512 research outputs found

    BARCELONA (Provincia). SE. Mapas generales (1810)

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    Comprende la parte suroriental de la provincia de Barcelona entre la montaña de Monserrat y el monte de Fembra Morta, señalando la situación de la casa fortificada denominada Casamasana.Título redactado a partir del contenido del documento.Mención de responsabilidad y fecha tomados de la memoria: "Consideracion acerca del punto de Casamasana", de la cual forma parte.Indica relieve a trazos.Relación de las principales montañas y edificios militares de la zona, indicada por clave alfabética

    Industrial decarbonization by a new energy baseline methodology. Case study

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    The main target of climate change policies in the majority of industrialized countries is to reduce energy consumption in their facilities, which would reduce the carbon emissions that are generated. Through this idea, energy management plans are developed, energy reduction targets are established, and energy-efficient technologies are applied to achieve high energy savings, which are environmentally compatible. In order to evaluate the impact of their operations and investments, companies promote measures of performance in their energy management plans. An integral part of measuring energy performance is the establishment of energy baselines applicable to the complete facility that provide a basis for evaluating energy efficiency improvements and incorporating energy performance indicators. The implementation of energy management systems in accordance with the requirements of ISO Standard 50001 is a contribution to the aim and strategies for improving cleaner production in industries. This involves an option for the industry to establish energy benchmarks to evaluate performance, predict energy consumption, and align production with the lowest possible consumption of primary and secondary forms of energy. Ultimately, this goal should lead to the manufacturing of cleaner products that are environmentally friendly, energy efficient, and are in accordance with the global environmental targets of cleaner manufacturing. This paper discusses an alternative for establishing energy baselines for the industrial sector in which several products are produced from a single raw material, and we determined the energy consumption of each product and its impact on the overall efficiency of the industry at the same time. The method is applied to the plastic injection process and the result is an energy baseline (EBL) in accordance with the requirements of ISO 50001, which serves as a reference for determining energy savings. The EBL facilitates a reduction in energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in sectors such as plastics, a sector which accounts for 15% of Colombia’s manufacturing GD

    Conflict: a study about school life in Primary education

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    Este trabajo pretende describir los problemas de conflictividad en centros de Educación Primaria a partir de la valoración del alumnado y analizar si existen diferencias entre niños y niñas. Han participado 1265 estudiantes (edad M= 11.11; DT= 0.75), muestra representativa de la población andaluza en España. La metodología utilizada ha sido analítica, a través de encuestas y un diseño transversal. Se han analizado cinco dimensiones negativas de la Escala de Convivencia Escolar (ECE): victimización, disruptividad, agresión, indisciplina y desidia docente. Los resultados señalan a la disruptividad como una de las principales fuentes de conflictividad y la existencia de diferencias en la Valoración de las dificultades analizadas entre chicos y chicas, siendo los chicos los que puntúan más alto en general, aunque no en todas las dimensiones. En la discusión y las conclusiones se aborda el impacto de las dificultades analizadas así como las diferencias entre ellos y ellas. Finaliza con una serie de Implicaciones educativas en torno a propuestas de actuación en función de las dificultades detectadas.This work pretends to describe the conflictive problems in the Primary Education Centers, starting with the valorization of the students and establishing whether there are differences between boys and girls. The participants are 1265 students (age M=11.11; DT=0.75), this sample is representative of the Andalusian population in Spain. The methodology employed has been analytical, by means of surveys and transversal design. Five negative dimensions of the Scale of School Behavior (SSB): victimization, disruption, aggression, indiscipline, teacher indolence were analyzed. The results show that disruption is one of the main sources of conflict and the existence of differences in the valorization of the difficulties between boys and girls analyzed, being the boys the ones that score higher in general although not in all the dimensions. In the discussion and conclusions the impact of the difficulties analyzed as well as the differences between boys and girls are dealt with. It ends up with a series of educational implications around the acting proposals in connections with the difficulties detected

    Tres épocas en la obra de Moles : análisis crítico de su producción científica en el marco del Instituto de Psicología Social de la Universidad de Estrasburgo

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    Tesis doctoral. -- Director : Angel Benito Jaén. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias de la Informacion. Departamento de Teoría General de la Informacion.. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias de la Informacion. Departamento de Teoria General de la Informacion..Depto. de Teorías y Análisis de la ComunicaciónFac. de Ciencias de la InformaciónTRUEProQuestpu

    Tres épocas en la obra de Moles : análisis crítico de su producción científica en el marco del Instituto de Psicología Social de la Universidad de Estrasburgo

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    Tesis doctoral. -- Director : Angel Benito Jaén. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias de la Informacion. Departamento de Teoría General de la Informacion.. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias de la Informacion. Departamento de Teoria General de la Informacion..Depto. de Teorías y Análisis de la ComunicaciónFac. de Ciencias de la InformaciónTRUEProQuestpu

    Regulation of Ace2-dependent genes requires components of the PBF complex in schizosaccharomyces pombe

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    The division cycle of unicellular yeasts is completed with the activation of a cell separation program that results in the dissolution of the septum assembled during cytokinesis between the 2 daughter cells, allowing them to become independent entities. Expression of the eng1+ and agn1+ genes, encoding the hydrolytic enzymes responsible for septum degradation, is activated at the end of each cell cycle by the transcription factor Ace2. Periodic ace2+ expression is regulated by the transcriptional complex PBF (PCB Binding Factor), composed of the forkhead-like proteins Sep1 and Fkh2 and the MADS box-like protein Mbx1. In this report, we show that Ace2-dependent genes contain several combinations of motifs for Ace2 and PBF binding in their promoters. Thus, Ace2, Fkh2 and Sep1 were found to bind in vivo to the eng1+ promoter. Ace2 binding was coincident with maximum level of eng1+ expression, whereas Fkh2 binding was maximal when mRNA levels were low, supporting the notion that they play opposing roles. In addition, we found that the expression of eng1+ and agn1+ was differentially affected by mutations in PBF components. Interestingly, agn1+ was a major target of Mbx1, since its ectopic expression resulted in the suppression of Mbx1 deletion phenotypes. Our results reveal a complex regulation system through which the transcription factors Ace2, Fkh2, Sep1 and Mbx1 in combination control the expression of the genes involved in separation at the end of the cell division cycle

    MONTSERRAT (Barcelona) (Macizo). 1:12.000

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    Visto bueno de Wimpff?Manuscrito firmado y rubricado por F. del Rey.Fecha tomada del catálogo del SGE: "Cataluña. Província de Barcelona. Siglos XVI a XIX". 1970, p. 235.Escala gráfica [ca.1:1.460]. 96 varas [= 5,5 cm] para los edificios. Mención nominal de los puntos cardinales.Relieve representado por curvas de configuración y sombreado.Manuscrito a plumilla en tinta negra y coloreado a la acuarela en siena, gris, amarillo y carmín.Relación de los edificios religiosos (monasterio, iglesia, una obra nueva empezada, patios, hospedería, huertas, estanques, estanco, y puertas del mismo monasterio de Monserrat), reductos, batería y baluarte indicados por clave alfanumérica.Leyendas explicaticas sobre los lugares fortificados, su capacidad para contener hombres y su defensa como lugares estratégicos

    Seasonality and Efficiency of the Hotel Industry in the Balearic Islands: Implications for Economic and Environmental Sustainability

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    Tourism seasonality generates negative environmental and economic impacts. This paper analyzes the effects of seasonality on the efficiency of the hotel industry in the Balearic Islands (Spain). To that end, a sample of hotel establishments is divided into two groups (those that close down during the off-season and those that do not). Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is applied to assess the radial efficiency of each of the selected hotels; then, directional distance functions (DDFs) are used to measure the degree of efficiency with which these hotels use each of the inputs that form part of their production process. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that the said technique has been applied to the hospitality industry to examine the effects of seasonality. The results of this study suggest that those establishments that do not close down their operations are markedly more efficient than the ones that do. Moreover, they are more efficient in the use of each input. Therefore, a reduction in the levels of tourism seasonality would improve the economic sustainability of the hotels and reduce the environmental pressure at peak times. Finally, in line with the theoretical hypotheses formulated, the results regarding the specific efficiency levels for each input show that the greater the degree of flexibility with which these inputs are used, the higher the efficiency

    Autonomous use of a computer algebra system for learning linear algebra

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    A Computer Algebra System (CAS) can be defined as mathematical software with numerical, graphic and symbolic capacities. Many studies have addressed the teaching of mathematics in a CAS environment. This paper describes a teaching experience carried out in a linear algebra course, for engineering students, with methodologies adapted to the European Higher Education Area. Generic competences such as self-learning, team work or use of technology have been enhanced through autonomous work of students, who had worked in small groups (2-3 students) using a CAS for solving proposal exercises. The experience was completed with a competition which was announced and promoted between the students with the best grades. They developed a project related to a real problem in science or engineering, where orthogonal transformations are used for modelling and solving the problem. A brief summary of the winner project is included in the paper. The experiment proves that technology provides the students with material for enhancing the apprenticeship and improving the motivation

    E-Assessment and mathematical learning: A Spanish overview

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    Assessment can be used to enhance student learning (formative assessment) or to control the apprenticeship (summative assessment). The two ways can be used according to the requirements or needs. Nowadays, the student must be the protagonist of his learning, and it is important that he receives immediate feedback of the learning process. The normal work or the real life for the current students includes the quick answers provided by technology. Therefore technology allows the development of new models of assessment easy to implement. Technology-supported assessments are already being used as a formative assessment and some influence in the summative sense of grading student achievement in some Spanish universities. After some general ideas concerning the learning process, this paper analyses the various ways in which technology is used in assessment activities of basic mathematical subjects in Spanish engineering degrees. The results are supported by the construction of a data base of Learning Guides (information provided by the universities to the students)