28 research outputs found

    Effekten av produktkunnskap på informasjonssøking ved forbrukerkjøp

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    Conceptualizing task-technology fit and the effect on adoption – A case study of a digital textbook service

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    Although information technology has revolutionized virtually every aspect of how we interact with products and services, it has changed learning to a surprisingly small degree. In a study of a digital textbook service, we provide a new conceptual definition and measurement of technology fit. We conceptualize task-technology fit as how well a technology is integrated with a set of interrelated tasks included in achieving the goal of the behavior where the technology is used. Whereas research on technology adoption typically explains around 40 percent of the variance in motivation to adopt, our model explains as much as 76 percent.acceptedVersio

    Hvordan lykkes med CRM?

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    I denne artikkelen rapporterer vi funn fra en omfattende tudie av hva som kjennetegner bedrifter som lykkes med sine investeringer i CRM. Studien er gjennomført i regi av Dataforeningen over en periode på fire år fra 2007 til 2010. Det viktigste funnet er at kun noen få lykkes, men at de som lykkes, lykkes særdeles godt. Forklaringen er at de som lykkes har en betydelig dypere og mer omfattende kundesentrisk strategi. Selv om de fleste bedrifter i dag ser viktigheten av å være markedsorientert og har satt kundetilfredshet som en viktig styringsparameter, er det likevel ikke førende slik det er hos de som lykkes med CRM. Konklusjonen er derfor at en riktig tilnærming til CRM skaper et sterkt konkurransefortrinn som gir gevinster i form av større markedsandeler, mer fornøyde kunder og betydelig bedre lønnsomhet

    Customer Portfolio Management: Toward a Dynamic Theory of Exchange Relationships

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    Management of an entire portfolio of customers who are at different relationship stages requires a dynamic theory of exchange relationships that captures the trade-offs between scale economies and lifetime customer value. This article contributes to the understanding of relationship management by developing a typology of exchange relationship mechanisms and a model of relationship dynamics and by simulating the model to provide guidelines for customer portfolio management. An important insight from the research is that a key to the creation of value through closer relationships lies in bringing weaker relationships into a portfolio in the first place. Another insight is that firms that position themselves toward offerings with low economies of scale, such as personal services, must build closer relationships to create value

    Conceptualizing task-technology fit and the effect on adoption – A case study of a digital textbook service

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    Although information technology has revolutionized virtually every aspect of how we interact with products and services, it has changed learning to a surprisingly small degree. In a study of a digital textbook service, we provide a new conceptual definition and measurement of technology fit. We conceptualize task-technology fit as how well a technology is integrated with a set of interrelated tasks included in achieving the goal of the behavior where the technology is used. Whereas research on technology adoption typically explains around 40 percent of the variance in motivation to adopt, our model explains as much as 76 percent