56 research outputs found

    Assistência especializada para pessoas com aids no estado do Ceará, Brasil

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    OBJECTIVE To analyze if the distribution of specialized care services for HIV/AIDS is associated with AIDS rates. METHODS Ecological study, for which the distribution of 10 specialized care services in the Ceara state, Northeastern Brazil, was obtained, and the mean rates of the disease were estimated per mesoregion. We evaluated 7,896 individuals who had been diagnosed with AIDS, were aged 13 years or older, lived in Ceara, and had been informed of their condition between 2001 and 2011. Maps were constructed to verify the relationship between the distribution of AIDS cases and institutionalized support networks in the 2001-2006 and 2007-2011 periods. BoxMap and LisaMap were used for data analysis. The Voronoi diagram was applied for the distribution of the studied services. RESULTS Specialized care services concentrated in AIDS clusters in the metropolitan area. The Noroeste Cearense and west of the Sertoes Cearenses had high AIDS rates, but a low number of specialized care services over time. Two of these services were implemented where clusters of the disease exist in the second period. The application of the Voronoi diagram showed that the specialized care services located outside the metropolitan area covered a large territory. We identified one polygon that had no services. CONCLUSIONS The scenario of AIDS cases spread away from major urban areas demands the creation of social support services in areas other than the capital and the metropolitan area of the state; this can reduce access barriers to these institutions. It is necessary to create specialized care services for HIV/AIDS in the Noroeste Cearense and north of Jaguaribe.OBJETIVO Analisar se a distribuição dos serviços de assistência especializada em HIV/aids está associada às taxas de aids. MÉTODOS Estudo ecológico, pelo qual foi obtida a distribuição de 10 serviços de assistência especializada em HIV/aids, no estado do Ceará. As taxas médias da doença foram calculadas por mesorregião. Estudaram-se 7.896 indivíduos notificados com aids, com idade igual ou superior a 13 anos, residentes no Ceará, no período de 2001 a 2011. Construíram-se mapas para verificar relação entre distribuição dos casos de aids e das redes institucionalizadas de apoio nos períodos de 2001 a 2006 e 2007 a 2011. Utilizou-se BoxMap e LisaMap para análise dos dados. Aplicou-se o diagrama de Voronoi para os serviços estudados. RESULTADOS Verificou-se concentração dos serviços de assistência especializada nosclusters de aids na Região Metropolitana do estado. O Noroeste Cearense e o oeste dos Sertões Cearenses apresentaram elevadas taxas de aids, porém baixa quantidade de serviços especializados ao longo do tempo. Houve implantação de dois serviços especializados no segundo período onde existem aglomerados da doença. A aplicação do Diagrama de Voronoi mostrou que os serviços localizados fora da Região Metropolitana abrangem grande extensão territorial. Foi identificado polígono sem nenhum serviço. CONCLUSÕES O cenário de interiorização dos casos de aids demanda a necessidade de criação de serviços de apoio social além da capital e da Região Metropolitana do estado, a fim de diminuir as barreiras de acesso a essas instituições. É necessário criar serviços de assistência especializada em HIV/aids no Noroeste Cearense e no norte do Jaguaribe

    Factores asociados al uso inconsistente del preservativo con las parejas comerciales entre los hombres que tienen sexo con hombres en Brasil

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    O objetivo foi analisar os fatores associados ao uso inconsistente de preservativo com parceiros comerciais entre homens que fazem sexo com homens (HSH) no Brasil. Foi feito um estudo transversal, com HSH adultos, recrutados por meio da técnica respondent-driven sampling (RDS), em 12 capitais brasileiras, em 2016. Os HSH responderam a um questionário sociocomportamental, que incluía questões sobre o comportamento sexual. O uso inconsistente de preservativo com parceiros comerciais foi mensurado por meio das relações sexuais anais insertivas e receptivas, ocorridas nos últimos seis meses e na última relação sexual. A associação entre as variáveis independentes e o uso inconsistente de preservativo foi mensurada utilizando o modelo de regressão de Poisson com variância robusta, com estimação de razões de prevalência ajustadas (RPa). Foram analisados dados de 461 HSH. A prevalência de uso inconsistente de preservativo com parceiros comerciais foi de 26% (IC95%: 19,0-34,3, n = 123). Pertencer às classes econômicas mais baixas (D/E), ter médio ou baixo conhecimento sobre HIV, ter praticado sexo anal insertivo e receptivo e nunca ter realizado teste para HIV na vida são fatores que estiveram associados ao uso inconsistente de preservativo com parceiros comerciais. As variáveis associadas ao uso inconsistente indicaram que o sexo comercial está sendo praticado em um contexto de maior vulnerabilidade à infecção pelo HIV. Nesse sentido, são necessárias intervenções biomédicas e comportamentais, com foco no acesso e na utilização de estratégias de prevenção, aliadas a políticas públicas para a redução de desigualdades socioeconômicas entre HSH que praticam sexo comercial.We aimed to analyze the factors associated with inconsistent condom use among men who have sex with men (MSM) and their commercial sexual partners in Brazil. This is a cross-sectional study with adult MSM who were recruited via respondent-driven sampling (RDS) in 12 Brazilian capitals in 2016. MSM answered a sociobehavioral questionnaire which included questions on their sexual behavior. The inconsistent use of condoms with their clientele was measured via insertive and receptive anal sex in the six months prior to our research and in their last sexual intercourse. The association between independent variables and the inconsistent use of condoms was measured via a Poisson regression model with robust variance and estimation of adjusted prevalence ratios (aPR). Data from 461 MSM were analyzed. We found a 26% prevalence of inconsistent condom use with their clientele (95%CI: 19.0-34.3, n = 123). Belonging to the lowest economic classes (D/E), having medium or low knowledge about HIV, having practiced insertive and receptive anal sex, and having never tested for HIV throughout their lives were associated with inconsistent use of condoms with their clientele. The variables associated with inconsistent use indicated that commercial sex is practiced in a context of greater vulnerability to HIV infection, referring to the need for biomedical and behavioral interventions which focus on access to and use of prevention strategies together with public policies to reduce socioeconomic inequalities among MSM who practice commercial sexual.El objetivo fue analizar los factores asociados al uso inconsistente del preservativo con las parejas comerciales entre los hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (HSH) en Brasil. Estudio transversal, con HSH adultos, reclutados a través de la técnica respondent-driven sampling (RDS), en 12 capitales brasileñas, en 2016. Los HSH respondieron a un cuestionario sociocomportamental que incluía preguntas sobre el comportamiento sexual. El uso inconsistente del preservativo con parejas comerciales se midió por las relaciones anales insertivas y receptivas que se produjeron en los últimos seis meses y por la última relación sexual. La asociación entre las variables independientes y el uso inconsistente del preservativo se midió mediante el modelo de regresión de Poisson con varianza robusta, con estimación de las razones de prevalencia ajustadas (RPa). Se analizaron los datos de 461 HSH. La prevalencia del uso inconsistente del preservativo con las parejas comerciales fue del 26% (IC95%: 19,0-34,3, n = 123). Pertenecer a las clases económicas más bajas (D/E), tener un conocimiento medio o bajo sobre el VIH, haber practicado sexo anal tanto insertivo como receptivo y no haberse sometido nunca a la prueba del VIH en su vida se asociaron con el uso inconsistente del preservativo con las parejas comerciales. Las variables asociadas al uso inconsistente indicaron que el sexo comercial se está practicando en un contexto de mayor vulnerabilidad a la infección por el VIH, refiriendo la necesidad de intervenciones biomédicas y conductuales, con un enfoque en el acceso y uso de estrategias de prevención, junto con políticas públicas para reducir las desigualdades socioeconómicas entre los HSH que practican el sexo comercial

    Factors associated with self-reported discrimination against men who have sex with men in Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate self-reported discrimination due to sexual orientation among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Brazil and to analyze associated factors. METHODS: A cross-sectional study of 3,859 MSM recruited in 2008–2009 with respondent driven sampling. Data collection conducted in health centers in 10 Brazilian cities. A face-to-face questionnaire was used and rapid HIV and syphilis tests conducted. Aggregated data were weighted and adjusted odds ratio estimated to measure the association between selected factors and self-reported discrimination due to sexual orientation. RESULTS: The sample was predominantly young, eight plus years of schooling, pardo (brown), single, low-income, and identified themselves as gay or homosexual. The prevalence of self-reported discrimination due to sexual orientation was 27.7% (95%CI 26.2–29.1). Discrimination was independently associated with: age < 30 years, more years of schooling,community involvement and support, history of sexual and physical violence, suicidal thoughts, and unprotected receptive anal intercourse. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of self-reported discrimination among MSM in Brazil is high. These results challenge the assumptions that MSM-specific prevention and support programs are not required or that health professionals do not need special training to address MSM needs

    Acceptability of HIV self-testing is low among men who have sex with men who have not tested for HIV : a study with respondent-driven sampling in Brazil

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    Background: Brazil has many people living with HIV (PLWH) who are unaware of their serostatus. The public health system has recently added HIV self-testing (HIVST) for key populations such as men who have sex with men (MSM). This study estimates HIVST acceptability among Brazilian MSM and explores factors associated with acceptability among MSM who have never tested for HIV or who had a previous negative result. Methods: Respondent-driven sampling (RDS) was used to recruit 4176 MSM in 12 Brazilian cities in 2016 to this biological and behavioral surveillance study. We excluded from this analysis all MSM who were aware of their positive HIV serostatus. Descriptive, bivariate and multivariate analyses were conducted. Overall proportions were weighted with Gile’s estimator in RDS Analyst software and 95% confidence intervals were calculated. The analyses of HIVST acceptability were stratified by prior HIV testing (never or one or more times). Results: For this analysis, 3605 MSM were included. The acceptability of HIVST was 49.1%, lower among those who had never tested for HIV (42.7%) compared to those who had a previous HIV negative test (50.1%). In the subgroup of MSM who had never tested for HIV, those who reported discrimination or who had a medical appointment in the last 12months reported higher HIVST acceptability. Among MSM who had a previous negative HIV test, only those reporting condomless receptive anal sex reported higher HIVST acceptability. In addition, we observed that high levels of knowledge of HIV/AIDS, taking part in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender nongovernmental organizations (LGBTNGO), or complete secondary or incomplete higher undergraduate education reported higher acceptability. Conclusions: The acceptability of HIVST was low among MSM, especially among those who never tested for HIV. Given access to HIVST in Brazil, we point to the need for programs that enhance promotion of testing addressed to MSM

    Covid-19 no Nordeste do Brasil: primeiro ano de pandemia e incertezas que estão por vir

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    OBJETIVO Analisar a epidemia da covid-19 na região Nordeste do Brasil, uma das mais atingidas por essa virose. MÉTODOS Os dados oficiais para covid-19 dos estados do Nordeste são referentes ao período de março de 2020 a março de 2021. A análise para capitais e estados da série do acumulado semanal de casos e de óbitos confirmados foi feita com emprego do aplicativo JoinPoint Trend Analysis. RESULTADOS Em um ano, o Nordeste acumulou 22,9% dos casos e 21,5% dos óbitos do país pela covid-19. No início da pandemia, todos os estados apresentaram um crescimento sustentável de casos, primeiro nas capitais e depois interior. Em seguida, observam-se decréscimos em todos os estados e suas capitais, porém muitos permanecem com números elevados. Em meados do segundo semestre de 2020, o número de casos começa a crescer nos estados e suas capitais, alguns em velocidade explosiva, em especial no final de 2020 e início de 2021. Padrão similar é observado para os óbitos, os quais ultrapassaram ou aproximam-se do teto observado na primeira onda, na qual todas as capitais e estados do Nordeste adotaram intensas medidas de isolamento. Fortaleza, Recife e Teresina atingiram os maiores índices de isolamento de todas as capitais, perto de 0,60. Esse índice decresce, com tendência leve de crescimento até final de dezembro, voltando a decrescer. Com exceção de Fortaleza e Salvador, as demais capitais caíram para menos de 0,40. CONCLUSÃO O Nordeste brasileiro e o país estão em uma situação sanitária, social e econômica cada vez mais complexa. É necessário acelerar o processo de vacinação e manter as medidas não farmacológicas – constante uso de máscaras faciais, medidas de distanciamento e cuidados de higiene –, além de políticas de proteção aos trabalhadores que perderam as suas rendas e subsídios aos pequenos empresários.OBJECTIVE To analyze the epidemic of COVID-19 in northeastern Brazil, one of the regions most affected by the virus. METHODS The official data for COVID-19, from March 2020 to March 2021 in the states of the Northeast Region (NE), were used. The analysis of capital cities and states for accumulated weekly cases and confirmed deaths was made using the JoinPoint Trend Analysis application. RESULTS In one year, the Northeast region reported 22.9% of the cases and 21.5% of the deaths in the country due to COVID-19. At the beginning of the pandemic, all states showed a growing number of cases, first in the capitals and then in the interior. Following this wave, decreases are observed in all states and their capitals, but with many still reporting a large number of cases. In the middle of the 2nd semester of 2020 the number of cases begins to increase again simultaneously in states and their capitals—some at explosive speed—especially in late 2020 and early 2021. A similar pattern is observed in deaths, which exceed or approach the peak seen in the first wave. In the first wave, all capitals and northeastern states adopted intense isolation measures. Fortaleza, Recife and Teresina reached the highest isolation index of all capitals, close to 0.60. This index decreases, with a slight growth trend until the end of December. With the exception of Fortaleza and Salvador, the other capitals fell to less than 0.40. CONCLUSION The Brazilian NE and the country are in increasingly complicated health, social and economic situations. It is necessary to speed up vaccinations and maintain non-pharmacological measures: face masks, social distancing measures and hygiene care, in addition to policies to protect workers who have lost their incomes and to subsidize small business owners
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