170 research outputs found

    Genetics of autistic disorders : review and clinical implications

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    Twin and family studies in autistic disorders (AD) have elucidated a high heritability of AD. In this literature review, we will present an overview on molecular genetic studies in AD and highlight the most recent findings of an increased rate of copy number variations in AD. An extensive literature search in the PubMed database was performed to obtain English published articles on genetic findings in autism. Results of linkage, (genome wide) association and cytogenetic studies are presented, and putative aetiopathological pathways are discussed. Implications of the different genetic findings for genetic counselling and genetic testing at present will be described. The article ends with a prospectus on future directions. Keywords: Autistic disorder , Linkage , Whole genome association , Copy number variation , Mutatio

    ,,Rasende Männer und weinende Weiber": Friedrich Hecker und die Frauenbewegung

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    Marine Ice: A sleeping iron giant in the Southern Ocean?

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    The Polar Southern Ocean (PSO) provides an excess amount of macro-nutrients but productivity is largely limited by the availability of essential micro-nutrients, namely iron, manganese, zinc and others. Seasonal patches of increased productivity off major ice shelfs around Antarctica suggest that local sources of these deficient micro-nutrients must be present. With this session contribution we present a new study on marine ice from the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf (FRIS) as a potential source of iron and other limiting micro-nutrients for the Atlantic sector of the PSO. Marine ice is formed via partial melting of meteoric shelf ice near the grounding line of large ice shelves (e.g. FRIS). During this process small refrozen ice platelets accumulate in a layer of over 100 m thickness underneath the ice shelf to form marine ice containing high amounts of particulate material. In a project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) within the priority program SPP1158, we analyse 2 marine ice cores (B13: 62m, B15: 167m of marine ice) recovered in the 1990’s from the FRIS on their geochemical compositions. The coring location of B13 was about 40 km away from the shelf ice edge and B15 was drilled another 136 km further inland along the reconstructed flow line of B13. Due to shelf ice migration over the last 30 years, their locations have shifted about 30 km towards the shelf ice edge. First results show dissolved Fe (dFe) and Mn (dMn) concentrations ranging between 30 and 300 nMol and particulate Fe (pFe) of 20 to 120 µMol (0.2 to 1.4 µMol for pMn). These concentrations are orders of magnitude higher than the ones currently found in the PSO for those elements. Basal melting and ice-berg calving of marine ice with the accompanied release of these essential trace metals could therefore fuel local productivity in regions with large extent of shelf ice. With our study we aim to evaluate marine ice as potentially overlooked source for limiting micro-nutrients that could explain high productivity areas within an otherwise relatively low productive PSO

    Environmental and genetic factors associated with Solanesol accumulation in potato leaves

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    Solanesol is a high value 45-carbon, unsaturated, all-trans-nonaprenol isoprenoid. Recently solanesol has received particular attention because of its utility, both in its own right and as a precursor in the production of numerous compounds used in the treatment of disease states. Solanesol is found mainly in solanaceous crops such as potato, tomato, tobacco and pepper where it accumulates in the foliage. There is considerable potential to explore the extraction of solanesol from these sources as a valuable co-product. In this study we have characterised the genetic variation in leaf solanesol content in a biparental, segregating diploid potato population. We demonstrate that potato leaf solanesol content is genetically controlled and identify several quantitative trait loci associated with leaf solanesol content. Transient over-expression of genes from the methylerythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) and mevalonic acid (MVA) pathways, either singly or in combination, resulted in enhanced accumulation of solanesol in leaves of Nicotiana benthamiana, providing insights for genetically engineering the pathway. We also demonstrate that in potato, leaf solanesol content is enhanced by up to six-fold on exposure to moderately elevated temperature and show corresponding changes in expression patterns of MEP and MVA genes. Our combined approaches offer new insights into solanesol accumulation and strategies for developing a bio-refinery approach to potato production

    Ökologische Nachhaltigkeit in klein- und mittelständischen Betrieben

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    ÖKOLOGISCHE NACHHALTIGKEIT IN KLEIN- UND MITTELSTÄNDISCHEN BETRIEBEN Ökologische Nachhaltigkeit in klein- und mittelständischen Betrieben / Högner, Sabine (Rights reserved) ( -

    Effects of Elevated beta-Estradiol Levels on the Functional Morphology of the Testis - New Insights

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    Elevated estradiol levels are correlated with male infertility. Causes of hyperestrogenism include diseases of the adrenal cortex, testis or medications affecting the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis. The aim of our study was to elucidate the effects of estradiol treatment on testicular cellular morphology and function, with reference to the treatment regimen received. Testes samples (n = 9) were obtained post-orchiectomy from male-to-female transsexuals within the age range of 26–52 years. Each patient had a minimum of 1–6 years estradiol treatment. For comparison, additional samples were obtained from microscopically unaltered testicular tissue surrounding tumors (n = 7). The tissues obtained were investigated by stereomicroscopy, histochemistry, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and immunohistochemistry. Our studies revealed that estradiol treatment significantly decreased the diameter of the seminiferous tubules (p < 0.05) and induced fatty degeneration in the surrounding connective tissue. An increase in collagen fiber synthesis in the extracellular matrix (ECM) surrounding the seminiferous tubules was also induced. Spermatogenesis was impaired resulting in mainly spermatogonia being present. Sertoli cells revealed diminished expression of estrogen receptor alpha (ERα). Both Sertoli and Leydig cells showed morphological alterations and glycoprotein accumulations. These results demonstrate that increased estradiol levels drastically impact the human testis

    Schizophrenia and Autism as Contrasting Minds: Neural Evidence for the Hypo-Hyper-Intentionality Hypothesis

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    Both schizophrenia (SCZ) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are characterized by mentalizing problems and associated neural dysfunction of the social brain. However, the deficits in mental state attribution are somehow opposed: Whereas patients with SCZ tend to over-attribute intentions to agents and physical events ("hyper-intentionality”), patients with autism treat people as devoid of intentions ("hypo-intentionality”). Here we aimed to investigate whether this hypo-hyper-intentionality hypothesis can be supported by neural evidence during a mentalizing task. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we investigated the neural responses and functional connectivity during reading others intention. Scanning was performed in 23 individuals with ASD, 18 with paranoid SCZ and 23 gender and IQ matched control subjects. Both clinical groups showed reduced brain activation compared to controls for the contrast intentional vs physical information processing in left posterior superior temporal sulcus (pSTS) and ventral medial prefrontal cortex (vMPFC) for SCZ, and right pSTS in ASD. As predicted, these effects were caused in a group specific way: Relative increased activation for physical information processing in SCZ that was also correlated with positive PANNS score and relative decreased activation for intentional information processing in ASD. Additionally, we could demonstrate opposed connectivity patterns between the right pSTS and vMPFC in the clinical groups, ie, increased for SCZ, decreased for ASD. These findings represent opposed neural signatures in key regions of the social brain as predicted by the hyper-hypo-intentionality hypothesi