199 research outputs found

    How initial basin geometry influences gravity-driven salt tectonics: Insights from laboratory experiments

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    As a rifted margin starts to tilt due to thermal subsidence, evaporitic bodies can become unstable, initiating gravity-driven salt tectonics. Our understanding of such processes has greatly benefitted from tectonic modelling efforts, yet a topic that has however gotten limited attention so far is the influence of large-scale salt basin geometry on subsequent salt tectonics. The aim of this work is therefore to systematically test how salt basin geometry (initial salt basin depocenter location, i.e. where salt is thickest, as well as mean salt thickness) influence salt tectonic systems by means of analogue experiments. These experiments were analyzed qualitatively using top view photography, and quantitatively through Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), and 3D photogrammetry (Structure-from-Motion, SfM) to obtain their surface displacement and topographic evolution. The model results show that the degree of (instantaneous) margin basin tilt, followed by the mean salt thickness are dominant factors controlling deformation, as enhancing basin tilt and/or mean salt thickness promotes deformation. Focusing on experiments with constant basin tilt and mean salt thickness to filter out these dominant factors, we find that the initial salt depocenter location has various effects on the distribution and expression of tectonic domains. Most importantly, a more upslope depocenter leads to increased downslope displacement of material, and more subsidence (localized accommodation space generation) in the upslope domain when compared to a setting involving a depocenter situated farther downslope. A significant factor in these differences is the basal drag associated with locally thinner salt layers. When comparing our results with natural examples, we find a fair correlation expressed in the links between salt depocenter location and post-salt depositional patterns: the subsidence distribution due to the specific salt depocenter location creates accommodation space for subsequent sedimentation. These correlations are applicable when interpreting the early stages of salt tectonics, when sedimentary loading has not become dominant yet

    Ring-shear test data of quartz sand from the Tectonic Modelling Lab of the University of Bern (CH)

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    This dataset provides internal and basal (wall) friction data from ring-shear tests (RST) on a quartz sand material that has been used in tectonic experiments in Zwaan et al. (2016, 2017), Zwaan and Scheurs (2017) and in the Tectonic Modelling Lab of the University of Bern (CH) as an analogue for brittle layers in the crust or lithosphere. The material has been characterized by means of internal and basal friction coefficients μ and cohesions C as a remote service by the Helmholtz Laboratory for Tectonic Modelling (HelTec) at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam for the Tectonic Modelling Lab of the University of Bern (UB). According to our analysis the material behaves as a Mohr-Coulomb material characterized by a linear failure envelope. Internal peak, dynamic and reactivation friction coefficients are μP = 0.73, μD = 0.61, and μR = 0.66, respectively. Internal cohesions C are in the range of 10 to 70 Pa. Basal peak, dynamic and reactivation friction coefficients are μP = 0.41, μD = 0.35, and μR = 0.36, respectively, whereas basal cohesions C are in the range of 120 to 150 Pa. The rate dependency of the internal dynamic friction coefficient is insignificant (<1%)

    Rheology of PDMS-corundum sand mixtures from the Tectonic Modelling Lab of the University of Bern (CH)

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    This dataset provides rheometric data of silicone (Polydimethylsiloxane, PDMS SGM36)-corundum sand mixtures used for analogue modelling in Zwaan et al. (2016, 2017), Zwaan and Schreurs (2017) and in the Tectonic Modelling Lab of the Institute of Geological Sciences at the University of Bern (CH). The PDMS is produced by Dow Corning and its characteristics have been described by e.g. Rudolf et al. (2016a,b). The corundum sand (Normalkorund Braun 95.5% F120 by Carlo Bernasconi AG: https://www.carloag.ch/shop/catalog/product/view/id/643), has a grainsize of 0.088-0.125 mm and a specific density of 3.96 g cm^-3. Further rheological characteristics are described by Panien et al. (2006). The density of the tested materials ranges between 1 (pure PDMS) and 1.6 g cm^-3 (increasing corundum sand content in mixture). The material samples have been analysed in the Helmholtz Laboratory for Tectonic Modelling (HelTec) at GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam using an Anton Paar Physica MCR 301 rheometer in a plate-plate configuration at room temperature. Rotational (controlled shear rate) tests with shear rates varying from 10^-4 to 10^-1 s^-1 were performed. According to our rheometric analysis, the material is quasi Newtonian at strain rates below 10^-3*s^-1 and weakly shear rate thinning above. Viscosity and stress exponent increase systematically with density from ~4*10^4 to ~1*10^5 Pa*s and from 1.06 to 1.10, respectively. A first application of the materials tested can be found in Zwaan et al. (2016). Detailed information about the data, methodology and a list of files and formats is given in the "data description" and "list of files" that are included in the zip folder and also available via the DOI landing page

    Cooperativity of catalytic and lectin-like domain of Trypanosoma congolense trans-sialidase modulates its catalytic activity

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    Trans-sialidases (TS) represent a multi-gene family of unusual enzymes, which catalyse the transfer of terminal sialic acids (Sia) from sialoglycoconjugates to terminal galactose or N-acetylgalactosamine residues of oligosaccharides without the requirement of CMP-Neu5Ac, the activated Sia used by typical sialyltransferases. Enzymes comprise a N-terminal catalytic domain (CD) followed by a lectin-like domain (LD). Most work on trypanosomal TS has been done on enzymatic activities focusing on the CD of TS from Trypanosoma cruzi (causing Chagas disease in Latin America), subspecies of Trypanosoma brucei, (causing human sleeping sickness in Africa) and Trypanosoma congolense (causing African Animal Trypanosomosis in livestock). Previously, we demonstrated that T. congolense TS (TconTS)-LD binds to several carbohydrates, such as 1,4-β-mannotriose. In this study we investigated the influence of TconTS3-LD on Sia transfer efficiency of TconTS1a-CD by swapping domains. in silico analysis on structure models of TconTS enzymes revealed the potential of domain swaps between TconTS1a and TconTS3 without structural disruptions of the enzymes overall topologies. Recombinant domain swapped TconTS1a/TS3 showed clear Sia transfer activity, when using fetuin and lactose as Sia donor and acceptor substrates, respectively. While Sia transfer activity remained unchanged from the level of TconTS1a, hydrolytic release of free Neu5Ac as a side product was suppressed resulting in increased transfer efficiency. Presence of 1,4-β-mannotriose during TS reactions modulates enzyme activities enhancing transfer efficiency possibly due to occupation of the binding site in TconTS1a-LD. Interestingly this effect was in the same range as that observed when swapping TconTS1a-CD and TconTS3-LD. In summary, this study demonstrate the proof-of-principle for swapping CDs and LDs of TconTS and that TconTS3-LD influences enzymatic activity of TconTS1a-CD providing evidence that LDs play pivotal roles in modulating activities and biological functions of TconTS and possibly other TS

    Conjugated Polyimidazole Nanoparticles as Biodegradable Electrode Materials for Organic Batteries

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    Conjugated polymers are promising active materials for batteries. Batteries not only need to have high energy density but should also combine safe handling with recyclability or biodegradability after reaching their end-of-life. Here, π-conjugated polyimidazole particles are developed, which are prepared using atom economic direct arylation adapted to a dispersion polymerization protocol. The synthesis yields polyimidazole nanoparticles of tunable size and narrow dispersity. In addition, the degree of crosslinking of the polymer particles can be controlled. It is demonstrated that the polyimidazole nanoparticles can be processed together with carbon black and biodegradable carboxymethyl cellulose binder as an active material for organic battery electrodes. Electrochemical characterization shows that a higher degree of crosslinking significantly improves the electrochemical performance and leads to clearer oxidation and reduction signals of the polymer. Polyimidazole as part of the composite electrode shows complete degradation by exposure to composting bacteria over the course of 72 h

    Novel insights into biosynthesis and uptake of rhamnolipids and their precursors

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    The human pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonasaeruginosa produces rhamnolipids, glycolipids with functionsfor bacterial motility, biofilm formation, and uptake of hydrophobicsubstrates. Rhamnolipids represent a chemically heterogeneousgroup of secondary metabolites composed of one ortwo rhamnose molecules linked to one or mostly two 3-hydroxyfatty acids of various chain lengths. The biosyntheticpathway involves rhamnosyltransferase I encoded by the rhlABoperon, which synthesizes 3-(3-hydroxyalkanoyloxy)alkanoicacids (HAAs) followed by their coupling to one rhamnose moiety.The resulting mono-rhamnolipids are converted to dirhamnolipidsin a third reaction catalyzed by therhamnosyltransferase II RhlC. However, the mechanism behindthe biosynthesis of rhamnolipids containing only a singlefatty acid is still unknown. To understand the role of proteinsinvolved in rhamnolipid biosynthesis the heterologous expressionof rhl-genes in non-pathogenic Pseudomonas putidaKT2440 strains was used in this study to circumvent the complexquorum sensing regulation in P. aeruginosa. Our resultsreveal that RhlA and RhlB are independently involved inrhamnolipid biosynthesis and not in the form of a RhlAB heterodimercomplex as it has been previously postulated.Furthermore, we demonstrate that mono-rhamnolipids providedextracellularly as well as HAAs as their precursors are generallytaken up into the cell and are subsequently converted todi-rhamnolipids by P. putida and the native host P. aeruginosa.Finally, our results throw light on the biosynthesis ofrhamnolipids containing one fatty acid,which occurs by hydrolyzationof typical rhamnolipids containing two fatty acids,valuable for the production of designer rhamnolipids with desiredphysicochemical properties

    Potential of biotechnological conversion of lignocellulose hydrolyzates by Pseudomonas putida KT2440 as a model organism for a bio‐based economy

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    Lignocellulose‐derived hydrolyzates typically display a high degree of variation depending on applied biomass source material as well as process conditions. Consequently, this typically results in variable composition such as different sugar concentrations as well as degree and the presence of inhibitors formed during hydrolysis. These key obstacles commonly limit its efficient use as a carbon source for biotechnological conversion. The gram‐negative soil bacterium Pseudomonas putida KT2440 is a promising candidate for a future lignocellulose‐based biotechnology process due to its robustness and versatile metabolism. Recently, P. putida KT2440_xylAB which was able to metabolize the hemicellulose (HC) sugars, xylose and arabinose, was developed and characterized. Building on this, the intent of the study was to evaluate different lignocellulose hydrolyzates as platform substrates for P. putida KT2440 as a model organism for a bio‐based economy. Firstly, hydrolyzates of different origins were evaluated as potential carbon sources by cultivation experiments and determination of cell growth and sugar consumption. Secondly, the content of major toxic substances in cellulose and HC hydrolyzates was determined and their inhibitory effect on bacterial growth was characterized. Thirdly, fed‐batch bioreactor cultivations with hydrolyzate as the carbon source were characterized and a diauxic‐like growth behavior with regard to different sugars was revealed. In this context, a feeding strategy to overcome the diauxic‐like growth behavior preventing accumulation of sugars is proposed and presented. Results obtained in this study represent a first step and proof‐of‐concept toward establishing lignocellulose hydrolyzates as platform substrates for a bio‐based economy

    Growth independent rhamnolipid production from glucose using the non-pathogenic Pseudomonas putida KT2440

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Rhamnolipids are potent biosurfactants with high potential for industrial applications. However, rhamnolipids are currently produced with the opportunistic pathogen <it>Pseudomonas aeruginosa </it>during growth on hydrophobic substrates such as plant oils. The heterologous production of rhamnolipids entails two essential advantages: Disconnecting the rhamnolipid biosynthesis from the complex quorum sensing regulation and the opportunity of avoiding pathogenic production strains, in particular <it>P. aeruginosa</it>. In addition, separation of rhamnolipids from fatty acids is difficult and hence costly.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here, the metabolic engineering of a rhamnolipid producing <it>Pseudomonas putida </it>KT2440, a strain certified as safety strain using glucose as carbon source to avoid cumbersome product purification, is reported. Notably, <it>P. putida </it>KT2440 features almost no changes in growth rate and lag-phase in the presence of high concentrations of rhamnolipids (> 90 g/L) in contrast to the industrially important bacteria <it>Bacillus subtilis, Corynebacterium glutamicum</it>, and <it>Escherichia coli. P. putida </it>KT2440 expressing the <it>rhlAB</it>-genes from <it>P. aeruginosa </it>PAO1 produces mono-rhamnolipids of <it>P. aeruginosa </it>PAO1 type (mainly C<sub>10</sub>:C<sub>10</sub>). The metabolic network was optimized in silico for rhamnolipid synthesis from glucose. In addition, a first genetic optimization, the removal of polyhydroxyalkanoate formation as competing pathway, was implemented. The final strain had production rates in the range of <it>P. aeruginosa </it>PAO1 at yields of about 0.15 g/g<sub>glucose </sub>corresponding to 32% of the theoretical optimum. What's more, rhamnolipid production was independent from biomass formation, a trait that can be exploited for high rhamnolipid production without high biomass formation.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A functional alternative to the pathogenic rhamnolipid producer <it>P. aeruginosa </it>was constructed and characterized. <it>P. putida </it>KT24C1 pVLT31_<it>rhlAB </it>featured the highest yield and titer reported from heterologous rhamnolipid producers with glucose as carbon source. Notably, rhamnolipid production was uncoupled from biomass formation, which allows optimal distribution of resources towards rhamnolipid synthesis. The results are discussed in the context of rational strain engineering by using the concepts of synthetic biology like chassis cells and orthogonality, thereby avoiding the complex regulatory programs of rhamnolipid production existing in the natural producer <it>P. aeruginosa</it>.</p