1,777 research outputs found

    Probing the helium-graphite interaction

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    Two separate lines of investigation have recently converged to produce a highly detailed picture of the behavior of helium atoms physisorbed on graphite basal plane surfaces. Atomic beam scattering experiments on single crystals have yielded accurate values for the binding energies of several· states for both (^4)He and (^3)He, as well as matrix elements of the largest Fourier component of the periodic part of the interaction potential. From these data, a complete three-dimensional description of the potential has been constructed, and the energy band structure of a helium atom moving in this potential calculated. At the same time, accurate thermodynamic measurements were made on submonolayer helium films adsorbed on Grafoil. The binding energy and low-coverage specific heat deduced from these measurements are in excellent agreement with those calculated from the band structures

    Evaluating testing methods by delivered reliability

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    There are two main goals in testing software: (1) to achieve adequate quality (debug testing), where the objective is to probe the software for defects so that these can be removed, and (2) to assess existing quality (operational testing), where the objective is to gain confidence that the software is reliable. Debug methods tend to ignore random selection of test data from an operational profile, while for operational methods this selection is all-important. Debug methods are thought to be good at uncovering defects so that these can be repaired, but having done so they do not provide a technically defensible assessment of the reliability that results. On the other hand, operational methods provide accurate assessment, but may not be as useful for achieving reliability. This paper examines the relationship between the two testing goals, using a probabilistic analysis. We define simple models of programs and their testing, and try to answer the question of how to attain program reliability: is it better to test by probing for defects as in debug testing, or to assess reliability directly as in operational testing? Testing methods are compared in a model where program failures are detected and the software changed to eliminate them. The “better” method delivers higher reliability after all test failures have been eliminated. Special cases are exhibited in which each kind of testing is superior. An analysis of the distribution of the delivered reliability indicates that even simple models have unusual statistical properties, suggesting caution in interpreting theoretical comparisons

    Quantum Weakly Nondeterministic Communication Complexity

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    We study the weakest model of quantum nondeterminism in which a classical proof has to be checked with probability one by a quantum protocol. We show the first separation between classical nondeterministic communication complexity and this model of quantum nondeterministic communication complexity for a total function. This separation is quadratic.Comment: 12 pages. v3: minor correction

    Testing Linear-Invariant Non-Linear Properties

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    We consider the task of testing properties of Boolean functions that are invariant under linear transformations of the Boolean cube. Previous work in property testing, including the linearity test and the test for Reed-Muller codes, has mostly focused on such tasks for linear properties. The one exception is a test due to Green for "triangle freeness": a function f:\cube^{n}\to\cube satisfies this property if f(x),f(y),f(x+y)f(x),f(y),f(x+y) do not all equal 1, for any pair x,y\in\cube^{n}. Here we extend this test to a more systematic study of testing for linear-invariant non-linear properties. We consider properties that are described by a single forbidden pattern (and its linear transformations), i.e., a property is given by kk points v_{1},...,v_{k}\in\cube^{k} and f:\cube^{n}\to\cube satisfies the property that if for all linear maps L:\cube^{k}\to\cube^{n} it is the case that f(L(v1)),...,f(L(vk))f(L(v_{1})),...,f(L(v_{k})) do not all equal 1. We show that this property is testable if the underlying matroid specified by v1,...,vkv_{1},...,v_{k} is a graphic matroid. This extends Green's result to an infinite class of new properties. Our techniques extend those of Green and in particular we establish a link between the notion of "1-complexity linear systems" of Green and Tao, and graphic matroids, to derive the results.Comment: This is the full version; conference version appeared in the proceedings of STACS 200
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