159 research outputs found

    Cesarotti all’opera. Appunti sulla librettistica ossianica

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    Studio sulla fortuna operistica dei Canti di Ossian di Melchiorre Cesarotti

    On the finite size behavior of quantum collective spin systems

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    We discuss the finite size behavior of the adiabatic Dicke model, describing the collective coupling of a set of N-two level atoms (qubits) to a faster (electromagnetic) oscillator mode. The energy eigen-states of this system are shown to be directly related to those of another widely studied collective spin model, the uniaxial one. By employing an approximate continuum approach, we obtain a complete characterization of the properties of the latter, which we then use to evaluate the scaling properties of various observables for the original Dicke model near its quantum phase transition.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Od uniwersytetu do multiwersytetu. Uniwersytet czterdzieści lat po 1968 roku, albo jak nauczyć się żyć pośród ruin

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    This essay by Franco Piperno, an Italian communist militant, was originally published as an appendix to his book 68: L’anno che ritorna. From the perspective of his own experiences with the students’ protests and resistance during 1968, he looks at the contemporary crisis of the university and the transformation of higher education in Italy. The context of his deliberations are the ongoing reforms of Italian higher education, which are tightly connected to austerity measures that originated at the beginning of the 21st century. According to Piperno, the current crisis, similarly to the one from forty years ago, opens a possibility to reappropriate the university for students, as long as they can organize themselves.Niniejszy esej Franca Piperna, włoskiego działacza ruchu komunistycznego, ukazał się oryginalnie jako tekst zamykający książkę ’68: L’anno che ritorna. Autor podejmuje w nim kwestię współczesnego kryzysu uniwersytetu i przekształceń szkolnictwa wyższego we Włoszech przez pryzmat doświadczeń protestów i oporu studentów w 1968 roku. Kontekstem jego rozważań są kolejne reformy szkolnictwa wyższego towarzyszące polityce zaciskania pasa, które we Włoszech kontynuowano od początku XXI wieku. Jednak, zdaniem autora, podobnie jak czterdzieści lat temu, również dziś kryzys otwiera przed studentami i studentkami drogę do przebudowy uniwersytetu, jeśli tylko zdolni będą się zorganizować

    Entanglement of a qubit coupled to a resonator in the adiabatic regime

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    We discuss the ground state entanglement of a bi-partite system, composed by a qubit strongly interacting with an oscillator mode, as a function of the coupling strenght, the transition frequency and the level asymmetry of the qubit. This is done in the adiabatic regime in which the time evolution of the qubit is much faster than the oscillator one. Within the adiabatic approximation, we obtain a complete characterization of the ground state properties of the system and of its entanglement content.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    I nodi di interscambio per il rilancio del trasporto pubblico in Piemonte. Progetto MoviCentro: stato di attuazione e studi di caso

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    Analisi delle Politiche- Sintesi #7- Il contesto e gli obiettivi della ricerca #15- Il progetto MoviCentro #19- Casi studio #63- Conclusioni #9

    Exome-wide Rare Variant Analysis Identifies TUBA4A Mutations Associated with Familial ALS

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    Exome sequencing is an effective strategy for identifying human disease genes. However, this methodology is difficult in late-onset diseases where limited availability of DNA from informative family members prohibits comprehensive segregation analysis. To overcome this limitation, we performed an exome-wide rare variant burden analysis of 363 index cases with familial ALS (FALS). The results revealed an excess of patient variants within TUBA4A, the gene encoding the Tubulin, Alpha 4A protein. Analysis of a further 272 FALS cases and 5,510 internal controls confirmed the overrepresentation as statistically significant and replicable. Functional analyses revealed that TUBA4A mutants destabilize the microtubule network, diminishing its repolymerization capability. These results further emphasize the role of cytoskeletal defects in ALS and demonstrate the power of gene-based rare variant analyses in situations where causal genes cannot be identified through traditional segregation analysis

    Recensione a John W. Hill, Baroque Music. Music in Western Civilization, 1580-1750

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    Recensione al volume citato; si ragiona sulla carenza metodologica di un volume destinato ad un'utenza universitaria americana e sulla mancata discussione del concetto di 'barocco' in music

    Cardinals, Music and Theatre

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    Studio sul ruolo della committenza musicale e teatrale nelle carriere dei cardinali della prima età moderna

    ‘L’armoniose idee della sua mente’. Corelli, the Arcadians, and the primacy of Rome

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    Il saggio studia i rapporti fra Arcangelo Corelli, l'Arcadia e la cultura romana di primo Settecento e dimostra come l'eccellenza riconosciuta del musicista si fondi sulla percezione della natura architettonica delle sue composizioni, significativamente affini alla produzione di opere architettoniche a Roma nel medesimo periodo