1,192 research outputs found

    Implementación y análisis de cifradores de flujo para tecnología RFID

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    En este proyecto se realiza la implementación de un cifrador de flujo (streamcipher) diseñado para RFID. Se presentan varias arquitecturas con las que se intentan mejorar alguno de los pará metros característicos de la tecnología (área, consumo, throughput, etc.). Además se utilizaran varias técnicas de reducción de potencia, ya que hay que tener en cuenta que la tecnología RFID exige un área y una potencia limitadas, con un límite considerablemente pequeño. Para la implementación del protocolo se empleará el lenguaje VHDL, el cual permite la descripción de circuitos digitales. Posteriormente, se empleará la herramienta synopsys, la cual nos permite obtener una estimación real del área y del consumo de potencia de cada una de las arquitecturas desarrolladas.Ingeniería Electrónica Industrial y Automátic

    Radiocarbon measurement program at the centro nacional de aceleradores (CNA), Spain

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    In September 2005, an accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) system based on a 1MV Tandetron accelerator arrived at the Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA). One of the main research programs for this AMS facility is based on radiocarbon. At the same time as the AMS facility was installed and tested, the 14C sample preparation laboratory was designed and set up. A graphitization line that allows the preparation of 5 samples in parallel was designed and built in October 2006. The first months were mainly dedicated to check and optimize all the sample processing. For such a task, several reference samples have been prepared and measured. Since the beginning of 2007, the laboratory has been fully operational and is currently performing as a service for the scientific community. During 2007, nearly 100 unknown samples were prepared and measured in our AMS system. Most of them were for dating purposes, but also other applications were investigated. The performance of the 14C laboratory and dating service will be shown, with some examples as illustration

    Analysis of metallic nanoantennas for solar energy conversion

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    Recently thermo-electrical nanoantennas, also known as Seebeck nanoantennas, have been proposed as an alternative for solar energy harvesting applications. In this work we present the optical and thermal analysis of metallic nanoantennas operating at infrared wavelengths, this study is performed by numerical simulations using COMSOL Multiphysics. Several different nanoantenna designs were analyzed including dipoles, bowties and square spiral antennas. Results show that metallic nanoantennas can be tuned to absorb electromagnetic energy at infrared wavelengths, and that numerical simulation can be useful in optimizing the performance of these types of nanoantennas at optical and infrared wavelengths

    Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in the Charal de Xochimilco Chirostoma humboldtianum

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    AbstractMicrosatellite loci were isolated and characterized for the endemic fish Chirostoma humboldtianum using an enrichment procedure. Eight polymorphic microsatellites were genotyped for 32 - 48 individuals from Tepuxtepec Dam, Michoacán. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 3 to 11 and the average observed and expected heterozygosities were 0.61 and 0.63, respectively. All loci deviated significantly from Hardy-Weinberg expectations, which might be related to small population sizes associated to human disturbances and habitat loss. These are the first loci described for the species and the genus and could be useful in studies of population genetics, conservation and management of the species

    Estudio comparativo del consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en adolescentes españoles y europeos = Comparative study of psychoactive substances in Spanish and European adolescents

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    Presentamos en este artículo un estudio comparativo de diferentes organismos oficiales de ámbito europeo, nacional y regional sobre el consumo de cuatro sustancias psicoactivas en la adolescencia. Se mantiene la tendencia en cuanto a la edad media de inicio y en la mayoría de prevalencias de consumo, sin embargo se observa una mayor práctica hacia los episodios de embriaguez en las tres frecuencias estudiadas (alguna vez en la vida, en los últimos 12 meses y en el último mes). Entre las diferencias intersexuales, las chicas siguen la tendencia general en la reducción de consumo de cannabis pero en menor ritmo, lo que produce una disminución respecto a los chicos. La ingesta de cocaína tiende hacia un consumo menor sobre todo en la muestra madrileña. En la toma de psicofármacos sin prescripción facultativa se produce un mayor consumo en la muestra nacional y regional respecto a los adolescentes europeos.This article presents a comparative study of various official bodies at European, national and regional level on four psychoactive substances consumption in adolescence. The trend remains as to the average age of onset and prevalence in most consumer, however more practical to drunkenness is observed at all three frequencies. Among the intersex differences, the girls follow the general trend in reducing cannabis use but slower, causing a decrease compared to the boys. Cocaine intake consumption tends to lower especially in Madrid sample. In taking psychotropic drugs without prescription increased consumption occurs in national and regional sample over European adolescents

    Bottom-up control of sardine and anchovy population cycles in the canary current: insights from an end-to-end model simulation

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    Sardine and anchovy can exhibit dramatic decadal-scale shifts in abundance in response to climate variability. Sharpe declines of these populations entail particularly serious commercial and ecological consequences in eastern boundary current ecosystems, where they sustain major world fisheries and provide the forage for a broad variety of predators. Understanding the mechanisms and environmental forcing that drive the observed fish variability remains a challenging problem. The modelling study presented here provides an approach that bridges a comprehensive database with an end-to-end modelling framework enabling the investigation of the sources of variability of sardine and anchovy in the Canary Current System. Different biological traits and behaviour prescribed for sardine and anchovy gave rise to different distribution and displacements of the populations, but to a rather synchronous variability in terms of abundance and biomass, in qualitative agreement with historical landing records. Analysis of years with anomalously high increase and decline of the adult population points to food availability (instead of temperature or other environmental drivers) as the main environmental factor determining recruitment for both sardine (via spawning and survival of feeding age-0 individuals) and anchovy (via survival of feeding age-0). Consistent with this, the two species thrive under enhanced upwelling-favourable winds, but only up to some threshold of the wind velocity beyond which larval drift mortality exceeds the positive effect of the extra food supply. Based on the analysis of the simulation, we found that anchovy larvae are particularly vulnerable to enhanced wind-driven advection, and as such do better with more moderate upwelling than sardines.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    La Casa de las Aguas. Depósitos y canalizaciones de la Compañía Inglesa

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    El abastecimiento de agua potable a Cartagena ha sido uno de los problemas más importantes que ha tenido la ciudad a lo largo de su historia. En el siglo XIX diferentes compañías de capital privado intentaron paliar el problema con diferentes resultados. De entre todas ellas destacó por su importancia la “Carthagena Water & Mining Co. Ltd.” (más conocida entre la población como la “Compañía Inglesa”). Una de las zonas en las cuales la compañía realizaba la captación del recurso y su primer almacenamiento estaba situada en Perín, donde se conservan restos tanto de las infraestructuras de transporte como de los depósitos. Éstos últimos, se encuentran en la finca conocida como “Casa de las Aguas” y su estado de conservación permite comprobar la eficacia técnica con la que se abordó el problema de abastecimiento de la ciudad a comienzos del siglo XX

    Population distribution and biomass variability of sardine and anchovy in the Canary current system as simulated by an end-to-end coupled model

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    Small pelagic fishes as sardine and anchovy account for as much as 20-25% of the world fisheries catch. They are particularly abundant in the four major eastern boundary upwelling ecosystems, where high levels of biological productivity are sustained by the supply of nutrient-rich water from beneath the photic zone. An intrinsic and puzzling feature of small pelagic fish is the large fluctuations of their population, typically occurring at decadal scales. The causes for such fluctuations have been extensively analyzed and discussed in the literature, yet our understanding of the mechanism involved is very limited. End-to-end models are emerging tools useful to test hypothesis for such fish population variability or to gain new insights into the problem. This comprehensive and complex model approach is now becoming possible largely thanks to the present-day computer power. This contribution focuses on the population dynamics of sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) in the Canary Current Upwelling Ecosystem. We describe and present the results of an end-to-end coupled model simulation including these two small pelagic species. The end-to-end application includes three model components: the ROMS circulation sub-model, the lower trophic ecosystem sub-model NEMURO, and a recently developed individual-based model for the fish (Rose et al. 2015; Fiechter et al. 2015). The computational grid for the three models covers NW Africa and the Western Iberian Peninsula at a spatial resolution of 12 km. This resolution is sufficient for certain eddy variability to occur in ROMS. Different biological traits were prescribed for anchovy and sardine: temperature optimum, diet preferences, and the onset and duration of the spawning season, among others. A hind-cast simulation of the period 1958-2007 was carried out. Model results reveal a fairly different behavior of sardine and anchovy. Anchovies gather off the northern part of Morocco and the Gulf of Cadiz, whereas sardines appear more scattered across the domain, further offshore, and further south, where upwelling favorable conditions take place year round. Both species exhibit decadal-scale fluctuations in both the location of the center of mass of the population and their biomass abundance; the latter being reasonably correlated with historical landing records.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional del Mar CEIMAR. Campus de Excelencia Andalucía Tec

    Reconstrucción de los sistemas de la Compañía Inglesa de agua para el abastecimiento a Cartagena, del siglo XIX hasta mediados del XX

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    El objetivo de esta presentación es la reconstrucción sobre gvSIG de los sistemas de abastecimiento de aguas de la ciudad de Cartagena, principalmente el denominado Sistema de Perín, propiedad de la compañía privada “Carthagena Water & Mining Co. Ltd.”, que funcionó desde finales del siglo XIX hasta mediados del XX

    Reconstruction of the “Compañía Inglesa” systems for the water supply to Cartagena, from the 19th century until the middle of the 20th

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    [SPA] Este trabajo tiene como objetivo la reconstrucción sobre gvSIG de los sistemas de abastecimiento de aguas de la ciudad de Cartagena, principalmente el denominado Sistema de Perín, propiedad de la compañía privada “Carthagena Water & Mining Co. Ltd.”, que funcionó desde finales del siglo XIX hasta mediados del XX. Se ha desarrollado a partir de entrevistas con vecinos de la zona, de cartografía de 1900 y de la interpretación de ortoimágenes del vuelo de Ruiz de Alda. La información de partida se completó mediante una toma de datos in situ, para comprobar el tipo de canalización empleado y obtener sus coordenadas mediante GPS en los casos en los que la canalización era visible. También se ha analizado la red de drenaje mediante el estudio de los modelos digitales del terreno, para conocer la forma de captación de la zona y estudiar la captación superficial a través de ramblas y escorrentía. Así se ha podido reconstruir parcialmente el Sistema de Perín, definiendo sus infraestructuras y la disposición de los elementos de captación de aguas. [ENG] The objective of this work is the reconstruction on gvSIG of wáter supply systems in the city of Cartagena, mainly the one known as Perin System, owned by the private company “Carthagena Water & Mining Co. Ltd. “, which ran from late 19th century until the middle of the 20th. It has been developed from interviews with residents of the area, mapping of 1900 and the interpretation of the flight of Ruiz de Alda orthoimages. Initial information was supplemented by an in situ data collection, to check the type of canalization used and get their coordinates by GPS in cases it was visible. Drainage was also analyzed through the study of digital terrain models, to learn how water was taken and study the surface intake through watercourses and runoff. So Perín System has been partially reconstructed, defining their infrastructure and arrangement of intake elements