347 research outputs found

    The protoMIRAX Hard X-ray Imaging Balloon Experiment

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    The protoMIRAX hard X-ray imaging telescope is a balloon-borne experiment developed as a pathfinder for the MIRAX satellite mission. The experiment consists essentially in a coded-aperture hard X-ray (30-200 keV) imager with a square array (13×\times13) of 2mm-thick planar CZT detectors with a total area of 169 cm2^2. The total, fully-coded field-of-view is 21∘×21∘21^{\circ}\times 21^{\circ} and the angular resolution is 1∘^{\circ}43'. In this paper we describe the protoMIRAX instrument and all the subsystems of its balloon gondola, and we show simulated results of the instrument performance. The main objective of protoMIRAX is to carry out imaging spectroscopy of selected bright sources to demonstrate the performance of a prototype of the MIRAX hard X-ray imager. Detailed background and imaging simulations have been performed for protoMIRAX balloon flights. The 3σ\sigma sensitivity for the 30-200 keV range is ~1.9 ×\times 10−5^{-5} photons cm−2^{-2} s−1^{-1} for an integration time of 8 hs at an atmospheric depth of 2.7 g cm−2^{-2} and an average zenith angle of 30∘^{\circ}. We have developed an attitude control system for the balloon gondola and new data handling and ground systems that also include prototypes for the MIRAX satellite. We present the results of Monte Carlo simulations of the camera response at balloon altitudes, showing the expected background level and the detailed sensitivity of protoMIRAX. We also present the results of imaging simulations of the Crab region. The results show that protoMIRAX is capable of making spectral and imaging observations of bright hard X-ray source fields. Furthermore, the balloon observations will carry out very important tests and demonstrations of MIRAX hardware and software in a near space environment.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Contribuição para o conhecimento da biologia de Cynosciou jamaicensis (Vaillant & Bocourt, 1883), na area entre cabo de São Tomé (22º04's) e Torres (29º21's), Brasil

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    Data were obtained from 1891 specimens of Cynoscion jamaicebis collected during four trips aboard R/V "Prof. W. Besnard'', from Cabo de São Tome (22º04'S) to Torres (29º21'S). This species occurs along the continental shelf, preferably on the region of coastal water influence with temperatures between 27ºC and 18ºC. There are young and adults along the coast, in all depths, although it was observed young in February-March at 22ºS and 27ºS and, during other months, at 23º20'S and 27º30'S, while the adults are distributed at 26ºS and 27º30'S in February-March and May and at 23ºS and 29º30'S in September-November. Spawning takes place between latitudes 24º30'S and 26º30'S in winter-spring (September-November), According to reproductive cycle, the condition factor (K) showed variations, being the lowest value in September (spawning season). The pick of recruitment was in May, occurring individuals with total length between 70-90 mm coming from the preceeding spawning period and that did not reach their first year of life. First sexual maturity is reached around 154 mm and at 200 mm all individuals are potentially mature. The weight/length relationship values were different for males α - 3.25) and females (α -3.10).Este trabalho baseia-se na análise de dados obtidos de 1891 exemplares de Cynoscion jamaicebis coletados durante quatro cruzeiros oceanográficos realizados por intermédio do N/Oc. "Prof. W. Besnard", na área entre Cabo de Sao Tomé (22º04'S) e Torres (29º30'S), até a isóbata de 200 m, dentro do programa FAUNEC. A espécie distribui-se ao longo da plataforma continental, preferencialmente na região banhada pela agua costeira, com temperaturas entre 27ºC e 18ºC. Ocorrem concentrações de jovens e adultos, indiscriminadamente da distância da costa; os jovens ocorreram, em fevereiro-março, entre 22ºS e 27ºS e, nos demais períodos, entre 23º20'S e 27º30'S, enquanto os adultos distribulram-se, em fevereiro-março e maio, entre 26ºS e 27º30'S e, em setembro e novembro, entre 23ºS e 29º30'S. A desova ocorre entre as latitudes 24º30'S e 26º30'S, durante o fim do inverno-primavera (setembro-novembro). Concordando com o ciclo reprodutivo, o fator de condição mostrou variações cíclicas, com valor mais baixo durante setembro, período de desova. O pico de recrutamento verificou-se em maio, quando ocorreram indivíduos com comprimento total entre 70 e 90 mm, provenientes da desova do ano anterior, que ainda nao completaram um ano de idade. 0 comprimento médio de início da primeira maturação sexual é de 154 mm, sendo que aos 200 mm todos os indivíduos estão aptos para a reprodução. A relação peso total/comprimento total apresentou diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre sexos, com α = 3,25 para machos e 3,10 para fêmeas

    Estudos sobre estrutura, ciclo de vida e comportamento de Sardinella brasiliensis (Steindachner, 1879), na área entre 22ºs e 28ºs, Brasil: 2. Determinação da idade individual e crescimento dos otólitos

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    Otoliths can be used as a reliable character for the assessment of individual age of S. brasiliensis from Brazilian coast (22ºS - 28ºS). Well defined growth rings are present and may be used as age indicators. The otolith growth parameters would seem to indicate that there are four distinct patterns along the areay suggesting that the species, in the region studied, is divided into distinct groups.Analisou-se a validade da determinação da idade individual de S. brasiliensis através do número de anéis de crescimento de otólitos de exemplares coletados na área da costa brasileira entre 22ºS (RJ) e 28ºS (SC). Foi comprovada a existência de relação linear entre raio do otólito e comprimento do peixe, periodicidade anual e época de formação dos anéis (agosto), obedecendo a padrões definidos. Estimou-se parâmetros de crescimento dos otólitos ao longo da área estudada, estabelecendo-se quatro padrões distintos, que contituem mais um subsídio na caracterização das populações que existem na área

    Estudos sobre estrutura, ciclo de vida e comportamento de Sardinella brasiliensis (Steindachner, 1879), na área entre 22ºs e 28ºs, Brasil: 1. Morfologia dos otólitos

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    A total of 4751 pairs of otoliths of Sardinella brasiliensis was colected between 22ºlat S and 28º lat S along and offshore the Brazilian coast. These pairs were studied to ascertain whether otoliths can be used as a reliable character for the assessment of individual age and population characteristics. The morphology of the otoliths is discussed in detail. Both periodic and non periodic rings (Tr and TPN) are shown to occur. TR and TPN are related to events during the larval and juvenile stages. Well defined growth rings are also present and may be used as age indicators. Morphologic and morphometric characters, specially length of rostrum, lenght of anti-rostrum and weight are correlated with total length; the results confirm earlier studies by different methods that suggest that the species, in the region studied, is broken down into different groups imperfectly isolated from one another. In conclusion, the study of details of the otoliths of this species is an useful addition to others as a mean to separate the various groups. Spatial and temporal distribution of specimens with different types of otoliths suggeets a certain degree of mixture among groups through migration of individuals and partial overlapping in space.O presente trabalho apresenta os resultados obtidos na análise de 4.751 pares de otólitos de Sardinella brasiliensis coletada na área entre 22ºS (RJ) e 28ºS (SC), com a finalidade de serem utilizadas, estas estruturas, na leitura do número de anéis, e como fonte de subsídios adicionais à caracterizaçao de populações. A estrutura dos otólitos é descrita e as principais dificuldades na interpretação dos anéis são discutidas, mostrando-se que ocorrem anéis não periódicos (TR e TPN), relacionados a eventos ocorridos durante as fases larval e pré-juvenil, e anéis de crescimento bem definidos, que se constituem em indicadores da idade individual. Características morfológicas e morfométricas, principalmente comprimentos no rostro e no anti-rostro e peso dos otólitos em relação ao comprimento total do peixe, corroboram indicações anteriores de que a espécie não homogênea em sua área de ocorrência, auxiliando na identificação de grupos distintos. As distribuições espacial e temporal de otólitos de S. brasiliensis, apresentando características diversas, sugerem haver migrações e mistura de indivíduos dos diferentes grupos

    Emerging applications of Sterculia striata gum in medical, pharmaceutical, and environmental fields: prospects and challenges

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    Trees of the genus Sterculia produce acidic polysaccharides with high viscosity and the ability to form gels in water. This work emphasized the species Sterculia striata and the uses of its plant derivatives, such as seeds, fruits, stem bark, and exudates. The species showed prospects for industrial application (seeds with high protein content, fruits with antioxidant potential, and stem bark with anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive, and gastroprotective potential). From a physicochemical and rheological point of view, the exudate has a high molar mass value; it contains uronic acid, galactose, rhamnose, and xylose. Sterculia striata gum (SSG) is highly viscous in solution and can form thermoreversible gels where gelation conditions depend on the purification method, acetyl groups, and presence of salt. Due to the presence of carboxylic acid groups, polyanionic behaving SSG allow the formation of polyelectrolyte complexes, which have been used in drug delivery systems (DDS) to encapsulate drugs such as antimalarial drugs, improve essential oil stability and obtain films for antimicrobial purposes. This review contributes to the understanding of the use of this biomaterial, providing a basis for new research on its different applications and industrial use, with a focus on the pharmaceutical, medical, food, and environmental fields.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Leucocytozoon cariamae n. sp. and Haemoproteus pulcher coinfection in Cariama cristata (Aves: Cariamiformes): first mitochondrial genome analysis and morphological description of a leucocytozoid in Brazil

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    The distribution of avian haemosporidians of the genus Leucocytozoon in the Neotropics remains poorly understood. Recent studies confirmed their presence in the region using molecular techniques alone, but evidence for gametocytes and data on putative competent hosts for Leucocytozoon are still lacking outside highland areas. We combined morphological and molecular data to characterize a new Leucocytozoon species infecting a non-migratory red-legged seriema (Cariama cristata), the first report of a competent host for Leucocytozoon in Brazil. Leucocytozoon cariamae n. sp. is distinguished from the Leucocytozoon fringillinarum group by its microgametocytes that are not strongly appressed to the host cell nucleus. The bird studied was coinfected with Haemoproteus pulcher, and we present a Bayesian phylogenetic analysis based on nearly complete mitochondrial genomes of these 2 parasites. Leucocytozoon cariamae n. sp. morphology is consistent with our phylogenetic analysis indicating that it does not share a recent common ancestor with the L. fringillinarum group. Haemoproteus pulcher and Haemoproteus catharti form a monophyletic group with Haemocystidium parasites of Reptilia, supporting the polyphyly of the genus Haemoproteus. We also discussed the hypothesis that H. pulcher and H. catharti may be avian Haemocystidium, highlighting the need to study non-passerine parasites to untangle the systematics of Haemosporida
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