6,059 research outputs found

    Using foreign inclusion detection to improve parsing performance

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    Inclusions from other languages can be a significant source of errors for monolin-gual parsers. We show this for English in-clusions, which are sufficiently frequent to present a problem when parsing German. We describe an annotation-free approach for accurately detecting such inclusions, and de-velop two methods for interfacing this ap-proach with a state-of-the-art parser for Ger-man. An evaluation on the TIGER cor-pus shows that our inclusion entity model achieves a performance gain of 4.3 points in F-score over a baseline of no inclusion de-tection, and even outperforms a parser with access to gold standard part-of-speech tags.

    Acquisition and production of skilled behavior in dynamic decision-making tasks

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    This status report consists of a thesis entitled 'Ecological Task Analysis: A Method for Display Enhancements.' Previous use of various analysis processes for the purpose of display interface design or enhancement has run the risk of failing to improve user performance due to the analysis resulting in only a sequencial listing of user tasks. Adopting an ecological approach to performing the task analysis, however, may result in the necessary modeling of an unpredictable and variable task domain required to improve user performance. Kirlik has proposed an Ecological Task Analysis framework which is designed for this purpose. It is the purpose of this research to measure this framework's effectiveness at enhancing display interfaces in order to improve user performance. Following the proposed framework, an ecological task analysis of experienced users of a complex and dynamic laboratory task, Star Cruiser, was performed. Based on this analysis, display enhancements were proposed and implemented. An experiment was then conducted to compare this new version of Star Cruiser to the original. By measuring user performance at different tasks, it was determined that during early sessions, use of the enhanced display contributed to better user performance compared to that achieved using the original display. Furthermore, the results indicate that the enhancements proposed as a result of the ecological task analysis affected user performance differently depending on whether they are enhancements which aid in the selection of a possible action or in the performance of an action. Generalizations of these findings to larger, more complex systems were avoided since the analysis was only performed on this one particular system

    The effect of a strict breeding strategy on overall growth and the prevalence of inherited disorders in the double-muscled Belgian Blue beef breed

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    Muscular conformation is the main breeding goal in the double-muscled (I)M) Belgian Blue beef breed (BBB). In recent years the muscularity has improved enormously, though at the same time the growth rate has decreased and the prevalence of a number of inherited disorders has increased. Professionals working in the cattle breeding industry are encouraging the development of breeding strategies that will increase overall growth and decrease the amount of inherited disorders. One such breeding strategy that was tested in the field neither reduced the prevalence of inherited disorders nor improved overall growth. It can be concluded that breeding strategies should be based more on the relevant genetic values than on the phenotypic values of the parental generation

    Carrot Sticks: Addressing Food Waste

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    This is a research paper. This paper details my findings and experiences while endeavoring to create a website (Carrot Sticks) that connects unwanted crops with people in need. The project was motivated by the increase in gardening awareness that resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as some troubling statistics about food waste in America. This project took place over the course of six weeks in the Fall of 2022, and my outcomes and takeaways are contained herein

    Relay-proof channels using UWB lasers

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    Alice is a hand-held device. Bob is a device providing a service, such as an ATM, an automatic door, or an anti-aircraft gun pointing at the gyro-copter in which Alice is travelling. Bob and Alice have never met, but share a key, which Alice uses to request a service from Bob (dispense cash, open door, don't shoot). Mort pretends to Bob that she is Alice, and her accomplice Cove pretends to Alice that he is Bob. Mort and Cove relay the appropriate challenges and responses to one another over a channel hidden from Alice and Bob. Meanwhile Alice waits impatiently in front of a different ATM, or the wrong door, or another gun. How can such an attack be prevented?Final Accepted Versio

    Analyzing the Influence of Smart-device Visual Features, Viewing Distance, and Content Factors on Video Streaming QoE

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    Quality of experience (QoE) over wireless networks has attracted attention from industry and academia due to an increase in video streaming applications. Several researchers have attempted to understand the factors affecting QoE and design appropriate quality control strategies. Normally, video streaming is initiated by a user who accesses video contents over wireless networks using a smart device held at various viewing distances. Each aforementioned factor has the potential to affect QoE of the viewed session. However, several studies explore the behavior of wireless networks on video streaming QoE. To understand the effects of other factors on QoE, this paper investigates the influence of the device's visual features, viewing distance, and content factors on video streaming. The study adopted an emulation technique to conduct multi-factor experiments designed using the Taguchi method. The 5-ways ANOVA analysis revealed that the effects of smart-device visual features, viewing distance, and content types are significant on video streaming QoE at p<0.05. Moreover, smart devices with a pixel density index of more than 200 ppi produce high QoE, with the viewing distance limited to 45 cm. Lastly, the video bitrate greater than 1024 kbps produced a good QoE regardless of the frame rates

    Mapping olive varieties and within-field spatial variability using high resolution QuickBird imagery

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    [Abstract]: The growth of the Australian olive (Olea europaea L.) industry requires support from research to ensure its profitability and sustainability. To contribute to this goal, our project tested the ability of remote sensing imagery to map olive groves and their attributes. Specifically, this study aimed to: (a) discriminate olives varieties; and to (b) detect and interpret within-field spatial variability. Using high spatial resolution (2.8m) QuickBird multispectral imagery acquired over Yallamundi (southeast Queensland) on 24 December 2003, both visual interpretation and statistical (divergence) measures were employed to discriminate olive varieties. Similarly, the detection and interpretation of within-field spatial variability was conducted on enhanced false colour composite imagery, and confirmed by the use of statistical methods. Results showed that the two olive varieties (i.e. Kalamata and Frantoio) can be visually differentiated and mapped on the enhanced image based on texture. The spectral signature plots showed little difference in the mean spectral reflectance values, indicating that the two varieties have a very low spectral separability. In terms of within-field spatial variability, the presence or absence of Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) was detected using visual interpretation, corroborated by the results of quantitative statistical measures. Spatial variability in soil properties, caused by the presence of a patch of sandy soil, was also detected visually. Finally, the “imprint” of former cover-type or land-use prior to olive plantation establishment in 1998 was identified. More work is being done to develop image classification techniques for mapping within-field spatial variability in olive varieties, biomass and condition using hyperspectral image data, as well as interpreting the cause of observed variability