239 research outputs found

    Single magnetic adsorbates on s-wave superconductors

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    In superconductors, magnetic impurities induce a pair-breaking potential for Cooper pairs, which locally affects the Bogoliubov quasiparticles and gives rise to Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR or Shiba, in short) bound states in the density of states (DoS). These states carry information on the magnetic coupling strength of the impurity with the superconductor, which determines the many-body ground state properties of the system. Recently, the interest in Shiba physics was boosted by the prediction of topological superconductivity and Majorana modes in magnetically coupled chains and arrays of Shiba impurities. Here, we review the physical insights obtained by scanning tunneling microscopy into single magnetic adsorbates on the ss-wave superconductor lead (Pb). We explore the tunneling processes into Shiba states, show how magnetic anisotropy affects many-body excitations, and determine the crossing of the many-body groundstate through a quantum phase transition. Finally, we discuss the coupling of impurities into dimers and chains and their relation to Majorana physics.Comment: 18 pages, 17 figures, revie

    Tuning the magnetic anisotropy of single molecules

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    The magnetism of single atoms and molecules is governed by the atomic scale environment. In general, the reduced symmetry of the surrounding splits the dd states and aligns the magnetic moment along certain favorable directions. Here, we show that we can reversibly modify the magnetocrystalline anisotropy by manipulating the environment of single iron(II) porphyrin molecules adsorbed on Pb(111) with the tip of a scanning tunneling microscope. When we decrease the tip--molecule distance, we first observe a small increase followed by an exponential decrease of the axial anisotropy on the molecules. This is in contrast to the monotonous increase observed earlier for the same molecule with an additional axial Cl ligand. We ascribe the changes in the anisotropy of both species to a deformation of the molecules in the presence of the attractive force of the tip, which leads to a change in the dd level alignment. These experiments demonstrate the feasibility of a precise tuning of the magnetic anisotropy of an individual molecule by mechanical control.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures; online at Nano Letters (2015

    Disentangling electron- and electric field-induced ring-closing reactions in a diarylethene derivative on Ag(111)

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    Using scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy we investigate the adsorption properties and ring-closing reaction of a diarylethene derivative (C5F-4Py) on a Ag(111) surface. We identify an electron-induced reaction mechanism, with a quantum yield varying from 10−14−10−910^{-14}-10^{-9} per electron upon variation of the bias voltage from 1−21-2 V. We ascribe the drastic increase in switching efficiency to a resonant enhancement upon tunneling through molecular orbitals. Additionally, we resolve the ring-closing reaction even in the absence of a current passing through the molecule. In this case the electric-field can modify the reaction barrier, leading to a finite switching probability at 4.8 K. A detailed analysis of the switching events shows that a simple plate-capacitor model for the tip-surface junction is insufficient to explain the distance dependence of the switching voltage. Instead, describing the tip as a sphere is in agreement with the findings. We resolve small differences in the adsorption configuration of the closed isomer, when comparing the electron- and field-induced switching product

    Visualizing intramolecular distortions as the origin of transverse magnetic anisotropy

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    The magnetic properties of metal–organic complexes are strongly influenced by conformational changes in the ligand. The flexibility of Fe-tetra-pyridyl-porphyrin molecules leads to different adsorption configurations on a Au(111) surface. By combining low-temperature scanning tunneling spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy, we resolve a correlation of the molecular configuration with different spin states and magnitudes of magnetic anisotropy. When the macrocycle exhibits a laterally undistorted saddle shape, the molecules lie in a S = 1 state with axial anisotropy arising from a square-planar ligand field. If the symmetry in the molecular ligand field is reduced by a lateral distortion of the molecule, we find a finite contribution of transverse anisotropy. Some of the distorted molecules lie in a S = 2 state, again exhibiting substantial transverse anisotropy

    Magnetic anisotropy in Shiba bound states across a quantum phase transition

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    The exchange coupling between magnetic adsorbates and a superconducting substrate leads to Shiba states inside the superconducting energy gap and a Kondo resonance outside the gap. The exchange coupling strength determines whether the quantum many-body ground state is a Kondo singlet or a singlet of the paired superconducting quasiparticles. Here, we use scanning tunneling spectroscopy to identify the different quantum ground states of Manganese phthalocyanine on Pb(111). We observe Shiba states, which are split into triplets by magnetocrystalline anisotropy. Their characteristic spectral weight yields an unambiguous proof of the nature of the quantum ground state.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Electronic structure of an iron porphyrin derivative on Au(1 1 1)

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    Surface-bound porphyrins are promising candidates for molecular switches, electronics and spintronics. Here, we studied the structural and the electronic properties of Fe-tetra-pyridil-porphyrin adsorbed on Au(1 1 1) in the monolayer regime. We combined scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy, ultraviolet photoemission, and two-photon photoemission to determine the energy levels of the frontier molecular orbitals. We also resolved an excitonic state with a binding energy of 420 meV, which allowed us to compare the electronic transport gap with the optical gap

    Gating the charge state of a single molecule by local electric fields

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    The electron acceptor molecule TCNQ is found in either of two distinct integer charge states when embedded into a monolayer of a charge transfer-complex on a gold surface. Scanning tun- neling spectroscopy measurements identify these states through the presence/absence of a zero-bias Kondo resonance. Increasing the (tip-induced) electric field allows us to reversibly induce the ox- idation/reduction of TCNQ species from their anionic or neutral ground state, respectively. We show that the different ground states arise from slight variations in the underlying surface potential, pictured here as the gate of a three-terminal device.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Direct imaging of the induced‐fit effect in molecular self‐assembly

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    Molecular recognition is a crucial driving force for molecular self‐assembly. In many cases molecules arrange in the lowest energy configuration following a lock‐and‐key principle. When molecular flexibility comes into play, the induced‐fit effect may govern the self‐assembly. Here, the self‐assembly of dicyanovinyl‐hexathiophene (DCV6T) molecules, a prototype specie for highly efficient organic solar cells, on Au(111) by using low‐temperature scanning tunneling microscopy and atomic force microscopy is investigated. DCV6T molecules assemble on the surface forming either islands or chains. In the islands the molecules are straight—the lowest energy configuration in gas phase—and expose the dicyano moieties to form hydrogen bonds with neighbor molecules. In contrast, the structure of DCV6T molecules in the chain assemblies deviates significantly from their gas‐phase analogues. The seemingly energetically unfavorable bent geometry is enforced by hydrogen‐bonding intermolecular interactions. Density functional theory calculations of molecular dimers quantitatively demonstrate that the deformation of individual molecules optimizes the intermolecular bonding structure. The intermolecular bonding energy thus drives the chain structure formation, which is an expression of the induced‐fit effect
