424 research outputs found

    Genetic aspects of Canadian bacon production

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    A Review of "Human Security in World Affairs: Problems and Opportunities"

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    While security of our hominid encampments and settlements must have been at or near the top of our species priorities since our evolution some several hundred thousand years ago, awareness of the magnitude of our alterations, interactions and impacts on our world is a very recent event. Even more recent is our collective and growing angst over how are species is to secure some sort of permanence on a planet that is ultimately governed by natural forces and is forever changing

    Rethinking Disability in the Private Sector: Report from the Panel on Labour Market Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities

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    In July 2012, the Government of Canada appointed a panel to consult with private sector employers, as well as other organizations and individuals, on the labour market participation of people with disabilities. The panel members were asked to identify successes and best practices in the employment of people with disabilities, as well as the barriers faced by employers, and to report on their findings. In-person and telephone consultations were conducted with almost 70 employers, and feedback was received from approximately 130 online submissions. Responses came from organizations of all sizes across the country and in a broad range of industry sectors. Findings were shared anonymously with a number of national non-profit organizations and business associations to determine if they resonated with other stakeholders. While the consultations were the main focus of the panel’s efforts, research was also conducted into the business case associated with hiring people with disabilities in Canada and other jurisdictions. This report is directed at Canadian private sector employers, and offers the following findings: Many companies are doing great things, but more education and training are needed (see “Employers speak”). While most of the companies we heard from showed a genuine desire to hire people with disabilities, education and training are required to overcome barriers, dispel myths and put theory into practice. As the examples of forward-thinking Canadian companies and their best practices testify, there is significant experience available on which to build. Hiring people with disabilities is good for business. (see “Understanding the business case”). We heard this from senior and experienced business leaders who recognize the value of an inclusive work environment. Although mainly intuitive, their beliefs are supported by the performance of corporate diversity leaders on the capital markets, as well as data on employee retention and productivity. It is noteworthy that in 57 percent of cases, no workplace accommodation is required for people with disabilities. In the 37 percent of cases reporting a one-time cost to accommodate an employee with a disability, the average amount spent is $500. The keys to success are leadership and effective community partnerships (see “Making it work for you”). To increase employment among people with disabilities and access the related benefits, tone from the top and the actions of leaders are imperative. Also critical is identifying community partners who fully understand the business’s talent needs and are committed to customer service. To help organizations begin the process of engaging and employing talented people with disabilities, this section also includes a list of initiatives called “Getting started.

    A Review of "Human Security in World Affairs: Problems and Opportunities"

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    While security of our hominid encampments and settlements must have been at or near the top of our species priorities since our evolution some several hundred thousand years ago, awareness of the magnitude of our alterations, interactions and impacts on our world is a very recent event. Even more recent is our collective and growing angst over how are species is to secure some sort of permanence on a planet that is ultimately governed by natural forces and is forever changing

    A foundation for Cree immersion education

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    This study provides selected research findings on which decisions can be based in planning an in-school, publicly funded, Cree immersion program from kindergarten to grade 8 in Saskatchewan. The study was an analysis of language education research relating to the learner in immersion programs. Consequences of immersion education for student linguistic, psycho-social, and educational development were examined and reported. Immersion programs for French, and to a lesser extent, for heritage languages in Canada, have been extensively researched. Immersion programs for Indian languages are few and are relatively unreported. There is, however, an increasing interest in the creation of immersion programs in Indian schools. The analysis of research relating to publicly-funded French, heritage language, and Indian language immersion programs in Canada revealed support for the creation of an early total Cree immersion program. It could have neutral or positive effects on student linguistic, psycho-social, and educational development, under specific program conditions. The following consequences for students were projected: 1. a positive effect on Cree language proficiency. Native-like proficiency levels would not necessarily result. 2. a neutral or positive effect on cognitive development.3. a positive effect on attitudes toward the Cree language and culture, and a strengthening of Indian identity. 4. a neutral or positive effect on self-concet. 5. a lessening of social distance between the generations.6. a positive effect on attitudes toward language learning and the immersion experience. 7. a positive effect on student understanding of cultural, social, and political aspects of Indian/non-Indian relations.8. a neutral effect on English language and literacy development. Temporary lags in English literacy skills could be expected until after the teaching of English reading. Skill levels could become equivalent to those of comparable students in regular programs within one school year, with the possible exception of spelling.9. a neutral or positive effect on overall educational achievement. Greater understanding of their Indian culture, lowered drop-out rates, and improved work study skills could be predicted. Certain program characteristics which were identified as essential if all of the projected neutral or positive consequences were to be realized include: 1. an early total immersion program model. 2. an immersion centre setting.3. introduction of Cree literacy before English literacy.4. adequate Cree language resource materials, for all subjects and grades taught in Cree.5. fluently bilingual and biliterate qualified teachers with specialized training in bilingual education.6. subjects to be taught in Cree to be selected dependent on the availability of resource materials and qualified teachers.7. a carefully planned and implemented program. A Cree immersion program could result in enhanced cognitive and linguistic abilities to the extent that Cree were spoken in students' homes, and that students had opportunities to use Cree outside of the school. Under identified program conditions, early total Cree immersion could have at least neutral 'effects on student self-concept, cognitive development, English language development and academic achievement. It could have positive effects on student Cree language proficiency, attitudes toward the Cree language and culture, attitudes toward language learning, sociopolitical perceptions, communication within the family, retention rates, work study skills, and knowledge about Indian cultures. Cree proficiency attained by students might not be native-like, but could be at a level which would allow them to learn through Cree, and to continue learning the Cree language and culture

    What Would You Do?

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    Moose (Alces alces) browsing influences plant growth and architecture. We sought to determine the impact of the timing of moose browsing on bud development and growth in aspen shoots in the subsequent spring through simulation by clipping aspen (Populus tremuloides) stems in the field in June, July, and August 2005 at the University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, BC. To observe new leaf+shoot development in aspen over a 60-day period, the top meristems of both simulated browse treatments and unbrowsed controls were harvested in January 2006, and incubated in a growth chamber that simulated local springtime conditions. Total leaf+shoot biomass produced from stems was higher for June- and August-’browsed’ stems relative to unbrowsed controls. Mean stem diameter was significantly higher and number of total buds significantly lower on clipped relative to unclipped stems. The number of buds that broke winter dormancy and became active in the growth chamber remained relatively constant for both clipped and unclipped aspen, but with fewer dormant buds on clipped stems than controls. Overall, our findings suggest that the mechanical effects of moose browsing on aspen stimulate the production of compensatory leaf+shoot biomass, and therefore potential browse

    Leaf Phosphate Status, Photosynthesis, and Carbon Partitioning in Sugar Beet

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    Identifying early intervention targets for children with autism in inclusive school settings

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    This study assessed play and social behavior of young children with autism in inclusive school settings to identify important targets for intervention. Data were collected for five children with autism and for typically developing peers. All children with autism received intervention in oneon-one settings but did not have individual education plan goals that provided systematic intervention for developing play and social skills in their school settings. Results indicated the children with autism and their typically developing peers played with a comparable number of stimulus items (e.g., toys), but the children with autism engaged in these activities for shorter durations. Both children with autism and their typically developing peers engaged in similar levels of social interaction with adults. However, the children with autism rarely or never engaged in social interactions with their peers, whereas the typically developing peers frequently engaged in social interactions with other children. The results suggest important targets for intervention. Identifying Early Intervention ROSY M. FREDEEN University of California, Santa Barbara A trend toward inclusion has resulted in an increased number of children with disabilities attending their neighborhood schools and being educated in the same classrooms with their typically developing peers. The values of inclusion involve providing a normalized setting for children with disabilities, where opportunities for building friendships and having role models for socialization are available (Kohler &amp

    Net grassland carbon flux over a subambient to superambient CO2 gradient

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    Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations may have a profound effect on the structure and function of plant communities. A previously grazed, central Texas grassland was exposed to a 200-µmol mol-1 to 550 µmol mol-1 CO2 gradient from March to mid-December in 1998 and 1999 using two, 60-m long, polyethylene-covered chambers built directly onto the site. One chamber was operated at subambient CO2 concentrations (200-360 µmol mol-1 daytime) and the other was regulated at superambient concentrations (360-550 µmol mol-1). Continuous CO2 gradients were maintained in each chamber by photosynthesis during the day and respiration at night. Net ecosystem CO2 flux and end-of-year biomass were measured in each of 10, 5-m long sections in each chamber. Net CO2 fluxes were maximal in late May (c. day 150) in 1998 and in late August in 1999 (c. day 240). In both years, fluxes were near zero and similar in both chambers at the beginning and end of the growing season. Average daily CO2 flux in 1998 was 13 g CO2 m-2 day-1 in the subambient chamber and 20 g CO2 m-2 day-1 in the superambient chamber; comparable averages were 15 and 26 g CO2 m-2 day-1 in 1999. Flux was positively and linearly correlated with end-of-year above-ground biomass but flux was not linearly correlated with CO2 concentration; a finding likely to be explained by inherent differences in vegetation. Because C3 plants were the dominant functional group, we adjusted average daily flux in each section by dividing the flux by the average percentage C3 cover. Adjusted fluxes were better correlated with CO2 concentration, although scatter remained. Our results indicate that after accounting for vegetation differences, CO2 flux increased linearly with CO2 concentration. This trend was more evident at subambient than superambient CO2 concentrations
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