9 research outputs found

    SunPy: Python for Solar Physicists

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    <p>Poster created for SunPy for NAM 2013.</p

    sunpy/sunpy-soar: v1.9

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    What's changed The passed descriptors passed to a.soar.Product are now case insensitive. This fix was added due to the update of SOAR V11.1 the descriptors all became lower case. The returned table is now sorted by observation time of file. Package has been re-templated to match other packages within the SunPy ecosystem

    Video1_Rapid variations of Si IV spectra in a flare observed by interface region imaging spectrograph at a sub-second cadence.MP4

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    We report on observations of highly-varying Si IV 1402.77 Å line profiles observed with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) during the M-class flare from 18 January 2022 at an unprecedented 0.8 s cadence. Moment analysis of this line observed in flare ribbon kernels showed that the intensity, Doppler velocity, and non-thermal broadening exhibited variations with periods below 10 s. These variations were found to be correlated with properties of the Gaussian fit to a well-resolved secondary component of the line redshifted by up to 70 km s−1, while the primary component was consistently observed near the rest wavelength of the line. A particularly high correlation was found between the non-thermal broadening of the line resulting from the moment analysis and the redshift of the secondary component. This means that the oscillatory enhancements in the line broadening were due to plasma flows (away from the observer) with varying properties. A simple de-projection of the Doppler velocities of the secondary component based on a three-dimensional reconstruction of flare loops rooted in the kernel suggests that the observed flows were caused by downflows and compatible with strong condensation flows recently predicted by numerical simulations. Furthermore, peaks of the intensity and the trends of Doppler velocity of the Gaussian fit to the secondary component (averaged in the ribbon) were found to correspond to one of the quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) detected during the event in the soft X-ray flux (as measured by the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite, GOES) and the microwave radio flux (as measured by the Expanded Owens Valley Solar Array, EOVSA). This result supports a scenario in which the QPPs were driven by repeated magnetic reconnection.</p

    A Unified Framework for Manipulating N-dimensional Astronomical Data and Coordinate Transformations in Python: The NDCube 2 and Astropy APE-14 World Coordinate System APIs

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    The NDCube 2 API is a Python application programming interface (API) for storing and manipulating N-dimensional coordinate-aware astronomical data. While there are Python packages for handling astronomical data and coordinate transformations separately and for handling specific combinations of dimensions and transformations, none provide a unified and agnostic way of handling them simultaneously. This leads to a proliferation of different APIs for conducting the same analysis tasks on similar types of observations and introduces technical barriers between multi-instrument studies and cross-community collaboration. In this paper, we outline how the NDCube 2 API and its implementation in the open-source, community-developed ndcube package, together with the AstroPy WCS API, help to solve this problem. We discuss the guiding principles underpinning the API design and provide examples of how it is already being used to serve broad sections of the astronomy community, including agency-funded missions. The aim of this paper is to help users better understand the purpose and potential of the NDCube 2 API and ndcube package and hence how to more effectively deploy them in scientific analyses and software development

    glue-viz/glue: v1.14.1

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    &lt;p&gt;&lt;!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml at main --&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;h2&gt;What's Changed&lt;/h2&gt; &lt;h3&gt;Bug Fixes&lt;/h3&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li&gt;Fix bug when changing the number of bins on a histogram with modified/deleted data by @astrofrog in https://github.com/glue-viz/glue/pull/2451&lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; &lt;h3&gt;Documentation&lt;/h3&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li&gt;Fix docs failure related to theme warning by @astrofrog in https://github.com/glue-viz/glue/pull/2452&lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Full Changelog&lt;/strong&gt;: https://github.com/glue-viz/glue/compare/v1.14.0...v1.14.1&lt;/p&gt

    ejeschke/ginga: Ginga v2.6.6

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    Fix for broken sorting in Contents plugin in gtk backends Fix for resize bug in switching in and out of grid view in gtk backends Updated to have efficient support for gtk3 please install compatible pycairo from github.com/pygobject/pycairo if you get a "Not implemented yet" exception bubbling up from a method called cairo.ImageSurface.create_for_data() Addition of a "Quick Mode" to the Pick plugin--see documentation More consistent font handing between widgets and Ginga canvases Bug fix for importing some types of matplotlib color maps Add antialiasing for Qt back end Bug fixes and enhancements for Qt gestures holding shift with pinch now keeps position under cursor New Jupyter notebooks back end based on ipywidgets requirements: "pip install ipyevents" see examples/jupyter-notebook/Jupyter Widget Ideas.ipynb Fixes to various reference viewer plugin