113 research outputs found

    General Monogamy Inequality for Bipartite Qubit Entanglement

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    We consider multipartite states of qubits and prove that their bipartite quantum entanglement, as quantified by the concurrence, satisfies a monogamy inequality conjectured by Coffman, Kundu, and Wootters. We relate this monogamy inequality to the concept of frustration of correlations in quantum spin systems.Comment: Fixed spelling mistake. Added references. Fixed error in transformation law. Shorter and more explicit proof of capacity formula. Reference added. Rewritten introduction and conclusion

    Quantum phase transitions in matrix product systems

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    We investigate quantum phase transitions (QPTs) in spin chain systems characterized by local Hamiltonians with matrix product ground states. We show how to theoretically engineer such QPT points between states with predetermined properties. While some of the characteristics of these transitions are familiar, like the appearance of singularities in the thermodynamic limit, diverging correlation length, and vanishing energy gap, others differ from the standard paradigm: In particular, the ground state energy remains analytic, and the entanglement entropy of a half-chain stays finite. Examples demonstrate that these kinds of transitions can occur at the triple point of `conventional' QPTs.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    PEPS as unique ground states of local Hamiltonians

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    In this paper we consider projected entangled pair states (PEPS) on arbitrary lattices. We construct local parent Hamiltonians for each PEPS and isolate a condition under which the state is the unique ground state of the Hamiltonian. This condition, verified by generic PEPS and examples like the AKLT model, is an injective relation between the boundary and the bulk of any local region. While it implies the existence of an energy gap in the 1D case we will show that in certain cases (e.g., on a 2D hexagonal lattice) the parent Hamiltonian can be gapless with a critical ground state. To show this we invoke a mapping between classical and quantum models and prove that in these cases the injectivity relation between boundary and bulk solely depends on the lattice geometry.Comment: 8 page

    Quantum entanglement theory in the presence of superselection rules

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    Superselection rules severly constrain the operations which can be implemented on a distributed quantum system. While the restriction to local operations and classical communication gives rise to entanglement as a nonlocal resource, particle number conservation additionally confines the possible operations and should give rise to a new resource. In [Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 087904 (2004), quant-ph/0310124] we showed that this resource can be quantified by a single additional number, the superselection induced variance (SiV) without changing the concept of entanglement. In this paper, we give the results on pure states in greater detail; additionally, we provide a discussion of mixed state nonlocality with superselection rules where we consider both formation and distillation. Finally, we demonstrate that SiV is indeed a resource, i.e., that it captures how well a state can be used to overcome the restrictions imposed by the superselection rule.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Sequentially generated states for the study of two dimensional systems

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    Matrix Product States can be defined as the family of quantum states that can be sequentially generated in a one-dimensional system. We introduce a new family of states which extends this definition to two dimensions. Like in Matrix Product States, expectation values of few body observables can be efficiently evaluated and, for the case of translationally invariant systems, the correlation functions decay exponentially with the distance. We show that such states are a subclass of Projected Entangled Pair States and investigate their suitability for approximating the ground states of local Hamiltonians.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Multipartite entanglement in 2 x 2 x n quantum systems

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    We classify multipartite entangled states in the 2 x 2 x n (n >= 4) quantum system, for example the 4-qubit system distributed over 3 parties, under local filtering operations. We show that there exist nine essentially different classes of states, and they give rise to a five-graded partially ordered structure, including the celebrated Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) and W classes of 3 qubits. In particular, all 2 x 2 x n-states can be deterministically prepared from one maximally entangled state, and some applications like entanglement swapping are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 3 eps figure

    Area laws in quantum systems: mutual information and correlations

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    The holographic principle states that on a fundamental level the information content of a region should depend on its surface area rather than on its volume. This counterintuitive idea which has its roots in the nonextensive nature of black-hole entropy serves as a guiding principle in the search for the fundamental laws of Planck-scale physics. In this paper we show that a similar phenomenon emerges from the established laws of classical and quantum physics: the information contained in part of a system in thermal equilibrium obeys an area law. While the maximal information per unit area depends classically only on the number of microscopic degrees of freedom, it may diverge as the inverse temperature in quantum systems. A rigorous relation between area laws and correlations is established and their explicit behavior is revealed for a large class of quantum many-body states beyond equilibrium systems.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, published version with appendi

    Strings, Projected Entangled Pair States, and variational Monte Carlo methods

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    We introduce string-bond states, a class of states obtained by placing strings of operators on a lattice, which encompasses the relevant states in Quantum Information. For string-bond states, expectation values of local observables can be computed efficiently using Monte Carlo sampling, making them suitable for a variational abgorithm which extends DMRG to higher dimensional and irregular systems. Numerical results demonstrate the applicability of these states to the simulation of many-body sytems.Comment: 4 pages. v2: Submitted version, containing more numerical data. Changed title and renamed "string states" to "string-bond states" to comply with PRL conventions. v3: Accepted version, Journal-Ref. added (title differs from journal

    Entropy scaling and simulability by matrix product states

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    We investigate the relation between the scaling of block entropies and the efficient simulability by matrix product states (MPSs) and clarify the connection both for von Neumann and Renyi entropies. Most notably, even states obeying a strict area law for the von Neumann entropy are not necessarily approximable by MPSs. We apply these results to illustrate that quantum computers might outperform classical computers in simulating the time evolution of quantum systems, even for completely translational invariant systems subject to a time-independent Hamiltonian
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