36 research outputs found

    Dissociable Effects of Reward on Attentional Learning: From Passive Associations to Active Monitoring

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    Visual selective attention (VSA) is the cognitive function that regulates ongoing processing of retinal input in order for selected representations to gain privileged access to perceptual awareness and guide behavior, facilitating analysis of currently relevant information while suppressing the less relevant input. Recent findings indicate that the deployment of VSA is shaped according to past outcomes. Targets whose selection has led to rewarding outcomes become relatively easier to select in the future, and distracters that have been ignored with higher gains are more easily discarded. Although outcomes (monetary rewards) were completely predetermined in our prior studies, participants were told that higher rewards would follow more efficient responses. In a new experiment we have eliminated the illusory link between performance and outcomes by informing subjects that rewards were randomly assigned. This trivial yet crucial manipulation led to strikingly different results. Items that were associated more frequently with higher gains became more difficult to ignore, regardless of the role (target or distracter) they played when differential rewards were delivered. Therefore, VSA is shaped by two distinct reward-related learning mechanisms: one requiring active monitoring of performance and outcome, and a second one detecting the sheer association between objects in the environment (whether attended or ignored) and the more-or-less rewarding events that accompany them

    Midlife managerial experience is linked to late life hippocampal morphology and function

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    An active cognitive lifestyle has been suggested to have a protective role in the long-term maintenance of cognition. Amongst healthy older adults, more managerial or supervisory experiences in midlife are linked to a slower hippocampal atrophy rate in late life. Yet whether similar links exist in individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) is not known, nor whether these differences have any functional implications. 68 volunteers from the Sydney SMART Trial, diagnosed with non-amnestic MCI, were divided into high and low managerial experience (HME/LME) during their working life. All participants underwent neuropsychological testing, structural and resting-state functional MRI. Group comparisons were performed on hippocampal volume, morphology, hippocampal seed-based functional connectivity, memory and executive function and self-ratings of memory proficiency. HME was linked to better memory function (p = 0.024), mediated by larger hippocampal volume (p = 0.025). More specifically, deformation analysis found HME had relatively more volume in the CA1 sub-region of the hippocampus (p  <  0.05). Paradoxically, this group rated their memory proficiency worse (p = 0.004), a result correlated with diminished functional connectivity between the right hippocampus and right prefrontal cortex (p  <  0.001). Finally, hierarchical regression modelling substantiated this double dissociation

    A novel hybrid organosolv: steam explosion method for the efficient fractionation and pretreatment of birch biomass

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    Background: The main role of pretreatment is to reduce the natural biomass recalcitrance and thus enhance sac- charification yield. A further prerequisite for efficient utilization of all biomass components is their efficient fractiona- tion into well-defined process streams. Currently available pretreatment methods only partially fulfill these criteria. Steam explosion, for example, excels as a pretreatment method but has limited potential for fractionation, whereas organosolv is excellent for delignification but offers poor biomass deconstruction. Results: In this article, a hybrid method combining the cooking and fractionation of conventional organosolv pre - treatment with the implementation of an explosive discharge of the cooking mixture at the end of pretreatment was developed. The effects of various pretreatment parameters (ethanol content, duration, and addition of sulfuric acid) were evaluated. Pretreatment of birch at 200 °C with 60% v/v ethanol and 1% w/w biomass H 2 SO 4 was proven to be the most efficient pretreatment condition yielding pretreated solids with 77.9% w/w cellulose, 8.9% w/w hemicellulose, and 7.0 w/w lignin content. Under these conditions, high delignification of 86.2% was demonstrated. The recovered lignin was of high purity, with cellulose and hemicellulose contents not exceeding 0.31 and 3.25% w/w, respectively, and ash to be < 0.17% w/w in all cases, making it suitable for various applications. The pretreated solids presented high saccharification yields, reaching 68% at low enzyme load (6 FPU/g) and complete saccharification at high enzyme load (22.5 FPU/g). Finally, simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) at 20% w/w solids yielded an ethanol titer of 80 g/L after 192 h, corresponding to 90% of the theoretical maximum. Conclusions: The novel hybrid method developed in this study allowed for the efficient fractionation of birch biomass and production of pretreated solids with high cellulose and low lignin contents. Moreover, the explosive dis- charge at the end of pretreatment had a positive effect on enzymatic saccharification, resulting in high hydrolyzability of the pretreated solids and elevated ethanol titers in the following high-gravity SSF. To the best of our knowledge, the ethanol concentration obtained with this method is the highest so far for birch biomass

    Identification of the secreted proteins originated from primary human hepatocytes and HepG2 cells.

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    The liver plays a pivotal role in whole-body carbohydrate, lipid, and protein metabolism. One of the key regulators of glucose and lipid metabolism are hepatokines, which are found among the liver secreted proteins, defined as liver secretome. To elucidate the composition of the human liver secretome and identify hepatokines in primary human hepatocytes (PHH), we conducted comprehensive protein profiling on conditioned medium (CM) of PHH. Secretome profiling using liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) identified 691 potential hepatokines in PHH. Subsequently, pathway analysis assigned these proteins to acute phase response, coagulation, and complement system pathways. The secretome of PHH was compared to the secreted proteins of the liver hepatoma cell line HepG2. Although the secretome of PHH and HepG2 cells show a high overlap, the HepG2 secretome rather mirrors the fetal liver with some cancer characteristics. Collectively, our study represents one of the most comprehensive secretome profiling approaches for PHH, allowing new insights into the composition of the secretome derived from primary human material, and points out strength and weakness of using HepG2 cell secretome as a model for the analysis of the human liver secretome

    Increased expressions of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) in prostate cancer tissues of men with type 2 diabetes.

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    Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is associated with worse prognosis of prostate cancer (PCa). The molecular mechanisms behind this association are still not fully understood. The aim of this study was to identify key factors, which contribute to the more aggressive PCa phenotype in patients with concurrent T2D. Therefore, we investigated benign and PCa tissue of PCa patients with and without diabetes using real time qPCR. Compared to patients without diabetes, patients with T2D showed a decreased E‐cadherin/N‐cadherin (CDH1/CDH2) ratio in prostate tissue, indicating a switch of epithelial‐mesenchymal transition (EMT), which is a pivotal process in carcinogenesis. In addition, the gene expression levels of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and CC chemokine ligands (CCLs) were higher in prostate samples of T2D patients. Next, prostate adenocarcinoma PC3 cells were treated with increasing glucose concentrations to replicate hyperglycemia in vitro. In these cells, high glucose induced expressions of MMPs and CCLs, which showed significant positive associations with the proliferation marker proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). These results indicate that in prostate tissue of men with T2D, hyperglycemia may induce EMT, increase MMP and CCL gene expressions, which in turn activate invasion and inflammatory processes accelerating the progression of PCa

    Transcript levels of aldo-keto reductase family 1 subfamily C (AKR1C) are increased in prostate tissue of patients with type 2 diabetes.

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    Aldo-keto reductase family 1 (AKR1) enzymes play a crucial role in diabetic complications. Since type 2 diabetes (T2D) is associated with cancer progression, we investigated the impact of diabetes onAKR1gene expression in the context of prostate cancer (PCa) development. In this study, we analyzed benign (BEN) prostate and PCa tissue of patients with and without T2D. Furthermore, to replicate hyperglycemia in vitro, we treated the prostate adenocarcinoma cell line PC3 with increasing glucose concentrations. Gene expression was quantified using real-time qPCR. In the prostate tissue of patients with T2D,AKR1C1andAKR1C2transcripts were higher compared to samples of patients without diabetes. In PC3 cells, high glucose treatment induced the gene expression levels ofAKR1C1,C2,andC3. Furthermore, both in human tissue and in PC3 cells, the transcript levels ofAKR1C1, C2,andC3showed positive associations with oncogenes, which are involved in proliferation processes and HIF1 alpha and NF kappa B pathways. These results indicate that in the prostate glands of patients with T2D, hyperglycemia could play a pivotal role by inducing the expression ofAKR1C1, C2,andC3. The higher transcript level ofAKR1Cwas furthermore associated with upregulated HIF1 alpha and NF kappa B pathways, which are major drivers of PCa carcinogenesis

    cGMP-dependent protein kinase I (cGKI) modulates human hepatic stellate cell activation.

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    BACKGROUND: The activation of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) plays a crucial role in liver fibrosis, however the role of HSCs is less understood in hepatic insulin resistance. Since in the liver cGMP-dependent protein kinase I (cGKI) was detected in HSC but not in hepatocytes, and cGKI-deficient mice that express cGKI selectively in smooth muscle but not in other cell types (cGKI-SM mice) displayed hepatic insulin resistance, we hypothesized that cGKI modulates HSC activation and insulin sensitivity. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To study stellate cell activation in cGKI-SM mice, retinol storage and gene expression were studied. Moreover, in the human stellate cell line LX2, the consequences of cGKI-silencing on gene expression were investigated. Finally, cGKI expression was examined in human liver biopsies covering a wide range of liver fat content. RESULTS: Retinyl-ester concentrations in the liver of cGKI-SM mice were lower compared to wild-type animals, which was associated with disturbed expression of genes involved in retinol metabolism and inflammation. cGKI-silenced LX2 cells showed an mRNA expression profile of stellate cell activation, altered matrix degradation and activated chemokine expression. On the other hand, activation of LX2 cells suppressed cGKI expression. In accordance with this finding, in human liver biopsies, we observed a negative correlation between cGKI mRNA and liver fat content. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that the lack of cGKI possibly leads to stellate cell activation, which stimulates chemokine expression and activates inflammatory processes, which could disturb hepatic insulin sensitivity

    Diabetes and the prostate: Elevated fasting glucose, insulin resistance and higher levels of adrenal steroids in prostate cancer.

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    Although epidemiological studies suggest a lower prostate cancer incidence rate in patients with type 2 diabetes, cancer survival is markedly reduced. Underlying mechanisms that connect the two diseases are still unclear. Potential links between type 2 diabetes and prostate cancer are hallmarks of the metabolic syndrome, such as hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia. Therefore, we explored the systemic metabolism of 103 prostate cancer patients with newly diagnosed and yet untreated prostate cancer compared to 107 healthy controls, who were carefully matched for age and BMI. Here, we report that patients with prostate cancer display higher fasting blood glucose levels and insulin resistance, without changes in insulin secretion. With respect to lipid metabolism, serum triglyceride levels were lower in patients with prostate cancer. In addition, we report increased adrenal steroid biosynthesis in these patients. Our results indicate that higher fasting glucose levels in patients with prostate cancer may be explained at least in part by insulin resistance, due to the enhanced synthesis of adrenal steroids