56 research outputs found

    Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Microbiology of Molybdenum in Mining-Affected Environments

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from MDPI via the DOI in this record.Molybdenum is an essential element for life, with growing production due to a constantly expanding variety of industrial applications. The potentially harmful effects of Mo on the environment, and on human and ecosystem health, require knowledge of Mo behavior in mining-affected environments. Mo is usually present in trace amounts in ore deposits, but mining exploitation can lead to wastes with very high Mo concentrations (up to 4000 mg/kg Mo for tailings), as well as soil, sediments and water contamination in surrounding areas. In mine wastes, molybdenum is liberated from sulfide mineral oxidation and can be sorbed onto secondary Fe(III)-minerals surfaces (jarosite, schwertmannite, ferrihydrite) at moderately acidic waters, or taken up in secondary minerals such as powellite and wulfenite at neutral to alkaline pH. To date, no Mo-metabolising bacteria have been isolated from mine wastes. However, laboratory and in-situ experiments in other types of contaminated land have suggested that several Mo-reducing and -oxidising bacteria may be involved in the cycling of Mo in and from mine wastes, with good potential for bioremediation. Overall, a general lack of data is highlighted, emphasizing the need for further research on the contamination, geochemistry, bio-availability and microbial cycling of Mo in mining-affected environments to improve environmental management and remediation actions.Francesca Frascoli was supported by an Erasmus+ traineeship studentship EQF level 7

    Wind generated rogue waves in an annular wave flume

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    We investigate experimentally the statistical properties of a wind-generated wave field and the spontaneous formation of rogue waves in an annular flume. Unlike many experiments on rogue waves, where waves are mechanically generated, here the wave field is forced naturally by wind as it is in the ocean. What is unique about the present experiment is that the annular geometry of the tank makes waves propagating circularly in an {\it unlimited-fetch} condition. Within this peculiar framework, we discuss the temporal evolution of the statistical properties of the surface elevation. We show that rogue waves and heavy-tail statistics may develop naturally during the growth of the waves just before the wave height reaches a stationary condition. Our results shed new light on the formation of rogue waves in a natural environment

    Selective Preservation of Bone Marrow Mature Recirculating but Not Marginal Zone B Cells in Murine Models of Chronic Inflammation

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    Inflammation promotes granulopoiesis over B lymphopoiesis in the bone marrow (BM). We studied B cell homeostasis in two murine models of T cell mediated chronic inflammation, namely calreticulin-deficient fetal liver chimeras (FLC), which develop severe blepharitis and alopecia due to T cell hyper responsiveness, and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) caused by injection of CD4+ naïve T cells into lymphopenic mice. We show herein that despite the severe depletion of B cell progenitors during chronic, peripheral T cell-mediated inflammation, the population of BM mature recirculating B cells is unaffected. These B cells are poised to differentiate to plasma cells in response to blood borne pathogens, in an analogous fashion to non-recirculating marginal zone (MZ) B cells in the spleen. MZ B cells nevertheless differentiate more efficiently to plasma cells upon polyclonal stimulation by Toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands, and are depleted during chronic T cell mediated inflammation in vivo. The preservation of mature B cells in the BM is associated with increased concentration of macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) in serum and BM plasma. MIF produced by perivascular dendritic cells (DC) in the BM provides a crucial survival signal for recirculating B cells, and mice treated with a MIF inhibitor during inflammation showed significantly reduced mature B cells in the BM. These data indicate that MIF secretion by perivascular DC may promote the survival of the recirculating B cell pool to ensure responsiveness to blood borne microbes despite loss of the MZ B cell pool that accompanies depressed lymphopoiesis during inflammation

    Purinergic signalling and immune cells

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    This review article provides a historical perspective on the role of purinergic signalling in the regulation of various subsets of immune cells from early discoveries to current understanding. It is now recognised that adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) and other nucleotides are released from cells following stress or injury. They can act on virtually all subsets of immune cells through a spectrum of P2X ligand-gated ion channels and G protein-coupled P2Y receptors. Furthermore, ATP is rapidly degraded into adenosine by ectonucleotidases such as CD39 and CD73, and adenosine exerts additional regulatory effects through its own receptors. The resulting effect ranges from stimulation to tolerance depending on the amount and time courses of nucleotides released, and the balance between ATP and adenosine. This review identifies the various receptors involved in the different subsets of immune cells and their effects on the function of these cells

    Phenotypic analysis and isolation of murine hematopoietic stem cells and lineage-committed progenitors

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    The bone marrow is the principal site where HSCs and more mature blood cells lineage progenitors reside and differentiate in an adult organism. HSCs constitute a minute cell population of pluripotent cells capable of generating all blood cell lineages for a life-time(1). The molecular dissection of HSCs homeostasis in the bone marrow has important implications in hematopoiesis, oncology and regenerative medicine. We describe the labeling protocol with fluorescent antibodies and the electronic gating procedure in flow cytometry to score hematopoietic progenitor subsets and HSCs distribution in individual mice (Fig. 1). In addition, we describe a method to extensively enrich hematopoietic progenitors as well as long-term (LT) and short term (ST) reconstituting HSCs from pooled bone marrow cell suspensions by magnetic enrichment of cells expressing c-Kit. The resulting cell preparation can be used to sort selected subsets for in vitro and in vivo functional studies (Fig. 2). Both trabecular osteoblasts(2,3) and sinusoidal endothelium(4) constitute functional niches supporting HSCs in the bone marrow. Several mechanisms in the osteoblastic niche, including a subset of N-cadherin(+) osteoblasts(3) and interaction of the receptor tyrosine kinase Tie2 expressed in HSCs with its ligand angiopoietin-1(5) concur in determining HSCs quiescence. "Hibernation" in the bone marrow is crucial to protect HSCs from replication and eventual exhaustion upon excessive cycling activity(6). Exogenous stimuli acting on cells of the innate immune system such as Toll-like receptor ligands(7) and interferon-alpha(6) can also induce proliferation and differentiation of HSCs into lineage committed progenitors. Recently, a population of dormant mouse HSCs within the lin(- )c-Kit(+ )Sca-1(+ )CD150(+ )CD48(- )CD34(-) population has been described(8). Sorting of cells based on CD34 expression from the hematopoietic progenitors-enriched cell suspension as described here allows the isolation of both quiescent self-renewing LT-HSCs and ST-HSCs(9). A similar procedure based on depletion of lineage positive cells and sorting of LT-HSC with CD48 and Flk2 antibodies has been previously described(10). In the present report we provide a protocol for the phenotypic characterization and ex vivo cell cycle analysis of hematopoietic progenitors, which can be useful for monitoring hematopoiesis in different physiological and pathological conditions. Moreover, we describe a FACS sorting procedure for HSCs, which can be used to define factors and mechanisms regulating their self-renewal, expansion and differentiation in cell biology and signal transduction assays as well as for transplantation

    Complicaciones Hepato - Vesiculares de la fiebre tifoidea en la infancia

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    A model of the effects of cancer cell motility and cellular adhesion properties on tumour-immune dynamics

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    We present a three-dimensional model simulating the dynamics of an anti-cancer T-cell response against a small, avascular, early-stage tumour. Interactions at the tumour site are accounted for using an agent-based model (ABM), while immune cell dynamics in the lymph node are modelled as a system of delay differential equations (DDEs). We combine these separate approaches into a two-compartment hybrid ABM-DDE system to capture the T-cell response against the tumour. In the ABM at the tumour site, movement of tumour cells is modelled using effective physical forces with a specific focus on cell-to-cell adhesion properties and varying levels of tumour cell motility, thus taking into account the ability of cancer cells to spread and form clusters. We consider the effectiveness of the immune response over a range of parameters pertaining to tumour cell motility, cell-to-cell adhesion strength and growth rate. We also investigate the dependence of outcomes on the distribution of tumour cells. Low tumour cell motility is generally a good indicator for successful tumour eradication before relapse, while high motility leads, almost invariably, to relapse and tumour escape. In general, the effect of cell-to-cell adhesion on prognosis is dependent on the level of tumour cell motility, with an often unpredictable cross influence between adhesion and motility, which can lead to counterintuitive effects. In terms of overall tumour shape and structure, the spatial distribution of cancer cells in clusters of various sizes has shown to be strongly related to the likelihood of extinction. © The authors 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications. All rights reserved

    Treating cancerous cells with viruses: insights from a minimal model for oncolytic virotherapy

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    In recent years, interest in the capability of virus particles as a treatment for cancer has increased. In this work, we present a mathematical model embodying the interaction between tumour cells and virus particles engineered to infect and destroy cancerous tissue. To quantify the effectiveness of oncolytic virotherapy, we conduct a local stability analysis and bifurcation analysis of our model. In the absence of tumour growth or viral decay, the model predicts that oncolytic virotherapy will successfully eliminate the tumour cell population for a large proportion of initial conditions. In comparison, for growing tumours and decaying viral particles there are no stable equilibria in the model; however, oscillations emerge for certain regions in our parameter space. We investigate how the period and amplitude of oscillations depend on tumour growth and viral decay. We find that higher tumour replication rates result in longer periods between oscillations and lower amplitudes for uninfected tumour cells. From our analysis, we conclude that oncolytic viruses can reduce growing tumours into a stable oscillatory state, but are insufficient to completely eradicate them. We propose that it is only with the addition of other anti-cancer agents that tumour eradication may be achieved by oncolytic virus

    Enhancing oncolytic virotherapy: Observations from a Voronoi Cell-Based model

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    Oncolytic virotherapy is a promising cancer treatment using genetically modified viruses. Unfortunately, virus particles rapidly decay inside the body, significantly hindering their efficacy. In this article, treatment perturbations that could overcome obstacles to oncolytic virotherapy are investigated through the development of a Voronoi Cell-Based model (VCBM). The VCBM derived captures the interaction between an oncolytic virus and cancer cells in a 2-dimensional setting by using an agent-based model, where cell edges are designated by a Voronoi tessellation. Here, we investigate the sensitivity of treatment efficacy to the configuration of the treatment injections for different tumour shapes: circular, rectangular and irregular. The model predicts that multiple off-centre injections improve treatment efficacy irrespective of tumour shape. Additionally, we investigate delaying the infection of cancer cells by modifying viral particles with a substance such as alginate (a hydrogel polymer used in a range of cancer treatments). Simulations of the VCBM show that delaying the infection of cancer cells, and thus allowing more time for virus dissemination, can improve the efficacy of oncolytic virotherapy. The simulated treatment noticeably decreases the tumour size with no increase in toxicity. Improving oncolytic virotherapy in this way allows for a more effective treatment without changing its fundamental essence

    Chaotic properties of nonequilibrium liquids under planar elongational flow

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    The simulation of planar elongational flow (PEF) in a nonequilibrium steady state for arbitrarily long times has been made possible, combining the SLLOD algorithm from non-equilibrium molecular dynamics (NEMD) methods with periodic boundary conditions (pbcs) for the simulation box. In this talk, we will present some results about the chaotic nonequilibrium properties for this type of flow. The spectra of Lyapunov exponents for a number of state points and different types of thermodynamic ensembles are also illustrated: NVT ensemble, Gaussian isoenergetic (at constant energy) or NVE ensemble, and NpT ensemble with a Nos´e-Hoover barostat.We also discuss some of the most significant chaotic properties of atomic liquid systems under PEF, comparing them with those of the well-established SLLOD algorithm for shear flow. The conjugate pairing rule is tested and its validity is confirmed for PEF. This allows the evaluation of transport coefficients with the use of just two Lyapunov exponents and represents a viable alternative to standard NEMD calculations. Some remarks on future projects will complete the presentation
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