129 research outputs found

    La carrera por la atención

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    Information processing has been a critical element in all forms of social development but the current conditions of life, sharply technological, mean that the fact of creating, processing and transmitting information is today a source of productivity and power. Nowadays, people work in an environment of information competition: much of the information circulating is delivered in order to gain visibility. But attention is a precious and scarce commodity because everyone directs their attention according to personal priorities

    Reuse of news footage: practical, legal and ethical issues

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    This paper first describes the characteristics of video news footage regarding its thematic variety, its historical, sociological, ethnological and corporate value, its polysemy, its redundancy and renewable interest, and its volume and diversity. Then, it discusses the practical, legal and ethical issues related to the reuse of news footage, including moral rights, technical considerations, identification of archive material and the proper use of shots of identifiable people. In order to illustrate these topics, some real examples are included

    Depósitos: un factor psicológico de desconfianza

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    Podeu consultar la versió en català a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/16818Los depósitos no inspiran suficiente confianza. Y no hay motivos para esta desconfianza, excepto por un factor psicológico, visceral, semántico: la palabra repositorio. Antigua en castellano y recién incorporada al catalán, la palabra repositorio provoca una sensación negativa, involuntaria y seguramente inconsciente, que podría agregarse a los doce factores que apunta Alice Keefer (2007) para explicar la resistencia de muchos autores a incluir sus trabajos en los archivos institucionales conocidos como depósitos..

    En la ciencia de lo secreto

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    Cryptography has had a significant historical influence for over two millennia. It's an ancient science which was already used by Romans, among others, to keep their communications safe from enemies. For centuries, until the 1970s, it was a black art practised by only a few governments and armies. It is now a well-established discipline that is taught in universities, it's available for use by businesses and individuals, and it protects many areas of everyday life. This ancient technique now faces the threat of quantum computing, which might cause the collapse of the cryptographic techniques known to date

    Cooperación cultural y educativa española en Egipto: (Origen y evolución)

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    Las relaciones culturales entre España y Egipto se han caracterizado por una personalidad propia desde su comienzo, quizá antes más que ahora, cuando Egipto se erigía en el verdadero adalid del Mundo Árabe, o lo intentaba con bastante éxito. Las relaciones culturales nacieron antes que cualquier otro tipo de relación y se desarrollaron a base de numerosos acuerdos. Prueba de ello son los al menos 12 documentos relativos a este campo que desde 1952 hasta hoy, han ido marcando la política cultural bilateral, frente a los acuerdos de carácter político, económico o turístico, que con el tiempo han ganado terreno en detrimento de lo culturalThe cultural relations between Spain and Egypt have been characterized by a particular character from their beginning, perhaps more in the past than nowadays, when Egypt shone as the real leader of the Arab World. These relations were born before any other, and they were developed through many agreements. This become evident in at least 12 documents linked with the field of cultural development. Since 1952 they have become milestones of the bilateral relationships, rather than the political or economical relations that have come about in the last year

    Por qué es fácil convertirse (sin querer) en un borde digital

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    El correo electrónico, la mensajería instantánea y los medios sociales son hoy los tres servicios de Internet más populares. Acortan distancias, nos acercan a los demás y nos hacen vivir lo instantáneo, lo inmediato. Pero esta inmediatez impone una prisa que no favorece el pensamiento reflexivo ni la claridad del lenguaje

    Los datos que registran nuestros móviles, una autobiografía digital

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    El teléfono móvil es un pequeño ordenador, compañero inseparable, que puede actuar como una caja negra. Registra el gran conjunto de datos que genera lo que hacemos durante el día. Incluso puede capturar y almacenar aspectos tan personales como las horas de sueño, la frecuencia cardíaca o dónde estábamos en cada momento del día

    The need for best practices in digital content syn

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    Distributing news summaries by means of content syndication significantly improved access to current information, but has had only moderate acceptance despite optimistic predictions. Inadequate attention to best practice by many content producers have limited the usefulness of content syndication. In order for this redistribution method to become a truly beneficial tool, producers must provide good content, create value, and achieve greater empathy with users

    Neither winner books nor defeated books

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    Some alarming voices insist that ebooks will displace print books, even though electronic gadgets can’t surpass, or even equal, those qualities that make paper books ideal for prolonged reading. In the future, paper will still be a better material for some tasks, so it seems reasonable to think we will keep on using it

    Html5: the new basic standard of the Web

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    In late 2009 the W3C stopped developing xhtml2 and focused on defining html5 instead. Since then, there has been some confusion and heated debates about the proper markup language for future web development. Html5 was conceived with the aim of simplifying the designers’ work and improving the sites’ performance, especially on mobile devices. This paper analyzes the final draft of the html5 specification and discusses the most significant issues: syntax, DOM, information gathering and presentation, and multimedia processing