31 research outputs found

    Design of a Semi-Virtual Training Environment (Serious Game) for Decision-Makers Facing up a Major Crisis

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    International audienceWhen major crises occur, organizations face critical concerns, such as stress, uncertainties, need of quick anticipation and better communication. The need of experience implies a regular training of those involved. Serious games and environmental computer-based simulations are useful training tools for people who have to manage a crisis. They are relevant for educational purposes, for the acquisition of technical and non-technical skills, of automatic reflexes, and of ways of thinking. The suitability of the teaching strategy in link with the profile of participants and the moderation by the trainers are difficult. The present work aims at solving these difficulties by the development of a distributed multitier architecture, computer-assisted training, a multiagent system, and requirements for a relevant physical infrastructure. Our methodology integrates four steps: exercise modeling, scenario modeling, scenario simulation with a multiagent system, debriefing approach and learning objectives assessment. Our methodological recommendations have been applied in order to define a real semi-virtual training environment. Limits and prospects are already identified for further improvements

    Formation à la gestion de crise à l’échelle communale : méthode d’élaboration et de mise en œuvre de scénarios de crise crédibles, pédagogiques et interactifs

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    Crisis management cannot be improvised, especially when the stakes are high. To cope with the consequences of crisis, it is recommended that members of crisis units be trained. In order to train them, the crisis simulation seems to be an ideal tool, because it enables to train a whole group and to provide a crisis management experience to the trainees. However, it seems that the credibility, the educational scope and the interactivity of the scenarios deployed in these simulations are called into question. The research work endeavor to improve the development and the implementation of crisis scenarios during simulation at town level. To achieve this objective, four elements are studied: crisis management processes, educational concepts, scenarios used in current crisis management training and serious games. This allows to define that it necessary to improve the execution devices to implement more credible, educational and interactive scenarios. The proposed method, based on an empirical approach through the implementation of 21 pilot exercises involving 280 trainees, is structured into four steps: (i) the definition of the execution parameters, (ii) the characterization of the data needed by the facilitators, (iii) the modelling of the circulation of information between the facilitators and (iv) the structuring of a shared medium for facilitators. The experimental framework and protocol allow to analyze the first results to confirm the interest of the method in a crisis management training context.Gérer une crise ne s’improvise pas, d’autant plus lorsque les enjeux sont importants. Pour faire face aux conséquences souvent dramatiques de telles situations, il est recommandé aux membres des cellules de crise de se former. Pour cela, la simulation de crise semble être un outil idéal, car elle permet de former un groupe et de procurer une expérience de gestion de crise aux apprenants. Cependant, il semble que la crédibilité, la portée pédagogique et l’interactivité des scénarios déployés dans ces simulations soient remises en cause. Les travaux de thèse s’attachent à améliorer l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre des scénarios de crise lors de simulations à l’échelle communale. Pour atteindre cet objectif, quatre éléments sont étudiés : les processus de gestion de crise, les concepts pédagogiques, les scénarios utilisés en formation à la gestion de crise et les serious games. Cela permet de définir qu’il est nécessaire d’améliorer les dispositifs d’animation pour mettre en œuvre des scénarios plus crédibles, pédagogiques et interactifs. La méthode, basée sur une démarche empirique grâce à la mise en œuvre de 21 exercices pilotes impliquant 280 apprenants, est structurée en quatre étapes : (i)la définition des paramètres de l’animation, (ii) la caractérisation des données nécessaires aux animateurs, (iii) la modélisation de la circulation de l’information au sein de l’animation et (iv) la structuration d’un support partagé d’animation. Le cadre et le protocole expérimentaux permettent d’analyser les premiers résultats pour confirmer l’intérêt de la méthode dans un contexte de formation à la gestion de crise

    Cit'in crise : Jeu de simulation de gestion de crise inondation

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    National audienc

    Cit'in crise : Jeu de simulation de gestion de crise inondation

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    National audienc

    Cit'in crise : Jeu de simulation de gestion de crise inondation

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    National audienc

    The key role of animation in the execution of crisis management exercises

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    International audienceThe organizers of crisis management exercises want scenario credible and pedagogical from the beginning until the end. For this reason, they call on an animation team that can use different communication channels. The aim of this article is to understand the different types of animation by analyzing the professional experience of the facilitators and the type of casting that can be done. Finally, a definition of four levels of animation is proposed. These levels are associated with different types of messages and rhythm settings. The main objective is to improve the execution of the scenario during a crisis management training

    The key role of animation in the execution of crisis management exercises

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    International audienceThe organizers of crisis management exercises want scenario credible and pedagogical from the beginning until the end. For this reason, they call on an animation team that can use different communication channels. The aim of this article is to understand the different types of animation by analyzing the professional experience of the facilitators and the type of casting that can be done. Finally, a definition of four levels of animation is proposed. These levels are associated with different types of messages and rhythm settings. The main objective is to improve the execution of the scenario during a crisis management training