18 research outputs found

    A 12-week vigorous exercise protocol in a healthy group of persons over 65: study of physical function by means of the senior fitness test

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    The aim of this study was to assess the effects of vigorous exercise on functional abilities bymeans of a Senior Fitness Test (SFT) in a group of elderly adults. Twenty healthy and inactive people performed vigorous exercise (VE: 12 men and 8 women, aged 69.6 ± 3.9 years). At the beginning of the study (T0) and after 3months (T1), each subject’s functional ability was tested formuscular strength, agility, cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, and balance.The VE was designed with continuous and interval exercise involving large muscle activities. Functional exercises were performed between 60% and 84% of heart rate reserve (HRR) for a duration of 65 minutes. Five out of the 6 SFTs performed were found significantly improved: Chair Stand (T0 12.4 ± 2.4, T1 13.5 ± 2.6, < 0.01), Arm Curl (T0 14.2 ± 3.6, T1 16.6 ± 3.6, < 0.01), 2 min step (T0 98.2 ± 15.7, T1 108.9 ± 16.2, < 0.01), Chair Sit-and-Reach (T0 −9.9 ± 7.7 cm, T1 1.7 ± 6.3 cm, < 0.01), and Back Scratch (T0 −15.8 ± 10.9 cm, T1 −8.4 ± 13.1 cm, < 0.01). Our results suggest that a high intensity protocol and functional exercises can improve functional mobility and muscle endurance in those over 65 years of age. SFTs are an effective method for assessing improvements in the functional capacity of elderly adults

    Modeling of bistatic scattering from the anisotropic earth surfaces

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    Approximate numerical modeling of microwave bistatic scattering (BS) from anisotropic rough surfaces, simulating large baselines radar bistatic system, is analyzed in this contribution. The investigation is performed in the framework of the SAOCOM-CS scientific satellite mission, a small satellite under design by the European Space Agency, to be associated with the Argentinian SAOCOM 1B satellite, aiming at collecting bistatic radar data at L-band. Similar bistatic concepts are being investigated at C-band as well. The main features of the normalized radar cross section (NRCS) of the sea surface in different operating conditions are discussed. This represents the first step to assess the potentiality of bistatic radar observations of natural surfaces with large baseline, and to gather valuable information on the bistatic scattering properties for the design of future spatial missions

    DopSCAT: A mission concept for simultaneous measurements of marine winds and surface currents

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    A radar scatterometer operates by transmitting a pulse of microwave energy toward the ocean's surface and measuring the normalized (per-unit-surface) radar backscatter coefficient (σ°). The primary application of scatterometry is the measurement of near-surface ocean winds. By combining σ° measurements from different azimuth angles, the 10 m vector wind can be determined through a Geophysical Model Function (GMF), which relates wind and backscatter. This paper proposes a mission concept for the measurement of both oceanic winds and surface currents, which makes full use of earlier C-band radar remote sensing experience. For the determination of ocean currents, in particular, the novel idea of using two chirps of opposite slope is introduced. The fundamental processing steps required to retrieve surface currents are given together with their associated accuracies. A detailed description of the mission proposal and comparisons between real and retrieved surface currents are presented. The proposed ocean Doppler scatterometer can be used to generate global surface ocean current maps with accuracies better than 0.2 m/s at a spatial resolution better than 25 km (i.e., 12.5 km spatial sampling) on a daily basis. These maps will allow gaining some insights on the upper ocean mesoscale dynamics. The work lies at a frontier, given that the present inability to measure ocean currents from space in a consistent and synoptic manner represents one of the greatest weaknesses in ocean remote sensing

    A 12-Week Vigorous Exercise Protocol in a Healthy Group of Persons over 65: Study of Physical Function by means of the Senior Fitness Test

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    The aim of this study was to assess the effects of vigorous exercise on functional abilities by means of a Senior Fitness Test (SFT) in a group of elderly adults. Twenty healthy and inactive people performed vigorous exercise (VE: 12 men and 8 women, aged 69.6 ± 3.9 years). At the beginning of the study (T0) and after 3 months (T1), each subject’s functional ability was tested for muscular strength, agility, cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, and balance. The VE was designed with continuous and interval exercise involving large muscle activities. Functional exercises were performed between 60% and 84% of heart rate reserve (HRR) for a duration of 65 minutes. Five out of the 6 SFTs performed were found significantly improved: Chair Stand (T0 12.4 ± 2.4, T1 13.5 ± 2.6, p<0.01), Arm Curl (T0 14.2 ± 3.6, T1 16.6 ± 3.6, p<0.01), 2 min step (T0 98.2 ± 15.7, T1 108.9 ± 16.2, p<0.01), Chair Sit-and-Reach (T0 −9.9 ± 7.7 cm, T1 1.7 ± 6.3 cm, p<0.01), and Back Scratch (T0 −15.8 ± 10.9 cm, T1 −8.4 ± 13.1 cm, p<0.01). Our results suggest that a high intensity protocol and functional exercises can improve functional mobility and muscle endurance in those over 65 years of age. SFTs are an effective method for assessing improvements in the functional capacity of elderly adults

    Comportamento produtivo e custo de produção do sorgo forrageiro (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) submetidos a programas de adubação química e irrigação por aspersão

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    This research was carried out in the Experimental Field of the FCA - UNA, San Lorenzo – Paraguay with the objective of evaluating the productive behavior and production cost of forage sorghum subjected to chemical fertilization and sprinkler irrigation programs. The experimental design was used in strips, with six treatments and four repetitions. The treatments consisted of: control (T1), fertilization (without irrigation, T2), CM irrigation (with fertilization, T3), FC irrigation (with fertilization, T4), CM irrigation (without fertilization, T5) and FC irrigation (without fertilization), T6). The dependent variables evaluated were: crop water balance, evolution of the plants height, Green (GM) and dry mass (DM) yield, Proportion of Leaf, Stem and Panicle, Percentage of Crude Protein in Leaf, Stem, Panicle and Whole Plant, and the Total Production Cost (TPC). The data were subjected to ANOVA and the means compared by Tuckey's test (p&lt;0.05). The control and fertilization (without irrigation) presented negative water balances; while the other treatments were positive. MC and CC irrigation (with fertilization) promoted higher heights, yields (GM and DM) and Panicle (%); while in the Leaves (%) the control stood out and for the Stem (%) there were no differences. Regarding the tenor of the CP, the control presented higher values ​​of the Leaf and whole plant; while in the Stem and Panicle there were no significant effects. In relation to the TPC, the application of CM and FC irrigations (with fertilization) were the most expensive, but to produce 1 kg of forage, these costs were offset by the high productivity they promoted, making it cheaper than the control.Esta investigación se realizó en el Campo Experimental de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias (UNA), San Lorenzo - Paraguay con el objetivo de evaluar el comportamiento productivo y costo de producción del sorgo forrajero sometido a fertilización química y programas de riego por aspersión. Se usó el diseño experimental en fajas, con seis tratamientos y cuatro repeticiones. Los tratamientos consistieron en: testigo (T1), fertilización (sin riego, T2), riego MC (con fertilización, T3), Riego CC (con fertilización, T4), Riego MC (sin fertilización, T5) y Riego CC (sin fertilización, T6). Las variables dependientes evaluadas fueron: Balance Hídrico del cultivo, evolución de la altura de las plantas, Rendimiento en masa verde y masa seca, Proporción de Hoja, Tallo y Panoja, Porcentaje de Proteína Bruta en Hoja, Tallo, Panoja y Planta entera, y el Costo de Producción Total (CPT). Los datos fueron sometidos a ANAVA y las medias comparadas por el test de Tuckey (p&lt;0.05). El testigo y la fertilización (sin riego) presentaron balances hídricos negativos; mientras que los demás tratamientos fueron positivos. El riego MC y CC (con fertilización) promovieron mayores alturas, rendimientos (MV y MS) y de Panoja (%); mientras que en las Hojas (%) se destacó el testigo y para el Tallo (%) no hubo diferencias. En cuanto al tenor de la PB el Testigo presentó mayores valores de la Hoja y planta entera; mientras que en el Tallo y la Panoja no hubo efectos significativos. Con relación al CTP la aplicación de riegos MC y CC (con fertilización) fueron los más costosos, pero para producir 1 kg de forraje dichos costos fueron compensados por la alta productividad que promovieron, haciéndolo más barato que el testigo.Esta pesquisa foi realizada no Campo Experimental da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias (UNA), San Lorenzo - Paraguay, com o objetivo de avaliar o comportamento produtivo e o custo de produção do sorgo forrageiro submetido a programas de adubação química e irrigação por aspersão. O delineamento experimental foi em faixas, com seis tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram em: testemunha (T1), adubação (sem irrigação, T2), irrigação MC (com adubação, T3), irrigação CC (com adubação, T4), irrigação MC (sem adubação, T5) e irrigação CC (sem adubação), T6). As variáveis dependentes avaliadas foram: Balanço Hídrico da cultura, evolução da altura das plantas, Rendimento em massa verde e massa seca, Proporção de Folha, Caule e Panícula, Percentual de Proteína Bruta em Folha, Caule, Panícula e Planta Inteira, e o Custo Total de Produção (CPT). Os dados foram submetidos ao ANAVA e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tuckey (p&lt;0,05). A testemunha e adubação (sem irrigação) apresentaram balanços hídricos negativos; enquanto os demais tratamentos foram positivos. A irrigação MC e CC (com adubação) promoveu maiores alturas, produtividades (MV e MS) e Panoja (%); enquanto nas Folhas (%) o controle se destacou e para o Caule (%) não houve diferenças. Em relação ao teor do CP, a Testemunha apresentou maiores valores da Folha e da planta inteira; enquanto no Caule e Panoja não houve efeitos significativos. Em relação ao CTP, a aplicação das irrigações MC e CC (com adubação) foram as mais caras, mas para produzir 1 kg de forragem, esses custos foram compensados ​​pela alta produtividade que promoveram, tornando-a mais barata que a testemunha

    Comitato scientifico Quaderni ADI LAZIO, Collana "Casi e Cose di design", Quodlibet Studio Design

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    La Collana "Casi e Cose di design" propone ricerche scientifiche che vertono sull'analisi e la ricostruzione di storie di design legate al territorio della regione Lazio. Questo progetto culturale, promosso dalla Delegazione ADI Lazio, ha il compito di diffondere la conoscenza del design locale, inquadrato in una dimensione più ampia attraverso casi di studio di riverbero nazionale e internazionale. Il primo testo della Collana è stato pubblicato IN ITALIANO E INGLESE nel 2012: De Fusco R., Martino C., I Designer del bagno, Quodlibet studio, Macerata 2012. ISBN: 978-88-7462-457-

    Correlations between IL-6 serum level and olfactory dysfunction severity in COVID-19 patients: a preliminary study

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    Background: Interleukin 6 (IL-6) is a proinflammatory cytokine that is secreted by cells infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and it is widely recognized as a negative prognostic factor. The purpose of this study was to analyze the correlations between the olfactory scores determined by psychophysical tests and the serum levels of IL-6 in patients affected by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Methods: Patients underwent psychophysical olfactory assessment with Connecticut Chemosensory Clinical Research Center test and IL-6 plasma level determination within 10 days of the clinical onset of COVID-19. Results: Seventy-four COVID-19 patients were included in this study. COVID-19 staged as mild in 34 patients, moderate in 26 and severe in 14 cases. There were no significant differences in olfactory scores across the different COVID-19 severity groups. In the patient series, the median plasma level of IL-6 was 7.7 pg/mL (IQR 3.7–18.8). The concentration of IL-6 was found to be significantly correlated with the severity of COVID-19 with a directly proportional relationship. The correlation between IL-6 plasma concentrations and olfactory scores was weak (rs = 0.182) and not significant (p = 0.12). Conclusions: In COVID-19 patients, psychophysical olfactory scores did not show significant correlations with the plasma levels of a well-recognized negative prognostic factor such as IL-6. This observation casts some shadows on the positive prognostic value of olfactory dysfunctions.SCOPUS: ar.jDecretOANoAutActifinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe