65 research outputs found

    Spatial updating, spatial transients, and regularities of a complex automaton with nonperiodic architecture

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    We study the dynamics of patterns exhibited by rule 52, a totalistic cellular automaton displaying intricate behaviors and wide regions of active/inactive synchronization patches. Systematic computer simulations involving 230 initial configurations reveal that all complexity in this automaton originates from random juxtaposition of a very small number of interfaces delimiting active/inactive patches. Such interfaces are studied with a sidewise spatial updating algorithm. This novel tool allows us to prove that the interfaces found empirically are the only interfaces possible for these periods, independently of the size of the automata. The spatial updating algorithm provides an alternative way to determine the dynamics of automata of arbitrary size, a way of taking into account the complexity of the connections in the lattice

    Multistability, phase diagrams, and intransitivity in the Lorenz-84 low-order atmospheric circulation model

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    We report phase diagrams detailing the intransitivity observed in the climate scenarios supported by a prototype atmospheric general circulation model, namely, the Lorenz-84 low-order model. So far, this model was known to have a pair of coexisting climates described originally by Lorenz. Bifurcation analysis allows the identification of a remarkably wide parameter region where up to four climates coexist simultaneously. In this region the dynamical behavior depends crucially on subtle and minute tuning of the model parameters. This strong parameter sensitivity makes the Lorenz-84 model a promising candidate of testing ground to validate techniques of assessing the sensitivity of low-order models to perturbations of parameters

    395003 (9pp)

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    Abstract We analyze the two possible ways of simulating complex systems with cellular automata: by using the familiar timewise updating or by using the complementary spacewise updating. Both updating algorithms operate on identical sets of initial conditions defining the state of the automaton. While timewise growth generally probes just vanishingly small sets of initial conditions producing statistical samples of the asymptotic attractors, spacewise growth operates with much restricted sets which allow one to simulate them all, exhaustively. Our main result is the derivation of an exact analytical formula to quantify precisely one of the two sources of algorithmic complexity of spacewise detection of the complete set of attractors for elementary 1D cellular automata with generic non-periodic architectures of any arbitrary size. The formula gives the total number of initial conditions that need to be investigated to locate rigorously all possible patterns for any given rule. As simple applications, we illustrate how this knowledge may be used (i) to uncover missing patterns in previous classifications in the literature and (ii) to obtain surprisingly novel patterns that are totally unreachable with the time-honored technique of artificially imposing spatially periodic boundary conditions

    Synthesis and characterization of analogues of glycine-betaine ionic liquids and their use in the formation of aqueous biphasic systems

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    A series of novel analogues of glycine-betaine ionic liquids (AGB-ILs), viz. 1-(4-ethoxy-4-oxobutyl)-1-methylpyrrolidin-1-ium, N,N,N-tri(n-butyl)(4-ethoxy-4-oxobutyl)-1-phosphonium and N,N,N-trialkyl(4-ethoxy-4-oxobutyl)-1-aminium cations with ethyl, n-propyl and n-butyl alkyl chains, combined with the bromide anion, have been synthesized and characterized. Their synthesis and characterization by spectroscopic methods and elemental analysis is here reported. These ILs were further characterized in what concerns their thermal properties and ecotoxicity against Allvibrio fischeri, and compared with the commercial tetra(n-butyl)ammonium and tetra(n-butyl)phosphonium bromide. The novel AGB-ILs described in this work have low melting points, below 100 °C, display high degradation temperatures (180–310 °C), and low toxicity as shown by being harmless or practically harmless towards the marine bacteria Allvibrio fischeri. Finally, the ability of the synthesized AGB-ILs to form aqueous biphasic systems with potassium citrate/citric acid (at pH 7) was evaluated, and the respective ternary phase diagrams were determined. It is shown that the increase of the cation alkyl chain length facilitates the creation of ABS, and that phosphonium-based ILs present a slightly better separation performance in presence of aqueous solutions of the citrate-based salt.publishe

    Caracterização das rotinas de vida diária de idosos de Castelo Branco : rotinas de vida diária de uma idosa de 81 anos : uma idosa movida pela fé

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    Intervenção social. - ISSN 0874-1611. - N. 35 (2009). - p. 273-296A presente investigação teve como objectivo analisar a rotina diária de uma idosa que vive na cidade de Castelo Branco, registando a sua mobilidade física, relacionamento com outras pessoas, assim como o tempo que a idosa dedica a cada uma das suas actividades. O estudo baseou-se na realização de entrevistas narrativa e semi-estruturada com registo audiovisual, elaboração do plano diário de ocupação temporal, registo fotográfico, elaboração de mapas subjectivos da sua habitação, rua e outros locais que frequenta. Efectuámos ainda o devido acompanhamento nas suas tarefas quotidianas, pelos locais que habitualmente frequenta. Inicialmente caracterizámos o comportamento da idosa no seu ambiente diário para posteriormente compreendermos o seu universo, avaliar o seu dinamismo e actividade física. Procurámos conquistar a confiança da idosa e conhecê-la através de uma retrospectiva feita pela própria. Os dados obtidos foram tratados em percentagem, visualizada através de gráficos circulares. Através da sua analise pode-se concluir que a idosa apesar da idade que possui, mantém-se bastante activa, porque mesmo passando a maior parte do tempo em casa, realiza actividades que exigem mobilidade e esforço

    Separation and purification of curcumin using novel aqueous two-phase micellar systems composed of amphiphilic copolymer and cholinium ionic liquids

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    Novel aqueous two-phase micellar systems (ATPMS) composed of Pluronic F68, a triblock amphiphilic copolymer, and cholinium-based ionic liquids (ILs) were formulated and applied for separation/purification of curcumin (CCM). CCM stability in the presence of ATPMS components was also evaluated. CCM is stable up to 24 h in copolymer (1.0 10.0 wt%) and ILs (0.1 3.0 M) aqueous solutions. Very mild phase separation conditions (close to room temperature) were achieved by adding cholinium ILs to the Pluronic F68 + McIlvaine buffer at pH 6.0 solution. The decrease of cloud-point temperature is dependent on the relative hydrophobicity of IL anion, [Hex] > [But] > [Prop] > [Ac] > Cl. ATPMS composed of more hydrophobic ILs ([Ch][Hex] > [Ch][But] > [Ch][Prop]) are most efficient in the partition of commercial CCM into polymeric micelles-rich phase. The best ATPMS (0.70 M [Ch][But] and 0.60 M [Ch][Hex]-based ATPMS) were then used to purify CCM from a crude extract of Curcuma longa L. Both systems were very selective to separate CCM from protein-based contaminants (selectivity values 25; purification yields 12-fold). Pluronic F68-based ATPMS are promising for selective separation of hydrophobic biomolecules by using cholinium-based ILs as adjuvants to adjust phase separation temperatures and biomolecules partition.This study was funded by the Coordination for Higher Level Graduate Improvements (CAPES/Brazil, finance code 001), National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq/Brazil) and the State of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP/Brazil, processes #2014/16424-7, #2017/10789-1, #2018/10799-0, #2018/05111-9; #2019/05624-9, and #2019/08549-8). A.M. Lopes and J.F.B. Pereira are grateful for the language revision of native speaker H.S. Pacheco Neto.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    MIQuant – Semi-Automation of Infarct Size Assessment in Models of Cardiac Ischemic Injury

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    BACKGROUND: The cardiac regenerative potential of newly developed therapies is traditionally evaluated in rodent models of surgically induced myocardial ischemia. A generally accepted key parameter for determining the success of the applied therapy is the infarct size. Although regarded as a gold standard method for infarct size estimation in heart ischemia, histological planimetry is time-consuming and highly variable amongst studies. The purpose of this work is to contribute towards the standardization and simplification of infarct size assessment by providing free access to a novel semi-automated software tool. The acronym MIQuant was attributed to this application. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Mice were subject to permanent coronary artery ligation and the size of chronic infarcts was estimated by area and midline-length methods using manual planimetry and with MIQuant. Repeatability and reproducibility of MIQuant scores were verified. The validation showed high correlation (r(midline length) = 0.981; r(area) = 0.970 ) and agreement (Bland-Altman analysis), free from bias for midline length and negligible bias of 1.21% to 3.72% for area quantification. Further analysis demonstrated that MIQuant reduced by 4.5-fold the time spent on the analysis and, importantly, MIQuant effectiveness is independent of user proficiency. The results indicate that MIQuant can be regarded as a better alternative to manual measurement. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that MIQuant is a reliable and an easy-to-use software for infarct size quantification. The widespread use of MIQuant will contribute towards the standardization of infarct size assessment across studies and, therefore, to the systematization of the evaluation of cardiac regenerative potential of emerging therapies


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    Educomunicação e suas áreas de intervenção: Novos paradigmas para o diálogo intercultural

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    oai:omp.abpeducom.org.br:publicationFormat/1O material aqui divulgado representa, em essência, a contribuição do VII Encontro Brasileiro de Educomunicação ao V Global MIL Week, da UNESCO, ocorrido na ECA/USP, entre 3 e 5 de novembro de 2016. Estamos diante de um conjunto de 104 papers executivos, com uma média de entre 7 e 10 páginas, cada um. Com este rico e abundante material, chegamos ao sétimo e-book publicado pela ABPEducom, em seus seis primeiros anos de existência. A especificidade desta obra é a de trazer as “Áreas de Intervenção” do campo da Educomunicação, colocando-as a serviço de uma meta essencial ao agir educomunicativo: o diálogo intercultural, trabalhado na linha do tema geral do evento internacional: Media and Information Literacy: New Paradigms for Intercultural Dialogue