1,941 research outputs found

    The feasibility of posture and movement detection by accelerometry

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    The discrimination of postures and movements using a minimal set of uniaxial accelerometers was investigated. Postures and movements were distinguished on the bitsis of the high-pm filtered, rectified and low pass filtered signal of one accelerometer. Postures were discriminated by combining the constant valued signals of the accelerometers, mounted on different segments of the body. One sensor mounted ndiully on the trunc and one mounted radially or tangentially on the upper leg appeared to be suficient to discriminate shnding, sitting and lying. Methods are proposed for the discrimination of different cyclical movements

    Quality of Life in adults who stutter

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    Abstract: Although persistent developmental stuttering is known to affect daily living, just how great the impact is remains unclear. Furthermore, little is known about the underlying mechanisms which lead to a diminished quality of life (QoL). The primary objective of this study is to explore to what extent QoL is impaired in adults who stutter (AWS). In addition, this study aims to identify determinants of QoL in AWS by testing relationships between stuttering severity, coping, functioning and QoL and by testing for differences in variable scores between two AWS subgroups: receiving therapy versus not receiving therapy. A total of 91 AWS filled in several questionnaires to assess their stuttering severity, daily functioning, coping style and QoL. The QoL instruments used were the Health Utility Index 3 (HUI3) and the EuroQoL EQ-5D and EQ-VAS. The results indicated that moderate to severe stuttering has a negative impact on overall quality of life; HUI3 derived QoL values varied from .91 (for mild stuttering) to .73 (for severe stuttering). The domains of functioning that were predominantly affected were the individual’s speech, emotion, cognition and pain as measured by the HUI3 and daily activities and anxiety/depression as measured by the EQ-5D. AWS in the therapy group rated their stuttering as more severe and recorded more problems on the HUI3 speech domain than AWS in the non-therapy group. The EQ-VAS was the only instrument that showed a significant difference in overall QoL between groups. Finally, it was found that the relationship between stuttering severity and QoL was influenced by the individual’s coping style (emotion-oriented and task-oriented). These findings highlight the need for further research into stuttering in relation to QoL, and for a broader perspective on the diagnosis and treatment of stuttering, which would take into consideration quality of life and its determinants

    PCN154 Are Population-Based Registries a Suitable Tool for Outcomes Research in Cancer? Experiences from Four Registries

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    COVID-19: Experience of a tertiary children’s hospital in Western Cape Province, South Africa

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    The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated rapid changes in healthcare systems and at Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital (RCWMCH), Cape Town, South Africa. Paediatric services in particular required adjustment, not only for the paediatric patients but also for their carers and the staff looking after them. Strategies were divided into streams, including the impact of COVID-19 on the hospital and the role of RCWMCH in Western Cape Province, communication strategies, adaptation of clinical services at the hospital, specifically with a paediatric-friendly approach, and staff engagement. Interventions utilised: (i) Specific COVID-19 planning was required at a children’s hospital, and lessons were learnt from other international children’s hospitals. A similar number of patients and staff were infected by the virus (244 patients and 212 staff members by 21 December 2020). (ii) Measures were put in place to assist creation of capacity at metro hospitals’ adult services by accepting children with emergency issues directly to RCWMCH, as well as accepting adolescents up to age 18 years. (iii) The communication strategy was improved to include daily engagement with heads of departments/supervisors by earlymorning structured information meetings. There were also changes in the methods of communication with staff using media such as Zoom, MS Teams and WhatsApp. Hospital-wide information and discussion sessions were held both on social platforms and in the form of smallgroup physical meetings with senior hospital administrators (with appropriate distancing). Labour union representatives were purposefully directly engaged to assess concerns. (iv) Clinical services at the hospital were adapted. These included paediatric-friendly services and physical changes to the hospital environment. (v) Staff engagement was particularly important to assist in allaying staff anxiety, developing a staff screening programme, and provision and training in use of personal protective equipment, as well as focusing on staff wellness. In conclusion, visible management and leadership has allowed for flexibility and adaptability to manage clinical services in various contexts. It is important to utilise staff in different roles during a crisis and to consider the different perspectives of people involved in the services. The key to success, that included very early adoption of the above measures, has been hospital staff taking initiative, searching for answers and identifying and implementing solutions, effective communication, and leadership support. These lessons are useful in dealing with second and further waves of the COVID-19 pandemic

    Gradient-free quantum optimization on NISQ devices

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    Variational Quantum Eigensolvers (VQEs) have recently attracted considerable attention. Yet, in practice, they still suffer from the efforts for estimating cost function gradients for large parameter sets or resource-demanding reinforcement strategies. Here, we therefore consider recent advances in weight-agnostic learning and propose a strategy that addresses the trade-off between finding appropriate circuit architectures and parameter tuning. We investigate the use of NEAT-inspired algorithms which evaluate circuits via genetic competition and thus circumvent issues due to exceeding numbers of parameters. Our methods are tested both via simulation and on real quantum hardware and are used to solve the transverse Ising Hamiltonian and the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin model.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, comments welcome

    Direct versus indirect treatment for preschool children who stutter: The RESTART randomized trial

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    Objective Stuttering is a common childhood disorder. There is limited high quality evidence regarding options for best treatment. The aim of the study was to compare the effectiveness of direct treatment with indirect treatment in preschool children who stutter. Methods In this multicenter randomized controlled trial with an 18 month follow-up, preschool children who stutter who were referred for treatment were randomized to direct treatment (Lidcombe Program; n = 99) or indirect treatment (RESTART-DCM treatment; n = 100). Main inclusion criteria were age 3-6 years, ≥ 3% syllables stuttered (%SS), and time since onset ≥ 6 months. The primary outcome was the percentage of non-stuttering children at 18 months. Secondary outcomes included stuttering frequency (%SS), stuttering severity ratings by the parents and therapist, severity rating by the child, health-related quality of life, emotional and behavioral problems, and speech attitude. Results Percentage of non-stuttering children for direct treatment was 76.5% (65/85) versus 71.4% (65/91) for indirect treatment (Odds Ratio (OR), 0.6; 95% CI, 0.1-2.4, p = .42). At 3 months, children treated by direct treatment showed a greater decline in %SS (significant interaction time x therapy: β = -1.89; t(282.82) = -2.807, p = .005). At 18 months, stuttering frequency was 1.2% (SD 2.1) for direct treatment and 1.5% (SD 2.1) for indirect treatment. Direct treatment had slightly better scores on most other secondary outcome measures, but no differences between treatment approaches were significant. Conclusions Direct treatment decreased stuttering more quickly during the first three months of treatment. At 18 months, however, clinical outcomes for direct and indirect treatment were comparable. These results imply that at 18 months post treatment onset, both treatments are roughly equal in treating developmental stuttering in ways that surpass expectations of natural recovery. Follow-up data are needed to confirm these findings in the longer term

    MKBA Peilverandering Polder Zegveld

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    Het Westelijk Veenweidegebied is al eeuwenlang onderhevig aan bodemdaling en oxidatie van het veen. Een mogelijkheid om dit tegen te gaan is het veranderen c.q. verhogen van het peil van het oppervlaktewater. Peilverandering zal naar verwachting tal van effecten hebben voor de regio. Naast effecten voor de reguliere landbouw en het waterbeheer kan peilverandering ook invloed hebben op de natuurwaarden in het gebied, het woongenot en de inkomsten van recreatie-afhankelijke sectoren. In dit rapport wordt met behulp van het instrument Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse (MKBA) bezien welke kosten en baten peilverandering in de polder Zegveld met zich meebrengt

    Does a narrative retelling task improve the assessment of language proficiency in school-aged children born very preterm?

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    Almost half of the children born very preterm (VP) experience language difficulties at school-age, specifically with more complex language tasks. Narrative retelling is such a task. Therefore, we explored the value of narrative retelling assessment in school-aged children born VP, compared to item-based language assessment. In 63 children born VP and 30 age-matched full-term (FT) controls Renfrew’s Bus Story Test and Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals were assessed. The retelling of the Bus Story was transcribed and language complexity and content measures were analyzed with Computerised Language Analysis software. Narrative outcomes of the VP group were worse than that of the FT group. Group differences were significant for the language complexity measures, but not for the language content measures. However, the mean narrative composite score of the VP group was significantly better than their mean item-based language score, while in the FT group the narrative score was worse than the item-based score. Significant positive correlations between narrative and item-based language scores were found only in the VP group. In conclusion, in VP children narrative retelling appears to be less sensitive to detecting academic language problems than item-based language assessment. This might be related to the mediating role of attention in item-based tasks, that appears not to affect more spontaneous language tasks such as retelling. Therefore, in school-aged children born VP we recommend using narrative assessment, in addition to item-based assessments, because it is more related to spontaneous language and less sensitive to attention problems

    Multifunctional T cell response to DosR and Rpf antigens is associated with protection in long-Term mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected individuals in Colombia

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    ABSTARCT: Multifunctional T cells have been shown to be protective in chronic viral infections. In mycobacterial infections, however, evidence for a protective role of multifunctional T cells remains inconclusive. Short-term cultures of peripheral blood mononuclear cells stimulated with the Mycobacterium tuberculosis RD1 antigens 6-kDa early secretory antigenic target (ESAT6) and 10-kDa culture filtrate antigen (CFP10), which are induced in the early infection phase, have been mainly used to assess T cell multifunctionality, although long-term culture assays have been proposed to be more sensitive than short-term assays for assessment of memory T cells, which are essential for long-term immunity. Here we used a long-term culture assay system to study the T cell immune responses to the M. tuberculosis latency-associated DosR antigens and reactivation-associated Rpf antigens, compared to ESAT6 and CFP10, in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) and household contacts of PTB patients with long-term latent tuberculosis infection (ltLTBI), in a community in which M. tuberculosis is endemic. Our results showed that the DosR antigens Rv1737c (narK2) and Rv2029c (pfkB) and the Rv2389c (rpfD) antigen of M. tuberculosis induced higher frequencies of CD4+ or CD8+ mono- or bifunctional (but not multifunctional) T cells producing interferon gamma (IFN-γ) and/or tumor necrosis alpha (TNF-α) in ltLTBI, compared to PTB. Moreover, the frequencies of CD4+ and/or CD8+ T cells with a CD45RO+ CD27+ phenotype were higher in ltLTBI than in PTB. Thus, the immune responses to selected DosR and Rpf antigens may be associated with long-term latency, correlating with protection from M. tuberculosis reactivation in ltLTBI. Further study of the functional and memory phenotypes may contribute to further discrimination between the different states of M. tuberculosis infections
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