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    Use of anticoagulation at the time of discharge in patients with heart failure and atrial fibrillation

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    [Resumen] Introducci贸n y objetivos. Evaluar el grado de cumplimiento de las gu铆as sobre uso de anticoagulaci贸n cr贸nica en pacientes con insuficiencia card铆aca y fibrilaci贸n auricular. Pacientes y m茅todo. Se us贸 la base de datos del estudio INCARGAL, analizando datos de 195 pacientes consecutivos (88 varones, edad 76 卤 10 a帽os) admitidos con ambos diagn贸sticos en tres hospitales gallegos entre enero y junio de 1999. Se asumi贸 que todos deber铆an de haber recibido anticoagulaci贸n al alta hospitalaria en ausencia de contraindicaciones. Se compar贸 el tratamiento al alta (anticoagulaci贸n o no) con la presencia o ausencia de contraindicaciones. Resultados. Un total de 152 pacientes (78%) no ten铆an contraindicaciones para la anticoagulaci贸n y 43 presentaban alguna (absoluta, 11; relativa, 32). De los pacientes sin contraindicaci贸n, s贸lo recibieron anticoagulaci贸n al alta el 50%. Ning煤n paciente con contraindicaci贸n absoluta y tres con contraindicaci贸n relativa recibieron anticoagulaci贸n. La prescripci贸n de anticoagulaci贸n en los pacientes sin contraindicaciones fue menor en los que ten铆an una mayor edad, antecedente de cardiopat铆a isqu茅mica, ausencia de valvulopat铆a, uso de bloqueadores beta, no realizaci贸n de ecocardiograma e ingreso en un servicio diferente del de cardiolog铆a (p < 0,05). En el an谩lisis multivariante, la edad, el infarto de miocardio previo y la ausencia de valvulopat铆a significativa permanecieron como predictores independientes de menor uso de anticoagulaci贸n. Conclusiones. El empleo de anticoagulaci贸n al alta hospitalaria en pacientes sin contraindicaci贸n para su uso, con fibrilaci贸n auricular e insuficiencia card铆aca, es menor del recomendado. La edad avanzada disminuye su empleo. La presencia de otras indicaciones para la antiagregaci贸n o la anticoagulaci贸n parecen determinar la elecci贸n de una u otra terapia. No hubo mala adecuaci贸n por exceso de prescripci贸n.[Abstract] Introduction and objectives. To assess the degree of compliance with current guidelines for chronic anticoagulation in patients with heart failure and atrial fibrillation. Patients and method. From the INCARGAL Study database, we analyzed data from 195 consecutive patients (88 men; mean age 76 卤 10 years) with both conditions, admitted to three Galician hospitals between January and March 1999. It was assumed that these patients should have received anticoagulant therapy at discharge, unless contraindicated. We studied the association of treatment at discharge (anticoagulation or not) with the presence or absence of contraindications. Results. -152 patients (78%) had no contraindication for anticoagulation and 43 had at least one (absolute: 11, relative: 32). Only 50% of patients without contraindications received anticoagulation at the time of discharge. No patient with an absolute contraindication and 3 with a relative one received anticoagulation. Factors related with the less frequent prescription of anticoagulation therapy in patients without a formal contraindication were: age, a previous history of coronary heart disease, absence of valvular heart disease, prior' myocardial infarction, treatment with beta-blocking agents, non performance of an echocardiogram, and admission to a department other than cardiology. On multivariate analysis, age, prior myocardial infarction, and non-valvular disease were found to be independent predictors of less use of anticoagulation. Conclusions. Anticoagulant therapy is used less often than recommended at discharge in patients with heart failure and atrial fibrillation for whom there were no contraindications. Advanced age reduces its use. The presence of other indications for antiplatelet or anticoagulati贸n therapy appears to determine the choice of one or the other. Noncompliance with the guidelines due to overprescription was not found