82 research outputs found

    Yield prediction of young black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) plantations for woody biomass production using allometric relations

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    Abstract. Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) is an increasingly popular tree species for the production of woody biomass for bioenergy generation with short rotation coppices. Due to its potential to produce large amounts of biomass yields even under unfavourable growth conditions, this tree species is especially suitable for marginal sites, such as can be found in the post mining area of NE-Germany. Current research aims to reliably predict the yield potential of black locust short rotation coppices, but suffers from a lack of sufficient exact allometric functions until recently. This is especially true for the early growth years, which are of special importance for short rotation coppices. The objective of this study was to develop allometric equations based on tree height and shoot basal diameter (SBD) for estimating yields of young black locust plantations. Therefore, dendrometric data were collected in a two, three, four and fourteen years old black locust short rotation forest located in the reclamation area of an opencast-lignite mining area in the Lower Lusatian region (Germany) and used for equation developing. Until measurement, none of the plantations had been harvested. Closed correlations between SBD and tree height were observed, as well as between these parameters and single tree mass. The scattering of single tree masses could be explained slightly better by the SBD than by the tree height. In the year before a harvest an even better prediction probability of woody biomass was obtainable when both parameters were simultaneously interrelated with the single tree mass. The results illustrate that the woody above ground biomass of young black locust plantations can be estimated sufficiently precisely based on the easy determinable parameters tree height and particularly SBD

    Accretion process onto super-spinning objects

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    The accretion process onto spinning objects in Kerr spacetimes is studied with numerical simulations. Our results show that accretion onto compact objects with Kerr parameter (characterizing the spin) aM|a| M is very different. In the super-spinning case, for a|a| moderately larger than MM, the accretion onto the central object is extremely suppressed due to a repulsive force at short distance. The accreting matter cannot reach the central object, but instead is accumulated around it, forming a high density cloud that continues to grow. The radiation emitted in the accretion process will be harder and more intense than the one coming from standard black holes; e.g. γ\gamma-rays could be produced as seen in some observations. Gravitational collapse of this cloud might even give rise to violent bursts. As a|a| increases, a larger amount of accreting matter reaches the central object and the growth of the cloud becomes less efficient. Our simulations find that a quasi-steady state of the accretion process exists for a/M1.4|a|/M \gtrsim 1.4, independently of the mass accretion rate at large radii. For such high values of the Kerr parameter, the accreting matter forms a thin disk at very small radii. We provide some analytical arguments to strengthen the numerical results; in particular, we estimate the radius where the gravitational force changes from attractive to repulsive and the critical value a/M1.4|a|/M \approx 1.4 separating the two qualitatively different regimes of accretion. We briefly discuss the observational signatures which could be used to look for such exotic objects in the Galaxy and/or in the Universe.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. v2: with explanation of the origin of the critical value |a|/M = 1.

    Removing exogenous information using pedigree data

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    Management of certain populations requires the preservation of its pure genetic background. When, for different reasons, undesired alleles are introduced, the original genetic conformation must be recovered. The present study tested, through computer simulations, the power of recovery (the ability for removing the foreign information) from genealogical data. Simulated scenarios comprised different numbers of exogenous individuals taking partofthe founder population anddifferent numbers of unmanaged generations before the removal program started. Strategies were based on variables arising from classical pedigree analyses such as founders? contribution and partial coancestry. The ef?ciency of the different strategies was measured as the proportion of native genetic information remaining in the population. Consequences on the inbreeding and coancestry levels of the population were also evaluated. Minimisation of the exogenous founders? contributions was the most powerful method, removing the largest amount of genetic information in just one generation.However, as a side effect, it led to the highest values of inbreeding. Scenarios with a large amount of initial exogenous alleles (i.e. high percentage of non native founders), or many generations of mixing became very dif?cult to recover, pointing out the importance of being careful about introgression events in populatio

    The Cosmological Constant

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    This is a review of the physics and cosmology of the cosmological constant. Focusing on recent developments, I present a pedagogical overview of cosmology in the presence of a cosmological constant, observational constraints on its magnitude, and the physics of a small (and potentially nonzero) vacuum energy.Comment: 50 pages. Submitted to Living Reviews in Relativity (http://www.livingreviews.org/), December 199

    Predicting Bison Migration out of Yellowstone National Park Using Bayesian Models

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    Long distance migrations by ungulate species often surpass the boundaries of preservation areas where conflicts with various publics lead to management actions that can threaten populations. We chose the partially migratory bison (Bison bison) population in Yellowstone National Park as an example of integrating science into management policies to better conserve migratory ungulates. Approximately 60% of these bison have been exposed to bovine brucellosis and thousands of migrants exiting the park boundary have been culled during the past two decades to reduce the risk of disease transmission to cattle. Data were assimilated using models representing competing hypotheses of bison migration during 1990–2009 in a hierarchal Bayesian framework. Migration differed at the scale of herds, but a single unifying logistic model was useful for predicting migrations by both herds. Migration beyond the northern park boundary was affected by herd size, accumulated snow water equivalent, and aboveground dried biomass. Migration beyond the western park boundary was less influenced by these predictors and process model performance suggested an important control on recent migrations was excluded. Simulations of migrations over the next decade suggest that allowing increased numbers of bison beyond park boundaries during severe climate conditions may be the only means of avoiding episodic, large-scale reductions to the Yellowstone bison population in the foreseeable future. This research is an example of how long distance migration dynamics can be incorporated into improved management policies

    AIC, BIC, Bayesian evidence against the interacting dark energy model

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    Recent astronomical observations have indicated that the Universe is in the phase of accelerated expansion. While there are many cosmological models which try to explain this phenomenon, we focus on the interacting Λ\LambdaCDM model where the interaction between the dark energy and dark matter sectors takes place. This model is compared to its simpler alternative---the Λ\LambdaCDM model. To choose between these models the likelihood ratio test was applied as well as the model comparison methods (employing Occam's principle): the Akaike information criterion (AIC), the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) and the Bayesian evidence. Using the current astronomical data: SNIa (Union2.1), h(z)h(z), BAO, Alcock--Paczynski test and CMB we evaluated both models. The analyses based on the AIC indicated that there is less support for the interacting Λ\LambdaCDM model when compared to the Λ\LambdaCDM model, while those based on the BIC indicated that there is the strong evidence against it in favor the Λ\LambdaCDM model. Given the weak or almost none support for the interacting Λ\LambdaCDM model and bearing in mind Occam's razor we are inclined to reject this model.Comment: LaTeX svjour3, 12 pages, 3 figure