26 research outputs found

    International Union of Pharmacology. XLV. Classification of the Kinin Receptor Family: from Molecular Mechanisms to Pathophysiological Consequences

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    Kinins are proinflammatory peptides that mediate numerous vascular and pain responses to tissue injury. Two pharmacologically distinct kinin receptor subtypes have been identified and characterized for these peptides, which are named B1 and B2 and belong to the rhodopsin family of G protein-coupled receptors. The B2 receptor mediates the action of bradykinin (BK) and lysyl-bradykinin (Lys-BK), the first set of bioactive kinins formed in response to injury from kininogen precursors through the actions of plasma and tissue kallikreins, whereas the B(1) receptor mediates the action of des-Arg9-BK and Lys-des-Arg9-BK, the second set of bioactive kinins formed through the actions of carboxypeptidases on BK and Lys-BK, respectively. The B2 receptor is ubiquitous and constitutively expressed, whereas the B1 receptor is expressed at a very low level in healthy tissues but induced following injury by various proinflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-1beta. Both receptors act through G alpha(q) to stimulate phospholipase C beta followed by phosphoinositide hydrolysis and intracellular free Ca2+ mobilization and through G alpha(i) to inhibit adenylate cyclase and stimulate the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways. The use of mice lacking each receptor gene and various specific peptidic and nonpeptidic antagonists have implicated both B1 and B2 receptors as potential therapeutic targets in several pathophysiological events related to inflammation such as pain, sepsis, allergic asthma, rhinitis, and edema, as well as diabetes and cancer. This review is a comprehensive presentation of our current understanding of these receptors in terms of molecular and cell biology, physiology, pharmacology, and involvement in human disease and drug development

    OPTEER : Un observatoire régional de l'énergie en Franche-Comté

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    Le contexte de tensions énergétiques et environnementales est aujourd'hui bien connu. La raréfaction des stocks d'énergies fossiles conduit inexorablement à une augmentation de leurs prix, mettant en péril, à terme, les ressorts du développement économique et le bien-être social. En corollaire, l'augmentation des émissions anthropiques de gaz à effet de serre est à l'origine d'un dérèglement climatique rapide et global aux conséquences potentiellement dramatiques. Enfin, la production et la consommation d'énergie ont des incidences locales sur l'environnement. Aussi, il est urgent d'adopter des comportements plus sobres en matière énergétique. De ce fait, des engagements mondiaux (protocole de Kyoto), européens (paquet climat-énergie) et nationaux (le facteur 4 c'est-à-dire la division par quatre des émissions d'ici 2050) ont été pris ces dernières années, en particulier pour limiter les émissions de gaz à effet de serre

    The chemistry of bromine in the stratosphere: Influence of a new rate constant for the reaction BrO + HO2

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    The impact of new laboratory data for the reaction BrO + HO2 yields HOBr + O2 in the depletion of global stratospheric ozone has been estimated using a one-dimensional photochemical model taking into account the heterogeneous reaction on sulphate aerosols which converts N2O5 into HNO3. Assuring an aerosol loading 2 times as large as the 'background' and a reaction probability of 0.1 for the above heterogeneous reaction, the 6 fold increase in the measured rate constant for the reaction of BrO with HO2 increases the computed depletion of global ozone produced by 20 ppt of total bromine from 2.01 percent to 2.36 percent. The use of the higher rate constant increases the HOBr mixing ratio and makes the bromine partitioning and the ozone depletion very sensitive to the branching ratio of the potential channel forming HBr in the BrO + HO2 reaction

    Bradykinin receptors in GtoPdb v.2021.3

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    Bradykinin (or kinin) receptors (nomenclature as agreed by the NC-IUPHAR subcommittee on Bradykinin (kinin) Receptors [91]) are activated by the endogenous peptides bradykinin (BK), [des-Arg9]bradykinin, Lys-BK (kallidin), [des-Arg10]kallidin, [Phospho-Ser6]-Bradykinin, T-kinin (Ile-Ser-BK), [Hyp3]bradykinin and Lys-[Hyp3]-bradykinin. Variation in pharmacology and activity of B1 and B2 receptor antagonists at species orthologs has been documented. icatibant (Hoe140, Firazir) is approved in North America and Europe for the treatment of acute attacks of hereditary angioedema

    Bradykinin receptors (version 2019.4) in the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology Database

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    Bradykinin (or kinin) receptors (nomenclature as agreed by the NC-IUPHAR subcommittee on Bradykinin (kinin) Receptors [76]) are activated by the endogenous peptides bradykinin (BK), [des-Arg9]bradykinin, Lys-BK (kallidin), [des-Arg10]kallidin, [Phospho-Ser6]-Bradykinin, T-kinin (Ile-Ser-BK), [Hyp3]bradykinin and Lys-[Hyp3]-bradykinin. Variation in pharmacology and activity of B1 and B2 receptor antagonists at species orthologs has been documented. icatibant (Hoe140, Firazir) is approved in North America and Europe for the treatment of acute attacks of hereditary angioedema

    Bradykinin receptors in GtoPdb v.2023.1

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    Bradykinin (or kinin) receptors (nomenclature as agreed by the NC-IUPHAR subcommittee on Bradykinin (kinin) Receptors [92]) are activated by the endogenous peptides bradykinin (BK), [des-Arg9]bradykinin, Lys-BK (kallidin), [des-Arg10]kallidin, [Phospho-Ser6]-Bradykinin, T-kinin (Ile-Ser-BK), [Hyp3]bradykinin and Lys-[Hyp3]-bradykinin. Variation in pharmacology and activity of B1 and B2 receptor antagonists at species orthologs has been documented. icatibant (Hoe140, Firazir) is approved in North America and Europe for the treatment of acute attacks of hereditary angioedema. Inhibition of bradykinin with icatibant in COVID-19 infection is under clinical evaluation, with trial NCT05407597 expected to complete in mid 2023

    Modele de luminance du ciel diurne et crepusculaire

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    SIGLEINIST T 77399 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    OPTEER, un dispositif de connaissance et d’analyse territoriale par et pour les acteurs de la transition énergétique

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    International audienceThe aim of this article is to illustrate, through the implementation and exploitation of the OPTEER platform (Territorial Energy Observation and Prospective at the Regional scale), how the various tools made available to territorial actors and what collective uses of geographic information have developed. Based on his experience of more than 10 years, around which crystallized operational developments and research experiments, are also evoked the new needs related to the requirements of the implementation of energy transition and the tracks of research,development and porting envisaged to guarantee the durability of the device.Cet article a pour objectif d’illustrer, à travers la mise en oeuvre et l’exploitation de la plateforme OPTEER (Observation prospective territoriale energétique à l’echelle régionale), comment sont utilisés les différents outils mis à disposition des acteurs territoriaux et quels usagescollectifs de l’information géographique se sont développés. Sur la base de cette expérience de plus de 10 ans, autour de laquelle se sont cristallisés développements opérationnels et expérimentations de recherche, sont également évoqués les nouveaux besoins liés aux exigencesde la mise en oeuvre de la transition énergétique et les pistes de recherche, de développement et de portage envisagées pour garantir la pérennité du dispositif

    Pertinence des SI territoriaux pour la scénarisation énergétique : démonstration par l’exemple de l’exploitation du SI OPTEER appliqué à l’éco-mobilité

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    International audienceDans le cadre de l’ambition REPOS de la région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, il est primordial de pouvoir scénariser l’évolution de son profil énergétique. Cependant à des échelles infrarégionales, la connaissance et la prise en compte des contextes territoriaux est essentielle pour pouvoir estimer la faisabilité et la pertinence de politiques énergétiques territoriales. Notre étude pose les bases d’une approche multicritère d’aide à la décision en utilisant le système d’information et d’observation OPTEER et ses différentes fonctionnalités ainsi que des données prospectives. L’étude porte sur la mobilité au bioGNV en Franche-Comté et sur l’analyse des impacts qu’aurait une substitution d’une partie du parc de poids lourds