35 research outputs found

    What Drives Streamers? Users’ Characteristics and Motivations on Social Live Streaming Services

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    With platforms such as YouNow, Periscope and Ustream, a new type of social networking services (SNSs) became popular, namely general social live streaming services (SLSSs). SLSSs combine Live-TV and social media, leading to video-based social computing. In the empirical part of the paper, we are going to answer three research questions: (1) What are the motivations of the streamers? (2) Is there a relation between motivations and streamed contents? (3) Do gender-specific and generational differences in motivation exist? As research methods, we worked with the systematic observations and content analysis of live online videos (N = 7,667)

    Age- and Gender-dependent Differences of Asylum Seekers’ Information Behavior and Online Media Usage

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    This investigation is about asylum seekers’ information and communications technologies (ICT) as well as online media usage and their motivation to apply a system after arriving in their destination country. As the asylum seekers left their homeland and need to rebuild their life in a different country with a new culture and a foreign language, their (information) behavior might have adapted to the given circumstances. What online systems and social media do asylum seekers apply to satisfy their need for information, entertainment, social interaction, and self-presentation? How do different age groups behave? Are there gender-dependent differences? A mixed method approach with semi-structured interviews while filling in a questionnaire was applied. In total, 45 asylum seekers from the Middle East were interviewed in Germany. The smartphone is an essential media for communication and integration for the asylum seekers. Adults mainly use social media for information whereas children use social media for entertainment purposes, as many adults do not find time for it; and, both groups for social interaction

    Game Mechanics on Social Live Streaming Service Websites

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    Social live streaming services (SLSSs) are a worldwide rapidly growing kind of synchronous social networking services. Most of the SLSSs are highly gamified to increase the users’ engagement and to change their behavior, what consequently drives users to continue the usage of a service. This study examined 21 different SLSS websites on what gamification elements are used in each system. A literature review as well as a content analysis were conducted to gather the SLSS websites as well as game elements. Which gamification elements are implemented on social live streaming service websites? And, how many game mechanics can we find on each SLSS? Nearly every SLSS offers the opportunity to follow users and their activities, leaderboards to compare one’s ability and performance with other streamers, and gifts to reward others. SLSSs websites with the top browsing location China are the most gamified

    Interpersonal Relations and Social Actions on Live Streaming Services. A Systematic Review on Cyber-social Relations

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    This article provides a systematic review on interpersonal relations and social actions on live streaming services as, for instance, Twitch, Chaturbate, YouNow, or Taobao Live. Are those relations social, parasocial, or is there another specific kind of relation? Based on 77 articles, we give a short bibliometric overview and discuss interactions on live streaming services, social actions of streamers, social actions of viewers, shopping relations on live streaming services, and the streamers’ and viewers’ intentions to continuous actions leading (also supported by elements of gamification) the audience to a kind of stickiness towards individual streams, streamers, and services. Due to highly interactive communication between audience and broadcasters and among the viewers, social actions on live streaming services take a middle position between social and parasocial relations and―concerning shopping―also a middle position between physical event-shopping and ordering on an e-commerce platform. They form a new human-human relation, which we name “cyber-social relation.

    Acute porphyrias – A neurological perspective

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    Acute hepatic porphyrias (AHP) can cause severe neurological symptoms involving the central, autonomic, and peripheral nervous system. Due to their relative rarity and their chameleon-like presentation, delayed diagnosis and misdiagnosis are common. AHPs are genetically inherited disorders that result from heme biosynthesis enzyme deficiencies and comprise four forms: acute intermittent porphyria (AIP), variegate porphyria (VP), hereditary coproporphyria (HCP), and ALA-dehydratase porphyria (ALADP). Depending on the clinical presentation, the main differential diagnoses are Guillain-Barré syndrome and autoimmune encephalitis. Red flags that could raise the suspicion of acute porphyria are neurological symptoms starting after severe (abdominal) pain, in association with reddish urine, hyponatremia or photodermatitis, and the presence of encephalopathy and/or axonal neuropathy. We highlight the diagnostic difficulties by presenting three cases from our neurological intensive care unit and give a comprehensive overview about the diagnostic findings in imaging, electrophysiology, and neuropathology

    Fake News im Zeitalter der Social Media

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    Nachrichten, ob sie auf Social Media oder von der konventionellen Presse verbreitet werden, tragen das Risiko, Fake News zu sein. Wie kann unterschieden werden, was wahre oder falsche Nachrichten sind? Gibt es dafĂŒr exakte Kriterien? PrĂ€sident Trump denunziert alles, was die kritische Presse sagt, als „Fake News“. Informationsblasen helfen den Nutzern, in ihrem eigenen Wahrheitsgebilde zu verweilen; Algorithmen zeigen ihnen nur das, was sie interessiert. Wir unternehmen eine systematische Analyse von Fake News und ihrem Inhalt in Relation zur Wahrheit. Wissenschaftliche Literatur zu Fake News und Postfaktischem wurde gesammelt und die darin erkennbaren unterschiedlichen Wahrheitstheorien extrahiert. Daraufhin wurden die Wahrheiten und LĂŒgen in der Literatur ĂŒber Fake News anhand der Wahrheitstheorien interpretiert und herausgearbeitet, wie die Wahrheit in der Literatur dargestellt wird. Die Wahrheitstheorien, die am hĂ€ufigsten prĂ€sentiert wurden, sind die Widerspiegelungstheorie, KohĂ€renztheorie, Konsenstheorie und Evidenztheorie. Die in der Philosophie wichtigste Wahrheitstheorie – die Korrespondenztheorie der Wahrheit – spielt bei den Nachrichten keine Rolle, da sie die direkte Wahrnehmung eines Sachverhalts durch eine Person voraussetzt, was in journalistischen Kontexten nicht gegeben ist. Im empirischen Teil unseres Artikels beschreiben wir eine Umfrage (N = 187), die an der Karl-Franzens-UniversitĂ€t Graz durchgefĂŒhrt wurde, um herauszufinden, als wie glaubwĂŒrdig BeitrĂ€ge in unterschiedlichen Social-Media-KanĂ€len (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest) eingeschĂ€tzt werden. Weiterhin wurde zwischen Bloggern, berĂŒhmten Personen, Unternehmen und Tageszeitungen, Zeitschriften und Magazinen als Verbreiter der Nachrichten unterschieden. Unsere Analyse zu Fake News und ihre Implikationen fĂŒr die Gesellschaft zeigt, dass es keine befriedigende Antwort darauf gibt, was als die Wahrheit angesehen werden kann, da jede Wahrheitstheorie die andere negieren kann. Die Umfrage ergab, dass Tageszeitungen am glaubwĂŒrdigsten erscheinen, gefolgt von Facebook-Posts. Weiterhin werden sowohl YouTube-BeitrĂ€ge von Bloggern und berĂŒhmten Personen als auch Facebook-Nachrichten von Unternehmen als glaubwĂŒrdig angesehen. Alle vorgestellten Lösungen, seien es Algorithmen, das Kontrollieren von Fakten oder Interventionen der Betreiber der Social Media, lassen immer noch die Frage im Raum stehen, was als Wahrheit angesehen werden kann. Auch das Vertrauen in eine Quelle kann manipuliert werden, entweder von Fremden oder den Nachrichtenmedien selbst

    Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms after daclizumab therapy in MS

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    Currently, 12 cases (including our patient) of autoimmune encephalitis/encephalopathy after daclizumab therapy in MS are known worldwide and led to voluntary withdrawal of marketing authorization for daclizumab by the manufacturer Biogen (press release from European Medicines Agency, 07.03.2018). Our findings suggest that early recognition of DRESS even with CNS manifestations and swift treatment with steroids and/or plasma exchange are essential to improve the longterm outcome