45 research outputs found

    Penghambatan Oksidasi LDL Oleh Ekstrak Air Jahe (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) Secara In Vitro = (Prevention Of Ldl Oxidation By Water Extract Of Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) In Vitro)

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    Oxidative modification of LDL is believed to play an important role in aiherogenesis. Water extract of ginger rhizomes exhibited antioxidative activity is higher than a tocopherol using linoleic acid as substrate. In addition, these extract is kind of ginger extract that daily consumed so may be can be used as funtional food. We investigated the effect of in vitro these extract enrichment of LDL on the prevention of oxidative LDL by CuSO4. Plasma was supplemented with 430, or 4300 µg/m1 water extract in dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) (10 p.1 DMSO per ml plasma), incubated, and the LDL was isolated. Ginger extract also was suplemented on LDL isolate, and incubated. Lag phase and malonaldehide content was analized after the isolated LDL was oxidized using CuSO4. The result showed that water extract of ginger rhizomes suplementation reduced malonaldehide formation depended on its suplementation. Suplementation these extract on plasma (4300 .tg/ml plasma) only reduced 19,04 % malonaldehide content, whereas a tocopherol suplementation can reduced 26,29 % malonaldehide formation. These extract suplementation on LDL isolate can reduced 43,91 % malonaldehide formation. This research has shown that ginger extract is capable of protecting LDL from oxidation. Key words : ginger (Zinger officinale Roscoe), ginger extract, LDL, lag phase, malonaldehide

    Effect of Zn Supplemented to Immune Status Premenopausal Women Intervented with Isoflavoned Drinking

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    The research was conducted to find out the effect of Zn supplement to immune status of premenopausal women intervented with isoflavoned drinking. Respondents were 22 women, more than 40 year of age. They were divided into two groups, i.e. 11 women intervented with isoflavone, and other 11 women intervented with isoflavone and 8 mg Zn. The activities of SOD, catalase and GPX were determined by spectrophotometer, thymulin levels by ELISA, whereas Zn levels by AAS. Result showed that Zn had significantly increased SOD lymphocyte activities (p=0.002) and thymulin plasma (p=0.011). Zn had increased catalase (p=0.103) and GPX (p=0.322) as well, but Zn plasma had decreased (0.163). It was indicated that Zn had improved the immune status by increasing lymphocyte and thymus cells activities


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    Keamanan pangan olahan siap saji tradisional yang diiradiasi dengan dosis tinggi masih mengundang pertanyaan dan keengganan sehingga dapat menghambat perkembangan komersialisasi pada umumnya. Masyarakat masih sajamengkawatirkan bahwa radiasi dapat menyebabkan terbentuknya zat radioaktif pada produk yang disinari akibat pembentukan radikal bebas dan turunannya. Oleh karena itu, perlu dipelajari tentang kemungkinan adanya pengaruh iradiasi pada bahan pangan terhadap sistem biologi tubuh manusia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meyakinkan keamanan pangan olahan siap saji yang diiradiasi dengan dosis tinggi melalui uji toksisitas menggunakan limfosit dan eritrosit darah manusia, dan menentukan kapasitas antioksidan rendang yang disterilisasi dengan sinar gamma pada dosis 45 kGy. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah persiapanekstraksi sampel rendang, persiapan media biakan, isolasi limfosit, pengujian proliferasi limfosit menggunakan garam tetrazolium MTT, pengujian hemolisa eritrosit, menentukan kapasitas antioksidan, dan pengukuran kadar malonaldehida. Sampel rendang steril iradiasi yang diuji terdiri dari 4 macam yang berbeda waktu pembuatan dan sudah disimpan selama 6 — 18 bulan pada suhu 28-30oC. Sampeltersebut adalah sampel yang diiradiasi di PATIR BATAN pada tanggal 11 Nopember 2006 (sampel A), sampel yang diiradiasi tanggal 14 Juni 2007 (sampel B), “tanpa label” tanggal 14 Juni 2007 (sampel C), dan rendang yang tidak diiradiasi sebagaikontrol. Hasil yang diperoleh pada uji proliferasi menunjukkan bahwa baik pada kontrol, maupun pada seluruh sampel yang diiradiasi tidak menyebabkan terjadinya proliferasi secara nyata. Pada umumnya, laju hemolisa dari seluruh sampel yang diamati menunjukkan peningkatan dengan meningkatnya konsentrasi atausebaliknya, pengenceran tidak menyebabkan peningkatan laju hemolisa ataupun hemolisa pada eritrosit secara nyata. Hasil pengujian kapasitas antioksidan sampel rendang yang diiradiasi lebih tinggi dibandingkan kontrol sedangkan perlakuan iradiasi tidak berpengaruh pada kadar malonaldehida rendang yang diteliti

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Penerapan Cara Produksi yang Baik dan Standar Prosedur Operasi Sanitasi Pengolahan Fillet Ikan di Jawa

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    In order to increase quality and safety of fish fillet products, Directorate General of Fisheries Product Processing and Marketing, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, introduced Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOP) of fish fillet to the industry in Indonesia, including in Java. Recently, some processor who already applied GMP and SSOP do not continue the application of GMP and SSOP. Due this situation, this report is to find all factors that influence continuity application of GMP and SSOP processes of fish fillet and to see the recent condition of application of GMP and SSOP in fillet processing plants which do not continue (BM).  Processing and analyzing the data using description method and pre-requisite analysis. The respondents of this research are 26 fish fillet processing plants in Java which are divided into 15 fish fillet processing plants that do not continue the application of GMP and SSOP (BM) and 11 fish fillet processing plants that are still continuing the application (LM). The factors that influence continuity application of GMP and SSOP in fish fillet processing plants that do not continue the application (BM) can be divided into internal factors which are lack of education (73%), and lack of experience (100%), external factors which are lack of government policies in socialization (66,66%),  lack of portable water (87%) and ice supply (67%), lack of cold chain system facility (74%), lack of government policies in training (60%), monitoring (80%), lack of low enforcement (86%), no market requirement (100%), and characteristic of innovation factors which are no relative advantages in implementing GMP and SSOP (86,67%), no compatibility (80%), and the complexity of GMP and SSOP (73,33%).  Base on pre requisite analysis, the status of GMP and SSOP in 15 fish fillet processing plants that do not continue (BM) the application is very bad as shown in high minor and mayor failure, and also serious and critical failure more than tolerance level. In order to support the application of GMP and SSOP in 15 fish fillet processing plants that do not continue the application (BM), it is suggested to increase the frequency of socialization, training, monitoring and technical counseling in special locus, facilitating water and ice supply, enforce the GMP and SSOP label in fisheries products in domestic market, and increasing education regarding the importance of GMP and SSOP application in fish fillet industry to the publi

    Strategi Pemberian Fasilitas Kredit Modal Kerja kepada Pengusaha Industri Kecil Menengah Berorientasi Ekspor (Kasus di BNI Jakarta)

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    In the middle of 1997 Indonesia’s economic was destroyed by a long economy crisis which had influenced the US foreign currency (USD) against Rupiah (IDR). On the other side, Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) still survives and grows absorbing more than 35 million labors active in agriculture sectors. Up to this time, almost 60% of domestic earnings bruto comes from SME commerce and agriculture. SME is expected to expand, from what initially in the form of a small industry unit into a middle industry unit and hereinafter become a big industry unit. Along with the growth of entrepreneurs of SME, the number of absorbed labors also increased equal to 20% per year consisting of small industries 15,9% and middle industries 4,1%. The objective of this research is to analyze the characteristic and behavior of SME having effect on financial pattern, study constraints in giving working capital loan, determining financial pattern according to characteristics of SME, and also compile strategy for BNI in improving market compartment and facing competition in banking industry. Data analysis was done with methods of descriptive qualitative and analysis of strenghts, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT). According to the responses stated in the questionnaire by the clients of BNI, 84.5% expressed that working capital loan was  proper to SME’s, 82,5% expressed easy access to bank and there was relationship between bank and SME’s important. Meanwhile 77,5% expressed constraints in distribution and application of working capital loan from BNI.According to the analysis of chi square with db = 14, and expected result frequency (fh), working capital loan was proper to UKM with highly significant effect with chi square = 26,72, and easy access to bank influenced the distribution of working capital loan to UKM with highly significant effect with chi square = 25,48. There were constraint in distribution of working capital loan which was also highly significant with chi square = 28,55. The results of total and internal strategic factor score and strategic factor score of external with total score of IFAS = 2,55 and EFAS = 2,30 by matrix of IE indicates that BNI resides in condition of growth or of stability. The result of SWOT analysis, showed that there were alternative strategies to improve BNI performances, including : opening more center of SMEs credit (SKC) in and outside Java, cooperation with local government and upgrading service

    Pengembangan Usaha Industri Jamu dan Minuman PD Budi Lestari di Jakarta

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    The aim of this study is to identity successful business conducts carried out by the company. The successful business conducts identified are: (1) Employing skillful marketing personnel, (2) Having a wide marketing channels, (3) Application of production contract, (4) Utilizing brokers in marketing the product, (5) Utilizing secondhand containers to reduce cost.The method used from this study is SWOT analysis with primary and secondary data, which are collected through literature and interview.Based on the results of the SWOT analysis, there were some suggestions to PD. Budi Lestari in order to develop its business by : (1) Increasing working capital, (2) Increasing the quality of human resources, (3) Making promotions, (4) Increasing the machine technologies utilizing, (5) Finding new bottles using altenatives in solving problem of getting used bottles, (6) Using labels that includes the special qualities of the drinks to explain the characteristic and quality from each product made, (7) Selecting the distribution of used bottles facilities.Beside that, suggestions given from this study can be an input to the company in raising its sales volume as an effort to fulfill market’s demand, includes mini and super markets

    Effect of Zn Supplemented to Immune Status Premenopausal Women Intervented with Isoflavoned Drinking

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    The research was conducted to find out the effect of Zn supplement to immune status of premenopausal women intervented with isoflavoned drinking. Respondents were 22 women, more than 40 year of age. They were divided into two groups, i.e. 11 women intervented with isoflavone, and other 11 women intervented with isoflavone and 8 mg Zn. The activities of SOD, catalase and GPX were determined by spectrophotometer, thymulin levels by ELISA, whereas Zn levels by AAS. Result showed that Zn had significantly increased SOD lymphocyte activities (p=0.002) and thymulin plasma (p=0.011). Zn had increased catalase (p=0.103) and GPX (p=0.322) as well, but Zn plasma had decreased (0.163). It was indicated that Zn had improved the immune status by increasing lymphocyte and thymus cells activities

    Analisis Persepsi Konsumen terhadap Produk Minyak Sawit Merah Sebagai Minyak Kesehatan (Studi Kasus: Perumahan Ciomas Permai, Bogor)

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    Product of red palm oil is a new product which is still not marketed yet insufficient quantity so that it is not recognized by many people. Because of that, it needs promotion about the benefit and quality for the consumer. The approach in this research is market or selling the product of red palm oil to the respondent through direct marketing (door to door), and at the same time do the analysis of consumer’s perception to the product of red palm oil. In general the aim of this research is to know consumer’s perception in getting decision of buying and strategy alternative which can be done in marketing of red palm oil in Perumahan Ciomas Permai, Bogor. Location of this research is in Perumahan Ciomas Permai, Blok B Desa Ciapus Kecamatan Ciomas Kabupaten Bogor.The method of this research is case study with descriptive and quantitative analysis with multiple regression. The processing and data analysis were done with application of Microsoft Excel, which is shown in the form of tabulation and correlation matrix and analysis multiple regression linear with counting use computer program SPSS. The number of respondent were 35 people who represent middle household. Based on the research, through direct marketing and consumer’s analysis, it was found that there were four factors which influence the process of buying decision red palm oil namely price, color, content of nutrient and the packaging. The strategy of marketing which can be done for the product of red palm oil is maintain and improve the quality of red palm oil (the hygienic control, quality, purity, color and nutrient content), giving a discount in a certain sales, promotion by distributing brochure and leaflet, service of delivery and guarantee the continuity of red palm oil availability

    Effect of Retort Processing on The Nutritional Content of Ready-to-eat Winged Bean Seeds (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus)

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    Winged bean seeds are a source of vegetable protein and other important nutrients, and have the potential to be developed into ready-to-eat food to increase the level of consumption in society. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of different levels of sterilization (F0) on the proximate composition of canned winged bean seeds. This study used a randomized block design (RBD) method with three levels of sterilization, F0 5, 7, and 9. The results showed that different levels of sterilization (F0 5, 7, and 9) had significant effects (P0.05) on the ash and fat contents of sterilized winged bean seeds. The moisture and carbohydrate content increased as the F0 value increased. In contrast, protein levels of sterilized winged bean seeds decreased as the F0 value increased. Winged bean seeds sterilized with an F0 value of 9 had the highest levels of moisture and carbohydrates among the other two sterilization levels, but had the lowest protein content. The process of canning winged bean seeds using thermal sterilization is an alternative to maintaining the nutritional value of winged bean seeds. However, it still had a minimal effect on the nutritional content of winged bean seeds