24,229 research outputs found

    An analytical and experimental study of injection-locked two-port oscillators

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    A Ku-band IMPATT oscillator with two distinct output power ports was injection-locked alternately at both ports. The transmission locking bandwidth was nearly the same for either port. The lower free running power port had a reflection locking bandwidth that was narrower than its transmission locking one. Just the opposite was found at the other port. A detailed analytical model for two-port injection-locked oscillators is presented, and its results agree quite well with the experiments. A critique of the literature on this topic is included to clear up misconceptions and errors. It is concluded that two-port injection-locked oscillators may prove useful in certain communication systems

    Online peer support for students

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    While many UK higher education institutions have websites offering information and advice on common student problems, interactive online support is less common. This article describes a project developing internet-based mutual support for students experiencing psychological problems at University College London

    Peatlands and the carbon cycle: from local processes to global implications - a synthesis

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    Peatlands cover only 3% of the Earth's land surface but boreal and subarctic peatlands store about 15-30% of the world's soil carbon ( C) as peat. Despite their potential for large positive feedbacks to the climate system through sequestration and emission of greenhouse gases, peatlands are not explicitly included in global climate models and therefore in predictions of future climate change. In April 2007 a symposium was held in Wageningen, the Netherlands, to advance our understanding of peatland C cycling. This paper synthesizes the main findings of the symposium, focusing on (i) small-scale processes, (ii) C fluxes at the landscape scale, and (iii) peatlands in the context of climate change. The main drivers controlling most are related to some aspects of hydrology. Despite high spatial and annual variability in Net Ecosystem Exchange ( NEE), the differences in cumulative annual NEE are more a function of broad scale geographic location and physical setting than internal factors, suggesting the existence of strong feedbacks. In contrast, trace gas emissions seem mainly controlled by local factors. Key uncertainties remain concerning the existence of perturbation thresholds, the relative strengths of the CO2 and CH4 feedback, the links among peatland surface climate, hydrology, ecosystem structure and function, and trace gas biogeochemistry as well as the similarity of process rates across peatland types and climatic zones. Progress on these research areas can only be realized by stronger co-operation between disciplines that address different spatial and temporal scales

    Some General Regularities of Techno-Economic Evolution

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    One of the most exciting phenomena of the modern world is the fundamentally homogeneous direction of the overall techno-economic development trajectory in practically all regions of the world. The existing economic systems in different countries are collapsing one after another under the pressure of an expanding industrial culture and are becoming drawn into the international division of labor. Simultaneously, their economic development is influenced by the general regularities of the world techno-economic system, the rhythm of which is set by the industrially developed countries. These general regularities of long-term techno-economic development, invariant under different sociopolitical systems, are the subject of this chapter

    Zero delay synchronization of chaos in coupled map lattices

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    We show that two coupled map lattices that are mutually coupled to one another with a delay can display zero delay synchronization if they are driven by a third coupled map lattice. We analytically estimate the parametric regimes that lead to synchronization and show that the presence of mutual delays enhances synchronization to some extent. The zero delay or isochronal synchronization is reasonably robust against mismatches in the internal parameters of the coupled map lattices and we analytically estimate the synchronization error bounds.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures ; To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Half-metallicity and efficient spin injection in AlN/GaN:Cr (0001) heterostructure

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    First-principles investigations of the structural, electronic and magnetic properties of Cr-doped AlN/GaN (0001) heterostructures reveal that Cr segregates into the GaN region, that these interfaces retain their important half-metallic character and thus yield efficient (100 %) spin polarized injection from a ferromagnetic GaN:Cr electrode through an AlN tunnel barrier - whose height and width can be controlled by adjusting the Al concentration in the graded bandgap engineered Al(1-x)Ga(x)N (0001) layers.Comment: submitted for publicatio

    Casorati Determinant Form of Dark Soliton Solutions of the Discrete Nonlinear Schr\"odinger Equation

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    It is shown that the NN-dark soliton solutions of the integrable discrete nonlinear Schr\"odinger (IDNLS) equation are given in terms of the Casorati determinant. The conditions for reduction, complex conjugacy and regularity for the Casorati determinant solution are also given explicitly. The relationship between the IDNLS and the relativistic Toda lattice is discussed.Comment: First version was uploaded in 23 Jun 2005. Published in Journal of the Physical Society of Japan in May, 200

    Planetary nebulae as mass tracers of their parent galaxies: biases in the estimate of the kinematical quantities

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    Multi-object and multi-fiber spectrographs on 4 and 8 meter telescopes make it possible to use extragalactic planetary nebulae (PNe) in the outer halos of early-type galaxies as kinematical tracers, where classical techniques based on integrated stellar light fail. Until now, published PNe radial velocity samples are small, with only a few tens of radial velocity measurements (except for a few cases like NGC 5128 or M31), causing uncertainties in the mass and angular momentum estimates based on these data. To quantify these uncertainties, we have made equilibrium models for spherical galaxies, with and without dark matter, and via Montecarlo simulations we produce radial velocity samples with different sizes. We then apply, to these discrete radial velocity fields, the same standard kinematical analysis as it is commonly done with small samples of observed PNe radial velocities. By comparison of the inferred quantities with those computed from the analytical model, we test for systematic biases and establish a robust procedure to infer the angular momentum distribution and radial velocity dispersion profiles from such samples

    Effects of Climate Change on Peatland Reservoirs: A DOC Perspective

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    Peatland reservoirs are global hotspots for drinking water provision and are likely to become more important as demand per capita rises and the climate changes. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is associated with harmful disinfection byproducts and reduced aesthetic quality, and its removal is the major treatment cost. Littoral zones are known to be disproportionately important for DOC production through macrophyte inputs, and such communities are predicted to expand with warming in northern regions. However, little is known about autochthonous DOC contributions and their response to climatic change. Here we exposed mesocosms to elevated CO2 (eCO2), warming and a combined treatment across a trophic gradient. Regression analysis indicated that while sediments, macrophytes, and phytoplankton are important DOC sources (P < 0.05), benthic algal biomass showed the strongest relationship with DOC (P < 0.05), suggesting it is an underestimated source. DOC removal indicators, namely phenol oxidase (depolymerization) and respiration (mineralization) were inversely related to DOC concentration in oligohumic (P < 0.05) and oligotrophic (P < 0.1) systems, suggesting heterotrophic processes are important in DOC removal. DOC concentrations increased across all systems (P < 0.05), irrespective of trophic status, due to increased photoautotrophic inputs (macrophyte, pelagic, and benthic algae) under eCO2, warming, and combined scenarios, with inhibited depolymerization and mineralization under eCO2, even when combined with warming (P < 0.05 and P < 0.05 excepting the oligo-mesotrophic reservoir P < 0.1 respectively). Increased DOC loads of all fractions, regardless of provenance, are predicted in a future climate and, thus, investment in techniques to remove a greater range of DOC fractions is proposed to help “future proof” drinking water supplies