701 research outputs found

    UV exposure causes energy trade-offs leading to increased chytrid fungus susceptibility in green tree frog larvae

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    Levels of ultraviolet (UV) radiation have increased in many parts of the world due to the anthropogenic destruction of the ozone layer. UV radiation is a potent immunosuppressant and can increase the susceptibility of animal hosts to pathogens. UV radiation can directly alter immune function via immunosuppression and photoimmunotolerance; however, UV may also influence pathogen defences by affecting the distribution of energy resources among competing physiological processes. Both defence against UV damage and repair of incurred damage, as well as the maintenance of immune defences and responding to an immune challenge, are energetically expensive. These competing demands for finite energy resources could trade off against one another, resulting in sub-optimal performance in one or both processes. We examined the potential for a disease-related energy trade-off in green tree frog (Litoria caerulea) larvae. Larvae were reared under high- or low-UV conditions for 12 weeks during which time we measured growth rates, metabolic rate and susceptibility to the amphibian fungal pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). We found that larvae exposed to high levels of UV radiation had higher rates of energy expenditure than those exposed to low UV levels; however, UV exposure did not affect growth rates or developmental timings. Larvae exposed to high UV radiation also experienced greater Bd infection rates and carried a higher infection burden than those not exposed to elevated UV radiation. We propose that the increased energetic costs of responding to UV radiation were traded off against immune defences to protect larval growth rates. These findings have important implications for the aetiology of some Bd-associated amphibian declines, particularly in montane environments where Bd infections are most severe and where UV levels are highest

    Coping with climatic extremes: Dietary fat content decreased the thermal resilience of barramundi (Lates calcarifer)

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    Aquatic organisms, including important cultured species, are forced to contend with acute changes in water temperature as the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events worsen. Acute temperature spikes are likely to threaten aquaculture species, but dietary intervention may play an important protective role. Increasing the concentration of macronutrients, for example dietary fat content, may improve the thermal resilience of aquaculture species, however, this remains unexplored. To evaluate this hypothesis, we used two commercially available diets (20% versus 10% crude fat) to examine if dietary fat content improves the growth performance of juvenile barramundi (Lates calcarifer) while increasing their resilience to acute thermal stress. Fish were fed their assigned diets for 28-days before assessing the upper thermal tolerance (CTMAX) and the thermal sensitivity of swimming performance (UCRIT) and metabolism. We found that feeding fish a high fat diet resulted in heavier fish, but did not affect the thermal sensitivity of swimming performance or metabolism over an 18 °C temperature range (from 20 to 38 °C). Thermal tolerance was compromised in fish fed the high fat diet by 0.48 °C, showing significantly lower CTMAX. Together, these results suggest that while a high fat diet increases juvenile L. calcarifer growth, it does not benefit physiological performance across a range of relevant water temperatures and may even reduce fish tolerance of extreme water temperatures. These data may have implications for aquaculture production in a warming world, where episodic extremes of temperature are likely to become more frequent

    Temperature and UV-B-insensitive performance in tadpoles of the ornate burrowing frog: an ephemeral pond specialist

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    Animals may overcome the challenges of temperature instability through behavioural and physiological mechanisms in response to short-and long-term temperature changes. When ectotherms face the challenge of large diel temperature fluctuations, one strategy may be to reduce the thermal sensitivity of key traits in order to maintain performance across the range of temperatures experienced. Additional stressors may limit the ability of animals to respond to these thermally challenging environments through changes to energy partitioning or interactive effects. Ornate burrowing frog (Platyplectrum ornatum) tadpoles develop in shallow ephemeral pools that experience high diel thermal variability (> 20 degrees C) and can be exposed to high levels of UV-B radiation. Here, we investigated how development in fluctuating versus stable temperature conditions in the presence of high or low UV-B radiation influences thermal tolerance and thermal sensitivity of performance traits of P. ornatum tadpoles. Tadpoles developed in either stable (24 C) or fluctuating temperatures (18-32 degrees C) under high or low UV-B conditions. Tadpoles were tested for upper critical thermal limits, thermal dependence of resting metabolic rate and maximum burst swimming performance. We hypothesised that developmental responses to thermal fluctuations would increase thermal tolerance and reduce thermal dependence of physiological traits, and that trade-offs in the allocation of metabolic resources towards repairing UV-B-induced damage may limit the ability to maintain performance over the full range of temperatures experienced. We found that P. ornatum tadpoles were thermally insensitive for both burst swimming performance, across the range of temperatures tested, and resting metabolic rate at high temperatures independent of developmental conditions. Maintenance of performance led to a trade-off for growth under fluctuating temperatures and UV-B exposure. Temperature treatment and UV-B exposure had an interactive effect on upper critical thermal limits possibly due to the upregulation of the cellular stress response. Thermal independence of key traits may allow P. ornatum tadpoles to maintain performance in the thermal variability inherent in their environment

    Getting the jump on skeletal muscle disuse atrophy: preservation of contractile performance in aestivating Cyclorana alboguttata (Gunther 1867)

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    Prolonged immobilisation or unloading of skeletal muscle causes muscle disuse atrophy, which is characterised by a reduction in muscle cross-sectional area and compromised locomotory function. Animals that enter seasonal dormancy, such as hibernators and aestivators, provide an interesting model for investigating atrophy associated with disuse. Previous research on the amphibian aestivator Cyclorana alboguttata (Gunther 1867) demonstrated an absence of muscle disuse atrophy after 3 months of aestivation, as measured by gastrocnemius muscle contractile properties and locomotor performance. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effect of aestivation on iliofibularis and sartorius muscle morphology and contractile function of C. alboguttata over a longer, more ecologically relevant time-frame of 9 months. We found that whole muscle mass, muscle cross-sectional area, fibre number and proportions of fibre types remained unchanged after prolonged disuse. There was a significant reduction in iliofibularis fibre cross-sectional area (declined by 36% for oxidative fibre area and 39% for glycolytic fibre area) and sartorius fibre density (declined by 44%). Prolonged aestivation had little effect on the isometric properties of the skeletal muscle of C. alboguttata. There was a significant reduction in the isometric contraction times of the relatively slow-twitch iliofibularis muscle, suggesting that the muscle was becoming slower after 9 months of aestivation (time to peak twitch increased by 25%, time from peak twitch to half relaxation increased by 34% and time from last stimulus to half tetanus relation increased by 20%). However, the results of the work-loop analysis clearly demonstrate that, despite changes to muscle morphology and isometric kinetics, the overall contractile performance and power output levels of muscles from 9-month aestivating C. alboguttata are maintained at control levels

    The second warning to humanity: contributions and solutions from conservation physiology

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    In 1992, the Union of Concerned Scientists shared their ‘World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity’ with governmental leaders worldwide, calling for immediate action to halt the environmental degradation that threatens the systems that support life on Earth. A follow-up ‘Second Warning’ was released in 2017, with over 15 000 scientists as signatories, describing the lack of progress in adopting the sustainable practices necessary to safeguard the biosphere. In their ‘Second Warning’, Ripple and colleagues provided 13 ‘diverse and effective steps humanity can take to transition to sustainability.’ Here, we discuss how the field of conservation physiology can contribute to six of these goals: (i) prioritizing connected, well-managed reserves; (ii) halting the conversion of native habitats to maintain ecosystem services; (iii) restoring native plant communities; (iv) rewilding regions with native species; (v) developing policy instruments; and (vi) increasing outdoor education, societal engagement and reverence for nature. Throughout, we focus our recommendations on specific aspects of physiological function while acknowledging that the exact traits that will be useful in each context are often still being determined and refined. However, for each goal, we include a short case study to illustrate a specific physiological trait or group of traits that is already being utilized in that context. We conclude with suggestions for how conservation physiologists can broaden the impact of their science aimed at accomplishing the goals of the ‘Second Warning’. Overall, we provide an overview of how conservation physiology can contribute to addressing the grand socio-environmental challenges of our time

    Functional and morphological plasticity of crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) salt glands

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    The estuarine crocodile, Crocodylus porosus, inhabits both freshwater and hypersaline waterways and maintains ionic homeostasis by excreting excess sodium and chloride ions via lingual salt glands. In the present study, we sought to investigate the phenotypic plasticity, both morphological and functional, in the lingual salt glands of the estuarine crocodile associated with chronic exposure to freshwater (FW) and saltwater (SW) environments. Examination of haematological parameters indicated that there were no long-term disruptions to ionic homeostasis with prolonged exposure to SW. Maximal secretory rates from the salt glands of SW-acclimated animals (100.8±14.7 µmol 100 g–0.7 body mass h–1) were almost three times greater than those of FW-acclimated animals (31.6±6.2 µmol 100 g–0.7 body mass h–1). There were no differences in the mass-specific metabolic rate of salt gland tissue slices from FW- and SW-acclimated animals (558.9±49.6 and 527.3±142.8 µl O2 g–1 h–1, respectively). Stimulation of the tissue slices from SW-acclimated animals by methacholine resulted in a 33% increase in oxygen consumption rate. There was no significant increase in the metabolic rate of tissues from FW-acclimated animals in response to methacholine. Morphologically, the secretory cells from the salt glands of SW-acclimated animals were larger than those of FW-acclimated animals. In addition, there were significantly more mitochondria per unit volume in secretory tissue from SW-acclimated animals. The results from this study demonstrate that the salt glands of C. porosus are phenotypically plastic, both morphologically and functionally and acclimate to changes in environmental salinity

    Conservation physiology and the quest for a ‘good’ Anthropocene

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    It has been proposed that we are now living in a new geological epoch known as the Anthropocene, which is specifically defined by the impacts that humans are having on the Earth’s biological diversity and geology. Although the proposal of this term was borne out of an acknowledgement of the negative changes we are imparting on the globe (e.g. climate change, pollution, coastal erosion, species extinctions), there has recently been action amongst a variety of disciplines aimed at achieving a ‘good Anthropocene’ that strives to balance societal needs and the preservation of the natural world. Here, we outline ways that the discipline of conservation physiology can help to delineate a hopeful, progressive and productive path for conservation in the Anthropocene and, specifically, achieve that vision. We focus on four primary ways that conservation physiology can contribute, as follows: (i) building a proactive approach to conservation; (ii) encouraging a pragmatic perspective; (iii) establishing an appreciation for environmental resilience; and (iv) informing and engaging the public and political arenas. As a collection of passionate individuals combining theory, technological advances, public engagement and a dedication to achieving conservation success, conservation physiologists are poised to make meaningful contributions to the productive, motivational and positive way forward that is necessary to curb and reverse negative human impact on the environment

    Conservation physiology and the quest for a ‘good’ Anthropocene

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    It has been proposed that we are now living in a new geological epoch known as the Anthropocene, which is specifically defined by the impacts that humans are having on the Earth’s biological diversity and geology. Although the proposal of this term was borne out of an acknowledgement of the negative changes we are imparting on the globe (e.g. climate change, pollution, coastal erosion, species extinctions), there has recently been action amongst a variety of disciplines aimed at achieving a ‘good Anthropocene’ that strives to balance societal needs and the preservation of the natural world. Here, we outline ways that the discipline of conservation physiology can help to delineate a hopeful, progressive and productive path for conservation in the Anthropocene and, specifically, achieve that vision. We focus on four primary ways that conservation physiology can contribute, as follows: (i) building a proactive approach to conservation; (ii) encouraging a pragmatic perspective; (iii) establishing an appreciation for environmental resilience; and (iv) informing and engaging the public and political arenas. As a collection of passionate individuals combining theory, technological advances, public engagement and a dedication to achieving conservation success, conservation physiologists are poised to make meaningful contributions to the productive, motivational and positive way forward that is necessary to curb and reverse negative human impact on the environment
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