564 research outputs found

    Evaluación del efecto del silenciamiento del gen RhoB (Ras Homology Family Member B) sobre el fenotipo de infección de macrófagos derivados de células U937 infectados por Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis

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    El desarrollo de mecanismos de prevención y control de las leishmaniasis se ha dificultado en parte por las pocas opciones terapéuticas y por los vacíos en el conocimiento de la interacción entre el parásito y el hospedero. El parásito posee varios mecanismos para modular la respuesta del macrófago, entre estos, la alteración de la expresión genética del macrófago durante la infección. En un trabajo previo del grupo de investigación, por análisis de microarreglos se reportaron los cambios en la expresión de genes de macrófagos derivados de células U937 infectados durante 72 horas con Leishmania Viannia braziliensis. A partir de estos resultados se seleccionó un grupo de genes para ser validados funcionalmente durante la infección in vitro. El gen RhoB que codifica para una pequeña GTPasa hace parte de un grupo de genes expresados diferencialmente entre macrófagos infectados y no infectados. El control de la expresión de esté gen está relacionado con la síntesis del colesterol, proceso que se ha reportado como alterado durante la infección. El objetivo de este trabajo fue validar de manera cuantitativa los niveles de expresión del gen RhoB en los macrófagos infectados y determinar el efecto del silenciamiento genético de RhoB sobre el fenotipo de infección, medido éste como carga parasitaria y porcentaje de infección en los macrófagos infectados con L. (V.) braziliensis. Los niveles de expresión del gen RhoB fueron medidos por PCR en tiempo real en macrófagos entre las 0 y las 120 horas después de la infección in vitro, con el fin de describir la cinética de expresión del gen durante la infección. Posteriormente, se utilizó transducción lentiviral para generar líneas celulares derivadas de U937 con expresión constitutiva de shRNAs dirigidos contra RhoB. El silenciamiento de RhoB y la cantidad de RhoB-activa en las líneas celulares fue determinado por western blot y ensayo de pull-down. Las líneas celulares con mayor nivel de silenciamiento fueron infectadas in vitro para determinar mediante tinción fluorescente y análisis de imágenes el efecto del silenciamiento sobre el porcentaje de infección y la carga parasitaria. Los resultados evidenciaron que el gen RhoB no presenta cambio en su expresión en los macrófagos entre las 0 y las 24 horas después de la infección, pero si se sobre-expresa entre las 48 y las 96 horas, resultados concordantes con los obtenidos previamente con microarreglos. Mediante la evaluación funcional usando shRNAs se encontró que el silenciamiento de RhoB se asocia con reducción en la carga parasitaria y en el porcentaje de infección in vitro. Estos resultados permiten preguntarse si la expresión del gen RhoB podría relacionarse con el establecimiento de la infección, teniendo cuenta que el intervalo de tiempo en que se sobre-expresa el gen coincide con el intervalo reportado en el que los amastigotes se multiplican activamente en el macrófago. Abstract: The development of mechanisms for prevention and control of leishmaniasis has been hampered in part by the few therapeutic options and gaps in the knowledge of the interaction between the parasite and the host. The parasite has several mechanisms to modulate macrophage response, among these, altered macrophage gene expression during infection. In a previous work of the research group, were reported the changes in the expression of genes derived macrophages infected U937 cells for 72 hours with Leishmania Viannia braziliensis by microarray analysis. From these results, a group of genes to be functionally validated for in vitro infection was selected. The RhoB gene encodes a small GTPase is part of a group of genes differentially expressed between infected and uninfected macrophages. The expression controlling of this gene it is associated with cholesterol synthesis, a process that has been reported as altered during infection. The aim of this study was to quantitatively validate the levels of RhoB gene expression in infected macrophages and determine the effect of RhoB gene silencing on the phenotype of infection, measured as parasite load and percentage of infection in L. (V.) braziliensis infected macrophages. The expression levels of the RhoB gene were measured by real-time PCR in macrophages between 0 and 120 hours after in vitro infection, in order to describe the kinetics of gene expression during infection. Subsequently, lentiviral transductions were used to generate cell lines derived from U937 with constitutive expression of shRNAs directed against RhoB. RhoB silencing and the amount of RhoB-active in the cell lines was determined by western blot and pull-down assay. Cell lines with higher silencing was infected in vitro to determine the effect on the rate of infection and parasite load by fluorescent staining and image analysis silencing. The results showed that RhoB was not change in gene expression in macrophages between 0 and 24 hours after infection, but is over-expressed between 48 and 96 hours, consistent with the results previously obtained by microarrays. The RhoB gene silencing was associated with reduction in parasite load and percentage of in vitro infection. These results raise the question whether RhoB gene expression could be related to the establishment of infection, taking account that the time interval in which over-expresses the gene matches the reported range in which they thrive amastigotes in macrophage.Maestrí

    Hybrid systems for the generation of nonclassical mechanical states via quadratic interactions

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    We present a method to implement two-phonon interactions between mechanical resonators and spin qubits in hybrid setups, and show that these systems can be applied for the generation of nonclassical mechanical states even in the presence of dissipation. In particular, we demonstrate that the implementation of a two-phonon Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian under coherent driving of the qubit yields a dissipative phase transition with similarities to the one predicted in the model of the degenerate parametric oscillator: beyond a certain threshold in the driving amplitude, the driven-dissipative system sustains a mixed steady state consisting of a “jumping cat,” i.e., a cat state undergoing random jumps between two phases. We consider realistic setups and show that, in samples within reach of current technology, the system features nonclassical transient states, characterized by a negative Wigner function, that persist during timescales of fractions of a secondC. S. M. acknowledges funding from a Short-Term Grant from the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and from the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship QUSON (Project No. 752180). J. P. was supported by the RIKEN Incentive Research Project Grant No. FY2016. F. N. is supported in part by the: MURI Center for Dynamic Magneto-Optics via the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) (FA9550-14-1- 0040), Army Research Office (ARO) (Grant No. 73315PH), Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (AOARD) (Grant No. FA2386-18-1-4045), Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) (the ImPACT program and CREST Grant No. JPMJCR1676), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) (JSPS-RFBR Grant No. 17-52-50023, and JSPS-FWO Grant No. VS.059.18N), RIKEN-AIST Challenge Research Fund, and the John Templeton Foundatio

    Simulating ultrastrong-coupling processes breaking parity conservation in Jaynes-Cummings systems

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    We propose the effective simulation of light-matter ultrastrong-coupling phenomena with strong-coupling systems. Recent theory and experiments have shown that the quantum Rabi Hamiltonian can be simulated by a Jaynes--Cummings system with the addition of two classical drives. This allows to implement nonlinear processes that do not conserve the total number of excitations. However, parity is still a conserved quantity in the quantum Rabi Hamiltonian, which forbids a wide family of processes involving virtual transitions that break this conservation. Here, we show that these parity-non-conserving processes can be simulated, and that this can be done in an even simpler setup: a Jaynes-Cummings type system with the addition of a single classical drive. By shifting the paradigm from simulating a particular model to simulating a particular process, we are able to implement a much wider family of nonlinear coherent protocols than in previous simulation approaches, doing so with fewer resources and constraints. We focus our analysis on three particular examples: a single atom exciting two photons, frequency conversion, and a single photon exciting two atoms

    Classification and reconstruction of optical quantum states with deep neural networks

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    We apply deep-neural-network-based techniques to quantum state classification and reconstruction. We demonstrate high classification accuracies and reconstruction fidelities, even in the presence of noise and with little data. Using optical quantum states as examples, we first demonstrate how convolutional neural networks (CNNs) can successfully classify several types of states distorted by, e.g., additive Gaussian noise or photon loss. We further show that a CNN trained on noisy inputs can learn to identify the most important regions in the data, which potentially can reduce the cost of tomography by guiding adaptive data collection. Secondly, we demonstrate reconstruction of quantum-state density matrices using neural networks that incorporate quantum-physics knowledge. The knowledge is implemented as custom neural-network layers that convert outputs from standard feedforward neural networks to valid descriptions of quantum states. Any standard feed-forward neural-network architecture can be adapted for quantum state tomography (QST) with our method. We present further demonstrations of our proposed [arXiv:2008.03240] QST technique with conditional generative adversarial networks (QST-CGAN). We motivate our choice of a learnable loss function within an adversarial framework by demonstrating that the QST-CGAN outperforms, across a range of scenarios, generative networks trained with standard loss functions. For pure states with additive or convolutional Gaussian noise, the QST-CGAN is able to adapt to the noise and reconstruct the underlying state. The QST-CGAN reconstructs states using up to two orders of magnitude fewer iterative steps than a standard iterative maximum likelihood (iMLE) method. Further, the QST-CGAN can reconstruct both pure and mixed states from two orders of magnitude fewer randomly chosen data points than iMLE.Comment: 40 pages, 20 figures, 5 tables, code will be available at https://github.com/quantshah/qst-n

    Quantum State Tomography with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks

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    Quantum state tomography (QST) is a challenging task in intermediate-scale quantum devices. Here, we apply conditional generative adversarial networks (CGANs) to QST. In the CGAN framework, two duelling neural networks, a generator and a discriminator, learn multi-modal models from data. We augment a CGAN with custom neural-network layers that enable conversion of output from any standard neural network into a physical density matrix. To reconstruct the density matrix, the generator and discriminator networks train each other on data using standard gradient-based methods. We demonstrate that our QST-CGAN reconstructs optical quantum states with high fidelity orders of magnitude faster, and from less data, than a standard maximum-likelihood method. We also show that the QST-CGAN can reconstruct a quantum state in a single evaluation of the generator network if it has been pre-trained on similar quantum states.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, code will be available at https://github.com/quantshah/qst-cgan; v2: minor updates; see also the companion paper arXiv:2012.0218

    El marco DPSIR en los sectores de transporte y agricultura: necesidad del desarrollo de indicadores de impacto en las categorías de ruido y uso de suelo

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    Ponencia presentada en el XIII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos celebrado en Badajoz , 8-10 de julio de 2009The use of statistical values or environmental measurement results does not suffice to reflect the environmental impact of the sectors of transport and agriculture. Despite its large incidence upon sustainability, decision-making in environmental assessment contexts has usually been based upon the development of simple pressure and state indicators. In this study, an analysis of environmental indicators developed by several international organisms within the DPSIR (Driving-Force, Pressure, State, Impact, Response) framework was performed. The results seem to confirm that impact indicators do not reflect the real impacts, either upon human beings, other living creatures or natural resources. In the case of transport noise, impact indicators typically reflect exposure and annoyance levels. On the other hand, land use indicators -for both transport and agriculture- are based upon surface occupation data. Thus, further development of indicators is needed in both sectors to more accurately reflect environmental impacts. The application of the Life Cycle Assessment methodology seems adequate in this case, since it allows for the determination of overall impacts attributable to a product or process.La utilización única de valores estadísticos o procedentes de mediciones ambientales no es suficiente para reflejar el impacto medioambiental de los sectores del transporte y de la agricultura. A pesar de su incidencia sobre la sostenibilidad, la toma de decisiones para evaluar el impacto medioambiental se ha basado normalmente en el desarrollo de indicadores simples de presión y estado. En este estudio se ha realizado un análisis de indicadores medioambientales dentro del marco DPSIR (del inglés, Driving-Force, Pressure, State, Impact, Response) desarrollados por diversas organizaciones mundiales. Como resultado se puede comprobar que los indicadores de impacto no reflejan un impacto real, ya sea sobre las consecuencias en el propio ser humano, en otros seres vivos o en los recursos naturales. En el caso del ruido del transporte, estos reflejan generalmente los niveles de exposición y molestia de las personas, mientras que en el caso de la categoría de uso del suelo en ambos sectores, únicamente se presentan datos de ocupación superficial. Por lo tanto, es necesario el desarrollo de indicadores de impacto de las citadas categorías que reflejen el estado medioambiental real. La aplicación de la metodología del Análisis del Ciclo de Vida es muy conveniente para este desarrollo ya que permite determinar el impacto asociado de forma global a un producto o proceso

    Spontaneous scattering of Raman photons from cavity-QED systems in the ultrastrong coupling regime

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    We show that spontaneous Raman scattering of incident radiation can be observed in cavity-QED systems without external enhancement or coupling to any vibrational degree of freedom. Raman scattering processes can be evidenced as resonances in the emission spectrum, which become clearly visible as the cavity-QED system approaches the ultrastrong coupling regime. We provide a quantum mechanical description of the effect, and show that ultrastrong light-matter coupling is a necessary condition for the observation of Raman scattering. This effect, and its strong sensitivity to the system parameters, opens new avenues for the characterization of cavity QED setups and the generation of quantum states of lightC. S. M. acknowledges that the project that gave rise to these results received the support of a fellowship from “la Caixa” Foundation (ID 100010434) and from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 847648, with fellowship code LCF/BQ/PI20/11760026, and financial support from the Proyecto Sinérgico CAM 2020 Y2020/TCS-6545 (NanoQuCo-CM). F. N. is supported in part by Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Research, the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) [via the Quantum Leap Flagship Program (Q-LEAP) program, and the Moonshot R&D Grant No. JPMJMS2061], the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) [via the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) Grant No. JP20H00134], the Army Research Office (ARO) (Grant No. W911NF-18-1-0358), the Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (AOARD) (via Grant No. FA2386-20-1-4069), and the Foundational Questions Institute Fund (FQXi) via Grant No. FQXiIAF19-06. S. S. acknowledges the Army Research Office (ARO) (Grant No. W911NF1910065

    Adaptación de los criterios ecológicos para la obtención de la Etiqueta Ecológica Europea en la fase de producción de baldosas cerámicas

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    Ponencia presentada en el XIII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos celebrado en Badajoz , 8-10 de julio de 2009The European eco-label is the official labeling scheme common to all member states of the EU whereby environmentally-friendly products are identified. Products that apply for this eco-label have to meet a number of environmental and product performance criteria. Therefore, in order to qualify for the eco-label, they must fulfill requirements which encompass several life cycle stages, from production to use and final disposal. In this study, the results of the environmental assessment of several ceramic tile manufacturers using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology are provided. Said results highlight the fact that most plants presently fulfill the sustainability requirement set for obtaining the European eco-label. In some cases, limits are exceeded, as is the case with particle emissions or energy consumption. These shortcomings, however, may be overcome through the application of the best available techniques (BATs).La Etiqueta Ecológica Europea (EEE) es el sistema de etiquetado oficial común para todos los estados miembros de la Unión Europea que identifica si un producto es respetuoso con el medio ambiente. Para analizar los productos candidatos a esta EEE se ha establecido una serie de criterios relativos al medio ambiente y a las prestaciones del producto. Por consiguiente, para ser beneficiarios de la misma, los productos deben cumplir la totalidad de los criterios, los cuales tienen en cuenta varios aspectos del ciclo de vida íntegro del producto, desde su producción y utilización, hasta su eliminación final. En este estudio se muestran los resultados de la evaluación del impacto ambiental de la fabricación de baldosas cerámicas realizada mediante Análisis de Ciclo de Vida (ACV) en varias empresas del sector. Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto que muchas empresas pueden cumplir los criterios de sostenibilidad marcados para la consecución de esta etiqueta. En algunos casos se sobrepasan mínimamente estos valores, como en la emisión de partículas o el consumo energético. Estas deficiencias se podrían subsanar con la aplicación de las mejores técnicas disponibles para llegar al cumplimiento de los criterios fijados

    Impacto medioambiental de los procesos de recubrimiento metálico de termoplásticos comerciales

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    Ponencia presentada en el XII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos celebrado en Zaragoza en el año 2008Thermoplastic materials used in the field of electronics are usually given a metallic surface coating treatment after their shaping process. The purpose of this -aesthetic changes aside-, is to create an electrically conductive surface, to improve wear and corrosion resistance, and to provide protection against electromagnetic interferences and electrostatic discharges. The most widespread processes for the metallic coating of thermoplastics are the following: conductive coating painting, electroless plating and high vacuum metal deposition. Our study focuses on the environmental impact of surface coating processes of thermoplastics using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology. Four impact categories were selected, namely global warming, acidification, eutrophication and fossil fuel depletion. In light of the results, it can be concluded that conductive coating painting has the greatest environmental impact. This process yields large negative results in the global warming and fossil fuel depletion categories, especially due to the emission of volatile organic compounds. On the other hand, high vacuum metal deposition exhibits the better environmental performance, with minimal raw material and energy consumptions throughout the process.A los materiales termoplásticos utilizados en el ámbito de la electrónica se les suele aplicar un recubrimiento metálico superficial tras su conformado. El propósito de esta técnica, motivos estéticos aparte, es la creación de una superficie conductora que mejora la resistencia a la corrosión y el desgaste, además de proporcionar protección contra las interferencias electromagnéticas y las descargas electrostáticas. Los procesos de recubrimiento más extendidos son: el revestimiento con pintura conductora, la deposición química (electroless) y la deposición metálica a alto vacío. Nuestro estudio se centra en el impacto ambiental de estos procesos utilizando la metodología del Análisis del Ciclo de Vida (ACV). Para ello, se han seleccionado las categorías de impacto referidas al calentamiento global, acidificación, eutrofización y agotamiento de los recursos fósiles. Los resultados reflejan que el recubrimiento de pintura conductora tiene el mayor impacto ambiental, con grandes resultados negativos en las categorías de calentamiento global y agotamiento de combustibles fósiles, debidos principalmente a la emisión de compuestos orgánicos volátiles. Por otra parte, la deposición metálica al vacío presenta el mejor perfil medioambiental, ya que precisa de un consumo mínimo de materias primas y energía durante todo el proceso