165 research outputs found

    Loosening the notions of compliance and sub-behaviour in client/server systems

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    In the context of "session behaviors" for client/server systems, we propose a weakening of the compliance and sub-behaviour relations where the bias toward the client (whose "requests" must be satisfied) is pushed further with respect to the usual definitions, by admitting that "not needed" output actions from the server side can be "skipped" by the client. Both compliance and sub-behaviour relations resulting from this weakening remain decidable, though the proof of the duals-as-minima property for servers, on which the decidability of the sub-behaviour relation relies, requires a tighter analysis of client/server interactions.Comment: In Proceedings ICE 2014, arXiv:1410.701

    Orchestrated Session Compliance

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    We investigate the notion of orchestrated compliance for client/server interactions in the context of session contracts. Devising the notion of orchestrator in such a context makes it possible to have orchestrators with unbounded buffering capabilities and at the same time to guarantee any message from the client to be eventually delivered by the orchestrator to the server, while preventing the server from sending messages which are kept indefinitely inside the orchestrator. The compliance relation is shown to be decidable by means of 1) a procedure synthesising the orchestrators, if any, making a client compliant with a server, and 2) a procedure for deciding whether an orchestrator behaves in a proper way as mentioned before.Comment: In Proceedings ICE 2015, arXiv:1508.0459

    Characterisation of Strongly Normalising lambda-mu-Terms

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    We provide a characterisation of strongly normalising terms of the lambda-mu-calculus by means of a type system that uses intersection and product types. The presence of the latter and a restricted use of the type omega enable us to represent the particular notion of continuation used in the literature for the definition of semantics for the lambda-mu-calculus. This makes it possible to lift the well-known characterisation property for strongly-normalising lambda-terms - that uses intersection types - to the lambda-mu-calculus. From this result an alternative proof of strong normalisation for terms typeable in Parigot's propositional logical system follows, by means of an interpretation of that system into ours.Comment: In Proceedings ITRS 2012, arXiv:1307.784

    Proof-irrelevance out of excluded-middle and choice in the calculus of constructions

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    We present a short and direct syntactic proof of the fact that adding the axiom of choice and the principle of excluded-middle to Coquand-Huet's Calculus of Constructions gives proof-irrelevanc

    Retractable Contracts

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    In calculi for modelling communication protocols, internal and external choices play dual roles. Two external choices can be viewed naturally as dual too, as they represent an agreement between the communicating parties. If the interaction fails, the past agreements are good candidates as points where to roll back, in order to take a different agreement. We propose a variant of contracts with synchronous rollbacks to agreement points in case of deadlock. The new calculus is equipped with a compliance relation which is shown to be decidable.Comment: In Proceedings PLACES 2015, arXiv:1602.0325

    A Game Interpretation of Retractable Contracts

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