14 research outputs found

    Management strategies for regional aiports: A study applied to Lleida- Alguaire Airport

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    Purpose: The main objective of this article is to analyse the current situation at Lleida-Alguaire Airport and propose possible actions to increase its profitability. Design/methodology/approach: This study presents the method as a research tool applied to regional airports, in particular, Lleida-Alguaire Airport. Findings: The study shows the importance of air transport and the current situation of Spanish airports, specifically in Catalonia, exposing the main air traffic imbalances between different airports and their effect on tourism. Finally, it describes and analyses the situation of Lleida-Alguaire Airport. Originality/value: This article is one of the first works to focus on regional airports and it seeks ways to improve their economic and social efficiency. Practical Implications: Some actions in relation with aeronautical traffic are presented in order to improve and increase the efficiency of the system


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    The growth of the certifications of the standard quality system ISO 9000 has caused an increase in the consultancy service specialized in ISO 9000 demand. This article analyzes the profile of the ideal consultant. A classic service quality model –SERVQUAL– has been adapted to this case. A confirmatory factor analysis leads to the conclusion that there are three dimensions to be taken into account: his or her quality as a person, his or her capability to fulfil deadlines and lately tangible elements

    La calidad de la consultorĂ­a especializada en ISO 9000: un modelo de evaluaciĂłn

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    El crecimiento en el nĂşmero de certificaciones en el estándar del sistema de calidad ISO 9000 ha provocado un fuerte impulso en la demanda de servicios de consultorĂ­a especializados en estos sistemas. Este artĂ­culo analiza el perfil del consultor ideal. Para ello se parte del modelo ya clásico de mediciĂłn de la calidad en los servicios –SERVQUAL– y se adapta al caso. A travĂ©s de un análisis factorial confirmatorio se concluye que hay tres dimensiones a tener en cuenta al analizar a un consultor: su calidad como persona, su capacidad para cumplir plazos y finalmente elementos de tipo tangible.   ABSTRACT   The growth of the certifications of the standard quality system ISO 9000 has caused an increase in the consultancy service specialized in ISO 9000 demand. This article analyzes the profile of the ideal consultant. A classic service quality model –SERVQUAL– has been adapted to this case. A confirmatory factor analysis leads to the conclusion that there are three dimensions to be taken into account: his or her quality as a person, his or her capability to fulfil deadlines and lately tangible elements

    Behaviour of culinary tourists: A segmentation study of diners at top-level restaurants

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    Aim: The main aim of this research is to characterize the tourists visiting top-level restaurants to ascertain the profile of this type of customer, their behaviour and their influence on the destinations where they are located. Design/methodology: During the months of July to December 2016, a survey was conducted on a sample of 187 tourists who had visited Michelin-starred restaurants in order to highlight the most valued aspects during the process of choosing, consulting and booking the top-level restaurant service. Contributions and results: The results reveal the existence of two segments whose behaviour is different, where the individuals of the first consider the culinary experience as the main reason for their tourist visit to the destination. In contrast, the second segment considers that their visit to the destination is the main reason for their tourism. Moreover, the diners from both segments display different behaviour in terms of their post-purchase, recommendation and intention to return behaviour and the perception of the status with which their visit to the restaurant provides them. Limitations: The main limitation of this study is the fact that only the responses of tourists who have visited top-level restaurants in Spain have been studied. Practical implications: The results of this study may help both the managers of restaurants of a certain level and the public authorities responsible for tourism to make decisions, since these types of restaurants are becoming tourist resources of the first order.  Social implications: Knowledge of the diner could facilitate the optimal management of the restaurant and help orient it as a tourist resource. In certain areas such a resource can become a pole of tourist attraction and contribute towards territorial balance thanks to the positive externalities it generates in the territory where such establishments are located. Added value: The present research focuses on the study of the behaviour of the culinary tourist in an increasingly popular type of tourism with high added value. Culinary tourism is also enormously important in the economy of the destination and for territorial development.  Therefore, this work may be of interest both for public authorities and the managers of this type of restaurant, and to create synergies between the two. This work comes to fill a gap in the literature of segmentation in the restoration, since there are few research that focus on segmentation according to consumer's motivations and perceptions, and none focus on its relationship to tourism at the destination

    Customers’ behavioral intentions when visiting upscale restaurants: Enjoying the experience or posturing?

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    High-level gastronomy is booming and, in many cases, has become the main purpose for travel. This research aims to investigate the relationships between the performance of high-level restaurants, the affective components they generate, and how they can affect customer behavior both in regard to the restaurant and the destination in which it is located. The empirical work was analyzed by means of a multiple indicators multiple causes model (MIMIC) and structural equation modeling (SEM). The survey was administered to customers who visited Michelin-star restaurants. The main results indicate that enjoyment of the experience and the status it provides are important factors motivating consumers to visit these types of restaurants and that their behavioral intentions can influence their family, friends, acquaintances, and destination. Therefore, it is suggested that restaurant owners and destination managers develop joint strategies beneficial for the gastronomic tourism sector

    The Economic Sustainability of Snow Tourism: The Case of Ski Resorts in Austria, France, and Italy

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    The purpose of this article is to analyse whether ski resorts in Europe are economically viable. Data originates from the financial statements of the 61 largest ski lift operators in Austria, France, and Italy. Descriptive statistics reveal that these operators are characterized by positive and relatively high returns, and by having little debt in general terms. The results show that the most economically profitable ski operators are also the largest. The elevation of the ski area is not relevant. Ski lift operators in Austria have a higher profitability than those in France and Italy. Overall, larger ski resorts are better prepared for the future investment needed to adapt to the new conditions in the industry, such as climate variability

    Influence of Service Valuation and Package Cost on Market Segmentation: The Case of Online Demand for Spanish and Andorra Ski Resorts

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    Ski resorts are important tourist resources in mountain areas. They have a high impact on the environment but also on the development of the territory. Corporate social responsibility management plays an important role in influencing consumer purchasing behavior. This research seeks to understand the behavior of ski tourists and to classify them. Approximately 50,000 online purchases of tourist packages to ski resorts in Spain and Andorra are analyzed in order to describe the different segments of demand in these resorts through a latent class model. The tourists’ age and previous experience, the type of accommodation, and the season—among other variables—are considered to clarify the different classes. Six different segments were found. Some relevant results for the online ski-package market are highlighted, such as the influence of skier’s expenditure on service valuation. Managerial implications, limitations of this study and recommendations for future research are also discussed.Depto. de Economía Financiera y Actuarial y EstadísticaFac. de Ciencias Económicas y EmpresarialesTRUEpu

    Lembrança, percepções e preferências dos bairros. Um estudo comparativo entre Medellín (Colômbia) e Buenos Aires (Argentina)

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    Objective. To investigate the aspects that influence the recall, perception and preferences that Medellín and Buenos Aires inhabitants have about the neighborhoods of their respective cities. Methodology. The data collection method was the survey. Results. It was found in both city samples that tranquility, location, security and green areas are the most valued aspects in a neighborhood and are the reasons why the respondents would choose to live in another city. Social and human aspects such as collaboration networks between neighbors were not mentioned as a relevant aspect, unlike the findings of research conducted in cities across Europe, Asia and the United States. Conclusions. More research is needed to better understand how individuals, families, and organizations make decisions about which neighborhoods they want to live in.about which neighborhoods they want to live in.Objetivo. Indagar sobre los aspectos que inciden en la recordación, la percepción y las preferencias que tienen los habitantes de Medellín y Buenos Aires sobre los barrios de sus respectivas ciudades. Metodología. El método de recolección de información fue la encuesta. Resultados. Se obtuvo en las muestras de ambas ciudades que la tranquilidad, la ubicación, la seguridad y las zonas verdes son los aspectos más valorados en un barrio y a la vez son las razones por las que los encuestados elegirían vivir en otro. Los aspectos de tipo social y humano como las redes de colaboración entre vecinos no fueron mencionadas como un aspecto relevante, a diferencia de los hallazgos de investigaciones hechas en ciudades de Europa, Asia y Estados Unidos. Conclusiones. Se plantea la necesidad de hacer más investigaciones que permitan hacer caracterizaciones sobre la forma en cómo individuos, familias y organizaciones toman decisiones sobre los barrios que eligen para instalarse.Objetivo. Indagar sobre os aspectos que incidem na lembrança, a percepção e as preferências que têm os habitantes de Medellín e Buenos Aires sobre os bairros das suas respectivas cidades. Metodologia. O método de coleta de informação foi a enquete. Resultados. Se obteve nas amostras de ambas as cidades que a tranquilidade, a localização, a segurança e as aeras verdes são os aspectos mais valorizados num bairro e por sua vez são as razoes pelas quais os entrevistados elegeriam viver em outro. Os aspectos de tipo social e humano como as redes de colaboração entre vizinhos não foram mencionados como um aspecto relevante, a diferença das descobertas de investigações feitas em cidades da Europa, Asia e dos Estados Unidos. Conclusões. Se expõe a necessidade de fazer mais investigações que permitam fazer caracterizações sobre a forma em como os indivíduos, famílias e organizações tomam decisões sobre os bairros que elegem para instalar-se

    Ski Tourism and Web Marketing Strategies: The Case of Ski Resorts in France and Spain

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    The impacts of climate change are affecting ski tourism in Europe’s southernmost ski resorts, such as those in France, and Spain. This is leading to changes in the scheduling of activities which, in turn, imply changes in how ski resorts are managed. The main aim of this work is to analyze whether ski resort websites are developing an effective marketing strategy and if they are adapted to e-commerce and the needs of contemporary society, including the adaptations needed to better face climate change and the stagnation the sector is suffering. In order to achieve this, we have developed a model to analyze ski resort websites; it is based on web content analysis, taking four factors into account: information, communication, e-commerce, and additional functions. We will, secondly, apply the eMICA (Extended Model of Internet Commerce Adoption) methodology to analyze the maturity of such e-commerce activities in ski tourism. Fifty-two ski resorts in Spain and 173 in France were analyzed. Results show that, while alpine ski resorts in general, and those in France in particular, are better prepared, resorts still have to facilitate more effective communication and interaction with their target public. A minority of resorts provide information on environmental certifications and snowmaking