64 research outputs found

    Phylogeographic Analysis Elucidates the Influence of the Ice Ages on the Disjunct Distribution of Relict Dragonflies in Asia

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    Unusual biogeographic patterns of closely related groups reflect events in the past, and molecular analyses can help to elucidate these events. While ample research on the origin of disjunct distributions of different organism groups in the Western Paleartic has been conducted, such studies are rare for Eastern Palearctic organisms. In this paper we present a phylogeographic analysis of the disjunct distribution pattern of the extant species of the strongly cool-adapted Epiophlebia dragonflies from Asia. We investigated sequences of the usually more conserved 18 S rDNA and 28 S rDNA genes and the more variable sequences of ITS1, ITS2 and CO2 of all three currently recognised Epiophlebia species and of a sample of other odonatan species. In all genes investigated the degrees of similarity between species of Epiophlebia are very high and resemble those otherwise found between different populations of the same species in Odonata. This indicates that substantial gene transfer between these populations occurred in the comparatively recent past. Our analyses imply a wide distribution of the ancestor of extant Epiophlebia in Southeast Asia during the last ice age, when suitable habitats were more common. During the following warming phase, its range contracted, resulting in the current disjunct distribution. Given the strong sensitivity of these species to climatic parameters, the current trend to increasing global temperatures will further reduce acceptable habitats and seriously threaten the existences of these last representatives of an ancient group of Odonata

    Genetic and antigenic variation of the bovine tick-borne pathogen Theileria parva in the Great Lakes region of Central Africa

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    BACKGROUND : Theileria parva causes East Coast fever (ECF), one of the most economically important tick-borne diseases of cattle in sub-Saharan Africa. A live immunisation approach using the infection and treatment method (ITM) provides a strong long-term strain-restricted immunity. However, it typically induces a tick-transmissible carrier state in cattle and may lead to spread of antigenically distinct parasites. Thus, understanding the genetic composition of T. parva is needed prior to the use of the ITM vaccine in new areas. This study examined the sequence diversity and the evolutionary and biogeographical dynamics of T. parva within the African Great Lakes region to better understand the epidemiology of ECF and to assure vaccine safety. Genetic analyses were performed using sequences of two antigencoding genes, Tp1 and Tp2, generated among 119 T. parva samples collected from cattle in four agro-ecological zones of DRC and Burundi. RESULTS : The results provided evidence of nucleotide and amino acid polymorphisms in both antigens, resulting in 11 and 10 distinct nucleotide alleles, that predicted 6 and 9 protein variants in Tp1 and Tp2, respectively. Theileria parva samples showed high variation within populations and a moderate biogeographical sub-structuring due to the widespread major genotypes. The diversity was greater in samples from lowlands and midlands areas compared to those from highlands and other African countries. The evolutionary dynamics modelling revealed a signal of selective evolution which was not preferentially detected within the epitope-coding regions, suggesting that the observed polymorphism could be more related to gene flow rather than recent host immune-based selection. Most alleles isolated in the Great Lakes region were closely related to the components of the trivalent Muguga vaccine. CONCLUSIONS : Our findings suggest that the extensive sequence diversity of T. parva and its biogeographical distribution mainly depend on host migration and agro-ecological conditions driving tick population dynamics. Such patterns are likely to contribute to the epidemic and unstable endemic situations of ECF in the region. However, the fact that ubiquitous alleles are genetically similar to the components of the Muguga vaccine together with the limited geographical clustering may justify testing the existing trivalent vaccine for cross-immunity in the region.Additional file 1: Table S1. Cattle blood sample distribution across agroecological zones.Additional file 2: Table S2. Nucleotide and amino acid sequences of Tp1 and Tp2 antigen epitopes from T. parva Muguga reference sequence.Additional file 3: Table S3. Characteristics of 119 T. parva samples obtained from cattle in different agro-ecological zones (AEZs) of The Democratic Republic of Congo and Burundi.Additional file 4: Figure S1. Multiple sequence alignment of the 11 Tp1 gene alleles obtained in this study.Additional file 5: Table S4. Estimates of evolutionary divergence between gene alleles for Tp1 and Tp2, using proportion nucleotide distance.Additional file 6: Table S5. Tp1 and Tp2 genes alleles with their corresponding antigen variants.Additional file 7: Table S6. Amino acid variants of Tp1 and Tp2 CD8+ T cell target epitopes of T. parva from DRC and Burundi.Additional file 8: Figure S2. Multiple sequence alignment of the 10 Tp2 gene alleles obtained in this study.Additional file 9: Table S7. Distribution of Tp1 gene alleles of T. parva from cattle and buffalo in the sub-Saharan region of Africa.Additional file 10: Table S8. Distribution of Tp2 gene alleles of T. parva from cattle and buffalo in the sub-Saharan region of Africa.Additional file 11: Figure S3. Neighbor-joining tree showing phylogenetic relationships among 48 Tp1 gene alleles described in Africa.Additional file 12: Figure S4. Phylogenetic tree showing the relationships among concatenated Tp1 and Tp2 nucleotide sequences of 93 T. parva samples from cattle in DRC and Burundi.This study is part of the PhD work supported by the University of Namur (UNamur, Belgium) through the UNamur-CERUNA institutional PhD grant awarded to GSA for bioinformatic analyses, interpretation of data and manuscript write up in Belgium. The laboratory aspects (molecular biology analysis) of the project were supported by the BecA-ILRI Hub through the Africa Biosciences Challenge Fund (ABCF) programme. The ABCF Programme is funded by the Australian Department for Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) through the BecA-CSIRO partnership; the Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture (SFSA); the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF); the UK Department for International Development (DFID); and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). The ABCF Fellowship awarded to GAS was funded by BMGF grant (OPP1075938). Sample collection, field equipment and preliminary sample processing were supported through the β€œTheileria” project co-funded to the UniversitΓ© EvangΓ©lique en Afrique (UEA) by the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) and the CommunautΓ© Economique des Pays des Grands Lacs (CEPGL). The International Foundation for Science (IFS, Stockholm, Sweden) supported the individual scholarship awarded to GSA (grant no. IFS-92890CA3) for field work and part of field equipment to the β€œTheileria” project.http://www.parasitesandvectors.comam2020Veterinary Tropical Disease

    Coastal Upwelling Supplies Oxygen-Depleted Water to the Columbia River Estuary

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    Low dissolved oxygen (DO) is a common feature of many estuarine and shallow-water environments, and is often attributed to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment from terrestrial-fluvial pathways. However, recent events in the U.S. Pacific Northwest have highlighted that wind-forced upwelling can cause naturally occurring low DO water to move onto the continental shelf, leading to mortalities of benthic fish and invertebrates. Coastal estuaries in the Pacific Northwest are strongly linked to ocean forcings, and here we report observations on the spatial and temporal patterns of oxygen concentration in the Columbia River estuary. Hydrographic measurements were made from transect (spatial survey) or anchor station (temporal survey) deployments over a variety of wind stresses and tidal states during the upwelling seasons of 2006 through 2008. During this period, biologically stressful levels of dissolved oxygen were observed to enter the Columbia River estuary from oceanic sources, with minimum values close to the hypoxic threshold of 2.0 mg Lβˆ’1. Riverine water was consistently normoxic. Upwelling wind stress controlled the timing and magnitude of low DO events, while tidal-modulated estuarine circulation patterns influenced the spatial extent and duration of exposure to low DO water. Strong upwelling during neap tides produced the largest impact on the estuary. The observed oxygen concentrations likely had deleterious behavioral and physiological consequences for migrating juvenile salmon and benthic crabs. Based on a wind-forced supply mechanism, low DO events are probably common to the Columbia River and other regional estuaries and if conditions on the shelf deteriorate further, as observations and models predict, Pacific Northwest estuarine habitats could experience a decrease in environmental quality

    Genetic Structure Among 50 Species of the Northeastern Pacific Rocky Intertidal Community

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    Comparing many species' population genetic patterns across the same seascape can identify species with different levels of structure, and suggest hypotheses about the processes that cause such variation for species in the same ecosystem. This comparative approach helps focus on geographic barriers and selective or demographic processes that define genetic connectivity on an ecosystem scale, the understanding of which is particularly important for large-scale management efforts. Moreover, a multispecies dataset has great statistical advantages over single-species studies, lending explanatory power in an effort to uncover the mechanisms driving population structure. Here, we analyze a 50-species dataset of Pacific nearshore invertebrates with the aim of discovering the most influential structuring factors along the Pacific coast of North America. We collected cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) mtDNA data from populations of 34 species of marine invertebrates sampled coarsely at four coastal locations in California, Oregon, and Alaska, and added published data from 16 additional species. All nine species with non-pelagic development have strong genetic structure. For the 41 species with pelagic development, 13 show significant genetic differentiation, nine of which show striking FST levels of 0.1–0.6. Finer scale geographic investigations show unexpected regional patterns of genetic change near Cape Mendocino in northern California for five of the six species tested. The region between Oregon and Alaska is a second focus of intraspecific genetic change, showing differentiation in half the species tested. Across regions, strong genetic subdivision occurs more often than expected in mid-to-high intertidal species, a result that may reflect reduced gene flow due to natural selection along coastal environmental gradients. Finally, the results highlight the importance of making primary research accessible to policymakers, as unexpected barriers to marine dispersal break the coast into separate demographic zones that may require their own management plans

    Plankton populations at the bifurcation of the North Pacific Current

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    As the eastward-flowing North Pacific Current approaches the North American continent it bifurcates into the southward-flowing California Current and the northward-flowing Alaska Current. This bifurcation occurs in the south-eastern Gulf of Alaska and can vary in position. Dynamic height data from Project Argo floats have recently enabled the creation of surface circulation maps which show the likely position of the bifurcation; during 2002 it was relatively far north at 53 degrees N then, during early 2003, it moved southwards to a more normal position at 45 degrees N. Two ship-of-opportunity transects collecting plankton samples with a Continuous Plankton Recorder across the Gulf of Alaska were sampled seasonally during 2002 and 2003. Their position was dependent on the commercial ship's operations; however, most transects sampled across the bifurcation. We show that the oceanic plankton differed in community composition according to the current system they occurred in during spring and fall of 2002 and 2003, although winter populations were more mixed. Displacement of the plankton communities could have impacts on the plankton's reproduction and development if they use cues such as day length, and also on foraging of higher trophic-level organisms that use particular regions of the ocean if the nutritional value of the communities is different. Although we identify some indicator taxa for the Alaska and California currents, functional differences in the plankton communities on either side of the bifurcation need to be better established to determine the impacts of bifurcation movement on the ecosystems of the north-east Pacific

    Salinity variability in the Arabian Sea

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    Argo floats deployed in the Arabian Sea provided an opportunity to look at the temporal variability of the core-depth of Arabian Sea High Salinity Water mass (ASHSW) at three locations in the north, central and southern Arabian Sea. These three locations show distinctly different variability patterns. At the northern location we see a prominent semi-annual cycle, whereas at the central location an annual cycle dominates. Comparison with TOPEX/JASON sea level data shows that this difference can be attributed to the influence of Rossby waves at the central location. In the southern Arabian Sea the variability in core depth is also dominated by an annual-mode, but there are 2 high frequency components near the Madden-Julian Oscillation frequencies. Thus the salinity distribution in the Arabian Sea apparently is influenced by both remote forcing and ocean atmospheric coupling

    Turbulence Measurements Through a Train of Breaking Internal Waves in Knight Inlet, B.C.

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    The Hydrography of Knight Inlet, B.C. in the Light of Long’s Model of Fjord Circulation

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