14 research outputs found


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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as variáveis agroclimáticas que no tempo e no  espaço tem uma maior relevância entre o clima e a produtividade do arroz irrigado na região de Uruguaiana. Foram utilizadas séries temporais no período de 1984 a 2017, das seguintes variáveis agroclimáticas mensais: radiação média global, precipitação acumulada, média da temperatura máxima e mínima, número de dias com temperatura crítica mensal menor ou igual a 14ºC, para temperaturas mínimas e maior ou igual a 35ºC para temperaturas máximas, graus-dia, anomalias de temperatura da água do mar (TSM) nas regiões do Niño 1+2, 3.4 e 4 e dados agrícolas de produtividade do arroz irrigado. Para identificar e avaliar as causas e os efeitos das variáveis agroclimáticas foi aplicada a técnica estatística de regressão linear múltipla que determinou o conjunto de variáveis agroclimáticas que melhor explicam a produtividade do arroz. Para se obter uma relação mais clara entre o clima e o rendimento do arroz se torna necessário a retirada da tendência tecnológica.  Durante o estudo se constatou que uma das principais forças motrizes da variabilidade climática nos altos e baixos rendimentos do arroz irrigado é a temperatura do mar das regiões do Niño, no Oceano Pacifico Equatorial. No período vegetativo (setembro a Dezembro) as variáveis que mais impactam o período do cultivo são, por ordem de magnitude de valor dos coeficientes de regressão, Niño3.4, Niño1+2, precipitação e nebulosidade.  Entre o final do período vegetativo e o início do reprodutivo (Janeiro e Fevereiro), as variáveis mais impactantes são a nebulosidade e a radiação global. Na tentativa de solucionar a falta de dados observacionais ou questionáveis das estações meteorológicas em superfície, se optou por utilizar fontes alternativas como a técnica de reanálise (Merra2), que é uma técnica de integração dos dados agroclimáticos o qual apresentou resultados satisfatórios com o ajuste do modelo se 81,22 % de R2 (pred). Assim, se espera que as informações geradas pelos indicadores agroclimáticos se configurem úteis, com meses de antecedência ao início de uma atividade agrícola e durante o desenvolvimento da safra, melhorando as tomadas de decisões, minimizando riscos, custos e aproveitando as oportunidade

    Influence of Heavy Metals on the Nitrogen Metabolism in Plants

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    As an essential element, Nitrogen is needed in large quantities for being an important component of cellular constituents and for plant metabolism, and its deficiency is one of the most common limitations for plant development. The study of the toxic effects of metal in plants involves a complex system of reactions that can be better determined once having a large attention of the different backgrounds of occurence to determinate how to proceed. The objective of this review is to add scientific knowledge, addressing the main functionalities and characteristics of this relation heavy metals – nitrogen metabolism in plant. Increasing industrialization and urbanization had anthropogenic contribution of heavy metals in biosphere and had largest availability in ecosystems. This toxicity in plants varies with plant species, specific metal, concentration, soil composition, as many heavy metals are considered to be essential for plant growth. Were provided data and reviews regarding the effect of heavy metals on nitrogen metabolism of plants and the responses of plants and the cross-talk of heavy metals and various stressors factors. Is clear to understand the relation between metals amount and the benefit or harm caused on plants, determining then, which mechanism should be activated to protect your physiological system

    CD4+, CD8+, FoxP3+ and HSP60+ Expressions in Cellular Infiltrate of Canine Mammary Carcinoma in Mixed Tumor

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    Background: Cancer is a complex process that receive many influences of the tumor microenvironment. The participation of immune system cells and proteins in tumor microenvironment is not yet completely understood. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the infiltrate cellular, subpopulations of T-lymphocytes and HSP60 of canine mammary carcinoma in mixed tumor (CMCMT).Materials, Methods & Results: Female dogs (n = 20) were selected after Canine mammary tumor (CMT) diagnosis and data were achieved throughout clinical-pathological information. Clinical staging was evaluated and tumor biopsies were processed by histology and cellular infiltrate was performed according criteria and grade. Survival curve were generated by Kaplan-Meier and the lymphocytic infiltrate were compared by Log-Rank followed Chi-Square χ². For immunolabeling it was used anti-CD4, anti-CD8, anti-FoxP3 and HSP60 monoclonal antibodies and were attributed scores from 0 to 3. Clinical-pathological relationship was analyzed using Spearman correlation. This study was approved by the Committee for Ethics in Research using Animals (CEUA-UECE), protocol 12247080-2. Our data showed a mean age of 9.3 years-old, the size of tumors presented more than 5 cm (50%), which were located in inguinal mammary glands (70%), and CMTs shows I (70%) and II (30%) grade. The cellular infiltrate was distributed both in peri and intratumoral regions, dispersed multifocally with moderate intensity and lymphocytes were the major populations found into tumors (n = 826 ± 220). In relationship to cellular infiltrate with CMT grade it was observed that lymphocytes (ρ = 0.28) and plasma cells (ρ = 0.22) showed a slight positive correlation, and an opposed negative correlation of neutrophils (ρ = -0.1) and macrophages (ρ = -0.38). CMT presents moderate lymphocytic infiltrate (< 800 lymphocytes), shows higher (P = 0.01) survival rates as compared to intense lymphocytic infiltrate (≥ 800 lymphocytes). FoxP3+ showed lower intensity while CD4+ and CD8+ expression were concentrated surrounding of lymphocytic infiltrate tumor region. HSP60+ was observed in the inflammatory and tumor cells.Discussion: Our data are according to a greater risk to the development of breast tumor in old bitches, not castrated and before or after puberty, as well as the use of contraceptives based on progesterone and estrogen. In relation to size of tumor, these findings reinforce that there is a relationship of tumor size with a higher malignancy grade and with a worse prognosis. The predominant tumor location was in the inguinal breasts that is attributed to the high activity of the mammary glands to hormonal stimuli. CMT with low clinical staging are associated with greater overall survival of affected bitches. In relation to tumor microenvironment, it has been reported that heterogeneous populations of the immune system cells often infiltrate the mammary tumors, whose lymphocytes are the main cells. It is suggested that tumor lymphocytosis may be necessary for malignant behavior of the tumor microenvironment. On the other hand, macrophages and neutrophils play an important role that may favor or inhibit the tumor cells development in the tumor microenvironment. In our work, CD4, CD8 and FoxP3 labeling were distributed in peri and intratumoral regions, and consequently, these markers can be used as prognostic for CMT, as well as being a potential target for anticancer therapies. This is the first work that presents results about the participation of HSP60 in CMT, however this data needs further investigation. HSP60 participates as a potent activator of the immune system through its peptides and other HSP types were studied in mammary carcinomas in bitches and presenting results that indicate the association of these proteins with the carcinogenesis process

    Avaliação da resposta inflamatória em cães naturalmente infectados por Leishmania infantum

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    A leishmaniose visceral canina (LVC) é manifestada por danos ao organismo dos animais infectados com Leishmania infantum e apresenta-se como doença assintomática ou sintomática. Os diferentes quadros clínicos estão associados a resposta do hospedeiro através da resposta inflamatória e da resposta imunológica específica. Objetivou-se avaliar a resposta inflamatória de cães naturalmente infectados por L. infantum. Cães (n = 12), ambos os sexos, foram divididos em dois grupos: soropositivos (n = 6) e soronegativos (n = 6). Amostras de sangue foram coletadas dos animais para a determinação das contagens de Leucócitos Totais e Neutrófilos e os níveis séricos de proteína C reativa (PCR), fibrinogênio (FIB) e espécies reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS). Os dados foram expressos em média e desvio padrão e para comparação dos grupos foi utilizado o teste t Student (p < 0,05). Os animais soropositivos apresentaram neutrofilia (p < 0,05), PCR acima dos valores de referência para a espécie (p < 0,05) e níveis elevados de TBARS (p < 0,05) em relação aos animais soronegativos. Pode-se concluir que as proteínas de fase aguda e os mediadores do estresse oxidativo podem ser utilizados como marcadores da resposta inflamatória na LVC.

    Clinical and laboratory alterations in dogs naturally infected by Leishmania chagasi

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    INTRODUCTION: Canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) is a zoonotic disease with different clinical manifestations. Parasitism often occurs in bone marrow, but changes have been observed in peripheral blood and serum biochemical parameters. The aim of this study was to evaluate the hematological and biochemical parameters in dogs naturally infected by Leishmania chagasi. METHODS: Eighty-five adult dogs of both sexes and various weights and ages from the Zoonosis Control Center of Fortaleza (CCZ) were used, selected by immunofluorescence assay (IFA) and considered positive with IFA titers greater than 1:40 and by visualizing amastigotes of Leishmania chagasi in smears obtained by bone marrow aspiration. The dogs (n = 85) were grouped according to clinical signs: negative (CN = 7), subclinical (CS = 10), and clinical (CC = 68). Blood samples were collected for determination of hematological and biochemical serum values. The experimental protocol was approved by the CEUA/UECE. RESULTS: The most frequent clinical signs were cachexia (77.9%), keratitis (61.8%), and lymphadenopathy (55.9%), and 86.8% of the animals showed more than one clinical sign characteristic of CVL. In CC were observed reductions in red blood cells (63%), hematocrit (72%), and hemoglobin (62%), as well as leukocytosis (33%), neutropenia (28%), thrombocytopenia (50%), uremia (45%), hyperproteinemia (53%, p<0.05), hypergammaglobulinemia (62%, p<0.01), and hypoalbuminemia (58%). CONCLUSIONS: Animals with the clinical form of the disease demonstrate hematological and biochemical changes consistent with anemia, uremia, hyperproteinemia, and hyperglobulinemia, which present themselves as strong clinical markers of visceral leishmaniasis associated with the signs previously reported

    CD4+, CD8+, FoxP3+ and HSP60+ Expressions in Cellular Infiltrate of Canine Mammary Carcinoma in Mixed Tumor

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    Background: Cancer is a complex process that receive many influences of the tumor microenvironment. The participation of immune system cells and proteins in tumor microenvironment is not yet completely understood. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the infiltrate cellular, subpopulations of T-lymphocytes and HSP60 of canine mammary carcinoma in mixed tumor (CMCMT).Materials, Methods &amp; Results: Female dogs (n = 20) were selected after Canine mammary tumor (CMT) diagnosis and data were achieved throughout clinical-pathological information. Clinical staging was evaluated and tumor biopsies were processed by histology and cellular infiltrate was performed according criteria and grade. Survival curve were generated by Kaplan-Meier and the lymphocytic infiltrate were compared by Log-Rank followed Chi-Square χ². For immunolabeling it was used anti-CD4, anti-CD8, anti-FoxP3 and HSP60 monoclonal antibodies and were attributed scores from 0 to 3. Clinical-pathological relationship was analyzed using Spearman correlation. This study was approved by the Committee for Ethics in Research using Animals (CEUA-UECE), protocol 12247080-2. Our data showed a mean age of 9.3 years-old, the size of tumors presented more than 5 cm (50%), which were located in inguinal mammary glands (70%), and CMTs shows I (70%) and II (30%) grade. The cellular infiltrate was distributed both in peri and intratumoral regions, dispersed multifocally with moderate intensity and lymphocytes were the major populations found into tumors (n = 826 ± 220). In relationship to cellular infiltrate with CMT grade it was observed that lymphocytes (ρ = 0.28) and plasma cells (ρ = 0.22) showed a slight positive correlation, and an opposed negative correlation of neutrophils (ρ = -0.1) and macrophages (ρ = -0.38). CMT presents moderate lymphocytic infiltrate (&lt; 800 lymphocytes), shows higher (P = 0.01) survival rates as compared to intense lymphocytic infiltrate (≥ 800 lymphocytes). FoxP3+ showed lower intensity while CD4+ and CD8+ expression were concentrated surrounding of lymphocytic infiltrate tumor region. HSP60+ was observed in the inflammatory and tumor cells.Discussion: Our data are according to a greater risk to the development of breast tumor in old bitches, not castrated and before or after puberty, as well as the use of contraceptives based on progesterone and estrogen. In relation to size of tumor, these findings reinforce that there is a relationship of tumor size with a higher malignancy grade and with a worse prognosis. The predominant tumor location was in the inguinal breasts that is attributed to the high activity of the mammary glands to hormonal stimuli. CMT with low clinical staging are associated with greater overall survival of affected bitches. In relation to tumor microenvironment, it has been reported that heterogeneous populations of the immune system cells often infiltrate the mammary tumors, whose lymphocytes are the main cells. It is suggested that tumor lymphocytosis may be necessary for malignant behavior of the tumor microenvironment. On the other hand, macrophages and neutrophils play an important role that may favor or inhibit the tumor cells development in the tumor microenvironment. In our work, CD4, CD8 and FoxP3 labeling were distributed in peri and intratumoral regions, and consequently, these markers can be used as prognostic for CMT, as well as being a potential target for anticancer therapies. This is the first work that presents results about the participation of HSP60 in CMT, however this data needs further investigation. HSP60 participates as a potent activator of the immune system through its peptides and other HSP types were studied in mammary carcinomas in bitches and presenting results that indicate the association of these proteins with the carcinogenesis process

    Organizational factors associated with adherence to low tidal volume ventilation: a secondary analysis of the CHECKLIST-ICU database

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    Background: Survival benefit from low tidal volume (VT) ventilation (LTVV) has been demonstrated for patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and patients not having ARDS could also benefit from this strategy. Organizational factors may play a role on adherence to LTVV. The present study aimed to identify organizational factors with an independent association with adherence to LTVV. Methods: Secondary analysis of the database of a multicenter two-phase study (prospective cohort followed by a cluster-randomized trial) performed in 118 Brazilian intensive care units. Patients under mechanical ventilation at day 2 were included. LTVV was defined as a VT ≤ 8 ml/kg PBW on the second day of ventilation. Data on the type and number of beds of the hospital, teaching status, nursing, respiratory therapists and physician staffing, use of structured checklist, and presence of protocols were tested. A multivariable mixed-effect model was used to assess the association between organizational factors and adherence to LTVV. Results: The study included 5719 patients; 3340 (58%) patients received LTVV. A greater number of hospital beds (absolute difference 7.43% [95% confidence interval 0.61–14.24%]; p = 0.038), use of structured checklist during multidisciplinary rounds (5.10% [0.55–9.81%]; p = 0.030), and presence of at least one nurse per 10 patients during all shifts (17.24% [0.85–33.60%]; p = 0.045) were the only three factors that had an independent association with adherence to LTVV. Conclusions: Number of hospital beds, use of a structured checklist during multidisciplinary rounds, and nurse staffing are organizational factors associated with adherence to LTVV. These findings shed light on organizational factors that may improve ventilation in critically ill patients

    Increased interregional virus exchange and nucleotide diversity outline the expansion of chikungunya virus in Brazil

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    Abstract The emergence and reemergence of mosquito-borne diseases in Brazil such as yellow fever, zika, chikungunya, and dengue have had serious impacts on public health. Concerns have been raised due to the rapid dissemination of the chikungunya virus across the country since its first detection in 2014 in Northeast Brazil. In this work, we carried out on-site training activities in genomic surveillance in partnership with the National Network of Public Health Laboratories that have led to the generation of 422 chikungunya virus genomes from 12 Brazilian states over the past two years (2021–2022), a period that has seen more than 312 thousand chikungunya fever cases reported in the country. These genomes increased the amount of available data and allowed a more comprehensive characterization of the dispersal dynamics of the chikungunya virus East-Central-South-African lineage in Brazil. Tree branching patterns revealed the emergence and expansion of two distinct subclades. Phylogeographic analysis indicated that the northeast region has been the leading hub of virus spread towards other regions. Increased frequency of C > T transitions among the new genomes suggested that host restriction factors from the immune system such as ADAR and AID/APOBEC deaminases might be driving the genetic diversity of the chikungunya virus in Brazil