447 research outputs found

    Knowledge Transfer in Public School Food Service: Post-Implementation of the Process Approach to HACCP Food Safety System

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    Based on Havelock\u27s (Havelock & University of Michigan. Center for Research on Utilization of Scientific Knowledge, 1969) Knowledge Transfer Model and using Kirkpatrick\u27s Training Evaluation Model (1996a, 1996b) levels of Reaction, Behavior, and Learning, this study analyzed knowledge transfer between public school district managers, cafeteria managers, and line workers. These employees were trained through cascade training methods during the federally mandated implementation of the Process Approach to HACCP food safety system beginning in the 2005-2006 school year. Measuring Behavior, an Observation Checklist (based on HACCP\u27s 7 steps and 10 FDA food borne illness risk factors and interventions) was used to determine if knowledge transfer occurred producing observable behaviors in line workers. The researcher\u27s observations in a selected school district indicated that the district had implemented the system, line workers appeared to be properly following their district\u27s plan and SOPs, and knowledge transfer seemed to have occurred. The Training Evaluation Assessment questionnaire consisted of 15 demographic, thirty-six 4-point Likert scale, and 11 matching items (measuring Reaction and Learning). Child Nutrition Program employees were mailed the instrument in North Carolina, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Wyoming. States were selected based on health regulations adopted by health agencies during 2005- 2006 (1976 Model Foodservice Code Guidelines and 2005 FDA Food Code). A 2x3 Factorial Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), used to analyze for statistically significant differences in (learning) knowledge by Job Positions and Health Regulation Version, found significant differences for Job Positions. Multiple Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) tested for statistically significant differences in Reaction scores pertaining to factors of training (environment, materials, and relevance), training outcome, reaction to Process Approach system, supervisory support, and trainer effectiveness between Job Positions and Health Regulation Version. Job Positions had a significant main effect. Using the Bonferrroni method, each ANOVA was tested at the .007143 level. The two factors of Reaction to Process Approach and Supervisory Support were significant by Job Positions. Cascade training is still the quickest way to disseminate knowledge between multiple levels of workers. However, it may not be the most effective for long-term knowledge retention in an environment where hands-on, on-the-job training is most dominant and training resources are limited

    Didaktik und Altertumswissenschaften im Internet

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    The World Wide Web is used within the Englishspeaking world as a favourite medium of e-learning for students. European universities are just beginning to realise the advantages of teaching by web. The Swiss project “Antiquitas” is developing special modules for ancient historians which are helpful instruments for teaching numismatics, epigraphy, chronology etc. This project, based on a national cooperation of Swiss universities, is an ideal model of presenting different topics of history on a modern scale which should be continued and complemented by further projects within the European world

    Habitusforschung in der Wiener Elektronischen Musikszene

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    Within the field of creative industries the topic of this research is dedicated to an analysis of the "habitus" of the producers of electronic music, based on the "theory of habitus" of the french sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. According to Bourdieu, a "social field" is affected by specific attributes of the people involved in the field. "Habitus" can be defined as a system of dispositions. The "social field" in our research is restricted to producers of electronic music. Geographically the field is limited to the area of Vienna. Based on Bourdieus theory we discuss the following research question: What specific characteristics can be found in the "habitus" of producers of electronic music in Vienna? The research is based on nariative interviews. As a result of the qualitative analysis we discovered a range of common as well as diverging dispositions among the music producers. (author's abstract)Series: Schriftenreihe / Forschungsbereich Wirtschaft und Kultu

    Impact of After-Sales Performances of German Automobile Manufacturers in China in Service Satisfaction and Loyalty. With a Particular Focus on the Influences of Cultural Determinants

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    [EN] After-sales services have become very important in the automobile industry. However, this area has not been sufficiently researched, particularly with regard to China, the most important car market globally. In this respect, German manufacturers play a leading role because they dominate the premium market segment. When it comes to services, the one thing that is especially important in China is culture. At the same time, this is exactly where a scientific gap exists because the cultural aspect in automotive services has been mostly neglected in the research literature. Thus, specific knowledge with regard to Chinese service demand behaviour is lacking, which could become a crucial issue because of the enormous differences between Chinese and Western cultures. This paper addresses this limitation by providing a guideline for how the entire process chain of after-sales services could be researched in China. In addition, it also introduces Schwartz's individual level value theory as a beneficial operationalisation approach to culture. Thereby, values are modelled as exogenous variables in order to show which ones are really causal. This significant advantage cannot be provided by national comparison studies, which are the ones that are most often conducted. A total of 301 Chinese workshop customers of Audi, BMW and Mercedes-Benz were surveyed in order to assess the critical success factors of after-sales services via partial least squares structural equation modelling.[ES] Los servicios post venta en el sector del automóvil se han convertido en un elemento esencial en su mercadotecnia global. Sin embargo, no se han investigado suficientemente y, especialmente en países emergentes con mercados crecientes como China, el mercado más relevante a nivel mundial. Aquí, los fabricantes alemanes juegan un rol fundamental al dominar el segmento premium (o de cuasi lujo) del mercado. Cuando analizamos los servicios, un factor importante en China es la cultura. Sin embargo existe, en este campo un hueco en la investigación académica ya que en la literatura de investigación del sector automóvil, la cultura es un elemento poco analizado. Por ello, no se pueden aplicar conocimientos de mercadotecnia específicos en relación con el comportamiento de la demanda de servicios en China, en un tema esencial, como es la cultura China, muy diferente a la occidental. Esta tesis trata de enfocar las limitaciones mencionadas; en primer lugar, proporcionando una guía de cómo la cadena de proceso de servicios postventa puede ser investigada en países emergentes como China. Y en segundo lugar, porque se utiliza la teoría de cultura de Schwartz como un enfoque útil de instrumentación de los valores culturales. Así, estos se modelan como variables externas, para mostrar claramente cuáles son los valores realmente relevantes en su conjunto. Para ello se encuestaron a 301 clientes de talleres post venta chinos de las marcas Audi, BMW y Mercedes-Benz, con el fin de evaluar los factores críticos de éxito mediante modelos de ecuaciones estructurales de mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS).[CA] Els serveis post venda en el sector de l'automòbil s'han convertit en un element essencial del màrqueting global. No obstant això, no s'han investigat prou i, especialment en països emergents amb mercats creixents com la Xina, el mercat més rellevant a nivell mundial. Aquí, els fabricants alemanys juguen un paper fonamental en dominar el segment premium (o de quasi luxe) del mercat. Quan analitzem els serveis, un factor important a la Xina és la cultura. No obstant això existeix, en aquest camp un buit en la investigació acadèmica ja que en la literatura de recerca del sector automòbil, la cultura és un element poc analitzat. Per això, no es poden aplicar coneixements de màrqueting específics en relació amb el comportament de la demanda de serveis a la Xina, en un tema essencial, com és la cultura Xina, molt diferent a l'occidental. Aquesta tesis tracta d'enfocar les limitacions esmentades; en primer lloc, proporcionant una guia de com la cadena de procés de serveis postvenda pot ser investigada en països emergents com la Xina. I en segon lloc, perquè s'utilitza la teoria de cultura de Schwartz com un enfocament útil d'instrumentació dels valors culturals. Així, aquests es modelen com a variables externes, per mostrar clarament quins són els valors realment rellevants en el seu conjunt. Per a això es van enquestar a 301 clients de tallers post venda xinesos de les marques Audi, BMW i Mercedes-Benz, per tal d'avaluar els factors crítics d'èxit mitjançant models d'equacions estructurals de mínims quadratsFrass, A. (2015). Impact of After-Sales Performances of German Automobile Manufacturers in China in Service Satisfaction and Loyalty. With a Particular Focus on the Influences of Cultural Determinants [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/59251TESI

    Middle Age Like Fight or Modern Symbiosis? Comment on “Substitutes or Complements? Diagnosis and Treatment With Non- conventional and Conventional Medicine”

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    Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is widely used by patients worldwide. Financial factors may influence the decision to use CAM. National Health Systems are requested to consider CAM in their health plans