1,243 research outputs found

    Low lying yrast states of 32S

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    From angular correlation measurements with the 29Si(α, nÎł) 32S reaction the 6 762-keV level has been assigned Jπ = 5-. Four new levels of 32S have been observed at Ex = 7 567-, 8 345-, 9 464- and 9 637-keV. The 7 567-keV level has been assigned Jπ = 5+ and the 8 345-keV level is a good candidate for the lowest 6+ state. The two higher levels are probably negative parity high spin states

    Data‐driven basis functions for SuperDARN ionospheric plasma flow characterisation and prediction

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    The archive of plasma velocity measurements from the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) provides a rich dataset for investigation of magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere coupling. However, systematic gaps in this archive exist in space, time, and radar look-direction. These gaps are generally infilled using climatological averages, spatially smoothed models, or a priori relationships determined from solar wind drivers. We describe a new technique for infilling the data gaps in the SuperDARN archive which requires no external information and is based solely on the SuperDARN measurements. We also avoid the use of climatological averaging or spatial smoothing when computing the infill. In this regard, our approach captures the true variability in the SuperDARN measurements. Our technique is based on data-interpolating Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis. This method discovers from the SuperDARN data a series of dynamical modes of plasma velocity variation. We compute the modes of a sample month of northern hemisphere winter data, and investigate these in terms of solar wind driving. We find that the By component of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) dominates the variability of the plasma velocity. The IMF Bz component is the dominant driver for the background mean field, and a series of non-leading modes which describe the two-cell convection variability, and the substorm. We recommend our new technique for reanalysis investigations of polar-scale plasma drift phenomena, particularly those with rapid temporal fluctuations and an indirect relationship to the solar wind

    An empirical orthogonal function reanalysis of the northern polar external and induced magnetic field during solar cycle 23

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    We apply the method of data-interpolating Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOFs) to ground-based magnetic vector data from the SuperMAG archive to produce a series of month-length reanalyses of the surface external and induced magnetic field (SEIMF) in 110,000 km2 equal-area bins over the entire northern polar region at 5-minute cadence over solar cycle 23, from 1997.0 to 2009.0. Each EOF re-analysis also decomposes the measured SEIMF variation into a hierarchy of spatio-temporal patterns which are ordered by their contribution to the monthly magnetic field variance. We find that the leading EOF patterns can each be (subjectively) interpreted as well-known SEIMF systems or their equivalent current systems. The relationship of the equivalent currents to the true current flow is not investigated. We track the leading SEIMF or equivalent current systems of similar type by inter-monthly spatial correlation, and apply graph theory to (objectively) group their appearance and relative importance throughout a solar cycle, revealing seasonal and solar cycle variation. In this way, we identify the spatiotemporal patterns which maximally contribute to SEIMF variability over a solar cycle. We propose this combination of EOF and graph theory as a powerful method for objectively defining and investigating the structure and variability of the SEIMF or their equivalent ionospheric currents for use in both geomagnetism and space weather applications. It is demonstrated here on solar cycle 23, but is extendable to any epoch with sufficient data coverage

    Study of the Fusion-Fission Process in the 35Cl+24Mg^{35}Cl+^{24}Mg Reaction

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    Fusion-fission and fully energy-damped binary processes of the 35^{35}Cl+24^{24}Mg reaction were investigated using particle-particle coincidence techniques at a 35^{35}Cl bombarding energy of Elab_{lab} ≈\approx 8 MeV/nucleon. Inclusive data were also taken in order to determine the partial wave distribution of the fusion process. The fragment-fragment correlation data show that the majority of events arises from a binary-decay process with a relatively large multiplicity of secondary light-charged particles emitted by the two primary excited fragments in the exit channel. No evidence is observed for ternary-breakup processes, as expected from the systematics recently established for incident energies below 15 MeV/nucleon and for a large number of reactions. The binary-process results are compared with predictions of statistical-model calculations. The calculations were performed using the Extended Hauser-Feshbach method, based on the available phase space at the scission point of the compound nucleus. This new method uses temperature-dependent level densities and its predictions are in good agreement with the presented experimental data, thus consistent with the fusion-fission origin of the binary fully-damped yields.Comment: 30 pages standard REVTeX file, 10 eps Figures; to be published at the European Physical Journal A - Hadrons and Nucle

    8Be cluster emission versus alpha evaporation in 28Si + 12C

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    The possible occurence of highly deformed configurations in the 40^{40}Ca di-nuclear system formed in the 28^{28}Si + 12^{12}C reaction is investigated by analyzing the spectra of emitted light charged particles. Both inclusive and exclusive measurements of the heavy fragments (A ≄\geq 10) and their associated light charged particles (protons and α\alpha particles) have been made at the IReS Strasbourg {\sc VIVITRON} Tandem facility at bombarding energies of ElabE_{lab} (28^{28}Si) = 112 MeV and 180 MeV by using the {\sc ICARE} charged particle multidetector array. The energy spectra, velocity distributions, in-plane and out-of-plane angular correlations of light charged particles are compared to statistical-model calculations using a consistent set of parameters with spin-dependent level densities. This spin dependence approach suggests the onset of large nuclear deformation in 40^{40}Ca at high spin. This conclusion might be connected with the recent observation of superdeformed bands in the 40^{40}Ca nucleus. The analysis of α\alpha particles in coincidence with 32^{32}S fragments suggests a surprisingly strong 8^{8}Be cluster emission of a binary nature.Comment: 39 pages 15 figure

    The Approach to Ergodicity in Monte Carlo Simulations

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    The approach to the ergodic limit in Monte Carlo simulations is studied using both analytic and numerical methods. With the help of a stochastic model, a metric is defined that enables the examination of a simulation in both the ergodic and non-ergodic regimes. In the non-ergodic regime, the model implies how the simulation is expected to approach ergodic behavior analytically, and the analytically inferred decay law of the metric allows the monitoring of the onset of ergodic behavior. The metric is related to previously defined measures developed for molecular dynamics simulations, and the metric enables the comparison of the relative efficiencies of different Monte Carlo schemes. Applications to Lennard-Jones 13-particle clusters are shown to match the model for Metropolis, J-walking and parallel tempering based approaches. The relative efficiencies of these three Monte Carlo approaches are compared, and the decay law is shown to be useful in determining needed high temperature parameters in parallel tempering and J-walking studies of atomic clusters.Comment: 17 Pages, 7 Figure

    Spatial variation in the responses of the surface external and induced magnetic field to the solar wind

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    We analyse the spatial variation in the response of the surface geomagnetic field (or the equivalent ionospheric current) to variations in the solar wind. Specifically, we regress a reanalysis of surface external and induced magnetic field (SEIMF) variations onto measurements of the solar wind. The regression is performed in monthly sets, independently for 559 regularly‐spaced locations covering the entire northern polar region above 50° magnetic latitude. At each location, we find the lag applied to the solar wind data that maximises the correlation with the SEIMF. The resulting spatial maps of these independent lags and regression coefficients provide a model of the localised SEIMF response to variations in the solar wind, which we call ‘Spatial Information from Distributed Exogenous Regression’ (SPIDER). We find that the lag and regression coefficients vary systematically with ionospheric region, season, and solar wind driver. In the polar cap region the SEIMF is best described by the By component of the interplanetary magnetic field (50–75% of total variance explained) at a lag ∌20–25 min. Conversely, in the auroral zone the SEIMF is best described by the solar wind Ï” function (60–80% of total variance explained), with a lag that varies with season and magnetic local time (MLT), from ∌15–20 min for dayside and afternoon MLT (except in Oct‐Dec) to typically 30–40 min for nightside and morning MLT, and even longer (60–65 min) around midnight MLT

    Refractive elastic scattering of carbon and oxygen nuclei: The mean field analysis and Airy structures

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    The experimental data on the 16^{16}O+12+^{12}C and 18^{18}O+12+^{12}C elastic scatterings and their optical model analysis are presented. Detailed and complete elastic angular distributions have been measured at the Strasbourg Vivitron accelerator at several energies covering the energy range between 5 and 10 MeV per nucleon. The elastic scattering angular distributions show the usual diffraction pattern and also, at larger angles, refractive effects in the form of nuclear rainbow and associated Airy structures. The optical model analysis unambiguously shows the evolution of the refractive scattering pattern. The observed structure, namely the Airy minima, can be consistently described by a nucleus-nucleus potential with a deep real part and a weakly absorptive imaginary part. The difference in absorption in the two systems is explained by an increased imaginary (mostly surface) part of the potential in the 18^{18}O+12+^{12}C system. The relation between the obtained potentials and those reported for the symmetrical 16^{16}O+16+^{16}O and 12^{12}C+12+^{12}C systems is drawn.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, Phys. rev. C in pres

    Pharmacy Education in India: Strategies for a Better Future

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    In this world of specialization and globalization the pharmacy education in India is suffering from serious backdrops and flaws. There is an urgent need to initiate an academic exercise aimed at attaining revamping of curriculum, keeping in pace with current and emerging trends in the field of pharmacy. Unfortunately all these years, enough emphasis was not laid on strengthening the components of Community Pharmacy, Hospital and Clinical pharmacy, while designing curriculum at diploma and degree levels of teaching. The curriculum followed by almost all universities in India are no were up to the world standards and students are still getting the 20-30 yrs older compounding practical exposure in labs during the graduation level. The article emphasises the concept of innovation ecosystems and quality management. Application of TQM to the educational system improves the present situation. The counseling system which serves to be the gateway of the students for entry into the profession should be brought under the scanner. Introducing specializations at the graduation level will result in professional expertise and excellence. Education is a customer focused industry and every student should be capable of evaluating themselves for continuously improving their quality and professionalism. Teacher focused mastery learning should give away to student focused smart learning. An educational institution should provide the student with a stress-free atmosphere for learning and developing his intellectual capabilities. Every college should have a counseling centre to address the problems of students in their academic and personal life. An emphasis on the concept of quality teacher is included. Revival of the pharmacy education in India is the need of the hour which in turn will pave the way for the up gradation of the pharmacy profession in the country

    The Milky Way Bulge: Observed properties and a comparison to external galaxies

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    The Milky Way bulge offers a unique opportunity to investigate in detail the role that different processes such as dynamical instabilities, hierarchical merging, and dissipational collapse may have played in the history of the Galaxy formation and evolution based on its resolved stellar population properties. Large observation programmes and surveys of the bulge are providing for the first time a look into the global view of the Milky Way bulge that can be compared with the bulges of other galaxies, and be used as a template for detailed comparison with models. The Milky Way has been shown to have a box/peanut (B/P) bulge and recent evidence seems to suggest the presence of an additional spheroidal component. In this review we summarise the global chemical abundances, kinematics and structural properties that allow us to disentangle these multiple components and provide constraints to understand their origin. The investigation of both detailed and global properties of the bulge now provide us with the opportunity to characterise the bulge as observed in models, and to place the mixed component bulge scenario in the general context of external galaxies. When writing this review, we considered the perspectives of researchers working with the Milky Way and researchers working with external galaxies. It is an attempt to approach both communities for a fruitful exchange of ideas.Comment: Review article to appear in "Galactic Bulges", Editors: Laurikainen E., Peletier R., Gadotti D., Springer Publishing. 36 pages, 10 figure
