53 research outputs found

    Role of renal sympathetic nerve activity in volatile anesthesia's effect on renal excretory function

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    Regulation of fluid balance is pivotal during surgery and anesthesia and affects patient morbidity, mortality, and hospital length of stay. Retention of sodium and water is known to occur during surgery but the mechanisms are poorly defined. In this study, we explore how the volatile anesthetic sevoflurane influences renal function by affecting renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA). Our results demonstrate that sevoflurane induces renal sodium and water retention during pediatric anesthesia in association with elevated plasma concentration of renin but not arginine–vasopressin. The mechanisms are further explored in conscious and anesthetized ewes where we show that RSNA is increased by sevoflurane compared with when conscious. This is accompanied by renal sodium and water retention and decreased renal blood flow (RBF). Finally, we demonstrate that renal denervation normalizes renal excretory function and improves RBF during sevoflurane anesthesia in sheep. Taken together, this study describes a novel role of the renal sympathetic nerves in regulating renal function and blood flow during sevoflurane anesthesia

    Dikt som lÀrdom : En studie i historiemedvetande och historiebruk i tre skönlitterÀra verk

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    The Poetry of Teaching a Forgotten Teaching Material : A Study of Poetry’s Possibilities in the Classroom

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    Poetry is teaching material that often is forgotten by teachers of English even though it is listed as core content in the subject syllabus in GY11. Although the word “poetry” only is stated once in the syllabus, it can be interpreted to be indicated wherever “literature in various genres” is mentioned. Poetry is often viewed as too difficult for students to study; however, if it is provided with sufficient scaffolding, students can derive much more than one might expect from studying poetry. In addition to enlightening and teaching students about themselves and their surroundings, the study of poetry can supply them with the skills of analysis to a degree that not many other materials can grant them. It gives students the opportunity to practice deep analysis and to study the building blocks of the language as they interpret meaning in different poetic forms.The analysis of poetry helps students develop their reading comprehension skills in English as a foreign language, an explication of poetry analysis is done in this essay’s analysis. Working with creative reading and writing develops the character, challenges language use, develops writing skills, and promotes reading comprehension. Through the analysis of poetry combined with writing, the students learn about language use and the content and meaning of a poem. The act of writing and imitating a model is where the students can operationalise what they learned from the poems language and style. To study poetry and to use its language and feeling leads to comprehension of the poem. The analysis of poetry becomes a method of true reading comprehension. To study how reading and writing can help the students develop in a second language this essay will use transactional theory to study how poetry can be used in teaching situations. This essay will show the poetry of teaching a forgotten teaching material. This essay will show the art of learning a second language through the dance and music of texts, through poetry

    ”Is i magen och ett varmt hjĂ€rta” : Konstruktionen av skolledarskap i ett könsperspektiv

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    The aim of this thesis is to investigate the discursive construction of school leadership in a gender perspective and the meanings attached to school leadership. Theoretically, I draw on discourse analysis, and feminist poststructuralist theories have been my source of inspiration. Discourse, subjectivity, subject positions and power are key concepts applied to the analysis of the data. Four male and four female school leaders representing eight primary and secondary schools were interviewed. Furthermore, interviews were carried out with two teachers at each of these schools: in total nine female and seven male teachers were interviewed. The leaders and teachers talk about leadership in relation to four different arenas, which I have labelled the teachers’, the children’s, the parents’ and the societal arena respectively. Three main positions have been identified for the school leaders: (1) the supporter, (2) the manager and (3) the pedagogical leader. Most of the statements deal with the relation to the teachers, whereas the parents’ arena is not much talked about. As for gender, both male and female school leaders construct themselves as leaders in rather similar ways. Both men and women activate the three positions in similar ways. Women do not repeat the supporter position more often than men, and men do not position themselves as managers more frequently than women. This indicates that traditional gender discourses do not govern the school leaders’ talk about school leadership. For the position of pedagogical leader, some gender differences have been distinguished. The men position themselves as pedagogical leaders, whose mission it is to take the lead in pedagogical issues, whilst the women talk about the importance of evaluating and reflecting on their pedagogical leadership. Gender discourses seem to affect the way teachers construct school leadership, as male leaders who act as supporters are sometimes positioned as deviant. Instead, especially female teachers expect their male leader to act as a manager. Furthermore, the female teachers construct female school leaders as supporters to a higher extent than the male teachers

    Skolledarskap och kön pÄ 2000-talet. BetydelsebÀrande motstÄnd möterförÀndring

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    Syftet med den hÀr artikeln Àr att presentera och diskutera delar av datamaterial frÄn ett forskningsprojekt med fokus pÄ skolledarskap och kön. Studiens syfte Àr att undersöka den diskursiva konstruktionen av svenskt skolledarskap i ett könsperspektiv. I studien deltog fyra manliga och fyra kvinnliga skolledare samt nio kvinnliga och sju manliga lÀrare i svensk grundskola. Resultatet visade att nÀr skolledare och lÀrare talar om betydelser inbÀddade i begreppet skolledarskap har tre huvudsakliga subjektspositioner identifierats: supporter, chef och pedagogisk ledare. I en stor del av bÄde skolledares och lÀrares tal positioneras skolledaren som supporter med innebörderna lyhördhet och tillgÀnglighet Àr dominerande. Jag har dÀrför valt att diskutera innebörder och konsekvenser av supporterpositionen i den hÀr artikeln. Studien visar inga betydande skillnader i de skolledande kvinnornas och mÀnnens konstruktioner av positionen supporter. Med andra ord verkar könsstereotyper inte vara styrande för deras tal. DÀremot visar resultatet att könsdiskurser aktiveras i lÀrarnas konstruktion. Stereotypa förestÀllningar om hur kvinnor och mÀn förvÀntas vara som ledare kommer till uttryck i lÀrarnas tal. Diskussionen reflekterar kring supporterpositionens dominerande stÀllning samt konsekvenser för ledarskapet. Vidare lyfts könsdiskursers betydelse för skolledarskapets utövande.

    Interventions for urinary incontinence in women : survey and effects on population and patient level

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    Urinary Incontinence is a common health problem that can cause both severe medical and social problems, resulting in negative impact on different aspects of Quality of Life. In 2000, the Swedish Council on Health Technology Assessment (SBU) published a systematic review, “Treatment of Urinary Incontinence” where multiple knowledge gaps in the field of UI, all of considerable clinical importance, were pointed out.Several of these knowledge gaps have been the starting points for the projects in this thesis. The overall aim has been to study the impact of different interventions for urinary incontinence in women on the population level but also on the patient group level, for assessessing the significance of UI on general living conditions and to validate instruments to measure quality of life to be used as part of the evaluation of treatment effectiveness. Paper I: A population-based study where UI amongst women was found to be commonly associated with different psychosocial problems and an expressed feeling of vulnerability. Paper II: A population-based study where informative material on UI to the general public in order to increase knowledge and encourage self management was found promising for meeting increasing demands and optimizing healthcare resources. Paper III: A randomized controlled trial where both electrical stimulation and drug therapy reduced the number of micturitions and improved QoL in women with urge or urge incontinence, but electrical stimulation was not found to be superior to drug therapy. Paper IV: A prospective cohort study where the international questionnaires UDI-6 and IIQ-7 after translation and validation, showed good responsiveness and were easy to administer and to fill out. The UDI-6 scale did not accomplish the same solid result in the psychometrical analysis as the IIQ-7 scale but both scales showed good responsiveness and can thereby be recommended for clinical use

    Förekommer könssegregering vid högre militÀr utbildning?

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    Syftet med denna uppsats Àr att undersöka om och i vilken utstrÀckning det finns skillnader i mÀns och kvinnors förutsÀttningar för genomförande och fullföljande av högre nivÄhöjande militÀr utbildning. Utbildningarnas strukturer studeras ur ett genusperspektiv och analysen genomförs utifrÄn Kanters teori om skeva grupper och dess pÄverkan pÄ den kvinnliga minoriteten, s.k. tokens. Studien, som görs ur ett organisationsperspektiv, konstaterar en systematiserad sÀrskiljning av de studerande baserat pÄ kön och ett vidmakthÄllande av genussystemet. Motivet till sÀrskiljning av de kvinnliga studerande Àr att studiegrupperna ska vara sÄ allsidigt sammansatta som möjligt, anledningarna till sÀrskiljning förklaras med beprövad erfarenhet, gruppeffektivitet och överspridning av kompetens. Könsproportionaliteten och dess effekter; synlighet, kontrast och assimilering, pÄverkar enligt Kanter specifikt minoriteten kvinnors studieresultat negativt. Konsekvenserna för minoriteten kvinnor diskuteras teoretiskt utifrÄn empirin ur ett organisationsperspektiv. De kan förklaras utifrÄn bl.a. marginalisering av kvinnors militÀra kompetens, specifika förvÀntningar pÄ enskild studerande och ett begrÀnsat handlingsutrymme för tokens till följd av generaliseringar av kvinnor

    At your service 24/7 : Preschool managers on their tasks and daily work

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    This article focuses on Swedish preschool managers’ views of their tasks and daily work: activities, conditions, challenges and ideas on leadership. Five preschool managers were asked to write diary notes during a couple of weeks at work. Through the analysis process, we were inspired by Yukl’s hierarchical behaviour taxonomy. The taxonomy divides leadership behaviours into four parts, task-oriented, relations-oriented, change-oriented and external. The taxonomy was used in terms of positions the managers navigate between, rather than considering them as being bearers of certain behaviours. Data indicate that these preschool managers mainly use the task-oriented and the relation-oriented position. We noticed that they also activate positions oriented to change and external contacts and network building, but to a significantly lesser extent. They solve all kind of problems and many of their stories are about how they strive to meet the needs of children, parents and staff
