95 research outputs found

    Impactos da pandemia da Covid-19 nos Empreendimentos Turísticos de Aracaju/Sergipe/Brasil

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     RESUMOEste estudo tem como objetivo apresentar o impacto pandemia da Covid-19 nos empreendimentos do setor do turismo em Aracaju/SE. Setenta e seis empreendimentos do setor de turismo e hospitalidade participaram da pesquisa respondendo a um questionário com foco em três principais construtos: Impacto econômico, medidas governamentais para a crise e políticas públicas para a retomada do turismo. Os dados foram coletados usando um questionário on-line autoadministrado, no período de 01 a 15 de julho de 2020, além da pesquisa de campo com a aplicação do questionário nos empreendimentos turísticos localizados na Orla de Aracaju/SE. A análise teve como base a estatística descritiva. Os resultados principais demonstram que houve 405 demissões do início da pandemia até junho/20 e que 58% dos empreendimentos tiverem uma queda acima de 76% no faturamento, sendo que a recuperação desse faturamento, para 49% dos entrevistados só se dará em 2021, mas para 32% só após 2021. Em relação às medidas governamentais, para 53% os governos deveriam reduzir os impostos (federais, estaduais e municipais) e 36% acreditam que a concessão de empréstimos com juros baixos seria a melhor opção.  Dentre as políticas públicas para a retomada do turismo, 65% dos entrevistados afirmaram que a melhor medida governamental na pós-pandemia é melhorar divulgação do destino, colocando Sergipe nas vitrines do mercado de turismo e 10% acreditam que a melhoria da infraestrutura turística é mais necessária.Palavras-chave: Covid-19. Economia. Desemprego. Turismo. Aracaju/SE.Impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on Enterprises Tourists from Aracaju / Sergipe / BrazilABSTRACTThis study aims to present the pandemic impact of Covid-19 in the tourism sector in Aracaju / SE. Seventy-six enterprises in the tourism and hospitality sector participated in the survey by answering a questionnaire focusing on three main constructs: Economic impact, government measures for the crisis and public policies for the resumption of tourism. The data were collected using a self-administered online questionnaire, from the 1st to the 15th of July 2020, in addition to the field research with the application of the questionnaire in the tourist resorts located on the Orla de Aracaju / SE. The analysis was based on descriptive statistics. The main results show that there were 405 layoffs from the beginning of the pandemic until June / 20 and that 58% of the enterprises had a drop above 76% in revenue, and the recovery of that revenue, for 49% of the interviewees, will only happen in 2021, but for 32% only after 2021. Regarding government measures, for 53% governments should reduce taxes (federal, state and municipal) and 36% believe that the granting of loans with low interest would be the best option. Among public policies for the resumption of tourism, 65% of respondents stated that the best governmental measure in the post-pandemic is to improve the destination's disclosure, placing Sergipe in the windows of the tourism market and 10% believe that the improvement of tourism infrastructure is more needed.Keywords: Covid-19. Economy. Unemployment. Tourism. Aracaju / SE


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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the development of Paspalum grass millegrana Schrad propagated through seeds and tillers, subjected to different levels of water and phosphorus to be used in erosion control on slopes. The experimental trial was conducted in greenhouse with propagation of tillers and seeds of Paspalum grass, at the Federal University of Sergipe, São Cristóvão, Brazil, in a completely randomized design with sixteen treatments and four replications, arranged in a factorial scheme corresponding to (0, 100, 200, 300 and 400 mg kg-1), two water contents in the soil (60% and 100% of total pore volume) filled with water and two types of propagation (tillers and seeds). Plants were harvested at the end of four months of conducting the experiment and evaluated the following variables: number of tillers (NT), number of inflorescences (NI), Shoot Length (SL), Root Length (RL), Shoot Dry Weight (SDW) and Root Dry Weight (RDW). The phosphorus and water levels interacted positively with the variables studied and showed that this grass, presented biotech important features like good tillering, and the consequent formation of dense aerial biomass and root required for slope protection against erosion. The Paspalum millegrana species showed a better development among the variables analyzed under conditions of less water availability with 60% VTP and the best responses of the simple superphosphate dosages were between 200 and 300 mg kg-1

    Degradação de geotêxteis de Typha latifolia Linn utilizados em técnicas de bioengenharia de solos

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    The use of taboa fibers (Typha latifolia Linn), for geotextile manufacturing, was designed to stabilize riverbanks or slopes and to create an ecologically suitable environment for the recovery of vegetation and soil anchoring. The objective of this work was to evaluate the resistance of geotextiles manufactured from taboa fibers submitted to accelerate aging in the laboratory and degradation of these fibers in the field. The geotextile manufacturing was performed with different knots in fibers that had previously undergone different drying processes. To perform the tests in the laboratory, an apparatus that allowed the geotextile to be subjected to premature aging was built, seeking to simulate the environmental conditions. The fibers were exposed to UVB radiation followed by condensation, using also a mechanical cooler, for temperature equalization. The tensile strength tests followed the guidelines observed in the ISO 10319 (1996) and ISO 12236 (1998) Brazilian National Standards. The field trials were conducted by placing samples on a slope on the right bank of the São Francisco river in the municipality of Amparo do São Francisco, Sergipe state, 10°08'20.7"S 36°54'47.0"W, Northeaster Brazil, with 20m2 area, under local climatic conditions, for further evaluation of their degradation. Since the materials are not homogeneous in their manufacture, non-uniform results occurred when subjected to degradation. This may explain the fact that unexpected increases in stress and strain values were observed. The taboa geotextile showed results of rupture stress and deformation that signals positively for its commercial use, thus confirming its potential for use as part of soil bioengineering techniques.O uso das fibras da taboa (Typha latifolia Linn), para confecção de geotêxteis, tem sido trabalhada, buscando a estabilização de taludes de rios ou encostas, e assim criando um ambiente ecologicamente favorável para a recuperação da vegetação e a ancoragem do solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a resistência e durabilidade de geotêxteis fabricados com fibras da taboa submetidos ao envelhecimento acelerado em laboratório e degradação dessas fibras em campo. A confecção dos geotêxteis foi realizada com diferentes nós em fibras que passaram previamente por processos de secagem distintos. Para a realização dos testes em laboratório, foi construído aparato que permitiu submeter os corpos de prova ao envelhecimento precoce, buscando simulação das condições ambientais, isto é, as fibras foram expostas à radiação UVB seguida de condensação, utilizando-se também um resfriador mecânico para equalização da temperatura. Os ensaios de resistência à tração seguiram diretrizes observadas nas normas ISO 10319 (1996) e ISO 12236 (1998). Os ensaios de campo foram conduzidos por disposição de amostras em um talude da margem direita do rio São Francisco no município de Amparo do São Francisco-SE, 10°08'20.7"S 36°54'47.0"W, Nordeste do Brazil, com área de 20m2, submetidas às condições climáticas locais, para posterior avaliação da sua degradação. Uma vez que os materiais não apresentam homogeneidade na sua fabricação, ocorreram resultados não uniformes quando submetidos à degradação. Isso pode explicar o fato de serem observados aumentos inesperados nos valores de tensão e deformação. O geotêxteis de taboa apresentou resultados de tensão de ruptura e deformação que sinaliza positivamente para o seu uso comercial, confirmando, assim, as suas potencialidades para uso como parte das técnicas de bioengenharia de solos

    Analysis of the green corn production costs under tillage systems in the Sergipano Coastal Tableland

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    Abstract: Although many green corn producers manage their agricultural properties informally, the production of this vegetable is socioeconomically relevant to the Brazilian Northeast. This work aims to estimate and analyze the production costs, profitability and return of green corn in different cultivation systems, in the Coastal Tablelands of Sergipano. For this purpose, data were collected from the 16th to the 18th year of cultivation of a long-term experiment, in a strip experimental design, where each strip corresponds to the soil management system (conventional cultivation (CC), no-tillage (PD)) and minimum cultivation (CM)), and four previous crops (Beans Caupí, Crotalária, Guandu and Milheto) were randomized to corn. Production costs, Gross revenue, Operating profit, Profitability index and Leveling point were determined. Greater productivity and Gross revenue were observed in the PD, and greater disbursements in the CC (R8,184.59).PDhadhighestoperatingprofitandprofitabilityratio,whereGuandu/PDhadthebestperformance(R 8,184.59). PD had highest operating profit and profitability ratio, where Guandu/PD had the best performance (R 8,847.18 and 52.02% respectively). Guandu/CC presented negative operating profit and profitability index, characterizing itself as a non-viable alternative for the farmer. The identification and analysis of production costs is an important tool, as it enables the identification of more profitable crops, being the PD the most recommended


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    The objective of this work was characterize the floristic diversity and the phytosociological structure of the mangrove in the São Francisco River estuary in order to contribute to the conservation of this ecosystem. Thirty-four sampling sites were selected, according to ongoing structural mosaic in the region ranging from 100 to 400 m between themselves, in a total useful area of 0.7625 ha. The evaluated parameters were: density of live and dead trunks; living and dead Basal Area; Absolute Frequency, Relative Frequency and Importance Value. Three typical mangrove species of the São Francisco estuary were found such as Avicennia germinans (L.) Stearn, Rhizophora mangle L. and Laguncularia racemosa (L.) Gaertn. F. Gaertn. The forest height ranged from 2.88 to 15.63 m, the DBH from 3.95 to 19.74 cm, live basal area from 4.22 to 47.83 m² ha-1 and dead basal area from 0.50 to 59.63 m² ha-1. The living trunks density ranged from 375.00 to 9100.00 trunks ha-1 and dead trunk density from 100-2800 trunks ha-1. The described results in this study demonstrated that the mangrove forests presents a structural variability that may be associated with environmental characteristics (marine erosion) and anthropogenic factors. The peculiarities of each site emphasize the importance of preventive actions in the ecosystem conservation

    Uso da vinhaça no abacaxizeiro em solo de baixo potencial de produção

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    An experiment was carried out in order to evaluate the stillage as K source for pineapple (Ananas Comosus L.) in comparison with KCl, and the effects on chemical soil characteristics. The experiment was assessed in a Red Yellow Latosol with Smooth Cayenne cultivar. The treatments consisted of four application doses of stillage (0 - 100 - 200 - 400 m3/ha) and of an additional treatment (12 g/plant K2O KCl). The design of the trial was in randomized blocks with three replications. Yields statistically responded to stillage and KCl and yields obtained with 400 m3/ha of stillage and 20.5 g of KCl per plant were 70% and 73%, respectivelly, over the control. Addition of K increased the content of tritratable acidity and total soluble solids in the fruit with no difference between the sources. Concentration of K in the leaves increased and Mg content decreased by stillage and KCl application. Addition of stillage in the soil increased K, Ca, Mg content and leached K to 20-40 cm depth. Stillage and KCl increased K to adequate levels in the bases sum.O trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar a vinhaça como fonte de K para o abacaxizeiro (Ananas Comosus L.), em substituição ao KCl, e seus efeitos sobre as características químicas do solo. O experimento foi instalado em um LV, textura argilosa, utilizando a cv. Smooth Cayenne. Os tratamentos constaram de quatro doses de vinhaça (0 - 100 - 200 - 400 m3/ha), mais um tratamento adicional: 12 g/planta K2O (KCl). O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições. Verificou-se efeito significativo da vinhaça e do KCl sobre a produção. Com 400 m3/ha de vinhaça e 20,5 g/planta de KCl , os rendimentos tiveram um acréscimo de 70% e 73%, respectivamente, em relação à testemunha. O fornecimento de K elevou a porcentagem de acidez titulável total e sólidos solúveis totais nos frutos, porém não houve diferença significativa entre as fontes. Os teores foliares de K foram aumentados significativamente pela aplicação de vinhaça e de KCl, e os teores de Mg decresceram. A aplicação de vinhaça contribuiu para aumento, no solo, dos teores dos cátions K, Ca, Mg e para a lixiviação de K. Vinhaça e KCl elevaram a níveis adequados, para cultura, a porcentagem de K na soma de bases


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    Litterfall production contributes to the flow models and carbon content essential for ecosystem dynamics. The objective of the present study was to assess litterfall production rates in the Costinha mangrove forests, São Francisco River Estuary, Sergipe state, Brazil. To this end, litterfall production in the study area was monitored in five stratified stations (A, B, C, D and E) using the same channels as dividers. Ten (10) 0.25 m2 litter collectors, totaling 120 litterbags, were allocated to each forest station for monthly monitoring lasting two years. The collected material was separated into fractions: leaf, flower, fruit, branch and twig, stipule and miscellaneous, and leaves and fruits were separated by species. The average litterfall production was 13.53 ton ha-1.year-1 in the first year and 13.21 ton ha-1.year-1 in the second year, with no statistically significant differences (p>0.05) between the years during the evaluation period. Generally, litterfall production in fractions presented the following descending order: leaves > branches and twigs > stipules > fruits and propagules > miscellaneous > flowers, with the leaf fractions accounting for 71.46% of the production. The Costinha mangrove forest showed variable litterfall production rates throughout the study period, but there was an increasing trend in leaf fall in warmer seasons


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    A predição de eventos erosivos é de grande importância nas terras do Baixo São Francisco-BSF, onde as praticas de manejo inadequado vem provocando degradação das áreas cultivadas e matas ciliares com consequente avanço de processos erosivos nas margens do rio. A Equação Universal de Perda de Solos (EUPS) é um modelo queutiliza dados pluviométricos, tipos de solos, declividade do terreno e uso do solo, para calcular o quanto de solo uma determinada área pode perder em um ano. O objetivo desse trabalho foi estimar as perdas de solo a partir de parâmetros orientados pela EUPS no Baixo São Francisco sergipano. O BSF ocupa uma área de 3.201.300 ha, se iniciando em Paulo Afonso-BA, com sua Foz entre Piaçabuçu-AL e Brejo Grande-SE, e o trecho somente no estado de Sergipe ocupa uma área de 738.754ha aproximadamente, onde foi estimada a perda de solos utilizando o software ArcGis 9.0.Nas áreas de pastagem que são predominantes na Bacia, com ocupação maior que a metade do BSF (76,26%) foram encontrados valores que variaram de 0 a 0,33 t ha-1 ano-1 de perda de solo. A utilização da EUPS se constitui em uma ferramenta muito útil para o Planejamento Conservacionista

    Riverine landscape changes: case-study of Paramopama River, Sergipe State

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    Os objetivos deste trabalho foram analisar as alterações da paisagem promovidas pela erosão marginal e verificar a eficácia da técnica de bioengenharia de solos na recuperação das margens de um trecho do rio Paramopama, localizado no município de São Cristóvão, estado de Sergipe. Para a avaliação da alteração da paisagem, classificada como de altíssimo, alto e baixo grau de antropização, foram analisadas séries fotográficas compreendidas no período de 1998-2008. As espécies que se estabeleceram com maior ocorrência foram as pertencentes à família Poaceae. Dentre os fatores responsáveis pela alteração da paisagem, destacaram-se a erosão e a instalação de dutos atravessando a calha do rio. No rio Paramopama, foram observados dois momentos distintos, um com altíssimo e outro com alto grau de antropização. A técnica de bioengenharia de solos mostrou-se eficiente no que se refere à recuperação da paisagem, além de prover condições para a recuperação do ecossistema ribeirinho.Palavras-chave: Margens de cursos d´água; recuperação de paisagem; antropização. AbstractRiverine landscape changes: case-study of Paramopama River, Sergipe State. This work aimed to analyze current changes caused by riverbank’s erosion, as well as to verify the effectiveness of soil bioengineering techniques on the landscape recovery applied to Paramopama River banks. In order to verify landscape’s changes, it analyzed a photographic set produced during the period of 1998-2008, which had been classified according to its degree of anthropization as very high, high and low degree. Species with higher occurrence were those belonging to botanic family of Gramineae. There were many factors to landscape change, erosion was the most important followed by disturbances caused by ducts installation across the river channel. At Paramopama River two different moments could be observed, firstly, a very high degree of anthropization followed by a high degree of anthropization. Soil bioengineering technique was efficient to landscape recovery, providing ecological conditions to ecosystem recovery.Keywords: Stream banks; landscape recovery; anthropization.This work aimed to analyze current changes caused by riverbank’s erosion, as well as to verify the effectiveness of soil bioengineering techniques on the landscape recovery applied to Paramopama River banks. In order to verify landscape’s changes, it analyzed a photographic set produced during the period of 1998-2008, which had been classified according to its degree of anthropization as very high, high and low degree. Species with higher occurrence were those belonging to botanic family of Gramineae. There were many factors to landscape change, erosion was the most important followed by disturbances caused by ducts installation across the river channel. At Paramopama River two different moments could be observed, firstly, a very high degree of anthropization followed by a high degree of anthropization. Soil bioengineering technique was efficient to landscape recovery, providing ecological conditions to ecosystem recovery