3,487 research outputs found

    A macro-realism inequality for opto-electro-mechanical systems

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    We show how to apply the Leggett-Garg inequality to opto-electro-mechanical systems near their quantum ground state. We find that by using a dichotomic quantum non-demolition measurement (via, e.g., an additional circuit-QED measurement device) either on the cavity or on the nanomechanical system itself, the Leggett-Garg inequality is violated. We argue that only measurements on the mechanical system itself give a truly unambigous violation of the Leggett-Garg inequality for the mechanical system. In this case, a violation of the Leggett-Garg inequality indicates physics beyond that of "macroscopic realism" is occurring in the mechanical system. Finally, we discuss the difficulties in using unbound non-dichotomic observables with the Leggett-Garg inequality.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. Added additional figure (2b), and associated conten

    Quantum chaos and critical behavior on a chip

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    The Dicke model describes N qubits (or two-level atoms) homogenously coupled to a bosonic mode. Here we examine an open-system realization of the Dicke model, which contains critical and chaotic behaviour. In particular, we extend this model to include an additional open transport qubit (TQ) (coupled to the bosonic mode) for passive and active measurements. We illustrate how the scaling (in the number of qubits N) of the superradiant phase transition can be observed in both current and current-noise measurements through the transport qubit. Using a master equation, we also investigate how the phase transition is affected by the back-action from the transport qubit and losses in the cavity. In addition, we show that the non-integrable quantum chaotic character of the Dicke model is retained in an open-system environment. We propose how all of these effects could been seen in a circuit QED system formed from an array of superconducting qubits, or an atom chip, coupled to a quantized resonant cavity (e.g., a microwave transmission line).Comment: 7 page

    The search for negative amplitude components in quasi-continuous distributions of relaxation times: the example of 1H magnetization exchange in articular cartilage and hydrated collagen

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    When inverting nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation data in order to obtain quasi-continuous distributions of relaxation times for fluids in porous media, it is common practice to impose a non-negative (NN) constraint on the distributions. While this approach can be useful in reducing the effects of data distortion and/or preventing wild oscillations in the distributions, it may give misleading results in the presence of real negative amplitude components. Here, some examples of valid negative components for articular cartilage and hydrated collagen are given. Articular cartilage is a connective tissue, consisting mainly of collagen, proteoglycans and water, which can be considered, in many aspects, as a porous medium. Separate T1 relaxation data are obtained for low-mobility ('solid') macromolecular 1H and for higher-mobility ('liquid') 1H by the separation of these components in free induction decays, with α denoting the solid/liquid 1H ratio. When quasi-continuous distributions of relaxation times (T1) of the solid and liquid signal components of cartilage or collagen are computed from experimental relaxation data without imposing the usual NN constraint, valid negative peaks may appear. The features of the distributions, in particular negative peaks, and the fact that peaks at longer times for macromolecular and water protons are at essentially the same T1, are interpreted as the result of a magnetization exchange between these two spin pools. For the only-slightly-hydrated collagen samples, with α>1, the exchange leads to small negative peaks at short T1 times for the macromolecular component. However, for the cartilage, with substantial hydration or for a strongly hydrated collagen sample, both with α1, the behavior is reversed, with a negative peak for water at short times. The validity of a negative peak may be accepted (dismissed) by a high (low) cost of NN in error of fit. Computed distributions for simulated data using observed signal-to-noise ratios also verify the need for some negative components. Observed relaxation times and signal ratios can be fitted formally by a simple two-site exchange model that gives the exchange times and the uncoupled relaxation times of the liquid and solid components, with significant trends of these parameters with increasing 1H ratio, α. The solid-to-liquid exchange times are found to be in the range from 10 ms to a few tens of ms at all hydration levels. The results may be of interest for the application of magnetization exchange contrast in the imaging of articular cartilage to determine changes associated with pathologies and ageing. Other important porous media exist where exchange phenomena and negative relaxation components cannot be disregarded

    Metabolic Disorder Dysfunction in Parkinson’s Disease: Bioenergetics, Redox Homeostasis and Central Carbon Metabolism

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    The loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) and the accumulation of protein inclusions (Lewy bodies) are the pathological hallmarks of Parkinson’s disease (PD). PD is triggered by genetic alterations, environmental/occupational exposures and aging. However, the exact molecular mechanisms linking these PD risk factors to neuronal dysfunction are still unclear. Alterations in redox homeostasis and bioenergetics (energy failure) are thought to be central components of neurodegeneration that contribute to the impairment of important homeostatic processes in dopaminergic cells such as protein quality control mechanisms, neurotransmitter release/metabolism, axonal transport of vesicles and cell survival. Importantly, both bioenergetics and redox homeostasis are coupled to neuro-glial central carbon metabolism. We and others have recently established a link between the alterations in central carbon metabolism induced by PD risk factors, redox homeostasis and bioenergetics and their contribution to the survival/death of dopaminergic cells. In this review, we focus on the link between metabolic dysfunction, energy failure and redox imbalance in PD, making an emphasis in the contribution of central carbon (glucose) metabolism. The evidence summarized here strongly supports the consideration of PD as a disorder of cell metabolism

    Double photoionization of propylene oxide: a coincidence study of the ejection of a pair of valence-shell electrons

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    Propylene oxide, a favorite target of experimental and theoretical studies of circular dichroism, was recently discovered in interstellar space, further amplifying the attention to its role in the current debate on protobiological homochirality. In the present work, a photoelectron-photoion-photoion coincidence technique, using an ion-imaging detector and tunable synchrotron radiation in the 18.0-37.0 eV energy range, permits us (i) to observe six double ionization fragmentation channels, their relative yields being accounted for about two-thirds by the couple (C2H4+, CH2O+) and one-fifth by (C2H3+, CH3O+); (ii) to measure thresholds for their openings as a function of photon energy; and (iii) to unravel a pronounced bimodality for a kinetic-energy-released distribution, fingerprint of competitive non-adiabatic mechanisms

    Implications of anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy in patients presenting with hip fractures: a current concepts review.

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    The increasing use of anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy for the prevention of thromboembolic disease poses a significant challenge to orthopaedic surgeons treating elderly patients presenting with proximal femoral fractures. Early surgical intervention is known to be beneficial from a clinical perspective and has been encouraged in the UK through the introduction of best practice tariffs providing increased remuneration for prompt treatment. An understanding of the necessary delay to surgery or reversal options for each type of antiplatelet or anticoagulant agent is therefore important. A number of professional bodies have recently produced guidelines that help clinicians manage these patients during the peri-operative period. We review the guidelines relating to antiplatelet and anticoagulant agents during the perioperative period with respect to hip fracture surgery. Antiplatelet agents should not interfere with timing of surgery, but may affect the choice of anaesthetic performed. The action of warfarin should be reversed to expedite surgery. Newer direct oral anticoagulants are more problematic and surgical delay may be necessary, though reversal agents are becoming available

    Planet Hunters. VI: An Independent Characterization of KOI-351 and Several Long Period Planet Candidates from the Kepler Archival Data

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    We report the discovery of 14 new transiting planet candidates in the Kepler field from the Planet Hunters citizen science program. None of these candidates overlapped with Kepler Objects of Interest (KOIs) at the time of submission. We report the discovery of one more addition to the six planet candidate system around KOI-351, making it the only seven planet candidate system from Kepler. Additionally, KOI-351 bears some resemblance to our own solar system, with the inner five planets ranging from Earth to mini-Neptune radii and the outer planets being gas giants; however, this system is very compact, with all seven planet candidates orbiting 1\lesssim 1 AU from their host star. A Hill stability test and an orbital integration of the system shows that the system is stable. Furthermore, we significantly add to the population of long period transiting planets; periods range from 124-904 days, eight of them more than one Earth year long. Seven of these 14 candidates reside in their host star's habitable zone.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables, Accepted to AJ (in press) (updated title from original astro-ph submission

    Exceptional collections and D-branes probing toric singularities

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    We demonstrate that a strongly exceptional collection on a singular toric surface can be used to derive the gauge theory on a stack of D3-branes probing the Calabi-Yau singularity caused by the surface shrinking to zero size. A strongly exceptional collection, i.e., an ordered set of sheaves satisfying special mapping properties, gives a convenient basis of D-branes. We find such collections and analyze the gauge theories for weighted projective spaces, and many of the Y^{p,q} and L^{p,q,r} spaces. In particular, we prove the strong exceptionality for all p in the Y^{p,p-1} case, and similarly for the Y^{p,p-2r} case.Comment: 49 pages, 6 figures; v2 refs added; v3 published versio