495 research outputs found

    Os desafios do tratamento multidisciplinar da dor pós-pandemia ocasionada pelo vírus Sars-CoV-2

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The International Association for the Study of Pain recommends revising the definition of pain to "An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with, or similar to that associated with actual or potential tissue damage." In fact, pain is a personal experience influenced to varying degrees by biological, psychological and social factors.1 The pandemic caused by (SARS-CoV-2) exposed health professionals who were not prepared for the unprecedented challenges. Many focused on ventilators, intensive care beds, but others will remain at the forefront of pain management. The aim of this paper was to present a review of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on pain management, in addition to proposing an alternative to the present context, such as telerehabilitation. CONTENTS: This is an integrative review carried out on the databases: LILACS, Scielo, Pubmed, Scopus, Web of Science, PubCovid and databases dedicated to the publication of Preprints on the COVID-19 theme, such as Psyarxiv and Preprint MedRxiv. In this review we intend to highlight the cognitive, emotional and behavioral impairments related to pain during a pandemic caused by COVID-19. CONCLUSION: The pandemic context and social isolation can negatively interfere in the sensitivity responses and in the treatment of pain, either by the increase in pain events in the population, impacted by social and psychological losses or by the interruption of face-to-face care during a pandemic. At this point, we recommend a gradual advance in addressing current treatment today and propose a future roadmap to face challenges that may arise.JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A Associação Internacional para o Estudo da Dor recomendou a revisão da definição de dor para "Uma experiência sensorial e emocional desagradável associada com, ou semelhante àquela associada a dano real ou potencial do tecido”. De fato, a dor é uma experiência pessoal influenciada em vários graus por fatores biológicos, psicológicos e sociais1. A pandemia provocada pela (SARS-CoV-2) expôs profissionais de saúde que não estavam preparados para os desafios sem precedentes. Muitos se concentraram em ventiladores, leitos de terapia intensiva, mas outros permaneceram na vanguarda do tratamento da dor. O objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar uma revisão sobre o impacto da pandemia por COVID-19 no tratamento da dor, além da proposição de uma alternativa frente ao presente contexto, como a telereabilitação. CONTEÚDO: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa realizada nas bases de dados: LILACS, Scielo, Pubmed, Scopus, Web of Science, PubCovid e bases de dados dedicadas a publicação de Preprints sobre a temática COVID-19, como Psyarxiv e Preprint MedRxiv. Na presente revisão pretendemos evidenciar os prejuízos cognitivos, emocionais e comportamentais relacionadas à dor durante a pandemia causada pela COVID-19. CONCLUSÃO: O contexto pandêmico e isolamento social pode interferir negativamente nas respostas de sensibilidade e no tratamento da dor, seja pelo aumento em eventos de dor na população, impactados pelos prejuízos sociais e psicológicos ou pela interrupção do atendimento presencial durante a pandemia. Neste ponto, recomendamos o avanço gradual na abordagem das limitações atuais do tratamento e propomos um roteiro futuro para enfrentar possíveis desafios que possam se apresentar

    Relationship between the network drainage change due to the construction of urban structures and the development of gullies and ravines in the Jardim Botânico neighborhood in the Federal District

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    A alteração da superfície do terreno em decorrência da urbanização, por meio da instalação de estruturas como arruamentos e edificações, altera significativamente a dinâmica do escoamento superficial. Uma das consequências dessa alteração é a concentração do escoamento, o que pode desencadear o aparecimento de ravinas e voçorocas. Nesses processos além dos impactos a jusante, o avanço das erosões ameaça a própria estrutura urbana. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo aplicar um método desenvolvido para identificar zonas suscetíveis à ocorrência de processos erosivos no bairro do Jardim Botânico no Distrito Federal. O método é baseado na definição de dois cenários: (a) pré-urbanização e (b) pós-urbanização. Para estes cenários foram gerados modelos digitais de terreno e mapas de fluxo acumulado. A partir da subtração dos mapas de fluxo acumulado foram apontadas as zonas que receberam aumento ou redução do fluxo em decorrência da urbanização. O resultado dessa análise ficou altamente correlacionado com as erosões identificadas, bem como se constatou que a declividade é fundamental na definição das zonas suscetíveis. Esse método pode ser utilizado para auxiliar no planejamento de novas áreas de expansão urbana, ou, para replanejar áreas já existentes, em regiões com características semelhantes as do Distrito Federal. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe change of ground surface due to urbanization, through the installation of structures such as roads and buildings, significantly changes the dynamics of runoff. One consequence of this change is the flow concentration, which can trigger the onset of ravines and gullies. These processes beyond the downstream impacts also threaten the very urban structure for the advancement of erosion. The present work aims to apply a method developed to identify areas susceptible to the occurrence of erosion in the neighborhood of the Jardim Botânico in the Federal District. The method is based on the definition of two scenarios: a) pre-urbanization b) post-urbanization area. For these scenarios were generated digital elevation models and maps of e flow accumulation. From the subtraction of maps of flow accumulation were pointed out areas where happen an increase or decrease the flow due to urbanization. The result of this analysis was highly correlated with the erosion identified and it was found that the slope is crucial in defining the susceptible areas. This method can be used to assist in planning of new areas of urban expansion, or to redesign existing areas, in regions with similar characteristics

    Uso da banda larga via satélite para universalização do acesso à banda larga e como indutor de redução das desigualdades regionais.

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    Broadband is a major driver of economic and social development. Despite its importance, almost half of Brazilian households are deprived of access to broadband, a situation that worsens in rural locations and peripheries of urban centers. Among the reasons for such performance are the geographic dimension of the country and the tax burden on the service. This study aims to evaluate the potential of satellite broadband as a technological means to universalize the service and reduce the digital divide in Brazil. Evidences are formulated from an econometric approach whose main objective is to evaluate the demand for broadband in Brazil. To this end, it departs from observations on socioeconomic and regional aspects for 5,568 municipalities. Hypothetical variations of the Goods and Services Circulation Tax (ICMS) are introduced in the model in order to forecast its effect on the demand for the service. This variable is a fundamental aspect for Broadband diffusion insofar as it accounts for a relevant portion of the final price to the consumer. The evidence shows that tax relief represents an important incentive for the spread of broadband in areas that are deprived of the service, with effects on the reduction of social and regional inequalities

    Uso da banda larga via satélite para universalização do acesso à banda larga e como indutor de redução das desigualdades regionais.

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    Broadband is a major driver of economic and social development. Despite its importance, almost half of Brazilian households are deprived of access to broadband, a situation that worsens in rural locations and peripheries of urban centers. Among the reasons for such performance are the geographic dimension of the country and the tax burden on the service. This study aims to evaluate the potential of satellite broadband as a technological means to universalize the service and reduce the digital divide in Brazil. Evidences are formulated from an econometric approach whose main objective is to evaluate the demand for broadband in Brazil. To this end, it departs from observations on socioeconomic and regional aspects for 5,568 municipalities. Hypothetical variations of the Goods and Services Circulation Tax (ICMS) are introduced in the model in order to forecast its effect on the demand for the service. This variable is a fundamental aspect for Broadband diffusion insofar as it accounts for a relevant portion of the final price to the consumer. The evidence shows that tax relief represents an important incentive for the spread of broadband in areas that are deprived of the service, with effects on the reduction of social and regional inequalities

    A methodology to identify potential areas in planning small hydro power in Preto River Basin through the use of geographical information system

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    O incremento tecnológico nas áreas rurais vem proporcionando uma demanda energética que pode ser supiida com fontes de energia alternativas. Portanto, um novo modelo tecnológico descentralizado de produção de energia têm sido estudada, no propósito de suprir de energia os municípios isolados, minimizando o custo de transmissão e distribuição. Neste contexto, a Pequena Central Hidrelétrica (PCH) é uma opção competitiva e baseada na produção de energia limpa. O presente trabalho objetiva desenvolver uma metodologia em Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG) para determinar áreas favoráveis paia a instalação de PCH. A área de estudo está situada na bacia do 110 Preto, pertencente a dois Estados (GO e MG) e o Distrito Federal. Essa área possui grande importância na produção agrícola da região. O SIG pode favorecer a identificação de áreas potenciais para implantação de PCH. por causa da rapidez de acesso e processamento em larga escala de banco de dados espaciais em alta velocidade. A identificação de áreas potenciais para a implantação desses projetos pode ser favorecida com a utilização do Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG). pois apresenta em um espaço reduzido de tempo um resultado preliminar das potenciais áreas. A determinação do potencial físico para a construção de PCH pode considerar a conjunção de dois principais parâmetros: (a) vazão estimada baseada na área de contribuição e (b) a diferença topográfica no no. O cruzamento dessas informações permite identificar os melhores locais para a construção de PCH. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe advance of technology in rural areas is providing a new electric energy demand that can be solved with the alternative powers sources. Therefore, a new model with decentralized energy technologies has been sought, in order to supply energy to isolated municipalities, minimizing transmission and distribution costs. In this context, the Small Hydro Power (SHP) is a competitive option based on clean energy production. The present work aims at developing a methodology m Geographical Information System (GIS) to determine the most favorable areas for installation of SHP. The study area is located in the Preto river basm that covers two States (Goiás and Minas Gerais) and the Federal District. This area has a great importance to regional agriculture. The GIS can favor the potential areas identification to SHP implantation, because of quickly accessing and processing large spatially databases over high speeds. The determination of the physical potential for the SHP construction should consider the conjunction of two main parameters: (a) an outflow estimate based on computed contribution area, and (b) the local slope along the river, which defines the topographical difference across potential dam sites. The crossing of this information allows the identification of the best places for the SHP construction

    Ecological traits drive genetic structuring in two open-habitat birds from the morphologically cryptic genus Elaenia (Aves: Tyrannidae)

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    Understanding the relative contributions of the many factors that shape population genetic structuring is a central theme in evolutionary and conservation biology. Historically, abiotic or extrinsic factors (such as geographic barriers or climatic shifts) have received greater attention than biotic or intrinsic factors (such as dispersal or migration). This focus stems in part from the logistical difficulties in taking a comparative phylogeographic approach that contrasts species that have experienced similar abiotic conditions during their evolution yet differ in the intrinsic attributes that might shape their genetic structure. To explore the effects of intratropical migration on the genetic structuring of Neotropical birds, we chose two congeneric species, the lesser elaenia Elaenia chiriquensis and the plain-crested elaenia E. cristata, that are largely sympatric, and which have similar plumage, habitat preferences and breeding phenology. Despite these many commonalities, they differ in migratory behavior: E. chiriquensis is an intratropical migratory species while E. cristata is sedentary. We used a reduced representation genomic approach to test whether migratory behavior is associated with increased gene flow and therefore lower genetic population structure. As predicted, we found notably stronger genetic structuring in the sedentary species than in the migratory one. E. cristata comprises genetic clusters with geographic correspondence throughout its distribution, while there are no geographic groups within Brazil for E. chiriquensis. This comparison adds to the growing evidence about how intrinsic traits like migration can shape the genetic structuring of birds, and advances our understanding of the diversification patterns of the understudied, open habitat species from South America

    Effect of rest interval length on the volume completed during upper body resistance exercise

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    The purpose of the current study was to compare the workout volume (sets x resistance x repetitions per set) completed during two upper body resistance exercise sessions that incorporated 1 minute versus 3 minute rest intervals between sets and exercises. Twelve trained men completed two experimental sessions that consisted of 5 upper body exercises (i.e. barbell bench press, incline barbell bench press, pec deck flye, barbell lying triceps extension, triceps pushdown) performed for three sets with an 8- RM load. The two experimental sessions differed only in the length of the rest interval between sets and exercises; one session with a 1-minute and the other session with a 3-minute rest interval. The results demonstrated that for each exercise, significantly greater workout volume was completed when resting 3 minutes between sets and exercises (p \u3c 0.05). These results indicate that during a resistance exercise session, if sufficient time is available, resting 3 minutes between sets and exercises allows greater workout volume for the upper body exercises examined

    Determinação do potencial de erosão a partir da utilização da EUPS na Bacia do Rio Preto

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    O desenvolvimento de novas técnicas na agricultura vem possibilitando aexpansão das fronteiras agrícolas há algum tempo. Entretanto a preocupação ambientalnão seguiu o mesmo caminho e ritmo, principalmente com relação a conservação do soloque é fundamental, porque com a sua degradação também se perde a produtividade,entre outros problemas de igual importância. O planejamento do uso da terra em umabacia hidrográfica pode servir como um instrumento preventivo à perda de solo. Comisso este trabalho vem contribuir para o planejamento da bacia hidrográfica do rio Preto,analisando a susceptibilidade à erosão, por meio de técnicas de geoprocessamento, naaplicação da EUPS (Equação Universal de Perda de Solos). _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe development of new techniques in agriculture has been allowing theexpansion of the agricultural frontier for some time. Meanwhile, the concern about theenvironment has not followed the same path and pace, particularly regarding to thecrucial matter of soil conservation; since its degradation also means productivity loss,among other issues of equal importance. The planning of land use in a river basin canserve as a preventive tool to the loss of soil. Thus, this work is to contribute to the landuse planning of the Rio Preto river basin, by analyzing the susceptibility to erosion through geoprocessing techniques, in the application of USLE (Equation of UniversalSoil Loss)

    Agente de Suporte à Decisão Multicritério com Soma Ponderada-Fuzzy em Gestão Pública Participativa: Um Estudo de Caso em Gestão Ambiental

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    Este artigo apresenta um agente para suporte à decisão (ASD) em gestão pública participativa. Face aos desafios da gestão ambiental, foi proposto um estudo de caso para analisar as saídas do ASD, com perfil mais sensível às preocupações ambientais, disponibilizando ao gestor ambiental uma interface em linguagem natural com Lógica Fuzzy para atribuição de pesos aos aspectos ambientais. O principal objetivo deste artigo é demonstrar a importância de alterar o método de atribuição de pesos na Soma Ponderada por meio da Lógica Fuzzy, visto que o ser humano está mais condicionado a ranquear problemas em linguagem natural. Experimentos demonstraram que o uso de Fuzzy melhora a usabilidade e, consequentemente, a eficácia do ASD, pois geram ranqueamentos mais próximos ao ideal, segundo a visão de um gestor ambiental

    A tomografia de córnea e segmento anterior na propedêutica do exame complementar na avaliação de ectasia

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    The methodology currently used for interpretation of the cornea and anterior segment tomography for the diagnosis of corneal ectasia. Description of the clinical interpretation of anterior segment tomography (Pentacam - Oculus, Wetzlar, Germany); case report of the ectopia lentis demonstrating the importance o evaluation of the cornea and anterior segment of the keratoconus. We excluded the disease, analyzing the tomographic analysis of rates of ectasia and observe an asymmetry between nasal and temporal sides in assessing the depth map of the anterior chamber. On the biomicroscopic examination in mydriasis, was found a ectopia lentis. We must be mindful not only to corneal tomography indices to evaluate a diagnostic test, but look at other important information provided by anterior segment tomography.Grp Estudos Tomog & Biomecan Cornea, Rio De Janeiro, RJ, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Escola Paulista Med, Setor Cornea & Cirurgia Refrat, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Escola Paulista Med, Setor Cornea & Cirurgia Refrat, Sao Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc