113 research outputs found

    A Missense Mutation in a Highly Conserved Alternate Exon of Dynamin-1 Causes Epilepsy in Fitful Mice

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    Dynamin-1 (Dnm1) encodes a large multimeric GTPase necessary for activity-dependent membrane recycling in neurons, including synaptic vesicle endocytosis. Mice heterozygous for a novel spontaneous Dnm1 mutation—fitful—experience recurrent seizures, and homozygotes have more debilitating, often lethal seizures in addition to severe ataxia and neurosensory deficits. Fitful is a missense mutation in an exon that defines the DNM1a isoform, leaving intact the alternatively spliced exon that encodes DNM1b. The expression of the corresponding alternate transcripts is developmentally regulated, with DNM1b expression highest during early neuronal development and DNM1a expression increasing postnatally with synaptic maturation. Mutant DNM1a does not efficiently self-assemble into higher order complexes known to be necessary for proper dynamin function, and it also interferes with endocytic recycling in cell culture. In mice, the mutation results in defective synaptic transmission characterized by a slower recovery from depression after trains of stimulation. The DNM1a and DNM1b isoform pair is highly conserved in vertebrate evolution, whereas invertebrates have only one isoform. We speculate that the emergence of more specialized forms of DNM1 may be important in organisms with complex neuronal function

    IAP Display: A Simple Method to Identify Mouse Strain Specific IAP Insertions

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    Intracisternal A-type particle (IAP) elements are high copy number long terminal repeat (LTR) rodent retrotransposons. Some IAP elements can transpose, and are responsible for ~12% of spontaneous mouse mutations. Inbred mouse strains show variation in genomic IAP distribution, contributing to inter-strain genetic variability. Additionally IAP elements can influence the transcriptional regulation of neighbouring genes through their strong LTR promoter, effecting phenotypic variation. This genetic and phenotypic variability can translate into experimental variability between mouse strains. For example, it has been demonstrated that strain-specific genetic/epigenetic factors can interact to yield variable responses to drugs. Therefore, in experimental contexts it is essential to unequivocally identify mouse strains. Recently it was estimated that any two inbred strains share only ~40% of their IAP insertions. Of the remaining 60%, some insertions will be strain specific, fixed during inbreeding. These fixed insertions can be exploited as genetic markers to identify inbred strains, if they can be identified simply and efficiently. Here, we report the development of a PCR-based system allowing direct acquisition of strain-specific IAP insertions. In a pilot study, we identified 21 IAP loci, genotyped IAP insertions at 9 loci, and discovered two strain-specific insertions that could reliably identify these strains

    From Classical Genetics to Quantitative Genetics to Systems Biology: Modeling Epistasis

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    Gene expression data has been used in lieu of phenotype in both classical and quantitative genetic settings. These two disciplines have separate approaches to measuring and interpreting epistasis, which is the interaction between alleles at different loci. We propose a framework for estimating and interpreting epistasis from a classical experiment that combines the strengths of each approach. A regression analysis step accommodates the quantitative nature of expression measurements by estimating the effect of gene deletions plus any interaction. Effects are selected by significance such that a reduced model describes each expression trait. We show how the resulting models correspond to specific hierarchical relationships between two regulator genes and a target gene. These relationships are the basic units of genetic pathways and genomic system diagrams. Our approach can be extended to analyze data from a variety of experiments, multiple loci, and multiple environments

    Identification of Replication Competent Murine Gammaretroviruses in Commonly Used Prostate Cancer Cell Lines

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    A newly discovered gammaretrovirus, termed XMRV, was recently reported to be present in the prostate cancer cell line CWR22Rv1. Using a combination of both immunohistochemistry with broadly-reactive murine leukemia virus (MLV) anti-sera and PCR, we determined if additional prostate cancer or other cell lines contain XMRV or MLV-related viruses. Our study included a total of 72 cell lines, which included 58 of the 60 human cancer cell lines used in anticancer drug screens and maintained at the NCI-Frederick (NCI-60). We have identified gammaretroviruses in two additional prostate cancer cell lines: LAPC4 and VCaP, and show that these viruses are replication competent. Viral genome sequencing identified the virus in LAPC4 and VCaP as nearly identical to another known xenotropic MLV, Bxv-1. We also identified a gammaretrovirus in the non-small-cell lung carcinoma cell line EKVX. Prostate cancer cell lines appear to have a propensity for infection with murine gammaretroviruses, and we propose that this may be in part due to cell line establishment by xenograft passage in immunocompromised mice. It is unclear if infection with these viruses is necessary for cell line establishment, or what confounding role they may play in experiments performed with these commonly used lines. Importantly, our results suggest a need for regular screening of cancer cell lines for retroviral “contamination”, much like routine mycoplasma testing

    Genetic modifiers affecting severity of epilepsy caused by mutation of sodium channel Scn2a

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    Mutations in the voltage-gated sodium channels SCN1A and SCN2A are responsible for several types of human epilepsy. Variable expressivity among family members is a common feature of these inherited epilepsies, suggesting that genetic modifiers may influence the clinical manifestation of epilepsy. The transgenic mouse model Scn2a Q54 has an epilepsy phenotype as a result of a mutation in Scn2a that slows channel inactivation. The mice display progressive epilepsy that begins with short-duration partial seizures that appear to originate in the hippocampus. The partial seizures become more frequent and of longer duration with age and often induce secondary generalized seizures. Clinical severity of the Scn2a Q54 phenotype is influenced by genetic background. Congenic C57BL/6J.Q54 mice exhibit decreased incidence of spontaneous seizures, delayed seizure onset, and longer survival in comparison with [C57BL/6J × SJL/J]F 1 .Q54 mice. This observation indicates that strain SJL/J carries dominant modifier alleles at one or more loci that determine the severity of the epilepsy phenotype. Genome-wide interval mapping in an N 2 backcross revealed two modifier loci on Chromosomes 11 and 19 that influence the clinical severity of of this sodium channel-induced epilepsy. Modifier genes affecting clinical severity in the Scn2a Q54 mouse model may contribute to the variable expressivity seen in epilepsy patients with sodium channel mutations.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46986/1/335_2005_Article_49.pd

    Genome-Wide Assessments Reveal Extremely High Levels of Polymorphism of Two Active Families of Mouse Endogenous Retroviral Elements

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    Endogenous retroviral elements (ERVs) in mice are significant genomic mutagens, causing ∼10% of all reported spontaneous germ line mutations in laboratory strains. The majority of these mutations are due to insertions of two high copy ERV families, the IAP and ETn/MusD elements. This significant level of ongoing retrotranspositional activity suggests that inbred mice are highly variable in content of these two ERV groups. However, no comprehensive genome-wide studies have been performed to assess their level of polymorphism. Here we compared three test strains, for which sufficient genomic sequence is available, to each other and to the reference C57BL/6J genome and detected very high levels of insertional polymorphism for both ERV families, with an estimated false discovery rate of only 0.4%. Specifically, we found that at least 60% of IAP and 25% of ETn/MusD elements detected in any strain are absent in one or more of the other three strains. The polymorphic nature of a set of 40 ETn/MusD elements found within gene introns was confirmed using genomic PCR on DNA from a panel of mouse strains. For some cases, we detected gene-splicing abnormalities involving the ERV and obtained additional evidence for decreased gene expression in strains carrying the insertion. In total, we identified nearly 700 polymorphic IAP or ETn/MusD ERVs or solitary LTRs that reside in gene introns, providing potential candidates that may contribute to gene expression differences among strains. These extreme levels of polymorphism suggest that ERV insertions play a significant role in genetic drift of mouse lines

    Genome-Wide Assessments Reveal Extremely High Levels of Polymorphism of Two Active Families of Mouse Endogenous Retroviral Elements

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    Endogenous retroviral elements (ERVs) in mice are significant genomic mutagens, causing ∼10% of all reported spontaneous germ line mutations in laboratory strains. The majority of these mutations are due to insertions of two high copy ERV families, the IAP and ETn/MusD elements. This significant level of ongoing retrotranspositional activity suggests that inbred mice are highly variable in content of these two ERV groups. However, no comprehensive genome-wide studies have been performed to assess their level of polymorphism. Here we compared three test strains, for which sufficient genomic sequence is available, to each other and to the reference C57BL/6J genome and detected very high levels of insertional polymorphism for both ERV families, with an estimated false discovery rate of only 0.4%. Specifically, we found that at least 60% of IAP and 25% of ETn/MusD elements detected in any strain are absent in one or more of the other three strains. The polymorphic nature of a set of 40 ETn/MusD elements found within gene introns was confirmed using genomic PCR on DNA from a panel of mouse strains. For some cases, we detected gene-splicing abnormalities involving the ERV and obtained additional evidence for decreased gene expression in strains carrying the insertion. In total, we identified nearly 700 polymorphic IAP or ETn/MusD ERVs or solitary LTRs that reside in gene introns, providing potential candidates that may contribute to gene expression differences among strains. These extreme levels of polymorphism suggest that ERV insertions play a significant role in genetic drift of mouse lines

    Multiple Sources of Contamination in Samples from Patients Reported to Have XMRV Infection

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    Xenotropic murine leukemia virus (MLV)-related retrovirus (XMRV) was reported to be associated with prostate cancer by Urisman, et al. in 2006 and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) by Lombardi, et al. in 2009. To investigate this association, we independently evaluated plasma samples from 4 patients with CFS reported by Lombardi, et al. to have XMRV infection and from 5 healthy controls reported to be XMRV uninfected. We also analyzed viral sequences obtained from supernatants of cell cultures found to contain XMRV after coculture with 9 clinical samples from 8 patients. A qPCR assay capable of distinguishing XMRV from endogenous MLVs showed that the viral sequences detected in the CFS patient plasma behaved like endogenous MLVs and not XMRV. Single-genome sequences (N = 89) from CFS patient plasma were indistinguishable from endogenous MLVs found in the mouse genome that are distinct from XMRV. By contrast, XMRV sequences were detected by qPCR in 2 of the 5 plasma samples from healthy controls (sequencing of the qPCR product confirmed XMRV not MLV). Single-genome sequences (N = 234) from the 9 culture supernatants reportedly positive for XMRV were indistinguishable from XMRV sequences obtained from 22Rv1 and XMRV-contaminated 293T cell-lines. These results indicate that MLV DNA detected in the plasma samples from CFS patients evaluated in this study was from contaminating mouse genomic DNA and that XMRV detected in plasma samples from healthy controls and in cultures of patient samples was due to cross-contamination with XMRV (virus or nucleic acid)