66 research outputs found
Quality of Life Measurement and Its Application in Indonesia
This Ph.D. thesis entitled ‘Quality of life measurement and its application in Indonesia’ sets out to provide valid and reliable HRQOL measurement tools, namely EQ-5D-5L and WHOQOL-BREF to be used in Indonesia, including their population norms and a national value set for EQ-5D-5L. A standardized data collection procedure (EuroQol Valuation Tec
Skizofrenia merupakan gangguan jiwa berat yang dapat mempengaruhi pikiran, perasaan dan perilakuindividu, ditandai dengan hilangnya pemahaman terhadap realitas dan daya tilik diri. Pasien skizofrenia padafase akut dapat diberikan olanzapin injeksi dan kombinasi haloperidol injeksi dan diazepam injeksi secara intramuskular. Harga olanzapin injeksi lebih mahal daripada kombinasi haloperidol injeksi dan diazepam injeksi.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat biaya rerata medis langsung dan membandingkan denganefektivitasnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara kohort prospektif di RSKD Duren Sawit dari Juni – Agustus 2019.Data pasien diambil dari rekam medis, data total biaya langsung medis di ruang akut, nilai PANSS EC pre danpost perawatan di ruang akut. Jumlah total sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 193 pasien, terdiri atas 102pasien kelompok olanzapin injeksi dan 91 pasien kelompok kombinasi haloperidol injeksi dan diazepam injeksi.Rerata total biaya medis langsung yang diperlukan pasien skizofrenia fase akut dengan olanzapin injeksisebesar Rp 2.446.644±814.719 lebih tinggi dari kombinasi haloperidol injeksi dan diazepam injeksi sebesar Rp1.796.962±408.376,. Rerata selisih PANSS EC pre dan post rawat olanzapin injeksi 16,08 lebih tinggi darikombinasi haloperidol injeksi dan diazepam injeksi sebesar 14,62. Uji Mann Whitney menunjukkan terapiolanzapin injeksi menunjukkan perbaikan yang lebih tinggi untuk perbaikan PANSS EC (p<0,05), tetapi tidakterdapat perbedaan yang bermakna (p>0,05) dalam lama hari rawat (LOS)
First Grader’s Attention Span During In-Class Activity
Learning is closely related to one's ability to give focus and attention to instructional activities. The ability to maintain attention for a period of time is especially critical between 6 and 7 years. At this age, children's attentional abilities are not fully developed. This study aimed to gain knowledge of actual behavior related to the attention span of first graders in elementary school during classroom activities. The data was obtained by observing one grade 1 elementary school in its natural setting with the time sampling method. Observations are based on the 'on-task and 'off-task behavior shown by the students. What found that the longest time elementary school grade 1 students were able to show 'on-task behavior indicating their attention span was 7 minutes. These results indicate a gap with the expected attention span of grade 1 elementary school children, which is about 18 minutes
Quality of Life as A Predictor of Happiness and Life Satisfaction
This study aimed to find correlations between the quality of life, happiness, and life satisfaction of the general population of Bandung city. There were 370 participants with averageage of 20.7 years, mostly male (55.7%) and with a secondary level of education (SMP-SMA; 57.0%) who completed three questionnaires: (i) WHOQOL-BREF to measure quality of life, (ii) Happiness Thermometer to measure happiness, and (iii) Self-Anchoring Cantril Striving Scale to measure life satisfaction. Multiple linear regression tests were used with happiness and life satisfaction as dependent variables and quality of life as an independent variable. The results showed that the psychological and physical domains of quality of life were significant predictors of happiness and satisfaction of life, where the psychological domain proved significant in predicting all four-time points: happiness today (β=0.039; p<0.05), happiness throughout life (β=0.043; p<0.05), current life satisfaction (β=0.034; p<0.05) and life satisfaction five years from now (β=0.017; p<0.05). Physical domain was similar to psychological except for current life satisfaction (β=0.029; 0.023; 0.014; p<0.05). The environmental domain had been shown to predict happiness throughout life significantly (β=0.019; p<0.05) and life satisfaction five years from now (β=-0.015; p<0.05). The social domain was not found to be a significant predictor. It can be concluded that improving the psychological and physical function of Indonesian people and their environmental conditions will lead them to a happier and more satisfying life
Abstrak. Family caregiver ODS rentan terhadap masalah sehingga secara keseluruhan kualitas hidup berkurang. Menilai kualitas hidup  dapat membantu family caregiver secara tepat. Penelitian ini menggambarkan kualitas hidup family caregiver ODS dan mengetahui aspek demografi yang mempengaruhi kualitas hidupnya. Menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan convenience sampling dengan sampel 100 family caregiver ODS di RSUD Soreang. Alat ukur yang digunakan  Adult Carers Quality of Life terdiri dari 8 dimensi (40 item). Diolah menggunakan statistik deskriptif, uji korelasi, uji perbedaan dua rata-rata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kualitas hidup family caregiver ODS tergolong sedang. kategori tinggi ditunjukkan dimensi caring choice. Kategori sedang ditunjukkan oleh dimensi support for caring, caring stress, money matters, personal growth, sense of value, careers satisfaction dan ability to care. Berdasarkan data terdapat hubungan antara variabel kualitas hidup dengan usia dan terdapat perbedaan signifikan pada kualitas hidup family caregiver berdasarkan  pendidikan & lama merawat. Kata kunci: Family Caregiver, Kualitas Hidup, Orang dengan skizofrenia(ODS)
Sociodemographic determinants of self-reporting mental health problems in Indonesian urban population
Studies have found that mental health problems are more prevalent in urban areas compared to rural ones, including in Indonesia. About 6% of Indonesian people report having mental health problems, and 1.7 out of every thousand residents are diagnosed with a psychiatric problem. This study examines the sociodemographic determinants of reporting mental health problems among Indonesia’s general population living in urban areas. One thousand forty participants aged 17 years and over answered sociodemographic questions (i.e., residence, gender, age, education level, income, marital status) and completed the EQ-5D-5L. Their responses to the Anxiety/Depression item of the EQ-5D-5L (no problem vs. any level of problem) were the dependent variable sociodemographic factors were the explanatory variables. About one-third (35.37%) of the participants reported experiencing problems with anxiety/depression. Logistic regression found that marital status was significantly associated with reporting any problems of anxiety/depression in the EQ-5D-5L: single/divorced participants were 58% more likely to report that they suffered from anxiety/depression in comparison to their married counterparts. These results highlight the importance of social support; that is, having a spouse or extended family member whom one can count on for help when facing a problem is essential, regardless of one’s gender, age, educational level, or income
EQ-5D-Y-3L and EQ-5D-Y-5L proxy report:psychometric performance and agreement with self-report
BACKGROUND: Self-report is the standard for measuring people’s health-related quality of life (HRQoL), including children. However, in certain circumstances children cannot report their own health. For this reason, children’s HRQoL measures often provide both a self-report and a proxy-report form. It is not clear whether the measurement properties will be the same for these two forms. We investigated whether it would be beneficial to extend the classification system of the EQ-5D-Y proxy questionnaire from 3 to 5 response levels. The agreement between self-report and proxy-report was assessed for both EQ-5D-Y measures. METHODS: The study included 286 pediatric patients and their caregivers as proxies. At three consecutive measurements—baseline, test–retest and follow-up—the proxies assessed the child’s HRQoL using the EQ-5D-Y-3L, EQ-5D-Y-5L, the PedsQL Generic, and matched disease-specific instruments. The proxy versions of EQ-5D-Y-3L and EQ-5D-Y-5L were compared in terms of feasibility, distribution properties, convergent validity, test–retest and responsiveness. Agreement between both EQ-5D-Y proxy versions to their respective self-report versions was assessed at baseline and follow-up. RESULTS: The proportion of missing responses was 1% for the EQ-5D-Y-3L and 1.4% for the EQ-5D-Y-5L. The frequency of health state with no problems in all dimensions (11111) was slightly lower for the EQ-5D-Y-5L (21.3% vs 16.7%). Regarding the convergent validity with the PedsQL and disease-specific measures, the proxy versions of EQ-5D-Y-3L and EQ-5D-Y-5L had similar magnitudes of associations between similar dimensions. The means of test–retest coefficients between the two versions of the EQ-5D-Y proxy were comparable (0.83 vs. 0.84). Regarding reported improved conditions, responsiveness of the EQ-5D-Y-5L proxy (26.6–54.1%) was higher than that of the EQ-5D-Y-3L proxy (20.7–46.4%). Except for acutely ill patients, agreement between the EQ-5D-Y-5L proxy and self-reports was at least moderate. CONCLUSIONS: Extending the number of levels of the proxy version of EQ-5D-Y can improve the classification accuracy and the ability to detect health changes over time. The level structure of EQ-5D-Y-5L was associated with a closer agreement between proxy and self-report. The study findings support extending the EQ-5D-Y descriptive system from 3 to 5 levels when administered by a proxy, which is often the case in the pediatric population
Estimating an EQ-5D-Y-3L Value Set for Indonesia by Mapping the DCE onto TTO Values
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Methods for estimating health values in adult populations are well developed, but lag behind in children. The EuroQol standard protocol to arrive at value sets for the youth version of the EQ-5D-Y-3L combines discrete choice experiments with ten composite time trade-off values. Whether ten composite time trade-off values are sufficient remains to be seen and this is one of the reasons the protocol allows for experimental expansion. In this study, 23 health states were administered for the composite time trade-off. This methodological research is embedded in a study aimed at generating a representative value set for EQ-5D-Y-3L in Indonesia. METHODS: A representative sample of 1072 Indonesian adults each completed 15 discrete choice experiment choice pairs via face-to-face interviews. The discrete choice experiment responses were analysed using a mixed-logit model. To anchor the discrete choice experiment values onto the full health-dead quality-adjusted life-year scale, composite time trade-off values were separately obtained from 222 adults living in Java for 23 EQ-5D-Y-3L states. The derived latent discrete choice experiment values were mapped onto the mean observed composite time trade-off values to create a value set for the EQ-5D-Y-3L. Linear and non-linear mapping models were explored to estimate the most efficient and valid model for the value set. RESULTS: Coefficients obtained from the choice model were consistent with the monotonic structure of the EQ-5D-Y-3L instrument. The composite time trade-off data showed non-linearity, as the values for the two worst states being evaluated were much lower than predicted by a standard linear model estimated over all composite time trade-off data. Thus, the non-linear mapping strategies with a power term outperformed the linear mapping in terms of mean absolute error. The final model gave a value range from 1.000 for full health (11111) to − 0.086 for the worst health state (33333). Values were most affected by pain/discomfort and least by self-care. CONCLUSIONS: This article presents the first EQ-5D-Y-3L value set for Indonesia based on the stated preferences of adults asked to consider their views about a 10-year-old child. Mapping the mixed-logit discrete choice experiment model with the inclusion of a power term (without a constant) allowed us to generate a consistent value set for Indonesian youth. Our findings support the expansion of the composite time trade-off part of the EQ-5D-Y valuation study design and show that it would be wise to account for possible non-linearities in updates of the design
Pernikahan dalam Perspektif Masyarakat Bandung
This study aims to describe (1) relative importance of marriage, (2) desired timing of marriage, and (3) criteria for marriage readiness. Respondents aged between 15 – 30 years old, 558 individuals, not married, residents of Bandung City. The measurement is Criteria for Marriage Readiness Questionnaire (CMRQ) questionnaire designed by Carrol et al. which has been adapted to Bahasa Indonesia. Results showed that respondents perceived (1) marriage is not important/priority for them at the moment, (2) the ideal age for marriage is about 25 years old, because at this age they are mature/ready to marry, have jobs/carrier/income, and have accomplished higher education degree (bachelor/master). Different from previous findings from Carroll, respondents perceived some criteria which need not to be fulfilled before marriage: (1) have enough sexual experience, (2) have kids before marriage, (3) military service, (4) have lived together with lover, (5) premarital intercourse, (6) drinking and smoking. The present study increases understanding of criteria considered by people that needed to be fulfilled before marriage. The fulfillment of these criteria seems to play a role in the age of first marriage of the people in the city of Bandung. Further studies should be done to investigate the cultural values in perceiving marriage by the people of Bandung
Validity and reliability of the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale Short Form in Indonesian non-clinical population
IntroductionEmotion dysregulation is a transdiagnostic marker for vulnerability and has high comorbidity rates across various range of disorders among adolescents and young adults, highlighting the crucial need for precise assessment tools to recognize its significant impact on well-being. The Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale Short Form (DERS-SF) is a comprehensive instrument designed to measure the ability to regulate emotion. This study aimed to investigate the psychometric properties of DERS-SF among the non-clinical population, particularly high school and university students in Indonesia.MethodsA total of 738 senior high school and university students completed the Indonesian version of DERS-SF and standard questionnaires to assess its validity, consisting of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS), the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) for young adults and the Children Depression Inventory (CDI) for adolescents. Three models were examined in factorial validity tests using confirmatory factor analysis.ResultsThe results showed that DERS-SF had an overall good internal consistency with Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of.89 for the 18-item version,.90 for the 17-item version, and.91 for the 15-item version. Test-retest reliability was moderate with a value of.67. In addition, it had good satisfactory content as shown by item content validity index (I-CVI) = .96 and scale content validity index (S-CVI) = .83, as well as convergent validity. All subscales scores showed a positive and strong correlation with DASS, BDI-II, and CDI except awareness. Based on confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), the correlated 6-factor model excluding item number 6, and the 5-factor model excluding awareness were suitable to use in non-clinical populations.ConclusionThis study established the removal of the awareness subscale in the DERS-SF Indonesian version, resulting in better reliability and validity than the original version with complete subscales
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