24 research outputs found

    Complex Sensory Corpuscles in the Upper Jaw of Horsfield’s Tortoise (Testudo horsfieldii)

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    Quasiparticle scattering in superconductors

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    We compare results of high-resolution magnetic flux (susceptibility) measurements in very weak magnetic field, performed of three classes of superconductors. They reveal astonishing details of the transition to the superconducting state. Although Pb behaves also on this scale according to BCS predictions, La is more reminiscent of HTS materials, which exhibit anomalous features. We suggest that known structure peculiarities are due to a strong electron-lattice instability and lead to a resonance electron back scattering

    Catalogue of alien plants of the Czech Republic (2nd edition): checklist update, taxonomic diversity and invasion patterns

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    A complete list of all alien taxa ever recorded in the flora of the Czech Republic is presented as an update of the original checklist published in 2002. New data accumulated in the last decade are incorporated and the listing and status of some taxa are reassessed based on improved knowledge. Alien flora of the Czech Republic consists of 1454 taxa listed with information on their taxonomic position, life history, geographic origin (or mode of origin, distinguishing anecophyte and hybrid), invasive status (casual; naturalized but not invasive; invasive), residence time status (archaeophyte vs neophyte), mode of introduction into the country (accidental, deliberate), and date of the first record. Additional information on species performance that was not part of the previous catalogue, i.e. on the width of species’ habitat niches, their dominance in invaded communities, and impact, is provided. The Czech alien flora consists of 350 (24.1%) archaeophytes and 1104 (75.9%) neophytes. The increase in the total number of taxa compared to the previous catalogue (1378) is due to addition of 151 taxa and removal of 75 (39 archaeophytes and 36 neophytes), important part of the latter being the reclassification of 41 taxa as native, mostly based on archaeobotanical evidence. The additions represent taxa newly recorded since 2002 and reported in the national literature; taxa resulting from investigation of sources omitted while preparing the previous catalogue; redetermination of previously reported taxa; reassessment of some taxa traditionally considered native for which the evidence suggests the opposite; and inclusion of intraspecific taxa previously not recognized in the flora. There are 44 taxa on the list that are reported in the present study for the first time as aliens introduced to the Czech Republic or escaped from cultivation.Práce přináší úplný seznam nepůvodních taxonů zaznamenaných na území České republiky; je aktualizací a doplněním předchozího seznamu publikovaného v roce 2002. Zahrnuje nové údaje shromážděné za poslední desetiletí a přehodnocuje zařazení a status některých druhů, vyplývající z rozvoje taxonomického poznání. Nepůvodní flóra České republiky zahrnuje 1454 taxonů, které jsou uvedeny v Apendixu 2 s informacemi o taxonomické příslušnosti, životní formě, oblasti původu, invazním statusu (zda jde o druh přechodně zavlečený, naturalizovaný avšak neinvazní, nebo invazní), charakteru výskytu v krajině, době zavlečení (archeofyt nebo neofyt), způsobu introdukce do země a u neofytů o datu prvního nálezu. Oproti původnímu katalogu je uveden počet typů biotopů, ve kterých se druh vyskytuje, pokryvnost v rostlinných společenstvech a impakt. Podíl zavlečených druhů v české flóře je značný: tvoří jej 350 (24,1%) archeofytů a 1104 (75.9%) neofytů. Nárůst počtu taxonů oproti původnímu katalogu, který uváděl 1378 taxonů, vyplývá z toho, že bylo přidáno 151 taxonů. Celkem 75 (39 archeofytů a 36 neofytů) bylo naproti tomu vypuštěno; značná část tohoto počtu jde na vrub přeřazení 41 taxonů mezi původní druhy, a to vesměs na základě archeobotanických dokladů. Přírůstky na seznamu představují taxony nově objevené a uvedené v botanické literatuře od roku 2002, taxony zařazené na základě excerpce dříve opominutých zdrojů či revize zdrojů použitých, nebo přehodnocení statusu některých taxonů tradičně považovaných za původní. Vněkterých případech jde o infraspecifické taxony, které nebyly dříve v české flóře rozeznávány. Seznam obsahuje 44 taxonů, které jsou uváděny pro Českou republiku poprvé jako zavlečené, nebo pro něž je podán první důkaz o jejich zplaňování

    <scp>ReSurveyEurope</scp>: A database of resurveyed vegetation plots in Europe

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    AbstractAimsWe introduce ReSurveyEurope — a new data source of resurveyed vegetation plots in Europe, compiled by a collaborative network of vegetation scientists. We describe the scope of this initiative, provide an overview of currently available data, governance, data contribution rules, and accessibility. In addition, we outline further steps, including potential research questions.ResultsReSurveyEurope includes resurveyed vegetation plots from all habitats. Version 1.0 of ReSurveyEurope contains 283,135 observations (i.e., individual surveys of each plot) from 79,190 plots sampled in 449 independent resurvey projects. Of these, 62,139 (78%) are permanent plots, that is, marked in situ, or located with GPS, which allow for high spatial accuracy in resurvey. The remaining 17,051 (22%) plots are from studies in which plots from the initial survey could not be exactly relocated. Four data sets, which together account for 28,470 (36%) plots, provide only presence/absence information on plant species, while the remaining 50,720 (64%) plots contain abundance information (e.g., percentage cover or cover–abundance classes such as variants of the Braun‐Blanquet scale). The oldest plots were sampled in 1911 in the Swiss Alps, while most plots were sampled between 1950 and 2020.ConclusionsReSurveyEurope is a new resource to address a wide range of research questions on fine‐scale changes in European vegetation. The initiative is devoted to an inclusive and transparent governance and data usage approach, based on slightly adapted rules of the well‐established European Vegetation Archive (EVA). ReSurveyEurope data are ready for use, and proposals for analyses of the data set can be submitted at any time to the coordinators. Still, further data contributions are highly welcome.</jats:sec

    (Non)cultural Czechia alias political culture during the pandemic

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    The bachelor thesis "(Non) cultural Czech alias political culture during the pandemic" deals with the political culture in the Czech Republic during the covid-19 pandemic in the period between 13th of March 2020, and 17th of December 2020. The first theoretical part deals with the interpretation of the very concept of political culture in the academic literature, but also, for example, in newspaper articles or other sources. In this respect, the author categorizes the individual definitions and approaches into a clear classification, of which one conceptualization is used in the research itself. In the second, i.e. practical part, using the materials created in the theoretical part, the work seeks to identify the level of the political culture of political representatives, more precisely members of the government, in the Czech Republic. It examines whether or not they have breached anti-epidemic measures during the specified period, and if they have, it further analyses them. This work builds on longer-term research in political culture, but also tries to bring knowledge from the new situation, the pandemic of covid-19, which is a completely unprecedented event for the 21st century

    (Non)cultural Czechia alias political culture during the pandemic

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    The bachelor thesis "(Non) cultural Czech alias political culture during the pandemic" deals with the political culture in the Czech Republic during the covid-19 pandemic in the period between 13th of March 2020, and 17th of December 2020. The first theoretical part deals with the interpretation of the very concept of political culture in the academic literature, but also, for example, in newspaper articles or other sources. In this respect, the author categorizes the individual definitions and approaches into a clear classification, of which one conceptualization is used in the research itself. In the second, i.e. practical part, using the materials created in the theoretical part, the work seeks to identify the level of the political culture of political representatives, more precisely members of the government, in the Czech Republic. It examines whether or not they have breached anti-epidemic measures during the specified period, and if they have, it further analyses them. This work builds on longer-term research in political culture, but also tries to bring knowledge from the new situation, the pandemic of covid-19, which is a completely unprecedented event for the 21st century.Bakalářská práce "(Ne)kulturní Česko aneb politická kultura v době pandemie" se zabývá politickou kulturou v České republice v období pandemie nemoci covid-19 v období mezi 13. březnem 2020 a 17. prosincem 2021. V první teoretické části se práce zabývá výkladem samotného pojmu politická kultura v odborné literatuře, ale také třeba v novinových článcích či dalších zdrojích. V tomto ohledu autor roztříďuje jednotlivé vymezení a přístupy do přehledné klasifikace, z níž jednu konceptualizaci využívá v samotném výzkumu. V druhé, tedy praktické části, za využití podkladů vytvořených v teoretické části, usiluje práce o identifikaci úrovně politické kultury politických reprezentantů, respektive členů vlády, v České republice. U nich zkoumá, zda za stanovené období porušili či neporušili protiepidemická opatření, a pokud je porušili, podrobuje je další analýze. Tato práce tak navazuje na dlouhodobější výzkum politické kultury, ale zároveň se pokouší přinést poznatky z nové situace, tedy pandemie nemoci covid-19, která je pro 21. století zcela nebývalou událostí.Department of Political ScienceKatedra politologieFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálních vě

    Study of Friction Force in Electrodynamic Rail Accelerator: Experiment and Interpretation Using FEM Modelling

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    The paper presents experimental data and a model of an electromagnetic rail accelerator. The model includes an equivalent circuit, magnetic field in the system and movement of the projectile (that is solved separately) which is computed numerically. The main results are compared with our experimental data and friction force during acceleration is evaluated

    Current Status, Prevention and Treatment of BK Virus Nephropathy

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    All renal transplant recipients should undergo a regular screening for BK viral (BKV) viremia. Gradual reduction of immunosuppression is recommended in patients with persistent plasma BKV viremia for 3 weeks after the first detection, reflecting the presence of probable or suspected BKV-associated nephropathy. Reduction of immunosuppression is also a primary intervention in biopsy proven nephropathy associated with BKV (BKVN). Thus, allograft biopsy is not required to treat patients with BKV viremia with stabilized graft function. There is a lack of proper randomised clinical trials recommending treatment in the form of switching from tacrolimus to cyclosporin-A, from mycophenolate to mTOR inhibitors or leflunomide, or the additive use of intravenous immunoglobulins, leflunomide or cidofovir. Fluoroquinolones are not recommended for prophylaxis or therapy. There are on-going studies to evaluate the possibility of using a multi-epitope anti-BKV vaccine, administration of BKV-specific T cell immunotherapy, BKV-specific human monoclonal antibody and RNA antisense oligonucleotides. Retransplantation after allograft loss due to BKVN can be successful if BKV viremia is definitively removed, regardless of allograft nephrectomy