646 research outputs found

    La influencia de la posicion del banner y la experiencia del usuario sobre el recuerdo. El efecto mediador de la atencion visual

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    This work was partly supported by the Spanish National Research Programme (R1D1i Research Project ECO2017-88458-R), Andalusian R1D1I Research Programme (B-SEJ-209-UGR18, the project “Research in NeuroSOCOM”) and by Portuguese national funding through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (projects UID/BIM/04773/2019 CBMR; UIDB/04020/2020 CinTurs; UIDB/04470/2020 CiTUR). Finally, the authors also wish to thank prof. Carlos Flavian, SJM-ESIC editor and the anonymous reviewers for their invaluable comments and constructive reflections to enable the publication of this manuscript.Purpose: This study aims to analyse the effectiveness of a static promotional banner located on a hotel reservation website in terms of capturing the visitor’s visual attention by exploring how this impact depends on the user’s degree of internet experience. Design/methodology/approach: An experiment was conducted using the eye-tracking methodology, in addition to a self-administered questionnaire. Through eye-tracking technology, eye movements were recorded whilst participants explored a generic hotel website. The factors used in the analyses were the position of the banner on the website and participants’ experience as internet users. Findings: The findings showed that positioning a banner at certain locations on the webpage may lead to a better recall, which, in part, seems to result from the visual attention that such locations attract. The mediation analysis showed that the bottom-right and bottom-left positions have a negative effect on banner recall due, in part, to the shorter attention times and the smaller number of fixations those positions induce. Although the visitor’s level of internet experience affected his/her visual attention towards the banner, its impact on banner recall was non-significant. Results are discussed considering which variables produce greater effectiveness in capturing the user’s attention. Practical implications: The paper draws several implications for the marketing literature, hospitality management and society in general. Originality/value: The study is the first to analyse the impact of the position of a static ad on users’ visual attention and memory, considering the user’s degree of internet experience.Andalusian R+D+I Research Programme B-SEJ-209-UGR18Ciencia e a TecnologiaSpanish National Research Programme ECO2017-88458-RFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia UID/BIM/04773/2019 CBMR, UIDB/04470/2020 CiTU

    Simulation of a solar funnel cooker using MATLAB

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    A software for the calculation of the radiation heat transfer in solar funnel cookers by means of the radiosity method has been developed in Matlab. The software has been used to study a folding solar cooker. The cooker geometry is discretized using a triangular mesh where a piecewise constant approximation is assumed for the radiosity function. Form factors, including self-occlusions, are calculated by properly refining the triangular mesh. The concentration factor of the solar cooker is estimated as a function of its position and orientation with respect to that of the Sun.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    What Do You Want to Eat? Influence of Menu Description and Design on Consumer's Mind: An fMRI Study

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    The main objective of this research was to analyse the active regions when processing dishes with a pleasant (vs. unpleasant) design and the effect of the previously read rational (vs. emotional) description when visualising the dish. The functional magnetic resonance image technique was used for the study. The results showed that participants who visualised pleasant vs. unpleasant dishes became active in several domains (e.g., attention, cognition and reward). On the other side, visualisation of unpleasant dishes activated stronger regions linked to inhibition, rejection, and related ambiguity. We found that subjects who read rational descriptions when visualising pleasant dishes activated regions related to congruence integration, while subjects who visualised emotional descriptions showed an increased neuronal response to pleasant dishes in the regions related to memory, emotion and congruence.This study was supported by the Andalusian R+D+I Research Programme (Grant No: B-SEJ209-UGR18, "Research in NeuroSOCOM"project). Project Programme of the University of Cadiz (Grant No: PR2017-039) and the Institute of Research and Development Social and Sustainability (INDESS)

    Examining Merchants’ Refusal to Adopt Mobile Payment Systems in Spain

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    Over the past years, traditional company management has been undergoing major changes regarding the adoption, implementation, and development of new technologies. Even if Internet commerce has the potential to revolutionize consumer behavior and the way merchants communicate with their customers, it is true that several activities related to the new technologies are still in the early stages of development or implementation. The main purpose of this study is to assess the determinants of m-payments from the point of view of merchants through an exploratory and qualitative analysis (literature review, focus groups, and in-depth interviews) in order to find the drivers and deterrents influencing the use of mobile payment systems in retail business. In order to properly approach the proposed research, a theoretical review of the actual situation of the different mobile payment systems across the different markets was carried through several personal interviews with merchants in the first place and, secondly, surveying over 151 retail companies in Spain. Conclusions and implications are discussed from the data and results drawn from this research, suggesting strategies to overcome some of the identified barriers and deterrents while also proposing some suggestions for future research opportunities

    Gender as a moderating element of customer satisfaction with electronic banking? An empirical study

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    The importance of Electronic Banking as an alternative channel for marketing products and services, along with the associated cost savings, has brought about significant changes in the financial sector in recent years. Electronic Banking has become a differentiator among financial institutions, which has led to an attempt to increase customer satisfaction level by fulfilling their expectations. Accordingly, the goal of this paper is to identify the factors that influence the satisfaction level of Electronic Banking users in Spain, following a proposed behavioural model, in addition to determining the influence of the gender variable on our analysis, as a moderator in such relationships. The usefulness of this type of research for financial institutions lies in the support they provide in defining customer profiles. When compared to other similar online satisfaction survey studies, this paper is a pioneer in using empirical analysis to study the effects of gender on customer satisfaction in online banking

    Analysis and modeling of the determinants of mobile banking acceptance

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    Mobile banking represents a great breakthrough in electronic banking. However due to several factors, costumers are not still completely confident in its use. In this study we contribute to the research on electronic banking adoption, in particular mobile banking acceptance, and we improve our understanding of consumers' attitudes towards new technology usage. With this aim, we proposed a new model using the principles of the theoretical model TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) as the backbone, to which new variables such as trust and risk were added, since they are likely to be influenced by security and privacy concerns. We applied an online survey, and using structural equation modeling (SEM) obtained important results regarding consumers' perceptions of mobile banking applications. In particular, we were able to better understand the relationships between trust, risk, intention to use, as well as the other relationships present in the original TAM model, in the mobile banking context, which also raised issues relating to the perceived ease of use and usefulness of mobile banking and users' attitudes toward it

    Do biometric payment systems work during the COVID‑19 pandemic? Insights from the Spanish users’ viewpoint

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    The authors would like to thank the support provided by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, National R&D&I Plan and FEDER (B-SEJ-209-UGR18).Technological developments are changing how users pay for goods and services. In the context of the COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) pandemic, new payment systems have been established to reduce contact between buyer and seller. In addition to the pandemic, the future is payment processing is also uncertain due to the new EU security regulations of the Payment Services Directive (PSD2). Biometric payments one option that would guarantee the security of transactions and reduce the risk of contagion. This research analyses the intention to recommend the use of the mobile phone as a tool for collecting payments in a shop using iris reading as a biometric measure of the buyer. The moderating effect of the fear of contagion in the proposed relationships was also analysed. An online survey was carried out, which yielded a sample of 368 respondents. The results indicate that the main antecedents of intention to use, which precedes intention to recommend, are perceived trust, habit, personal innovativeness and comfort of use. Additionally, the moderating effect of COVID-19 was checked among users with a higher perception of risk. The results obtained have interesting implications for purchase management among manufacturers and retailers.Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, National RDI PlanEuropean Commission B-SEJ-209-UGR1

    Un modelo integrador de adopciĂłn de una caldera de biomasa

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    La comprensión de los antecedentes de la predisposición al uso de las calderas de biomasa en el ámbito doméstico-residencial se ha revelado importante para la Administración y las empresas debido a su impacto en el consumo de energía. Este trabajo proporciona una visión global de los predictores de esta conducta a partir de las teorías más relevantes en el marco de la toma de decisiones de compra proambientales. El modelo planteado ha sido contrastado aplicando la técnica Partial Least Square. El estudio se ha realizado sobre una muestra de 528 propietarios de viviendas independientes sin caldera de biomasa. Las conclusiones revelan que la intención de adoptar esta calefacción está determinada por los valores, la preocupación ambiental, las actitudes, el control percibido y las normas personales y sociales. Además, se añaden factores como la percepción de los atributos de la tecnología, la creencia que la biomasa es beneficiosa y las ayudas económicas.The understanding of the background of the predisposition to the use of biomass boilers in the domestic-residential environment has proved important for the Administration and the companies due to their impact on the energy consumption. This work provides an overview of the predictors of this behavior from the most relevant theories in the framework of the decision making of proambientales. The proposed model has been tested using the Partial Least Square technique. The study was conducted on a sample of 528 independent homeowners without biomass boiler. The conclusions reveal that the intention to adopt this type of heating is determined by values, environmental concern, attitudes, perceived control and personal and social norms. In addition, external factors such as the perception of the attributes of the technology, the belief that the biomass is beneficial and the economic aid are added

    Past, present, and future research on self-service merchandising: A co-word and text mining approach

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    Purpose: This study aims to discern emerging trends and provide a longitudinal perspective on merchandising research by identifying relationships between merchandising-related subdomains/themes. Design/methodology/approach: We sourced 657 merchandising-related articles published since 1960, from the Scopus database and 425 from Web of Science. After processing and normalizing the data, we performed co-word and thematic network analyses. Taking a text mining approach, we used topic modeling to identify a set of coherent topics characterized by the keywords of the articles. Findings: We identified the following merchandising-related themes: branding, retail, consumer, behavior, modeling, textile and clothing industry, and visual merchandising. Although visual merchandising was the first type of merchandising to be used in-store, only recently has it become an emerging topic in the academic literature. There has been a further trend over the last decade to understand the adoption of simulation technology, such as computer-aided design, particularly in supply chain management in the clothing industry. These and other findings contribute to our discussion of the merchandising concept, approached from an evolutionary perspective. Research limitations/implications: The conclusions of the study hold implications at the intersection of merchandising, sectors, new technologies, research methodologies, and merchandising-practitioner education. Research trends suggest that, in the future, virtual reality and augmented reality using neuroscientific methods will be applied to the emerchandising context. Practical implications: The different dimensions of merchandising can be used to leverage store managers’ decision-making process toward an integrated store-management strategy. In particular, by adopting loyalty merchandising tactics, the store can generate emotional attachment among consumers, who will perceive its value and services as unique, thanks to merchandising items designed specifically with that aim in mind. The stimulation of unplanned purchases, the strategic location of products and duration of each merchandising activity in the store, the digitalization of merchandising, and the application of findings from neuroscience studies are some of the most relevant practical applications. Originality/value: The study provides the first-ever longitudinal review of the state of the art in merchandising research, taking a holistic perspective of this field of knowledge spanning a 60-year period. The work makes a valuable contribution to the development of the marketing discipline

    Biometric m-payment systems: A multi-analytical approach to determining use intention

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    Although mobile payment systems offer countless advantages, they do present certain drawbacks, mainly associated with security and privacy concerns. The inclusion of biometric authentication technologies seeks to minimise such drawbacks. The aim of this article is to examine the effect of key antecedents of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) and perceived risk on the intention to use a mobile payment system featuring biometric identification. A new hybrid analytical approach is taken. A sample of more than 2500 smartphone users was obtained through an online panel-based survey. Two techniques were used: first, structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) was conducted to determine which variables had a significant influence on the adoption of the mobile payment system, and second, an artificial neural network (ANN) model was used, taking a deep learning approach, to rank the relative influence of significant predictors of use intention obtained via PLS-SEM. The study found that the most significant variables affecting use intention were performance expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation and risk. In contrast, subjective norms, price value and habit were found to be weak predictors of use intention. The results of the ANN analysis confirmed almost all SEM findings but yielded a slightly different order of influence among the least significant predictors. A review of the extant scientific literature revealed a paucity of published studies dealing with the adoption and use of mobile payment systems featuring biometric identification. The conclusions and managerial implications point to new business opportunities that can be exploited by firms through the use of this technology
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