36 research outputs found

    Kapitalstruktur - En studie över Market Timing och dess pÄverkan under finansiell lÄgkonjunktur

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    4 Abstract Title Capital Structure – A study about Market Timing and its affects during a financial depression Seminar data 2013-05-29 Course FEKN90 Degree Project, Master of Science in Business and Economics, 30 ECTS Authors Amelie Persson and Robin Fransson Advisor Maria GĂ„rdĂ€ngen Keywords Capital Structure, Market Timing, Depression, Driving Factors, Debt Level, Nordic Market Purpose The purpose of this study is to empirically investigate how the relationship between Market Timing and Capital Structure changes during a depression compared to a booming economy. Methodology This study has a quantitative approach using panel data regression to investigate the connection between the Market Timing-hypothesis and the Capital Structure. This is done by researching certain variables that may affect a company’s Capital Structure. Theoretical perspective The theoretical framework is based on previous theories about Capital Structure, mainly covering the Trade-off theory, the Pecking order theory and the Market Timing theory as well as previous studies on this topic. Empirical framework A sample containing 247 listed firms on the Danish, Finnish and Swedish exchange markets during 2003-2011. Conclusions The findings of this study shows that there is a relationship between Capital Structure and Market Timing covering the entire survey period. The explanatory variables of this study had a larger impact on Capital Structure before the depression, which indicates that other variables affect during the depression. Furthermore the results of this study cannot conclude that historical M/Bs have a permanent affect on the companies Capital Structure

    Mourning and melancholia revisited: correspondences between principles of Freudian metapsychology and empirical findings in neuropsychiatry

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    Freud began his career as a neurologist studying the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system, but it was his later work in psychology that would secure his place in history. This paper draws attention to consistencies between physiological processes identified by modern clinical research and psychological processes described by Freud, with a special emphasis on his famous paper on depression entitled 'Mourning and melancholia'. Inspired by neuroimaging findings in depression and deep brain stimulation for treatment resistant depression, some preliminary physiological correlates are proposed for a number of key psychoanalytic processes. Specifically, activation of the subgenual cingulate is discussed in relation to repression and the default mode network is discussed in relation to the ego. If these correlates are found to be reliable, this may have implications for the manner in which psychoanalysis is viewed by the wider psychological and psychiatric communities

    Subtraktionsmetoder under de tidiga skolÄren : Hur förklaras de och hur framgÄngsrika Àr de?

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      Syftet med denna studie Ă€r att undersöka subtraktionsmetoder i lĂ€romedel och lĂ€rarhandledningar för att se vilka som introduceras och anvĂ€nds mest frekvent i en utvald lĂ€romedelsserie. Vidare syftar denna studie till att undersöka vilka metoder som finns med i Ämnesprov matematik Ă„rskurs 5 Ă„ren 2007 och 2008 samt hur framgĂ„ngsrikt eleverna anvĂ€nder sig av dessa metoder. Metodval för undersökningen var kvantitativ textanalys samt kvalitativ innehĂ„llsanalys. Det framkommer i resultaten att mellanledsmetoderna utfyllnad och rĂ€kna varje talsort för sig Ă€r förstahandsvalet i lĂ€romedlet och lĂ€rarhandledningarna. Mellanledsmetoden utfyllnad och lĂ„nemetoden introduceras samtidigt i vissa exempel i lĂ€romedlet trots att lĂ€rarna, enligt lĂ€rarhandledningen, fĂ„r bestĂ€mma om lĂ„nemetoden introduceras eller inte. Resultat frĂ„n Ă€mnesprovet visar att fler elever anvĂ€nder lĂ„nemetoden oftare Ă€n mellanledsmetoderna utfyllnad och rĂ€kna varje talsort för sig samt att de anvĂ€nder lĂ„nemetoden med mer framgĂ„ng Ă€n nĂ€r de anvĂ€nder mellanledsmetoderna. Ämnesprovet visar Ă€ven att ett stort antal elever anvĂ€nder fingrarna som vald metod (en av Ă€mnesprovets föreslagna metoder) vid problemlösning och att denna metod anvĂ€nds med minst framgĂ„ngsrikt av eleverna

    Subtraktionsmetoder under de tidiga skolÄren : Hur förklaras de och hur framgÄngsrika Àr de?

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      Syftet med denna studie Ă€r att undersöka subtraktionsmetoder i lĂ€romedel och lĂ€rarhandledningar för att se vilka som introduceras och anvĂ€nds mest frekvent i en utvald lĂ€romedelsserie. Vidare syftar denna studie till att undersöka vilka metoder som finns med i Ämnesprov matematik Ă„rskurs 5 Ă„ren 2007 och 2008 samt hur framgĂ„ngsrikt eleverna anvĂ€nder sig av dessa metoder. Metodval för undersökningen var kvantitativ textanalys samt kvalitativ innehĂ„llsanalys. Det framkommer i resultaten att mellanledsmetoderna utfyllnad och rĂ€kna varje talsort för sig Ă€r förstahandsvalet i lĂ€romedlet och lĂ€rarhandledningarna. Mellanledsmetoden utfyllnad och lĂ„nemetoden introduceras samtidigt i vissa exempel i lĂ€romedlet trots att lĂ€rarna, enligt lĂ€rarhandledningen, fĂ„r bestĂ€mma om lĂ„nemetoden introduceras eller inte. Resultat frĂ„n Ă€mnesprovet visar att fler elever anvĂ€nder lĂ„nemetoden oftare Ă€n mellanledsmetoderna utfyllnad och rĂ€kna varje talsort för sig samt att de anvĂ€nder lĂ„nemetoden med mer framgĂ„ng Ă€n nĂ€r de anvĂ€nder mellanledsmetoderna. Ämnesprovet visar Ă€ven att ett stort antal elever anvĂ€nder fingrarna som vald metod (en av Ă€mnesprovets föreslagna metoder) vid problemlösning och att denna metod anvĂ€nds med minst framgĂ„ngsrikt av eleverna

    Physical activity, screen time, meal patterns and intake of fruit and vegetables among high school students in UmeÄ.

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    Bakgrund. Forskning har visat att fĂ„ barn, vuxna och ungdomar nĂ„r rekommendationerna gĂ€llande frukt- och grönsaksintag, fysisk aktivitet, skĂ€rmtid och regelbunden mĂ„ltidsordning. I Sverige finns inga rekommendationer för skĂ€rmtid men i Kanada rekommenderas skĂ€rmtiden till max tvĂ„ timmar per dag. Forskning har visat tendenser till att skĂ€rmtiden ökar, samt att fysisk aktivitet och frukt- och grönsaksintaget minskar med stigande Ă„lder. Syfte. Syftet med studien var att undersöka graden av fysisk aktivitet, skĂ€rmtid, mĂ„ltidsordning och intaget av frukt och grönsaker hos gymnasieelever i UmeĂ„. Metod. En enkĂ€t delades ut till 129 elever vid samhĂ€llsvetenskapliga programmet pĂ„ fyra gymnasieskolor i UmeĂ„. Data frĂ„n enkĂ€ten bearbetades med Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 genom Mann-Whitney U-test, t-test samt Chi-2-test, med signifikansnivĂ„ p≀0,05. Resultat. Genomsnittlig tid för fysisk aktivitet var 90 minuter per dag, mĂ€nnen nĂ„dde rekommendationen om 60 minuter per dag oftare Ă€n kvinnor (p=0,002) totalt nĂ„dde 69 % av eleverna rekommendationen. Av eleverna nĂ„dde 21 % rekommendationen om max tvĂ„ timmars skĂ€rmtid per dag. MĂ€n som nĂ„dde rekommendationen för skĂ€rmtid var mer fysiskt aktiva Ă€n de som inte nĂ„dde den (p=0,018). Rekommendationen om mĂ„ltidsordning nĂ„ddes av 24 %. MĂ€nnen som uppnĂ„dde rekommendationen om mĂ„ltidsordning var mer fysiskt aktiva (p=0,042) och hade en lĂ€gre skĂ€rmtid (p=0,016). Medan kvinnorna som nĂ„dde mĂ„ltidsordningen hade tendens till att Ă€ta mer frukt och grönsaker (p=0,051). Totalt nĂ„dde 16 % rekommendationen om frukt och grönsaker, i genomsnitt Ă„t eleverna sammanlagt 2,2 portioner per dag. Kvinnorna tenderade att nĂ„ rekommendationen oftare Ă€n mĂ€n (p=0,059). Slutsats. Det behövs insatser för att öka intaget av frukt och grönsaker, förbĂ€ttra mĂ„ltidsordning samt sĂ€nka skĂ€rmtiden dĂ„ fĂ„ nĂ„dde rekommendationerna. De som inte nĂ„r rekommendationen för fysisk aktivitet bör uppmĂ€rksammas. Insatserna kan Ă€ven behöva anpassas till kvinnor och mĂ€n. Det gĂ„r inte att förvĂ€nta sig att insatser inom ett omrĂ„de fĂ„r positiva effekter pĂ„ andra omrĂ„den dĂ„ fĂ„ samband gick att se

    "We are each other's everyday lives" : Onboarding of new employees

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    Title: “We are each other's everyday lives” - Onboarding of new employees Purpose: Examine the work with acclimatization of new employees to the organizational culture. Method: A qualitative study of how new employees can be acclimatized through theonboarding process to the organizational culture. The study is conducted with a deductiveapproach and the empirical data was collected through semi-structured interviews. Conclusion: The result of the study shows four criteria’s that are important to give new employees as goodconditions as possible to acclimate them to the organizational culture. The first finding of thestudy is that organizations need to consider which employee they choose to hire to be able togive the new employee the best opportunity to acclimate to the organizational culture and thata structured onboarding process is better than an unstructured onboarding process. Furthermore, the study found that organizations should introduce an early first impression ofthe culture to introduce the new employee to the organizational culture. An early introductionof the organizational culture contributes with the opportunity for new employees toacclimatize to the organizational culture faster than if the new employee needs to discoverwhat culture that prevails on their own. The organization should also work with differentplatforms to project the culture onto the new employee in the workplace through differentactivities or with the help of existing employees. Key Words: Acclimatization, Organizational Culture, Onboarding, Norms, Values

    Tools for secure coding : A comparative study

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    Bakgrund I dagens programvara finns det problem som försĂ€mrar kvaliteten hos system och ökar kostnaderna. Det Ă€r viktigt att tĂ€nka pĂ„ sĂ€kerheten redan under programmeringsfasen för att underlĂ€tta underhĂ„ll. The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) erbjuder dokument, verktyg och projekt för att skapa och underhĂ„lla produkter pĂ„ ett sĂ€krare sĂ€tt. För att upptĂ€cka sĂ€kerhetsproblem i koden kan verktyg för Static Application Security Testing (SAST) anvĂ€ndas. SAST-verktyg kan rapportera bĂ„de false negatives och false positives, dĂ€rför Ă€r det viktigt att undersöka hur precisa verktygen Ă€r i sin rapportering. Syfte Studien Ă€mnar kartlĂ€gga vilka SAST-verktyg utvecklare kan ta hjĂ€lp av för att skriva sĂ€krare kod. Undersökningen skall Ă€ven jĂ€mföra hur bra de Ă€r pĂ„ att hitta sĂ„rbarheter i kod och hur stort antal false positives de rapporterar. Metod En sökning gjordes för att samla information om vilka SAST-verktyg som finns tillgĂ€ngliga och en lista sammanstĂ€lldes med krav för att kunna genomföra likvĂ€rdiga tester. För att utföra testerna anvĂ€ndes kod med planterade sĂ„rbarheter och resultaten frĂ„n testerna genererade kvantitativa data som fördes in i en tabell. Resultat I studiens resultat kartlades tolv SAST-verktyg. FrĂ„n dessa valdes HCL AppScan CodeSweep, Snyk och SonarLint ut för vidare testning. DĂ€refter berĂ€knades recall, precision och false positives för verktygen. Snyk hade 71,43% pĂ„ bĂ„de recall och precision och 33,33% false positives. HCL AppScan CodeSweep hade 28,57% pĂ„ recall, 57,14% pĂ„ precision och 25% pĂ„ false positives. SonarLint hittade inga sĂ„rbarheter och blev dĂ€rav inte analyserat. Slutsatser Studien kartlade tolv olika SAST-verktyg och valde tre för likvĂ€rdiga tester av JavaScript i Visual Studio Code. Resultaten visade att Snyk presterade bĂ€st gĂ€llande rapportering av sĂ„rbarheter och hade högre resultat gĂ€llande precision, medan HCL AppScan CodeSweep presterade bĂ€st pĂ„ att undvika false positives. Överlag anses Snyk vara studiens bĂ€sta SAST-verktyg dĂ„ det hade högst resultat pĂ„ bĂ„de recall och precision.Background In today's software, there are issues that degrade system quality and increase costs. It is important to consider security during the programming phase to facilitate maintenance. The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) provides documentation, tools, and projects to create and maintain products in a more secure manner. To detect security issues in the code, tools for Static Application Security Testing (SAST) can be used. SAST-tools can report both false negatives and false positives, so it is important to investigate the accuracy of the tools in their reporting. Aim The study aims to map which SAST-tools developers can utilize to write more secure code. The investigation will also compare their effectiveness inidentifying vulnerabilities in code and the numberof false positives they report. Method A search was conducted to gather information on available SAST-tools, and a list was compiled with requirements to perform equivalent tests. To carry out the tests, code with planted vulnerabilities was used, and the test results generated quantitative data that were entered into a table. Results The study's results mapped twelve SAST-tools. From these, HCL AppScan CodeSweep, Snyk, and SonarLint were selected for further testing. Then, the recall, precision, and false positives were calculated for the tools. Snyk achieved 71.43% for both recall and precision and had 33.33% false positives. HCL AppScan CodeSweep achieved 28.57% recall, 57.14% precision, and 25% false positives. SonarLint did not find any vulnerabilities and was therefore not analyzed. Conclusions The study surveyed twelve different SAST-tools and selected three for tests on JavaScript in Visual Studio Code. The results showed that Snyk performed the best in terms of vulnerability reporting and achieved higher precision results, while HCL AppScan CodeSweep excelled in avoiding false positives. Overall, Snyk is considered the best SAST-tool in the study as it had the highest results in both recall and precision

    "We are each other's everyday lives" : Onboarding of new employees

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    Title: “We are each other's everyday lives” - Onboarding of new employees Purpose: Examine the work with acclimatization of new employees to the organizational culture. Method: A qualitative study of how new employees can be acclimatized through theonboarding process to the organizational culture. The study is conducted with a deductiveapproach and the empirical data was collected through semi-structured interviews. Conclusion: The result of the study shows four criteria’s that are important to give new employees as goodconditions as possible to acclimate them to the organizational culture. The first finding of thestudy is that organizations need to consider which employee they choose to hire to be able togive the new employee the best opportunity to acclimate to the organizational culture and thata structured onboarding process is better than an unstructured onboarding process. Furthermore, the study found that organizations should introduce an early first impression ofthe culture to introduce the new employee to the organizational culture. An early introductionof the organizational culture contributes with the opportunity for new employees toacclimatize to the organizational culture faster than if the new employee needs to discoverwhat culture that prevails on their own. The organization should also work with differentplatforms to project the culture onto the new employee in the workplace through differentactivities or with the help of existing employees. Key Words: Acclimatization, Organizational Culture, Onboarding, Norms, Values

    Tools for secure coding : A comparative study

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    Bakgrund I dagens programvara finns det problem som försĂ€mrar kvaliteten hos system och ökar kostnaderna. Det Ă€r viktigt att tĂ€nka pĂ„ sĂ€kerheten redan under programmeringsfasen för att underlĂ€tta underhĂ„ll. The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) erbjuder dokument, verktyg och projekt för att skapa och underhĂ„lla produkter pĂ„ ett sĂ€krare sĂ€tt. För att upptĂ€cka sĂ€kerhetsproblem i koden kan verktyg för Static Application Security Testing (SAST) anvĂ€ndas. SAST-verktyg kan rapportera bĂ„de false negatives och false positives, dĂ€rför Ă€r det viktigt att undersöka hur precisa verktygen Ă€r i sin rapportering. Syfte Studien Ă€mnar kartlĂ€gga vilka SAST-verktyg utvecklare kan ta hjĂ€lp av för att skriva sĂ€krare kod. Undersökningen skall Ă€ven jĂ€mföra hur bra de Ă€r pĂ„ att hitta sĂ„rbarheter i kod och hur stort antal false positives de rapporterar. Metod En sökning gjordes för att samla information om vilka SAST-verktyg som finns tillgĂ€ngliga och en lista sammanstĂ€lldes med krav för att kunna genomföra likvĂ€rdiga tester. För att utföra testerna anvĂ€ndes kod med planterade sĂ„rbarheter och resultaten frĂ„n testerna genererade kvantitativa data som fördes in i en tabell. Resultat I studiens resultat kartlades tolv SAST-verktyg. FrĂ„n dessa valdes HCL AppScan CodeSweep, Snyk och SonarLint ut för vidare testning. DĂ€refter berĂ€knades recall, precision och false positives för verktygen. Snyk hade 71,43% pĂ„ bĂ„de recall och precision och 33,33% false positives. HCL AppScan CodeSweep hade 28,57% pĂ„ recall, 57,14% pĂ„ precision och 25% pĂ„ false positives. SonarLint hittade inga sĂ„rbarheter och blev dĂ€rav inte analyserat. Slutsatser Studien kartlade tolv olika SAST-verktyg och valde tre för likvĂ€rdiga tester av JavaScript i Visual Studio Code. Resultaten visade att Snyk presterade bĂ€st gĂ€llande rapportering av sĂ„rbarheter och hade högre resultat gĂ€llande precision, medan HCL AppScan CodeSweep presterade bĂ€st pĂ„ att undvika false positives. Överlag anses Snyk vara studiens bĂ€sta SAST-verktyg dĂ„ det hade högst resultat pĂ„ bĂ„de recall och precision.Background In today's software, there are issues that degrade system quality and increase costs. It is important to consider security during the programming phase to facilitate maintenance. The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) provides documentation, tools, and projects to create and maintain products in a more secure manner. To detect security issues in the code, tools for Static Application Security Testing (SAST) can be used. SAST-tools can report both false negatives and false positives, so it is important to investigate the accuracy of the tools in their reporting. Aim The study aims to map which SAST-tools developers can utilize to write more secure code. The investigation will also compare their effectiveness inidentifying vulnerabilities in code and the numberof false positives they report. Method A search was conducted to gather information on available SAST-tools, and a list was compiled with requirements to perform equivalent tests. To carry out the tests, code with planted vulnerabilities was used, and the test results generated quantitative data that were entered into a table. Results The study's results mapped twelve SAST-tools. From these, HCL AppScan CodeSweep, Snyk, and SonarLint were selected for further testing. Then, the recall, precision, and false positives were calculated for the tools. Snyk achieved 71.43% for both recall and precision and had 33.33% false positives. HCL AppScan CodeSweep achieved 28.57% recall, 57.14% precision, and 25% false positives. SonarLint did not find any vulnerabilities and was therefore not analyzed. Conclusions The study surveyed twelve different SAST-tools and selected three for tests on JavaScript in Visual Studio Code. The results showed that Snyk performed the best in terms of vulnerability reporting and achieved higher precision results, while HCL AppScan CodeSweep excelled in avoiding false positives. Overall, Snyk is considered the best SAST-tool in the study as it had the highest results in both recall and precision