18 research outputs found

    Efficient data structures for local inconsistency detection in firewall ACL updates

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    Filtering is a very important issue in next generation networks. These networks consist of a relatively high number of resource constrained devices and have special features, such as management of frequent topology changes. At each topology change, the access control policy of all nodes of the network must be automatically modified. In order to manage these access control requirements, Firewalls have been proposed by several researchers. However, many of the problems of traditional firewalls are aggravated due to these networks particularities, as is the case of ACL consistency. A firewall ACL with inconsistencies implies in general design errors, and indicates that the firewall is accepting traffic that should be denied or vice versa. This can result in severe problems such as unwanted accesses to services, denial of service, overflows, etc. Detecting inconsistencies is of extreme importance in the context of highly sensitive applications (e.g. health care). We propose a local inconsistency detection algorithm and data structures to prevent automatic rule updates that can cause inconsistencies. The proposal has very low computational complexity as both theoretical and experimental results will show, and thus can be used in real time environments.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia DPI2006-15476-C02-0

    Querying a Polynomial Object-Relational Constraint Database in Model-Based Diagnosis

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    Many papers related to Constraint Databases (CDBs) theories exist, including proposals that present frameworks for the treatment of constraints as a new data type. Our proposal presents a new way of storing and manipulating constraints as a usual data, and of making queries about the constraint variables derived from an Object-Relational Constraint Database (ORCDB). In this work, the constraints stored in an ORCDB are only polynomial equality constraints. The proposal is based on Gr¨obner bases, constraint consistency and constraint optimisation techniques. Most works in CDB use spatial-temporal data as a case study, however this work presents an emergent engineering domain, that of fault diagnosis.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2003-07146-C02-0

    Estudio de similitudes entre áreas temáticas

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    In this paper some results are presented which permit the graphic representation of the similarities between subjects which appear on web pages found on the Internet. To this end, these similarities are quantified and graphically represented by means of an index between the different subjects, in accordance with an intuitive interpretation of similarity between sets. The use of a function based on Learning Theory, enable us to study the similarity or interrelation between different lines of investigations corresponding to information on web pages. The visual analysis of the aforementioned interrelations has been applied to the area of Learning research refering to the period May 2003-May 2004. Furthermore, various tables which clarify the potential of this similarity index are constructed.<br><br>En este trabajo presentamos unos resultados que permiten la representación gráfica de las similitudes entre centros de interés que aparecen en las páginas Web que se encuentran distribuidas en Internet. Para ello se cuantifica y representa gráficamente por medio de un índice de similitud entre los diferentes centros de interés, de acuerdo a una interpretación intuitiva de similitud entre conjuntos. La utilización de una función procedente de la teoría del aprendizaje nos permite estudiar, a partir de la información en las páginas Web, la similitud o interrelación que existe entre diferentes líneas de investigación. El análisis visual de dichas interrelaciones se ha aplicado al área de investigación del aprendizaje referido al período mayo 2003-mayo 2004. Asimismo, se construyen varias tablas que aclaran la potencialidad futura de este índice de similitud

    Analysis and Visualization of the DX Community with Information Extracted from the Web

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    The aim of the present work is the graphical representation of the structures of a specific knowledge area with data extracted from the Web. Recent Internet development has facilitated access to these new resources and has contributed towards the creation of new disciplines which are aimed at taking full advantage of these resources. The main obstacles to this exploitation are their location and processing. This paper defines a generic architecture which solves the problems of processing these resources by combining techniques of extraction, analysis and visualization of data. Specifically in this work we will automatically explore two of the most important structures which define the DX community: the subjects within the community which generate the greatest interest and its social network. Graphical representations are presented to facilitate the analysis of this community.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2003-07146-C02-0

    Análisis de Redes Sociales mediante Diagramas Estratégicos y Diagramas Estructurales

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    The aim of the present work is to define a theoretical framework which facilitates the analysis of the structure of a network at an individual level. To this end, we propose the integration of co-word analysis together with the analysis of social networks. As a result of this study, a series of diagrams called "structural diagrams" has been obtained. Thanks to these diagrams a pattern can be assigned to each node of the network, and a network can be classified into a set of typologies. The information provided by this theoretical framework will allow a deeper understanding of the dynamics of systems, modeled in the form of networks. In this context, structural diagrams technique improves strategies of the visual exploration of the networks as well as to orientate the definition of those procedures which enable the transformation of one typology of network into another. As a specific example of a real application of this theoretical framework, the social network of the Journal of Software Engineering and Databases (JISBD) scientific community has been analyzed, based on its co-authorship networks.El objetivo del presente trabajo es definir un marco teórico que permita analizar la estructura de una red a nivel individual, para ello se ha integrado el análisis de palabras asociadas con el análisis de redes sociales. Como resultado de este estudio, se han obtenido una serie de diagramas que llamamos "diagramas estructurales". Con estos diagramas asignamos a cada nodo de la red un patrón, así como clasificamos una red dentro de un conjunto de tipologías. La información proporcionada por este marco teórico mejora la comprensión de la dinámica de los sistemas modelados en forma de redes. Dentro de este contexto podemos utilizar la técnica de los diagramas estructurales para mejorar las estrategias de exploración visual de las redes, así como para orientar la definición de actuaciones que permitan transformar la tipología de una red en otra. Como ejemplo concreto de una aplicación real de este marco teórico, se analiza la red social de la comunidad científica de las Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD), obtenida a partir de su red de co-autorías

    Governance Knowledge Management and Decision Support Using Fuzzy Governance Maps

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    Business process management systems incorporate the pos sibility of monitoring the behaviour of a company, by observing their business process indicators. Depending on the process executed, and the order of their performances, certain KPIs can be modified to render the company more competitive. This paper proposes the creation of a model based fuzzy logic that can represent the relation between KPIs and the business processes of the companies. The use of this graph enables busi ness experts to simulate the evolution of the business according to the decisions taken in the governance process, thereby helping in governance activities.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2015-63502-C3-2-

    Diagnosis of Inconsistency in Contracts using Design by Contract

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    Design by contract allows to develop more reliable and robust applications. Software is reliable if it can perform its work as it was specified, and it is robust if it can control abnormal situations. In this paper it is proposed a methodology to diagnose errors (bugs) in software. It is based on the combination of design by contract, model based diagnosis and constraint programming. Contracts are specified in the design by contract using asserts. These asserts with an abstraction of the source code are transformed into constraints, and these constraints compose the system model. A goal function is established according to the constraints of the system model. With this function is possible to detect which asserts or source code blocks are incorrect. It is proposed a typical diagnosis problem with the design by contract and the source code. The originality of this work is based in the transformation of contracts and source code to constraints in order to obtain which asserts and source code blocks are not consistent with the specification. To obtain these results it is proposed a novel methodology that automatize this task using constraint programming.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2003-07146-C02-0

    Competitive Intelligence based on Social Networks for Decision Making

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    In previous works a framework has been presented to extract from internet the scientific community interested in a specific topic. The process uses search engines query results and e-mails address co-occurrences to obtain the invisible colleges and subtopics of a community. This work presents the use of this technique to implement several competitive intelligence tasks to help in decision making in a research area. In order to show an illustrative purpose, this technique is applied to analyze the social network of participants in several Veille Stratégique Scientifique & Technologique editions.Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-0409