the northern hemisphere. The tree-colonization phase was ended by several long-lasting periods showing depressed annual tree growth and an abrupt dying-off phase, possibly caused by increasing water level in the peatland as well as the adjacent river Helge Å. This study demonstrates that TRW data obtained from subfossil peatland trees can provide detailed information and exact age control on moisture variability in peatlands associated with regional hydroclimatic changes. Moreover, the combined information from the stratigraphical and the TRW analyses enabled a detailed temporal and spatial site development reconstruction