5 research outputs found

    Cicatrice ipertrofica post-tatuaggio con henne : presentazione di un caso clinico

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    A case of hypertrophic scar developed 3 months after allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) of left upper arm, at the site of application of a henna tattoo 2 weeks earlier, in a 7-year old boy is reported. Patch testing showed a positive reaction to paraphenylenediamine and disperse dyes on day 4. A hypertrophic scar following an ACD to henna with multiple sensitizations reveals that temporary tattoo, born as a safe alternative to permanent tattoos, has an increased risk of permanent side-effects

    Association of palmoplantar keratoderma, cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, dental anomalies, and hypogenitalism in four siblings with 46,XX karyotype: a new syndrome.

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    European Dermatology Forum S1-guideline on the diagnosis and treatment of sclerosing diseases of the skin, Part 1: localized scleroderma, systemic sclerosis and overlap syndromes

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    none44noneKnobler, R.*; Moinzadeh, P.; Hunzelmann, N.; Kreuter, A.; Cozzio, A.; Mouthon, L.; Cutolo, M.; Rongioletti, F.; Denton, C.P.; Rudnicka, L.; Frasin, L.A.; Smith, V.; Gabrielli, A.; Aberer, E.; Bagot, M.; Bali, G.; Bouaziz, J.; Braae Olesen, A.; Foeldvari, I.; Frances, C.; Jalili, A.; Just, U.; Kähäri, V.; Kárpáti, S.; Kofoed, K.; Krasowska, D.; Olszewska, M.; Orteu, C.; Panelius, J.; Parodi, A.; Petit, A.; Quaglino, P.; Ranki, A.; Sanchez Schmidt, J.M.; Seneschal, J.; Skrok, A.; Sticherling, M.; Sunderkötter, C.; Taieb, A.; Tanew, A.; Wolf, P.; Worm, M.; Wutte, N.J.; Krieg, T.Knobler, R.; Moinzadeh, P.; Hunzelmann, N.; Kreuter, A.; Cozzio, A.; Mouthon, L.; Cutolo, M.; Rongioletti, F.; Denton, C. P.; Rudnicka, L.; Frasin, L. A.; Smith, V.; Gabrielli, A.; Aberer, E.; Bagot, M.; Bali, G.; Bouaziz, J.; Braae Olesen, A.; Foeldvari, I.; Frances, C.; Jalili, A.; Just, U.; Kähäri, V.; Kárpáti, S.; Kofoed, K.; Krasowska, D.; Olszewska, M.; Orteu, C.; Panelius, J.; Parodi, A.; Petit, A.; Quaglino, P.; Ranki, A.; Sanchez Schmidt, J. M.; Seneschal, J.; Skrok, A.; Sticherling, M.; Sunderkötter, C.; Taieb, A.; Tanew, A.; Wolf, P.; Worm, M.; Wutte, N. J.; Krieg, T

    Italian Guidelines in patch testing - Adapted from the European Society of Contact Dermatitis (ESCD)

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    Patch testing is the standard procedure used to diagnose allergic contact dermatitis. It is an in-vivo test, which reproduces the reaction to a contact allergen. This in-vivo test aims to reproduce the elicitation phase of allergic contact dermatitis and is performed applying allergens under occlusion on the skin under standardized conditions. These guidelines for the best practice in performing patch test have been developed by an Italian group of experts taking in account the Italian legislation and local pharmacological governance. Guidelines are adapted from the original article under the guidance of the European Society of Contact Dermatitis (ESCD) and on the basis of the SIDAPA guidelines

    Italian guidelines for therapy of atopic dermatitis—Adapted from consensus-based European guidelines for treatment of atopic eczema (atopic dermatitis)

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    Atopic dermatitis (AD) therapeutic approach calls for a long-term treatment. Treatment options for AD have recently undergone a revolutionary change by the introduction of the first biologic drug. Availability in daily practice of the last version of international AD guidelines, taking peculiarities of the country into account, can contribute to good clinical practice in Italy. To adapt European Dermatology Forum (EDF) guidelines for AD to the Italian medical-legal context, the EDF guidelines were assessed independently by two independent Italian renowned experts in the field and further integrated with articles published and systematically reviewed before May 2019. The first draft was collegially corrected and updated by the members of the SIDEMAST, ADOI, and SIDAPA. Recommendation levels (A; B; C; D) were graded based on the evidence levels (1-4). The adapted guidelines presented here focus on topical and systemic therapies in AD patients, both children and adults. As opposed to previous Italian guidelines, they include indications about biologics. New relevant evidence available from very recent literature and peculiarities of the Italian medical and legal context have been integrated in the revision process. If compared to general guidelines for AD not adapted to a specific national and cultural context, a revision for specific Italian needs is now available: It comprises the option of implementing the new biologic treatments and is likely to provide an important contribution to the improvement of clinical practice in Italy. Cooperation between patients, dermatologists, allergologists, and pediatricians remains mandatory in AD management. The authors of the present revision recommend an update of the Italian guidelines to be performed at least every second year