181 research outputs found

    Numerical evaluation of the flange thickness effect on the contact stress and prying action in T-Stub steel connection

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    Este artículo presenta un estudio numérico utilizando el programa ANSYS para análisis de conexiones de acero tipo «T» denominadas «T-Stub», en las cuales puede darse el fenómeno de acción de palanca. El efecto de apalancamiento en los tornillos de la placa ha sido estudiado antes, pero la localización de las fuerzas de palanca ha sido simplificada. El efecto del espesor de las placas de conexión «T-Stub» en las áreas de contacto entre ellas y un soporte rígido ha sido investigado en este artículo diferentemente de lo que se encuentra en la literatura técnica, en que dicho fenómeno es estudiado entre bases flexibles. La conexión ha sido discretizada con elemento de sólido 3D y elementos de interfaz. En los análisis realizados se adoptan diferentes espesores de la placa y tornillos de diámetros distintos en los cuales se ha aplicado una precarga. En este artículo se presenta una discusión sobre la magnitud de los esfuerzos en los tornillos y la extensión del área de contacto efectiva entre la placa y un soporte rígido.This paper presents a numerical study of «T-Stub» steel connections using FEM analyses. In such connections prying action phenomenon may take place. Prying action effect on the bolts has been studied before but the location of the prying action forces has always been simplified. The effect of the thickness of «T-Stub» flanges on contact areas between flanges and support base is investigated in this paper. A 3D finite element model is used and interface elements are employed for the investigation. Nonlinear FE analyses are undertaken on connection with different flange thickness and bolt preload with two bolts. Nonlinear gap elements are used as interfaces. Discussion and conclusions on contact areas and stresses, prying action distributions and resultant of loads on bolts in the «T-Stub» connections are presented.Peer Reviewe


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    This paper was prepared in the Aquaculture Laboratory of the Federal University of the State of Parana, Brazil, with the purpose of determining the best sodium hypochloride (NaClO with 6% active ingredient) dosage to be employed in the artemia oocysts hatching process.The artemia oocysts were hydrated for 1 hour, filtered and submitted to a 10-minute chlorine treatment. The chlorine dosages tested were the following (NaClO - 6% sodium hypochloride): 0.38g, 0.75g, 1.50g, 3.00g and 6.00g of active ingredient per liter of water. Soon after chlorine application the oocysts were rinsed to eliminate the chlorine and immediately the oocysts were put into transparent plastic vials with water in the constant aeration and luminosity, where they remained for 53 hours. For the nauplii count one mililiter of the vial was put into a test tube with an interconnected aeration. Three counts were made for all repetitions and the threshold analysed was the number of hatched larvae per mililiter of hatching solution. The results were submitted to a normality test and it was determined that the hatching results did not show a normal pattern, therefore, it was not possible to use those averages as a comparison basis between treatments. Subsequently non-parametric tests were performed using the overall average as a comparison basis between treatments.Techically one can see the superiority of treatment with 1.50g of active chlorine, which resulted in the highest hatching-out counts, with 50% of the observed data presented 140 larvae hatched per milimiter.O presente trabalho foi realizado no Laboratório de Aqüicultura da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), com o objetivo de determinar a melhor dose de hipoclorito de sódio (NaClO com 6% de ingrediente ativo) a ser empregada na descapsulação de oocistos de artemia. Os oocistos de artemia foram hidratados durante 1 hora, filtrados e submetidos aos tratamentos com cloro durante 10 minutos. As dosagens de cloro testadas foram as seguintes (NaClO - hipoclorito de sódio 6%): 0,38g, 0,75g, 1,50g, 3,00g e 6,00g de ingrediente ativo por litro de água. Depois da aplicação do cloro fez-se a lavagem dos oocistos para eliminar o cloro aplicado e logo após os oocistos foram colocados na água em frascos plásticos transparentes com aeração e luminosidade constante onde ficaram durante 53 horas. Para contagem dos náuplios foi pipetado um mililitro do frasco com aeração ligada. Para todas as repetições foram feitas três contagens e o parâmetro analisado foi o número de larvas eclodidas por mililitro da solução de eclosão. Os resultados foram submetidos a um teste de normalidade e foi verificado que os resultados de eclosão não tinham distribuição normal, portanto as médias não puderam ser usadas como termo de comparação entre os tratamentos. Então foram realizados testes não-paramétricos que usam a mediana como parâmetro de comparação entre os tratamentos. Tecnicamente observa-se a superioridade do tratamento de 1,50g de cloro ativo que apresentou o ponto máximo de eclosão, tendo 50% dos dados de eclosão ao redor de 140 larvas eclodidas por mililitro

    Restructuring of the "Macaronesia" biogeografic unit: a marine multi-taxon biogeographical approach

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    The Azores, Madeira, Selvagens, Canary Islands and Cabo Verde are commonly united under the term “Macaronesia”. This study investigates the coherency and validity of Macaronesia as a biogeographic unit using six marine groups with very different dispersal abilities: coastal fishes, echinoderms, gastropod molluscs, brachyuran decapod crustaceans, polychaete annelids, and macroalgae. We found no support for the current concept of Macaronesia as a coherent marine biogeographic unit. All marine groups studied suggest the exclusion of Cabo Verde from the remaining Macaronesian archipelagos and thus, Cabo Verde should be given the status of a biogeographic subprovince within the West African Transition province. We propose to redefine the Lusitanian biogeographical province, in which we include four ecoregions: the South European Atlantic Shelf, the Saharan Upwelling, the Azores, and a new ecoregion herein named Webbnesia, which comprises the archipelagos of Madeira, Selvagens and the Canary Islandsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pair production of the heavy leptons in future high energy linear e^{+}e^{-} colliders

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    The littlest Higgs model with T-parity predicts the existence of the T-odd particles, which can only be produced in pair. We consider pair production of the T-odd leptons in future high energy linear e+ee^{+}e^{-} collider (ILCILC). Our numerical results show that, as long as the T-odd leptons are not too heavy, they can be copiously produced and their possible signals might be detected via the processes e+eLˉiLje^{+}e^{-}\to \bar{L}_{i}L_{j} in future ILCILC experiments.Comment: Discussions added, typos and references correcte